Applying Peat Principles To Veganism: Incredible Results


Jul 3, 2019
Have you tried the more Peat friendly vegan protein sources like fruit, mushrooms, potatoes/potato juice, white rice, leafy greens, and maybe occasional lentils or sourdough? I suppose sprouting your grains/legumes should help reduce their antinutrient content


Aug 9, 2019
It's interesting how many people report increased temperatures on RP vegan versions. It's almost like not eating anti-metabolic muscle meat is best for a high metabolism.
So the dilema around meat is that it's very high in nutrients, but anti-metabolic.


Dec 17, 2018
It's interesting how many people report increased temperatures on RP vegan versions. It's almost like not eating anti-metabolic muscle meat is best for a high metabolism.
So the dilema around meat is that it's very high in nutrients, but anti-metabolic.

They were likely missing some nutrients, mainly minerals that eating more plant foods gave them. Copper, magnesium, potassium, sometimes manganese... all important for sugar metabolism. Vitamins like folate are very high in most plants, ascorbic acid and natural vitamin E. Also carbs will tend to be higher. But eventually veganism will make your metabolism bad again due to low protein, low bioavailable iron and zinc intake, low bioavailable calcium, lack of animal vitamin A, low B2 (depends what you eat).

This is why you eat from both sides, from the plant and animal kingdom. Too much on one side will rarely not lead to issues.
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Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Whenever I plug a day of eating into chronometer my zinc levels are high. Are you aware that legumes like lentils and chickpeas have heaps of zinc in them? Same with almonds and oats among other things.

They also have phytates which reduce zinc absorption.

Edit: crap, old thread.


Dec 5, 2020
It's interesting how many people report increased temperatures on RP vegan versions. It's almost like not eating anti-metabolic muscle meat is best for a high metabolism.
So the dilema around meat is that it's very high in nutrients, but anti-metabolic.
tbh after eating nothing but fruit, raw veggies and very small amounts of milk with coffee for around 7-10 days I'm beginning to think that a high nutrient diet is simply not necessary. it's about avoiding acidity/inflammation. well at least for me it is. If I need something I'll crave it, and go for it.
I look the best since a year rn, and my roommate commented that my voice got deeper. Which one would not think considering I went from high sfa to very low sfa.
I'll add small amounts of eggs and might up my dairy, but probably won't return to meat anytime soon. Maybe for christmas or something. And add some supps like b12.

I think if you easily get tired from food, get water retention from it etc. that is a sign you should go for foods that take very little energy to extract energy from. If you overburden your body with hard to digest foods you get in it's way of finding homeostasis. Can't believe I was peating for month just because the numbers on my thermometer got better, basically.


Jul 30, 2020
So as the title implies, I have been eating a vegan/plant based diet for the past 2.5 years or so. For about 3 years before that I was following a very well adhered to Peat inspired diet of milk, cheese, fruits, fruit juice, sugars, liver, some gelatinous meat cuts, gelatin, eggs, coffee, chocolate. Like many I didn't feel great eating this way and issues were arising.. Metabolism wasn't good, sleep wasn't great, and was getting what seemed to be endotoxic and estrogenic symptoms despite doing everything in attempt to achieve the opposite. I kept at it, read all of Peat's works along with reading a lot of this forum. The more I researched and thought about all the factors, though, the more my path led me toward a plant based diet and the more I realised certain foods I was eating were likely causing me health detriment despite eating them in an attempt to achieve optimal health. A lot here may not agree but I would say that a Peat perspective and paradigm approach to nutrition actually leads to a more plant based way of eating when thought about logically and consistently, particularly when some of his lets say weaker claims are thought through and ironed out.
I am now completely plant based. I eat lots of sweet juicy fruits, lots of orange juice and sugars, I eat lots of legumes such as lentils, black beans, red kidney beans, chic peas and the like. I eat cooked leafy greens and other cooked vegetables including mushrooms. I eat coconut oil, avocado, some nuts like almonds, dark chocolate, coffee, potatoes, rice, sweet potatoes, drink coke regularly and in general eat quite liberally. No meat and no dairy, no eggs although I do have some oysters once a month for the b12. I have progressively felt better and better, my temps have come up strongly, heart rate is good and strong, sleep is fantastic, feeling calm yet energised with a clear mindstate and my gym training is insane, recovery good and feeling very strong.
Now, I didn't want to make a post like this here until I had given it some time to adjust properly and see how the results are and how I'm feeling. After two and a half years I can 100% say that this is the best i've felt, best i've looked as well. I don't take any supplements anymore and don't feel I need them, I used to take t3 and t4 along with a bunch of other Peaty sups like cypro and pregnenolone and dhea, but have completely cut all that out and feel so much better for it. My bloods are on point, had them done recently and T is strong, estrogen low, thyroid at really good levels and everything else is great.
From the Peat perspective, I can think of a few reasons as to why this is working so well:
1.Very low tryptophan, methionine and cysteine as the plant based proteins are naturally low in these amino acids.
2. Zero heme iron.
3. Zero mamillian estrogens from the meat, dairy and eggs.
4. High energy, high sugar, high carbohydrate.
5. Low PUFA, good amount of coconut oil to keep the balance of saturated to unsaturated fats in a good ratio.
6. No IGF-1 or casomorphins from the dairy.
7. Zero of the controversial preformed vitamin A found in meat, liver, eggs, dairy.
8. Good quality protein from the legumes, potatoes, etc with very good amino acid profile.
9. Low phosphorus since animal products are the highest in this mineral.
10. No potential for eating oxidised cholesterol.
I'll leave it at that for now..
If anyone has any questions, critiques, challenges or anything else let me know, happy to answer and engage in discussion..
Very fascinating! I keep failing at plant based, but I want it to work. You're getting my hopes up.

Deleted member 5487

tbh after eating nothing but fruit, raw veggies and very small amounts of milk with coffee for around 7-10 days I'm beginning to think that a high nutrient diet is simply not necessary. it's about avoiding acidity/inflammation. well at least for me it is. If I need something I'll crave it, and go for it.
I look the best since a year rn, and my roommate commented that my voice got deeper. Which one would not think considering I went from high sfa to very low sfa.
I'll add small amounts of eggs and might up my dairy, but probably won't return to meat anytime soon. Maybe for christmas or something. And add some supps like b12.

I think if you easily get tired from food, get water retention from it etc. that is a sign you should go for foods that take very little energy to extract energy from. If you overburden your body with hard to digest foods you get in it's way of finding homeostasis. Can't believe I was peating for month just because the numbers on my thermometer got better, basically.
"it's about avoiding acidity/inflammation."

Correct. If you want to referse ageing you read the two above about 3-4x times. I started with 3 tsp of Baking Soda 3x a day not around meals and I am glowing, like the blood if right underneath the skin, not that whitish fade that most mid twenties have.

"It is the evidence of a close interrelationship between the arterial bloodflow or the oxygenation of tissues and the Acid-Base-Balance: the lesser the acidosis, the better will be the arterial tissue perfusion."

"Acid-base balance in the body influences adrenal hormone production of cortisol. When bicarbonate [HCO3- levels are low, the kidneys upregulate glutaminase activity and trigger cortisol production [35-37]." "Dietary induction of acidosis increases serum cortisol concentrations [38]."

"Cortisol activates the tryptophan metabolism pathway which is carried out by rate-limiting enzymes of tryptophan catabolism, 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO) and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO). Cortisol directly stimulates TDO activation and may augment IDO activity indirectly through inflammatory cytokine signaling such as interferon gamma [49,50]. Excessive or chronic cortisol production acquired from a ‘Western’ dietary lifestyle could play a role in augmenting the tryptophan metabolism pathway and drive downstream molecular events that promote carcinogenesis."

"Upregulated cortisol bioactivity driven by diet-induced acidosis may be a factor in metabolic syndrome by promoting insulin resistance. Chronic hyperglucocorticoidism upregulates visceral obesity while reducing insulin sensitivity mainly in visceral adipocytes which appear to be more responsive to cortisol than subcutaneous adipocytes due to higher expression levels of glucocorticoid receptors [58,59]."

Im also dropping weight and almost have a full 8 pack now, crazy crazy stuff. If you read the above cortisol tanks, so does estrogen and insulin

Deleted member 5487

"it's about avoiding acidity/inflammation."

Correct. If you want to referse ageing you read the two above about 3-4x times. I started with 3 tsp of Baking Soda 3x a day not around meals and I am glowing, like the blood if right underneath the skin, not that whitish fade that most mid twenties have.

"It is the evidence of a close interrelationship between the arterial bloodflow or the oxygenation of tissues and the Acid-Base-Balance: the lesser the acidosis, the better will be the arterial tissue perfusion."

"Acid-base balance in the body influences adrenal hormone production of cortisol. When bicarbonate [HCO3- levels are low, the kidneys upregulate glutaminase activity and trigger cortisol production [35-37]." "Dietary induction of acidosis increases serum cortisol concentrations [38]."

"Cortisol activates the tryptophan metabolism pathway which is carried out by rate-limiting enzymes of tryptophan catabolism, 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO) and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO). Cortisol directly stimulates TDO activation and may augment IDO activity indirectly through inflammatory cytokine signaling such as interferon gamma [49,50]. Excessive or chronic cortisol production acquired from a ‘Western’ dietary lifestyle could play a role in augmenting the tryptophan metabolism pathway and drive downstream molecular events that promote carcinogenesis."

"Upregulated cortisol bioactivity driven by diet-induced acidosis may be a factor in metabolic syndrome by promoting insulin resistance. Chronic hyperglucocorticoidism upregulates visceral obesity while reducing insulin sensitivity mainly in visceral adipocytes which appear to be more responsive to cortisol than subcutaneous adipocytes due to higher expression levels of glucocorticoid receptors [58,59]."

Im also dropping weight and almost have a full 8 pack now, crazy crazy stuff. If you read the above cortisol tanks, so does estrogen and insulin
Around 25, when people start looking "washed up" from american diets. Essentially the kidney are running low on bicarbonate. Then the skeleton is used as buffer to acid from protein, working out, alchol..etc. and the excess calcium release enters the soft tissue.

"Even in health, the physiological aging process causes a reduction of the renal function which begins at the age of 25 to 30. Thus acidosis, due to a deficit of bicarbonate, begins to develop early in life as a “normal” fate. The age-dependent renal function-loss can be precisely calculated with the “Cockcroft-formula”. At the age of 60 to 70 years the “normal” renal function will be reduced to about 50 % of the function at the age 25."


May 30, 2018
I started with 3 tsp of Baking Soda 3x a day not around meals
Wow do you really take in a full tablespoon at one time? Is the idea to let it absorb in the blood without reacting much with stomach acid? Do you just mix it with enough water or juice to make it isotonic? In the past when I tried consuming baking soda it seemed like I was just urinating it out quickly and it would disrupt my digestion too much even when spaced away from a meal.

Maybe a larger dose at one time is better than a smaller one that might not trigger gastric acid release.
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Dec 5, 2020
"it's about avoiding acidity/inflammation."

Correct. If you want to referse ageing you read the two above about 3-4x times. I started with 3 tsp of Baking Soda 3x a day not around meals and I am glowing, like the blood if right underneath the skin, not that whitish fade that most mid twenties have.

"It is the evidence of a close interrelationship between the arterial bloodflow or the oxygenation of tissues and the Acid-Base-Balance: the lesser the acidosis, the better will be the arterial tissue perfusion."

"Acid-base balance in the body influences adrenal hormone production of cortisol. When bicarbonate [HCO3- levels are low, the kidneys upregulate glutaminase activity and trigger cortisol production [35-37]." "Dietary induction of acidosis increases serum cortisol concentrations [38]."

"Cortisol activates the tryptophan metabolism pathway which is carried out by rate-limiting enzymes of tryptophan catabolism, 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO) and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO). Cortisol directly stimulates TDO activation and may augment IDO activity indirectly through inflammatory cytokine signaling such as interferon gamma [49,50]. Excessive or chronic cortisol production acquired from a ‘Western’ dietary lifestyle could play a role in augmenting the tryptophan metabolism pathway and drive downstream molecular events that promote carcinogenesis."

"Upregulated cortisol bioactivity driven by diet-induced acidosis may be a factor in metabolic syndrome by promoting insulin resistance. Chronic hyperglucocorticoidism upregulates visceral obesity while reducing insulin sensitivity mainly in visceral adipocytes which appear to be more responsive to cortisol than subcutaneous adipocytes due to higher expression levels of glucocorticoid receptors [58,59]."

Im also dropping weight and almost have a full 8 pack now, crazy crazy stuff. If you read the above cortisol tanks, so does estrogen and insulin
maybe i'll try the baking soda too but I did make bad experiences with it in the past. stomach acid

no more salt and meat for me thats for sure. that stuff is pretty terrible for me

Deleted member 5487

maybe i'll try the baking soda too but I did make bad experiences with it in the past. stomach acid

no more salt and meat for me thats for sure. that stuff is pretty terrible for me
Dont do within 3hr of meal

Deleted member 5487

Wow do you really take in a full tablespoon at one time? Is the idea to let it absorb in the blood without reacting much with stomach acid? Do you just mix it with enough water or juice to make it isotonic? In the past when I tried consuming baking soda it seemed like I was just urinating it out quickly and it would disrupt my digestion too much even when spaced away from a meal.

Maybe a larger dose at one time is better than a smaller one that might not trigger gastric acid release.
Table spoon is way to much

Deleted member 5487

I'd give it a shot, seems like nothing but if you read his research. Very convincing. Working great for me. Buffering Lactic acid, hangovers, protein digestion...etc.

Deleted member 5487

Alkalinization of the organism may be achieved by a strict vegetarian or vegan nutrition, or through an increased intake of citrates which are metabolized into bicarbonate ( ~ 60 mMol/day), however because of the one-sided and unbalanced alimentation deficiencies for vitamins, proteins etc. will occur like in the rice-growing population in China and India (Beri-Beri). The daily protein-requirement of an adult person is approximately 0,59 G/Kg BW and is even higher if only vegetarian proteins are ingested, because of the lack of certain amino-acids. All proteins contain Sulphur, Phosphate, Nitrogen which need to be excreted after their reaction with oxygen as acid metabolites by the kidneys, as sulphates, phosphates, urea, uric-acid etc. The average daily Acid-load of the body (70 Kg BW) is in the range of 40 to 80 mMol/day, sometimes even far more. After the age of 25 the task to excrete these amounts of acids is far in excess of the capacity of what even perfectly healthy kidneys are able to perform.


May 30, 2018
I'd give it a shot, seems like nothing but if you read his research. Very convincing. Working great for me. Buffering Lactic acid, hangovers, protein digestion...etc.
I guess I should just give it more time to build up the bicarbonate storage. I’ve done two week stretches before of high dose aspirin reacted with baking soda and felt very good on it. I wonder if a lot of the benefit was from the bicarbonate. I’ll give this at least a consistent one month trial this time of one teaspoon three times per day. Thanks for sharing.


Dec 5, 2020
Alkalinization of the organism may be achieved by a strict vegetarian or vegan nutrition, or through an increased intake of citrates which are metabolized into bicarbonate ( ~ 60 mMol/day), however because of the one-sided and unbalanced alimentation deficiencies for vitamins, proteins etc. will occur like in the rice-growing population in China and India (Beri-Beri). The daily protein-requirement of an adult person is approximately 0,59 G/Kg BW and is even higher if only vegetarian proteins are ingested, because of the lack of certain amino-acids. All proteins contain Sulphur, Phosphate, Nitrogen which need to be excreted after their reaction with oxygen as acid metabolites by the kidneys, as sulphates, phosphates, urea, uric-acid etc. The average daily Acid-load of the body (70 Kg BW) is in the range of 40 to 80 mMol/day, sometimes even far more. After the age of 25 the task to excrete these amounts of acids is far in excess of the capacity of what even perfectly healthy kidneys are able to perform.
what are you eating?

Deleted member 5487

what are you eating?
Fruit. Dates, Melons, OJ, Pineapple.
A bit of Pea Protein. I am amazed by the way it completely stops the stress reaction and changes the neurotransmitter environment in the brain.
Nutrient Dense Foods. Pork bone Broth Ramen, Poke-(Tuna,Fish,seaweed), Shank/ShortRib/Oaxtail/eggs.

I keep it pretty varied. Not Convinced of straight veganism, Culturally/Socially it's impossible for me.

With Animal Products, assuming you have enough Bicarbonate to offset the acid load from protein digestion. The nutrients can be very beneficial.

Deleted member 5487

I guess I should just give it more time to build up the bicarbonate storage. I’ve done two week stretches before of high dose aspirin reacted with baking soda and felt very good on it. I wonder if a lot of the benefit was from the bicarbonate. I’ll give this at least a consistent one month trial this time of one teaspoon three times per day. Thanks for sharing.
There some $10 PH urine strips on amazon, if u read the artiacle he tells you the good range to have, and you can up the dose if your urine is still low.

Deleted member 5487

Fruit. Dates, Melons, OJ, Pineapple.
A bit of Pea Protein. I am amazed by the way it completely stops the stress reaction and changes the neurotransmitter environment in the brain.
Nutrient Dense Foods. Pork bone Broth Ramen, Poke-(Tuna,Fish,seaweed), Shank/ShortRib/Oaxtail/eggs.

I keep it pretty varied. Not Convinced of straight veganism, Culturally/Socially it's impossible for me.

With Animal Products, assuming you have enough Bicarbonate to offset the acid load from protein digestion. The nutrients can be very beneficial.
People feel so good going veganism/fruitarian becuase it stanks cortisol, alkalinzes them, and then the ammino acid profile of plants is much better than say lean beef(tryptophan/acid overload).
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