
Yes I completely agree - My EMF set-up is extensive I have a film on top of my computer to deflect the screen from my face - it's really interesting without the film I become very forgetful of things the difference is so strong - all of my keyboards and mice are wired too - I wish I was rich so I could buy a projector for a computer - I think that is an awesome setup to have to completely avoid this - maybe in the future
EMF film sounds great and I'll try it. Is yours made of copper?

I heard ferrite beads are effective for reducing dirty electricity such as from keyboards and mice, so I'll test them too.

My tower is in my closet on a high shelf. I put it in there because the fan was annoying. When I plugged in hard drives, my head was right next to it and I felt irritable. I thought it was because I don't like the trouble of getting up, but it turns out having my head right next to the tower just for a few seconds causes a change in mood and difficulty with organizing file contents and remembering what's on other hard drives. I started putting it on sleep mode to plug in hard drives and there's none of that annoyance associated with hard drive use.

I'm not familiar with projectors. If the projector is far from where you sit, I imagine it's even less than a low-EMF monitor.


Jun 22, 2021
EMF film sounds great and I'll try it. Is yours made of copper?

I heard ferrite beads are effective for reducing dirty electricity such as from keyboards and mice, so I'll test them too.

My tower is in my closet on a high shelf. I put it in there because the fan was annoying. When I plugged in hard drives, my head was right next to it and I felt irritable. I thought it was because I don't like the trouble of getting up, but it turns out having my head right next to the tower just for a few seconds causes a change in mood and difficulty with organizing file contents and remembering what's on other hard drives. I started putting it on sleep mode to plug in hard drives and there's none of that annoyance associated with hard drive use.

I'm not familiar with projectors. If the projector is far from where you sit, I imagine it's even less than a low-EMF monitor.

Yea this is the one I have - It's the radioclear one - I paid like $25 - it's a microsheet of silver I think - yes I agree - I think being near the processor of a computer is where you will receive the most EMF - I noticed laptops I used with faster processors such as 3.5 GHz were a lot more annoying in EMF than ones I used with only 2 GHz - also I notice when I load processor-heavy applications such as Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Premier especially - I can hear the processor whirring loudly and feel a lot more EMF release from my computer - I think the safest to be from EMF is having the processor as far away from the head as possible


Oct 6, 2020
Personally, i noticed chronic inflammation and diffuse hair loss (tinnitus) ever since i had braces and a shoulderblade injury.

Ever since then the bloodflow to the head is severely impaired and i developed a eustachion tube dysfunction from it which almost feels like being deaf on one ear if i change altitude or go diving. Never had this before. My jaw is also crackling and hurting ever since. I literally feel my bones in my face and the teeth.

I notice that posture can within seconds change the quality of my hair from brittle and weak to fluffy and strong. As if someone was standing on a gardening hose. What James posts about the jaw is important, but the jaw is not independend to the spine and the rest of the chain. I can literally feel my jaw and teeth being pulled by excercises that try to correct the hip or the shoulderblades/spine. This does not mean the jaw or the body is wrong, but there is something akin to a trigger point, prolly a a behemoth of fascia and scar tissue that severely inpacts the fascial fluidity and puts intense pulling on the bone structures on both ends of the chain (feet/head). All the efforts i took to take care of my teeth and receding gum lines are in vein. Its not bacterial origin, god knows i bombarded it with all i could. And i never had teeth or gum issues until i developed these bloodflow issues. And here ofcourse comes the impairment of the lymph nodes aswell.

People consider the postural theory of balding to be flawed, but i am convinced in "some" people the restricting bloodflow is a huge part as to why the hair follicles are dying. Its not about good or bad posture. Its about wether or not the muscular and fascial structures block or impair vital nerves or bloodvessels. That means even with a shitty posture and jaw, if the individual anatomy and therefore the in situ positioning of the nerves and blood vessel are "free" of obstruction and "free" to function, then the seemingly awful posture does not affect the scalp (which is good).

This means injury and also orthodontics can realy, realy badly mess this up if your unlucky. The younger one is with such procedures, the better. Thats my personal experience atleast.

Im 100% convinced this is why i have tinnitus. It heavily relates to the cervical spine. Tested this alot. There also seems to be a tensigrity relationship from the musculoskeletal system and the organs. Notably the gallbladder for instance. If there are stones manifesting or if muscles are for w/e reason chronicaly tigthened there within the digestive track than this also affects the fluidity of the fascia and muscles around it and thus, the entire chain. This also can in some constellations impair the lungs ability to expand properly and cause a long term change in breathing habits. Which we know is vital to being healthy.

All of these things downstream into a impaired energy production and nervous system feedback issues. Chronic stress so to speak.
And with that, ATP production is key once again. It allows for all processes to run optimaly, leading to better wound healing and less scar tissue developement. It should therefore also optimise the developement of bloodvessels in case of injury or muscle building. Which is a important mechanisms of the body to deal with these issues. This whole thing is a two way street. I didn't even mention infection and bacterial/fungal issues.

Ok sorry i completly went overboard with this one. This is my personal experience and opinion on the matter. might be a bunch of "bro science". What i am not saying is that this is the only reason for balding.


Jun 22, 2021
Personally, i noticed chronic inflammation and diffuse hair loss (tinnitus) ever since i had braces and a shoulderblade injury.

Ever since then the bloodflow to the head is severely impaired and i developed a eustachion tube dysfunction from it which almost feels like being deaf on one ear if i change altitude or go diving. Never had this before. My jaw is also crackling and hurting ever since. I literally feel my bones in my face and the teeth.

I notice that posture can within seconds change the quality of my hair from brittle and weak to fluffy and strong. As if someone was standing on a gardening hose. What James posts about the jaw is important, but the jaw is not independend to the spine and the rest of the chain. I can literally feel my jaw and teeth being pulled by excercises that try to correct the hip or the shoulderblades/spine. This does not mean the jaw or the body is wrong, but there is something akin to a trigger point, prolly a a behemoth of fascia and scar tissue that severely inpacts the fascial fluidity and puts intense pulling on the bone structures on both ends of the chain (feet/head). All the efforts i took to take care of my teeth and receding gum lines are in vein. Its not bacterial origin, god knows i bombarded it with all i could. And i never had teeth or gum issues until i developed these bloodflow issues. And here ofcourse comes the impairment of the lymph nodes aswell.

People consider the postural theory of balding to be flawed, but i am convinced in "some" people the restricting bloodflow is a huge part as to why the hair follicles are dying. Its not about good or bad posture. Its about wether or not the muscular and fascial structures block or impair vital nerves or bloodvessels. That means even with a shitty posture and jaw, if the individual anatomy and therefore the in situ positioning of the nerves and blood vessel are "free" of obstruction and "free" to function, then the seemingly awful posture does not affect the scalp (which is good).

This means injury and also orthodontics can realy, realy badly mess this up if your unlucky. The younger one is with such procedures, the better. Thats my personal experience atleast.

Im 100% convinced this is why i have tinnitus. It heavily relates to the cervical spine. Tested this alot. There also seems to be a tensigrity relationship from the musculoskeletal system and the organs. Notably the gallbladder for instance. If there are stones manifesting or if muscles are for w/e reason chronicaly tigthened there within the digestive track than this also affects the fluidity of the fascia and muscles around it and thus, the entire chain. This also can in some constellations impair the lungs ability to expand properly and cause a long term change in breathing habits. Which we know is vital to being healthy.

All of these things downstream into a impaired energy production and nervous system feedback issues. Chronic stress so to speak.
And with that, ATP production is key once again. It allows for all processes to run optimaly, leading to better wound healing and less scar tissue developement. It should therefore also optimise the developement of bloodvessels in case of injury or muscle building. Which is a important mechanisms of the body to deal with these issues. This whole thing is a two way street. I didn't even mention infection and bacterial/fungal issues.

Ok sorry i completly went overboard with this one. This is my personal experience and opinion on the matter. might be a bunch of "bro science". What i am not saying is that this is the only reason for balding.
I definitely agree - I do think poor metabolism/stress makes immediate changes in posture and blood flow in general and overtime chronic stress definitely negatively affects how you look and vice-versa 0 I noticed the same year I got braces as a teenager I began developing a lot of health problems and my face suffered - I was watching a girl on YouTube the other day - one of her videos before braces and one of them after - she looked completely different - a lot worse - I've heard many say the braces do not shrink the maxilla but I do think the force to straighten the teeth is very strong so short term I do think it does at least - her maxilla looked very compressed it was interesting

When I think of the men I grew up with whom I quiet literally watched go bald - they all seemed to be generally unhealthy - the one I saw go bald the fastest was taking fish oil supplements as a teen and was very serotonergic


Apr 15, 2015
So nobody believes in "Scalp thickness and the fat-loss theory of balding" ?
Why "fat youtubers" and summo-wrestlers often have good hair? They have a lot of subcutaneous fat in scalp which can decline with age.
From my expiernce carnivore/keto diets quickly lead to loosing fat and as a result - hair is lost for ever.
There is, moreover, experimental evidence that anabolic sex hormones can reduce the thickness of subcutaneous fat.
I think the massaging to improve bloodflow in scalp will eventually lead to loosing that fat in scalp and will make scalp thinner. I tried it and my hair was only getting worse. As a side effect you risk to get bulging veins, the more vigorously you are massaging.
Anything that warms the scalp can lead to loosing fat...high heat, such as hot water, high-heat drying, sauna, maybe even sun if your scalp starts sweating.

But I don't want to discourage anyone, continue with massaging, maybe you will have luck.

"Never let yourself go bald,” Donald Trump
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Jan 24, 2021
These are my thoughts on the causes of hair loss - another user posted this video on a thread of mine which I found very interesting - credit to @emac for posting this:

He address in the video the 2 things that people seem to really question in hair loss
- the horseshoe hair loss pattern that tends to be followed
- as well as that some people just seem to be immune to hair loss no matter what they do

View attachment 30837

View attachment 30836

In the video I interpret as Skeletal Class 2 structures are the most prone to hair loss since the maxilla protrudes on the mandible so what ends up happening is the mandible ends up occluding on the Superficial Temporal Artery - blocking blood flow partially to the frontal areas of the skull (in the diagram if you notice the STA artery on the left side reaches the front part of the skull) - for skeletal class 1 and skeletal class 3 skulls since the mandible is more forward it makes the person less likely to have the mandible occlude on the STA

The right side of the STA which goes to the back of the skull (the donor site for hair surgery) never seems to go bald in anyone - that is the most interesting part I find - looking at the diagram it would make sense that the frontal part of the skull would be the part to begin losing hair if the mandible was occluding on the artery

View attachment 30838

This is an example he utilizes for complete occlusion of the STA - going fully bald

for partial occlusion of the STA - only going bald in the frontal region

View attachment 30839

But then there is other points that users brought up which is high metabolism/low gut serotonin seems to result in great hair -

I do think that high metabolism consistently/low gut serotonin naturally results in better healthier forward growth - so the mandible comes out more forward and in healthier people it doesn't occlude as much on the STA - I'll link to the video down below - he does a really great exercise which I will timestamp for people to try out to see if it helps but the whole video is worth watching

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VF2ARMU-_4&t=798s&ab_channel=BaldingbyBrianDye

Then why does hair loss discriminate so strongly by gender (and race)? You virtually never see any slick-bald women. Yet it is normal for men to have shiny bald heads.


Jun 22, 2021
Then why does hair loss discriminate so strongly by gender (and race)? You virtually never see any slick-bald women. Yet it is normal for men to have shiny bald heads.
Yes that's true that's another thing that doesn't make sense about it - I'm really not sure - I do think that women are generally a lot healthier than men - besides the fact that their progesterone is generally higher they also seem to engage in many different activities that also increase progesterone so I do notice that generally women tend to be metabolically healthier than men and in the context of this - it's a reach but possibly better forward growth as a result - yea but it's a good point that's why I'm really not sure


May 26, 2018
Would spraying water onto hair every day for styling and easy combing be harmful over the long term, if one wants to prevent balding/hair loss?

Just sprayed water and combing, every day.

One possible issue could be calcium in tap water causing increased calcium levels in the scalp. Tap water can have relatively high calcium in it. Spraying water could also worsen seborrhoeic dermatitis by increasing Malassezia population on the scalp. Spraying water every day could also change the chemical composition of the scalp.

I’m speculating.



May 26, 2018

Wash your hair less​

This might seem like a strange piece of advice, but showering too often is a common error men who are trying to become style gurus make.

They assume being clean is a big part of looking good – and obviously, it is.

The only problem is washing your hair too often actually drains it of its natural oils and leaves it looking tired and strained.

You can get away with it for a while with the right products to keep it shining.

But you’ll start to really notice that it’s thinner, less vital, and generally a little straw-like if you keep over-cleaning.

You should aim for a wash every 2 or 3 days – this will be enough to keep it looking and feeling clean, but not so much that it starts to suffer.



Jun 22, 2021
So nobody believes in "Scalp thickness and the fat-loss theory of balding" ?
Why "fat youtubers" and summo-wrestlers often have good hair? They have a lot of subcutaneous fat in scalp which can decline with age.
From my expiernce carnivore/keto diets quickly lead to loosing fat and as a result - hair is lost for ever.
There is, moreover, experimental evidence that anabolic sex hormones can reduce the thickness of subcutaneous fat.
I think the massaging to improve bloodflow in scalp will eventually lead to loosing that fat in scalp and will make scalp thinner. I tried it and my hair was only getting worse. As a side effect you risk to get bulging veins, the more vigorously you are massaging.
Anything that warms the scalp can lead to loosing fat...high heat, such as hot water, high-heat drying, sauna, maybe even sun if your scalp starts sweating.

But I don't want to discourage anyone, continue with massaging, maybe you will have luck.

"Never let yourself go bald,” Donald Trump
I do find this interesting - I notice for the mexicans in my neighborhood - they are completely immune to hair loss - no matter what they do or seem to eat they just seem to never go bald and their hairline just remains straight - I do notice they all seem to have more fat but other than that I really cannot think of anything they would do that would make this happen - I do see they drink a lot of coffee or soda but so do many other people I see that end up getting it - I did notice when I was skinny and had a bad diet I was actually losing my hair and now that I am bigger and overall healthier my hair looks very nice but I feel like I have definitely met some skinnier people at older age with good hair - it's interesting


Feb 13, 2021
Lots of good replies here and in similar threads, so I'll just add a few things that have worked for me so far (hair loss has stopped in last year and reversed in last 6 months).

- Getting lots of sun/red light
- Eating lots of food consistently
- Getting plenty of calcium (could try nettle tea if milk doesn't work)
- Choosing maple syrup or raw honey over white sugar
- Rubbing niacinamide/progesterone into scalp
- Tom Hagerty's scalp massages
- Sexual transmutation

Last but not least, being true to oneself (not being 'fake') seems to promote better hair. Lampofred first mentioned this and in my experience it's absolutely true.
Last edited:


Oct 6, 2020
Lots of good replies here and in similar threads, so I'll just add a few things that have worked for me so far (hair loss has stopped in last year and reversed in last 6 months).

- Eating lots of food consistently
- Getting plenty of calcium (could try nettle tea if milk doesn't work)
- Choosing maple syrup or raw honey over white sugar
- Rubbing niacinamide/progesterone into scalp
- Tom Hagerty's scalp massages
- Sexual transmutation

Last but not least, being true to oneself (not being 'fake') seems to promote better hair. Lampofred first mentioned this and in my experience it's absolutely true.

Occamz nailing it. :darts: Especially the last part.

I feel low exposure of sunlight (UV+Redlight/Infrared Light) to be stimulating hair growth aswell. Usually at first it feels like it "damages the scalp/hair" but within a day it seems to actually initiate growth.

The niacinamide is itneresting, i've been using aloe vera drinking gel on my scalp and its magical Like watering a plant. I attribute it to the vitamins in it (b-vitamins?)


Feb 13, 2021
Occamz nailing it. :darts: Especially the last part.

I feel low exposure of sunlight (UV+Redlight/Infrared Light) to be stimulating hair growth aswell. Usually at first it feels like it "damages the scalp/hair" but within a day it seems to actually initiate growth.

The niacinamide is itneresting, i've been using aloe vera drinking gel on my scalp and its magical Like watering a plant. I attribute it to the vitamins in it (b-vitamins?)
Thanks brother!

Ah, forgot to mention sunlight. Will go back and edit that now.

Never tried aloe gel for hair before! Might have to get some aloe plants lol.

The topical niacinamide doesn't seem quite as important as the progesterone, at least not for me.


Feb 13, 2021
I feel low exposure of sunlight (UV+Redlight/Infrared Light) to be stimulating hair growth aswell. Usually at first it feels like it "damages the scalp/hair" but within a day it seems to actually initiate growth.
How much sunlight do you try to get each day? Do you have any lasting side effects if you go over that amount?


Oct 6, 2020
How much sunlight do you try to get each day? Do you have any lasting side effects if you go over that amount?

Depends on the time of day (intensity of the sun) but at peak hour not more than 10-15 mins. But usually i feel the burn elsewhere on my body already and stop instinctively. I guess morning hours (witch has alot of red light and less UV) is not harsh and the body can take much more light during that time.

When it comes to sun i'd generally say, less is more and to listen to the body (avoid burn, overheating, heartfreqcuence).

Never tried aloe gel for hair before! Might have to get some aloe plants lol.

Interestingly there are days where it works like magic, and other days it does nothing. Aloe vera has some microbiome modulating qualities to it (killing/feeding certain bacteria), so that might play a role in it aswell. But aloe vera has always been a skin soothing compound.


Nov 22, 2017
Peat's advice of drinking a lot of milk and exposing yourself to a lot of sun light may sound like meager advice in the shadow of all those "hairloss drugs" like finasteride or hormones like Progesterone but it is actually sound advice.
Let this be said from a man who was shedding hair like it was his job but has completely stopped it, this is good advice and should not be underestimated. I would like to bet that if I could time travel back to 12 years of age and start doing a milk and fruit juice diet only, going outside frequently and using maybe even UV and redlight lamps at the desk (when you do work or play games), I could have stopped any onset of balding. I am sure of that for my particular case but people differ.

I need to add that drinking a bit of milk before bed and eating breakfast is a must for me. No fasting period would be ideal but it also binds you to this. If I skip breakfast and go without food until afternoon then a lot of hairs are falling out

I think you've got it right!


Nov 18, 2019
No infection
good diet
lowering stress
be happy, Friends etc



Apr 15, 2015
I do find this interesting - I notice for the mexicans in my neighborhood - they are completely immune to hair loss - no matter what they do or seem to eat they just seem to never go bald and their hairline just remains straight - I do notice they all seem to have more fat but other than that I really cannot think of anything they would do that would make this happen - I do see they drink a lot of coffee or soda but so do many other people I see that end up getting it - I did notice when I was skinny and had a bad diet I was actually losing my hair and now that I am bigger and overall healthier my hair looks very nice but I feel like I have definitely met some skinnier people at older age with good hair - it's interesting
yep, I see some poor Mexicans and Bolivians who live basically on coca cola and crap food, they are fat like pigs but their hairline is Norwood (minus 1) .
They also have big families, sometimes more than 10 kids...no fertility issues, unlike their rich countrymen.
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Oct 20, 2021
United States
Lots of good replies here and in similar threads, so I'll just add a few things that have worked for me so far (hair loss has stopped in last year and reversed in last 6 months).

- Getting lots of sun/red light
- Eating lots of food consistently
- Getting plenty of calcium (could try nettle tea if milk doesn't work)
- Choosing maple syrup or raw honey over white sugar
- Rubbing niacinamide/progesterone into scalp
- Tom Hagerty's scalp massages
- Sexual transmutation

Last but not least, being true to oneself (not being 'fake') seems to promote better hair. Lampofred first mentioned this and in my experience it's absolutely true.
How do you apply the niacinamide to your scalp? Do you use any other topicals like coconut oil/vinegar? I’ve heard vinegar is good for keeping the scalp clean.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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