
  1. L

    NEW MIGRAINE DRUG - CGRP ANTAGONISTS - WHAT DO YOU THINK? “In 2018, the FDA approved the first calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) inhibitors. These new drugs are designed to prevent episodic migraine (up to 14 headache days per month), chronic...
  2. L

    Prevention of Hair Loss in Men

    What are the most important things to do (and not to do) to prevent hair loss in men?
  3. md_a

    My List of Actions to Prevent or Cure COVID-19???

    The nocebo and placebo effect is very strong, the daily indoctrination that is done through the media and social networks is difficult to control and avoid, and we can hardly know what is true and what is false. Certainly chemical experiments are done as biological weapons, and we all know that...
  4. haidut

    Rising use of methylene blue in India as COVID-19 prevention/treatment

    As it appears, the general population is starting waking up. In addition to news about India, I also noticed that most methylene blue (MB) vendors on Amazon are commonly sold out or have messages saying the product is "unavailable". Large chemical suppliers like Sigma Aldrich are also routinely...
  5. youngsinatra

    List Of Actions To Prevent Severe COVID-19

    I would love to hear your opinions on what practical things, substances, foods, activities one could use to strengthen the immune system, so that a severe case of COVID19 could be prevented? My suggestions would be: • Fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K) • Minerals (Cu, Zn, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Se - all...
  6. haidut

    Aspirin Now Officially Recommended For Pre-eclampsia, Pre-term Birth, And Birth Defects Prevention

    After almost a century of evidence in favor of aspirin, combined with complete failure to develop other pharmacological interventions (and believe me, Big Pharma tried hard) mainstream medicine seems to be growing desperate enough to start recommending aspirin to ALL pregnant women as prevention...
  7. haidut

    Natural Progesterone (but Not Synthetic Progestins) Has Potent Anti-hypertensive Effects

    As many readers already know, synthetic estrogens and progestins currently dominate the market for female reproductive health. These chemicals are in everything from birth control pills, to drugs for "treating" endometriosis, to drugs for menopausal symptoms, to treating neurodegenerative...
  8. haidut

    Aspirin May Protect Lungs From Air Pollution

    It seems that there is nothing mighty aspirin cannot do. Just recently, I posted about its ability to treat (and, more importantly, potentially have curative effect) erectile dysfunction (ED) at least as effectively as established drugs such as Viagra, Levitra, Cialis, etc. yet with much fewer...
  9. haidut

    Aspirin Now Officially Recommended For (colon) Cancer Prevention

    It is only in the UK for now, but given how intertwined the health systems of most Western countries are I suspect it will soon spread to other health systems. Also, while the popular press article claims that the recommendation will only be for people with a specific genetic condition, the NHS...
  10. haidut

    Aspirin May Prevent / Reduce HIV Infection In Humans

    A few years ago, I posted some studies showing that endotoxin is key in the development of AIDS. Those studies also found that without endotoxin, the HIV poses little risk to (healthy) organisms...
  11. haidut

    The Protein In Fish, Not Omega-3, May Be Protective Against Brain Disease

    Over the last 2 decades thousands of studies were published on the purported benefits of omega-3 fats commonly found in cold water fish. However, every large human trial with omega-3 either failed to find benefit or even found increased risk of harm. Despite that fact, there is very strong...
  12. haidut

    Magnesium As Possible Treatment For Tinnitus

    There have been very few studies in successful treatments of tinnitus. Taurine and phospholipids are the two most commonly discussed OTC remedies that have some evidence behind them. This study adds magnesium as another possible option. More importantly it implicates the NMDA receptor as...
  13. haidut

    Vitamin D Cuts The Risk Of Colds And Flu By More Than Half

    Vitamin D was once the darling of every family doctor. It was recommended for quite a few ailments both as prevention and treatment. However, in the first decade of the 21st century, the vitamin took a beating as a few large (but poorly designed) trials failed to find benefit for a number of...
  14. haidut

    Niacinamide Can Cure Liver (and Maybe Pancreatic) Cancer

    This study shows that depletion of NAD is a direct cause of the so-called hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), which is the most common type of liver cancer. People with HCC often develop metastases in the pancreas and in advanced stages, the condition is indistinguishable from pancreatic cancer...
  15. haidut

    Niacinamide Can Treat Kidney Failure

    Several people on the forum have experienced issues with kidney function, and it is a common co-morbidity in people with diabetes or autoimmune conditions like Lupus. Some steroids like androsterone, and progesterone have strong evidence in their favor for restoring kidney function, but they are...
  16. haidut

    Androgens (androsterone/DHEA/T) Are Calcium Channel Blockers / Antagonists

    The study found that all tested androgens, as well as progesterone were calcium channel blockers and 5b-DHT was the most potent. Androsterons was next, and it was equipotent to DHEA and testosterone. While the dose used in the study was high, the authors believe that the same effects may be...
  17. haidut

    Regular Aspirin Intake Lowers Prostate And Colon Cancer Risks

    Another study among the countless that show aspirin can prevent cancer. Since this was presented during conference proceedings in Florence I can't find the study or info on doses. Maybe @Such_Saturation can help?? Five years of regular aspirin intake lowered prostate cancer risk by 60%+ and...
  18. haidut

    Blocking Endotoxin (TLR4) Can Prevent Pre-term Birth

    The number of so-called preemies has been steadily rising over the last 2 decades. The official explanation is that the cause is unknown, but the only officially approved treatment is progesterone. This study sheds a bit more light and claims that endotoxin is behind the majority of cases of...
  19. haidut

    Androsterone - A Neurosteroid With Anti-cancer Activity

    Given the recent posts about anti-cancer activity of DHT and other androgens this post is probably not going to surprise anybody. However, I still thought it would be relevant given that in some cancer lines like hepatoma and leukemia, only androsterone displayed chemopreventive and...
  20. haidut

    DHEA Protects From Endotoxin Effects And Lethality

    Sepsis is the leading cause of death in patients hospitalized for infections. There is no accepted treatment, at least officially, that can change the course of the sepsis for the better. This study shows that a single HED dose of as little as 5mg - 7mg daramatically increased survival from a...
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