Some SOLID Bro Science On Balding


Feb 18, 2018
Best thing I ever spent my money on. If only solving my low energy depression issues was as easy!

perhaps your hair loss and depression are both symptoms of the same problem!

Congratulations on the hair situation though, you do look great.


Oct 21, 2018
I began taking DHEA and Pregnenolone about 2 months ago and now my scalp hair is significantly thinner, but oddly enough my facial hair is growing much thicker and faster.
I am not surprised. This is what I mean by anything that helps increase testosterone is going to make things worse.

when you supplement with these hormone percusors you feed the localized action on the scalp. For whatever reason the skin on the scalp is creating high androgen levels. It has the full capability of steroidgenesis.

I don't think this is clear in the slightest. There are several differences between women and men, and not just hormonal. Roddy has put forth the idea that higher levels of progesterone are what protect women from hair loss more so than men. Haidut has also pointed out that the structure of finasteride and dutasteride have a similar structure to progesterone, and that when they do work, it's due to the mimicing the effects of progesterone. Women with thinning hair will also get very think hair during pregnancy, when progesterone levels are very high.

Beyond hormones, accumulation of iron could also be a factor. Hair loss is one common symptom of Hemochromatosis.

interesting you mention progesterone as it’s something I tried doing lots of research on but I could find much on its effects on hair. However some studies seem to indicate it keeps estrogen in check. It stops estrogen dominance in women which is detrimental for hair. But one thing i would say is clear it’s about a ratio balance and this is why it’s so hard to put our finger on the issue.

all I know is that biopsy study in which enzymes are high and which are low in balding and non balding scalp isn’t something we should ignore.
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Forum Supporter
Mar 26, 2016
I began taking DHEA and Pregnenolone about 2 months ago and now my scalp hair is significantly thinner, but oddly enough my facial hair is growing much thicker and faster.

Preg did the exact same to me.

Also, what is responsible for insane body hair growth? Mine is out of control now. On the contrary, I'm also feeling hypersexual atm.


Oct 21, 2018
Preg did the exact same to me.

Also, what is responsible for insane body hair growth? Mine is out of control now. On the contrary, I'm also feeling hypersexual atm.

I would guess you have high or not optimal estrogen levels in your blood serum. I would look into that with a blood test.


Oct 21, 2018
Preg did the exact same to me.

Also, what is responsible for insane body hair growth? Mine is out of control now. On the contrary, I'm also feeling hypersexual atm.

Here’s this study backs me up on statement and it’s a study in men. Which is perfect because they function opposite to women.

Sex hormone levels and body hair growth in !Kung San and Kavango men from Namibia. - PubMed - NCBI

You will notice that they blame e2 for body hair.

I remember when I got on finasteride my body hair got worse. Probably cause my estrogen went up.


Oct 21, 2018
I just wanted to add that body hair is most likely a separate issue than make pattern baldness. Although they overlap in terms of hormone function.

I am just begging to realize male pattern baldness is localized androgen dominance.

Another straight up conjecture is that
Males are born with androgen dominant skin organ. So this organ express androgens. When serum estrogen rises. We get body hair. Hence as men get older their body hair increases.

this is indirect the opposite of how it works in women. Some are aromtase skin dominant. When their androgens increase their body hair increases.

In genetically aromatase deficient men they have zero male pattern baldness and zero body hair.
women with the same defect have body hair. The defect probably only affects serum.

So the women with the defect still expresses aromatase dominant skin and since she has no serum aromatase to oppose the androgens In serum this will result in body hair.

Yet In all these scenarios scalp hair seems to be regulated differently and separately from serum.

Cortisol and progesterone are the two interesting hormones that could answer way more.

Addison disease great hairlines. Cushing early mpb
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Jul 6, 2013
I don’t think you can infer that the one twin has a thinner nose because his “skin is thinner.” They’re twins. Not the same person. Even identical twins aren’t exactly the same looking, you can always notice differences, and one is generally slightly bigger. Even the bald twins lips are slightly fuller.

Nor can we know for sure that the complexion is because of his use of dutasteride when there are so many other variables and factors unaccounted for


Oct 21, 2018
I don’t think you can infer that the one twin has a thinner nose because his “skin is thinner.” They’re twins. Not the same person. Even identical twins aren’t exactly the same looking, you can always notice differences, and one is generally slightly bigger. Even the bald twins lips are slightly fuller.

Nor can we know for sure that the complexion is because of his use of dutasteride when there are so many other variables and factors unaccounted for

Of course I am making conjectures based on the little evidence I have. It’s a more likely than not assumption. And appears to be logical.


Oct 21, 2018
@GorillaHead, how would you categorize a male with no body body hair but diffuse thinning / MPB?

Well you are diffusing in the pattern of male pattern baldness ? Hows your hairline any recession?

do you have male pattern baldness in the family?

i just want to know if you are suffering from mpb and if you are suffering from two different mechanisms at the same time.


Oct 21, 2018
Interesting. When I (stupidly) took finasteride it reduced my body hair substantially.
Ya some people report that and some people report they didn’t losr Body hair until they got on the dutasteride. The varying degree of differences is due to the varying ratios of hormonal expression


Jun 30, 2018
Ya some people report that and some people report they didn’t losr Body hair until they got on the dutasteride. The varying degree of differences is due to the varying ratios of hormonal expression

Well it ****88 me up royally haha. Made my hair ***t the bed. My hair was somewhat curly when short and wavy when long but when i jumped on fin it made my hair lifeless and flat.


Nov 22, 2016
Well you are diffusing in the pattern of male pattern baldness ? Hows your hairline any recession?

do you have male pattern baldness in the family?

i just want to know if you are suffering from mpb and if you are suffering from two different mechanisms at the same time.

I’d say I’m a Norwood 3 at this point. My hairline is poor but mostly because of the diffuse thinning and diffusing quality of the hair that is there.

My father is completely bald. His brother is a Norwood 2 with great density at 60 years old.

It is possible I’m dealing with two issues simultaneously.

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Ya some people report that and some people report they didn’t losr Body hair until they got on the dutasteride. The varying degree of differences is due to the varying ratios of hormonal expression
I would like to ask, could it be that androgens are flowing in blood without place where to bind, ending at hair? I know that acne can be caused by this….


Aug 6, 2015
perhaps your hair loss and depression are both symptoms of the same problem!

Congratulations on the hair situation though, you do look great.

You could well be right. I’ve been battling health my whole life and failing. There’s a sort cut to decent hair if you can afford it. Not so for good health, not that I know of at least.


Oct 21, 2018
Updating this post with some more info.

So I am going to be making leaps in my conclusions here. One theory that has always worried and bothered me as the cause of hair-loss has been scalp tension and skull expansion. This theory has always made me think if that’s the cause reversing that is going to be a huge problem. With my hair situation in particular I have nape thinning (not in skull). I have crown thinning. Recession and I have thinning above my ears all the way to the back. (Apparently called retrograde alopecia). Basically I have thinning in many odd places.

My own hair thinning pattern made me doubt skull expansion especially cause of my thinner nape hair. But I still thought what about tension. Well I did some research and reached out to NASA about men’s hair before and after space exposure! Based on my very limited evidence it seems that men mainly experience more hairloss in space. This made thing well tension and gravity go hand in hand so maybe tension isn’t the cause by itself.

So one of our members talked about iron overload as the cause of hairloss. While I can’t say that’s the case for sure I am starting to discover a pattern. When I shaved my scalp bald my scalp is the only places I have so many pink and light raised colored moles and pink angiomas. I also stated thinking about how the hair tends to have tons of trace metals. These metals build up in our body as we age. They also may shoot up to our scalps instead of other areas.

Lots of science has show that heavy metals can cause all these skin defects. In fact arsenic for example can actually cause hyperkertanization.

So I started to think maybe another huge contributor the acceleration of our hairloss is actually the shower. Invented in the 1700s and higher usage by the mid 20th century. I thought about where the water hits almost always it hits my nape area and my crown. I am not saying stop showering or if you get purified water baldness will stop but it may be a huge contributor to recession.


Sep 8, 2019
Updating this post with some more info.

So I am going to be making leaps in my conclusions here. One theory that has always worried and bothered me as the cause of hair-loss has been scalp tension and skull expansion. This theory has always made me think if that’s the cause reversing that is going to be a huge problem. With my hair situation in particular I have nape thinning (not in skull). I have crown thinning. Recession and I have thinning above my ears all the way to the back. (Apparently called retrograde alopecia). Basically I have thinning in many odd places.

My own hair thinning pattern made me doubt skull expansion especially cause of my thinner nape hair. But I still thought what about tension. Well I did some research and reached out to NASA about men’s hair before and after space exposure! Based on my very limited evidence it seems that men mainly experience more hairloss in space. This made thing well tension and gravity go hand in hand so maybe tension isn’t the cause by itself.

So one of our members talked about iron overload as the cause of hairloss. While I can’t say that’s the case for sure I am starting to discover a pattern. When I shaved my scalp bald my scalp is the only places I have so many pink and light raised colored moles and pink angiomas. I also stated thinking about how the hair tends to have tons of trace metals. These metals build up in our body as we age. They also may shoot up to our scalps instead of other areas.

Lots of science has show that heavy metals can cause all these skin defects. In fact arsenic for example can actually cause hyperkertanization.

So I started to think maybe another huge contributor the acceleration of our hairloss is actually the shower. Invented in the 1700s and higher usage by the mid 20th century. I thought about where the water hits almost always it hits my nape area and my crown. I am not saying stop showering or if you get purified water baldness will stop but it may be a huge contributor to recession.

Came across this a few days ago, may shed light on your new found understanding. From what I gather, he did not experience massive hair growth until he got his iron levels in check. Apparently iron massively raises oxidative stress, which itself has been linked to androgenic alopecia.

How I started reversing Male Pattern Baldness naturally ? – Regrow Your Hair Naturally

That blog post will also lead you to Morley Robbins on how detrimental iron overload is to metabolic health.

Interestingly, I have come across a few members' posts here stating that they experienced huge energy and mood benefits when they lowered their iron levels significantly.

Doxycycline is a known chelator of iron. Seems that humble antibiotic has many benefits to metabolic health.
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