Thoughts On My Hair Loss Regimen?


Feb 13, 2016
You reversed it? As in you went back a norwood? I find it really hard to believe aspirin reverse mpb cause it blocks necessary prostaglandins for hair growth

Most of the hair loss I had experienced was crown balding and that has thickened up a lot. But yes the little hair line recession I experienced has also reversed. I don't think anyone can tell I ever began experiencing MPB at one point in my life.

Peat has said prostaglandins are the direct cause of hair follicle destruction and that blocking them is very protective for hair, so not sure whether there are prostaglandins that are necessary for hair growth.


Oct 21, 2018
Most of the hair loss I had experienced was crown balding and that has thickened up a lot. But yes the little hair line recession I experienced has also reversed. I don't think anyone can tell I ever began experiencing MPB at one point in my life.

Peat has said prostaglandins are the direct cause of hair follicle destruction and that blocking them is very protective for hair, so not sure whether there are prostaglandins that are necessary for hair growth.

Well in the studies they found pgd2 in balding scalp. And pge2 in nonbalding scalp


Mar 4, 2019
I posted this in another thread but it is such crucial information I have to post again : Quotes from CausticSymmetry 2/28/10 - 10/15/08 Take your time and read up guys as I'm pretty sure most questions one could have regarding MPB are answered in that link.

As far as my hair I continue to do daily scalp massages, Emu Oil/Peppermint Oil mix, Scalp Tension relaxer for 30 minutes to an hour. Hair loss has slowed down considerably and my hair has thickened up pretty well. I'm considering "mega-dosing" with Organic Sulfur for the next few months or so in an attempt to reverse fibrosis in my scalp. I'll let you guys know how it goes.


Mar 4, 2019
For the past few months I've been really diligent in doing my scalp massages (daily), along with some intense boar bristle brushing(once every 10 days or so). I began using a product that contains some colloidal silver and some other really good ingredients. When I began using the colloidal silver product I noticed my hair felt much "Firmer", it was very easy to see that it was stimulating my scalp and my thinning spots have slowly began to thicken up.

I also have began using my scalp tension relaxer a lot more, I try to use it as much as I can, sometimes even as much as 2hrs a day. Hair loss continues to be less and less of an issue for me. At this point you would have to look extremely closely to even notice I have any hair loss.

I still need to find ways to break down calcification in the scalp and halt further scalp inflammation if I want to beat this thing for good.

Deleted member 5487

From my consultation he stressed the importance of Vitamin D and Sulfur.

Vitamin D: Improves the ability to utilize the transport of Sulfur.

He explained that Sulfur is huge because it is a "primer" for glutathione and it boosts IGF-1 (5-AR miniaturizes the hair by inhibiting IGF-1)

I personally think anyone suffering from hair loss should be using high amounts of Sulfur based supplements such as Taurine and MSM. Both supplements have decalcification abilities and MSM is said to be able to lengthen the anagen phase in the hair growth cycle.

Yes Sulfur from foods, can be the best way to prevent and reverse calcification. Elephanto has pointed this out on the fourm. Zinc and Vitamin D are cruicial for prolactin axis


Nov 22, 2016
For the past few months I've been really diligent in doing my scalp massages (daily), along with some intense boar bristle brushing(once every 10 days or so). I began using a product that contains some colloidal silver and some other really good ingredients. When I began using the colloidal silver product I noticed my hair felt much "Firmer", it was very easy to see that it was stimulating my scalp and my thinning spots have slowly began to thicken up.

I also have began using my scalp tension relaxer a lot more, I try to use it as much as I can, sometimes even as much as 2hrs a day. Hair loss continues to be less and less of an issue for me. At this point you would have to look extremely closely to even notice I have any hair loss.

I still need to find ways to break down calcification in the scalp and halt further scalp inflammation if I want to beat this thing for good.

What's the scalp tension relaxer you use?


Mar 4, 2019
Just a quick update guys. Fingers crossed but it appears my hair loss has come to a complete halt. I've always thought there were two phases in combating mpb. The first phase would be stopping hair loss and the second phase is regrowing hair. Looks like I'm at that first phase now, that second phase is what I expect to be tricky. My last post on here was back in August of last year and I've tried a lot of things since then. I'm using a number of things to combat my MPB so at times it can be hard to isolate what exactly is working but I do have a good idea of the things that have given me the most benefits.

I tried a Plant Stem Cell topical and this gave me some slight regrowth. It was pretty easy to apply and is used once a week for 10 weeks. The problem with that product was the cost was way too much but it was definitely legit as at the end of the 10 weeks I had some modest regrowth. I can't recommend due to the price though.

A little experiment I've been doing for the past 2 months seems to be working very well. I've been dissolving 10 grams of MSM (Capsules) into a Bamboo tea (This tea has high amounts of Silica). I've been very consistent doing this and haven't missed a single day so far. About 12 days into doing this experiment I started wondering if my hair was looking better or if I was just imagining it. My suspicions were confirmed a few weeks later when my sister who I hadn't seen in awhile said "Your hair is looking really thick all of a sudden, what are you doing to it?" I guess she assumed that I was using some kind of hair product or something.

This is my typical regimen: Massaging for 10-15 mins (Daily), Scalp tension relaxer for 30 mins to an hour (Daily), Bamboo Tea along with 10 grams of MSM (Daily), Laser Helmet (Every other day), Magnesium Oil (Once a week). In the past I've tried ACV for scalp inflammation and it worked pretty well but I have a hunch Magnesium Oil is even stronger. The Magnesium Oil I use is free of Heavy Metals and also contains MSM lotion. I usually massage it in to my scalp and any soreness I have in my scalp is gone in a matter of minutes. I probably ought to use it more often but I'm just not very fond of putting oil on my scalp these days. I'll probably start experimenting with Magnesium foot baths soon.

All in all things are trending upwards for my hair. If I knew what I know about hair loss now a few years ago I probably wouldn't have lost any hair at all. Still though looks like I caught my MPB right before it got too bad. Getting rid of Calcification, Fibrosis, and Mast cells in the scalp is the key to regrowing hair. I do have some pictures and if my hair continues to improve I'll consider posting them. It would be nice to motivate some people but at the same time I've seen too many people get attacked on hair loss forums (Even when it is obvious they aren't selling anything). Always something about lighting, angles etc. Idk let me continue fighting this thing and If I have significant regrowth I'll make that decision about pictures later on.


Aug 9, 2019
Elephanto has pointed this out on the fourm. Zinc and Vitamin D are cruicial for prolactin axis
Anytime I reintroduce supplemental Zinc, my shedding completely stops within days. This time, I'm taking it with Copper, not standalone.
Also, same experience I recall for the Vitamin D.
Jun 19, 2020
Just a quick update guys. Fingers crossed but it appears my hair loss has come to a complete halt. I've always thought there were two phases in combating mpb. The first phase would be stopping hair loss and the second phase is regrowing hair. Looks like I'm at that first phase now, that second phase is what I expect to be tricky. My last post on here was back in August of last year and I've tried a lot of things since then. I'm using a number of things to combat my MPB so at times it can be hard to isolate what exactly is working but I do have a good idea of the things that have given me the most benefits.

I tried a Plant Stem Cell topical and this gave me some slight regrowth. It was pretty easy to apply and is used once a week for 10 weeks. The problem with that product was the cost was way too much but it was definitely legit as at the end of the 10 weeks I had some modest regrowth. I can't recommend due to the price though.

A little experiment I've been doing for the past 2 months seems to be working very well. I've been dissolving 10 grams of MSM (Capsules) into a Bamboo tea (This tea has high amounts of Silica). I've been very consistent doing this and haven't missed a single day so far. About 12 days into doing this experiment I started wondering if my hair was looking better or if I was just imagining it. My suspicions were confirmed a few weeks later when my sister who I hadn't seen in awhile said "Your hair is looking really thick all of a sudden, what are you doing to it?" I guess she assumed that I was using some kind of hair product or something.

This is my typical regimen: Massaging for 10-15 mins (Daily), Scalp tension relaxer for 30 mins to an hour (Daily), Bamboo Tea along with 10 grams of MSM (Daily), Laser Helmet (Every other day), Magnesium Oil (Once a week). In the past I've tried ACV for scalp inflammation and it worked pretty well but I have a hunch Magnesium Oil is even stronger. The Magnesium Oil I use is free of Heavy Metals and also contains MSM lotion. I usually massage it in to my scalp and any soreness I have in my scalp is gone in a matter of minutes. I probably ought to use it more often but I'm just not very fond of putting oil on my scalp these days. I'll probably start experimenting with Magnesium foot baths soon.

All in all things are trending upwards for my hair. If I knew what I know about hair loss now a few years ago I probably wouldn't have lost any hair at all. Still though looks like I caught my MPB right before it got too bad. Getting rid of Calcification, Fibrosis, and Mast cells in the scalp is the key to regrowing hair. I do have some pictures and if my hair continues to improve I'll consider posting them. It would be nice to motivate some people but at the same time I've seen too many people get attacked on hair loss forums (Even when it is obvious they aren't selling anything). Always something about lighting, angles etc. Idk let me continue fighting this thing and If I have significant regrowth I'll make that decision about pictures later on.

thanks for sharing your regimen! I too am looking to stop hair shedding (which has actually gotten better over the past week or so)

I just wanted to give a heads up that apparently some people have quite serious issues taking that much MSM, so if you notice any side effects, that could be a culprit to look into. I actually just listened to a podcast about it, because I was considering taking MSM for the exact same reason. The site where the podcast originally was is gone, but I found it on way back machine. If you click "download mp3" on this page, you can hear an interview with a doctor who started taking MSM and loved it so much, he upped his intake, and then he and his office mates all started having really terrible side effects. Maybe listen to it to make sure you aren't experiencing any of these side effects:
sulfur benefits
Jun 19, 2020
thanks for sharing your regimen! I too am looking to stop hair shedding (which has actually gotten better over the past week or so)

I just wanted to give a heads up that apparently some people have quite serious issues taking that much MSM, so if you notice any side effects, that could be a culprit to look into. I actually just listened to a podcast about it, because I was considering taking MSM for the exact same reason. The site where the podcast originally was is gone, but I found it on way back machine. If you click "download mp3" on this page, you can hear an interview with a doctor who started taking MSM and loved it so much, he upped his intake, and then he and his office mates all started having really terrible side effects. Maybe listen to it to make sure you aren't experiencing any of these side effects:
sulfur benefits

Ok, actually now I see that you are using 10 grams of MSM TOPICALLY, not internally. Probably nothing to worry about then.
Jun 19, 2020
Ok, actually now I see that you are using 10 grams of MSM TOPICALLY, not internally. Probably nothing to worry about then.

LOL, actually re-re-reading it, I actually can't tell if you are using it topically or internally. If it's internal, that is quite a lot of MSM.


Mar 4, 2019
LOL, actually re-re-reading it, I actually can't tell if you are using it topically or internally. If it's internal, that is quite a lot of MSM.
Ok, actually now I see that you are using 10 grams of MSM TOPICALLY, not internally. Probably nothing to worry about then.
I've been taking the 10 grams internally, I dissolve the capsules into a bamboo silica tea like I described above. So far no side effects only improved hair thickness and overall faster hair growth. The only negative at this point is the hair on my arms and legs appears to be growing faster as well.
Jun 19, 2020
I've been taking the 10 grams internally, I dissolve the capsules into a bamboo silica tea like I described above. So far no side effects only improved hair thickness and overall faster hair growth. The only negative at this point is the hair on my arms and legs appears to be growing faster as well.

Egads, I find MSM so bitter, I wouldn't be able to choke that down.

By the way, I remembered that I actually came across the podcast above, researching MSM here on this forum, just last week. It was a post from 2014, that's why I had to track down the podcast. Here's the quote:

I'd be cautious of MSM. It might be one of those things that works well until your body runs out of some other component it needs in order to be effective (think of like a vitamin or mineral that is the rate-limiting factor for an enzyme). There's a podcast or two from Matt Stone where his naturopathic Dr friend talks about the good and the bad experiences he and others had with MSM.

here's that thread: Revisiting Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)

Not to say don't take it, but just to say keep an eye out for any weird reactions over time.

Deleted member 5487

Hair loss is IGF-1. End of story I’ve never been so certain in my life

Deleted member 5487

Anytime I reintroduce supplemental Zinc, my shedding completely stops within days. This time, I'm taking it with Copper, not standalone.
Also, same experience I recall for the Vitamin D.

Yes zinc lowers a lot of hair loss mediators


Mar 4, 2019
Something I forgot to mention is that from time to time I "Cycle" a Black Seed Oil supplement. My rationale for doing this is it boosts testosterone over time. For some reason It always gives me heartburn but I have a feeling it is really good for my health and a gut feeling it helps my hair as well. Just wanted to share.
Jun 19, 2020
Hair loss is IGF-1. End of story I’ve never been so certain in my life

Can you explain this to somebody like me who doesn't know what that means? Googling tells me that you're talking about Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), also called somatomedin C - But what what practical implications of diet and supplements does that mean to you, in terms of hair loss?


Mar 4, 2019
Last time I updated you guys was in July. I'm happy to say my hair has not got any worse from then till now if anything my hair has gotten slightly thicker. My hair loss has essentially stopped. Now regrowth is the next step. I have done many things in the past to regrow my hair, the reason why past attempts were limited was because I hadn't stopped my hair loss. All I have to do now is combine the things I did in the past for regrowth and use them all together.

1. Scalp Massages per Paul Taylor for an Hour a day
2. Scalp tension Relaxer 1 Hour sessions 2x a day
3. Upper Circulation tonic
4. High dose MSM/Biotin/Silica/Gelatin/Vitamin C
5. Laser helmet every other day
6. ACV on scalp overnight 2x a week
7. 1.5mm dermaroller on entire scalp once a month

Let's see how things go.


Apr 13, 2020
Hair loss is IGF-1. End of story I’ve never been so certain in my life

i remember seeing something on why some people don't respond to fin and it was a lack of igf-1



Nov 16, 2019
i remember seeing something on why some people don't respond to fin and it was a lack of igf-1

I believe @Amarsh213 is saying that an excess of igf-1 causes hair loss
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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