Hair Loss


Jun 2, 2017
Hello. I'm new here and would like some advice on my hair loss. I have watched several Danny Roddy videos and discovered Ray Peat through him. I'm not very knowledgeable yet when it comes to his teachings, but I'm getting there. I'm almost 26 and I started losing hair about 3-4 years ago. I've had a Norwood 2~ hairline for a couple years now and I've looked back at pictures from a few years ago and my hairline doesn't seem to have gotten much worse if at all. I'm hoping that it has stabilized for the time being. Along my hairline on each side, there is a decent amount of hairs. Enough that I can use a concealer like caboki and it makes me hairline look great. The top of my head is what confuses me. My hair is still thick up top, but there are spots scattered throughout where the hair grows short and doesn't seem to get any longer than it is. I've noticed that there is a spot behind the front center of my hairline which could indicate I'm headed to NW3 :( At this point I do not know if I have genetic balding or hair loss from something else. The only person I can think of that went bald early in my family is my grandmother's father on my mom's side. My grandfather is in his 70s and still has quite a lot of hair. My uncle (mom's brother) is around 50~ and has thinned a lot on top, but didn't start losing til his 40s ( I think). My father had great hair with no signs of loss before his death at 30. The part that confuses me is that I have struggled with energy issues for years. I've noticed that days after I have terrible fatigue, I shed more. Days that I feel great and have energy, I barely notice any shed whatsoever. I believe it is either adrenal, pituitary, or thyroid related. I could be wrong though. I have also suffered from severe anxiety since I was in my early teens. I've been to cardiologists and have had quite a bit of bloodwork done all of which showed nothing of concern and was written up as anxiety. I have not had any blood work done in the past few years though, but it will be very soon. Money is tight at the moment. Should I get in depth thyroid blood work done? My mother had thyroid cancer in 2010, so my grandmother has always been on me about watching my thyroid. Basically, what is the best route I can take to battle my hair loss and what are the possible causes given the information in this post? I still get told all the time that I have a great head of hair, and it terrifies me to lose it. It's part of who I am. I've considered fin several times, but it's a hard choice to make at the end of the day. I'm currently taking pumpkin seed oil, ashawaghanda, apple cider vinegar, and vitamin supplements and the shedding has reduced quite a bit. In the past month I have cleaned up my diet substantially. Lots of fruit and veggies.

Another thing I believe could've contributed to my hair loss is in the past couple years I was in a very stressful relationship. I ate terrible food, smoked cigs, and drank everyday. I was very unhealthy and my body was extremely acidic. For around6 months I only washed my hair with water apart from one day during each week. It made my hair easier to style for some reason, so I kept doing it. I recently read that not washing your hair enough can clog your follicles with sebum and dandruff. Can this cause patches of short growth? I've recently started using a natural shampoo everyday and nizoral every few days. It has greatly reduced scalp itch. I have noticed that I itch in the places that the short patches are.

Also, one more thing. Does anyone here have any information regarding nofap and hair loss? I decided to give it a try to see if it would help me mentally (which it definitely has) and also help my hair loss. I'm currently on day 20, but I don't think that's enough for any regrowth. I have read some incredible regrowth stories from nofap though.

I would like to say that I've been reading around these forums sporadically and I really enjoy the information and research that goes into this forum. It doesn't consist of bro science and "jump on the big 3 or you'll be bald soon!" I would like to find a way to halt/possibly reverse my hair loss with methods other than a pill (finasteride) that damages your body terribly. I know this is a lot of information and I don't expect for anyone here to have some miracle fix for my hair, but I would like to make my hair last as long as possible. (if it doesn't stabilize on its own) Norwood 3 scares the hell out of me, and I've decided I'll probably just buzz it at that point and become a gym rat again. Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Hopefully I can take what I learn from this forum and spread it to other people who can use it.

Btw, what is your guys' opinion on a cure? Think there will be one in 5~ years? I know people have been saying that for 20+ years, but we've made amazing progress in the balding world recently. If we can grow a fetus in a plastic bag, then surely we can grow working hair follicles on someone's head..


Jun 2, 2017
I'm unable to edit my post, but I forgot to mention that I have a history of skin conditions. I had ringworm a lot when I was younger and I do believe I have a mild form of psoriasis (small red itchy patch pops up on my bicep randomly) and possibly seborrheic dermatitis that has spread to the scalp. I have had a slight pink under my nose basically my entire life and I've tried everything to get rid of it. It just won't seem to budge.

I do believe that a lot of cases of hair loss can be linked to sebaceous glands, sebum, fungus or skin conditions. I refuse to believe that the shininess caused from being bald is due to DHT.

Arnold Grape

Jan 24, 2017
I would read everything diet related here; cut PUFA; stop drinking alcohol and consider getting grains out of your diet completely. Regaining or stopping the hair loss will probably be related to getting your temperature up. Anecdotally, something tells me getting a lot of sunlight is benifical and eating a lot of sugar re: fruit and/ or fruit juices. I would also double check the herbal supplements and check out something like taurine for anxiety which a lot of people here seem to have success with. Be patient and don't don't give up hope. (I thought Gelatin worked OK for hair loss in people, and I know some have topically applied that with a shampoo treatment but not more than one or two times weekly because too much protein will damage existing hair. These topical things, however, all seem relative to the espouser and will likely be hit or miss - I honestly just thought using a gentle organic shampoo a few times a week and putting a touch of coconut oil through the hair worked wonders for hair health.)


Jun 2, 2017
I would read everything diet related here; cut PUFA; stop drinking alcohol and consider getting grains out of your diet completely. Regaining or stopping the hair loss will probably be related to getting your temperature up. Anecdotally, something tells me getting a lot of sunlight is benifical and eating a lot of sugar re: fruit and/ or fruit juices. I would also double check the herbal supplements and check out something like taurine for anxiety which a lot of people here seem to have success with. Be patient and don't don't give up hope. (I thought Gelatin worked OK for hair loss in people, and I know some have topically applied that with a shampoo treatment but not more than one or two times weekly because too much protein will damage existing hair. These topical things, however, all seem relative to the espouser and will likely be hit or miss - I honestly just thought using a gentle organic shampoo a few times a week and putting a touch of coconut oil through the hair worked wonders for hair health.)
I stopped drinking completely about a month and a half ago and I absolutely noticed less shed. For some reason, when I get sunlight and tan, my tan doesn't last very long and soon enough I'm pale again. I've even gotten dark tans and if I don't get sunlight for a few days I turn a lot lighter. I've been this way for years now. What can this be a sign of? I also forgot to mention that the top of my scalp is sensitive. If I wear a beanie, my hair will physically hurt, mainly in the thin spots. Is it inflammation maybe causing this? I will have to check out taurine and gelatin. Haven't tried either.

Arnold Grape

Jan 24, 2017
I stopped drinking completely about a month and a half ago and I absolutely noticed less shed. For some reason, when I get sunlight and tan, my tan doesn't last very long and soon enough I'm pale again. I've even gotten dark tans and if I don't get sunlight for a few days I turn a lot lighter. I've been this way for years now. What can this be a sign of? I also forgot to mention that the top of my scalp is sensitive. If I wear a beanie, my hair will physically hurt, mainly in the thin spots. Is it inflammation maybe causing this? I will have to check out taurine and gelatin. Haven't tried either.
Careful with the Taurine at the outset, as I know some people experience stomach issues, so try a lower starting dose and build up. I'm not sure what skin issues you might be experiencing with direct light, but the whole concept of natural sunlight will correspond to your metabolism and Vitamin D's role in helping your body to process calcium, as I understand it. There are probably other benefits that you can read about elsewhere, including effects on your mood.

Another thing that might be good to keep in mind if you're adding supplements or making extreme dietary changes is to modify one or two things at a time. This way you will be able to monitor what is working for you and what makes sense for you personally moving forward. (This is where the whole Peat dogma of context being everything will come in.) I think a lot of the problem becomes trying to take on so much information at once and then trying to determine what is actually working, when everything might take so long to see results from. That might be contrasted with information on this forum and elsewhere working for other people but doesn't help you. So again, be patient: don't do too much at once, and realize that wellness is a slow motion process which will not come overnight if you are very ill.


Oct 23, 2015
thanks for sharing. I plan on starting it tonight. Has anyone had great success regarding their hair loss by following the guidelines in this book?

There are some good hairloss threads on this forum, but nothing seems conclusive as everyone is different. Hair Like a Fox should get you primed.

Danny is currently writing the following up to Hair Like a Fox, mentioned it might be out in the next 6months, and will build on the ideas.


Mar 16, 2017
Taurine 3g-6g


Selenium, Iodine, chromium gtf, magnesium, vote, small zinc dose. + lots of greens.

But all this won't stop it. When you notice the itch on top (esp the crown and temples) you know Dht is killing your hair.

Try -
Topical fin, in a dropper on scalp. Apply a small amount. I use one tab crushed up in alcohol.

I also use Nizoral.



Jun 2, 2017
Taurine 3g-6g


Selenium, Iodine, chromium gtf, magnesium, vote, small zinc dose. + lots of greens.

But all this won't stop it. When you notice the itch on top (esp the crown and temples) you know Dht is killing your hair.

Try -
Topical fin, in a dropper on scalp. Apply a small amount. I use one tab crushed up in alcohol.

I also use Nizoral.


Thanks. I noticed one of your other posts in the mpb thread talking about nofap and fin. How much success have you had with nofap? I've read a few stories online about it making some people's hair loss worse, but there definitely seems to be way more success stories. I've noticed my shedding has reduced greatly since starting it, so I think I may keep it up for a while longer and see what happens.
I read how successful fin was for you. I have considered trying it a few times and I'm still on the fence about it. Would you recommend it? I just watched a video yesterday on youtube about a guy who had extremely severe pfs and it basically ruined his life. Shrunk his penis, lost all feeling in his penis, and suffers from severe depression and anxiety permanently now. Stories like this make me never want to go anywhere close to it, but then I read about how so many people have great success with regrowth without any sides and it makes me want to take the chance.

I will definitely read more into those supplements you've suggested, thanks. I take 50mg zinc everyday + what's in my multivitamin (I think it's 10mg). Is this too much?
Also, I may consider topical fin. Should I just use vodka?

Regarding the itch. I've noticed that I don't really get the "sting" anymore. It's mainly a dry skin type of itch. I have dandruff pretty bad, especially in my thin spots, but I believe the niz is starting to get rid of it. I guess that's what I get for barely ever using shampoo for months. It was stupid of me.

Also, niacinamide, LLLT, and nettle root. Should I give these a go?


Jun 2, 2017
What are your thoughts on using the solban spray for hair loss?


Mar 3, 2017
I'll add my .02... i can't stress enough ... stay away from anything finasteride or dutasteride, even topical... even small dosages... it builds up in the blood and can not be contained to a single area like hair... do NOT do it... I'm sorry... just don't

if i can go back and tell myself just 1 year ago, it's not a big deal to shave your head, i would...

Goto a barber, get a nice buzz / fade... Jason Statham style... and the people around you will not think anything less... nor will you...

Anything like nettle, saw, anything... stay away... it's just not going to help or outweigh the negatives created... you'll simply trade one problem for another... i think there's enough research that you'll understand...


Aug 9, 2014
DHT does not causes hair loss.
Finasteride is dangerous either topical or oral.
Please do your own research.


Jun 2, 2017
DHT does not causes hair loss.
Finasteride is dangerous either topical or oral.
Please do your own research.

I have researched nonstop for weeks now lol forums exist so people can share their own research, converse, and come up with ideas together. Coming on here and saying "do your own research" makes it seem like you're missing the point. I came here for advice, because this forum is a great community full of very intelligent people.

Research can only get you so far when you're constantly reading things that contradict each other. It's hard to know what is true and what isn't.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
I have researched nonstop for weeks now lol forums exist so people can share their own research, converse, and come up with ideas together. Coming on here and saying "do your own research" makes it seem like you're missing the point. I came here for advice, because this forum is a great community full of very intelligent people.

Research can only get you so far when you're constantly reading things that contradict each other. It's hard to know what is true and what isn't.
The amount of suffering caused from finasteride is unreal. Wear a hat; I have male pattern baldness, and it's awful, but I'll never use finasteride.

Topical caffeine, progesterone, or even small amounts of topical T3 are far safer than finasteride.


Jul 29, 2014
For some reason, when I get sunlight and tan, my tan doesn't last very long and soon enough I'm pale again. I've even gotten dark tans and if I don't get sunlight for a few days I turn a lot lighter. I've been this way for years now. What can this be a sign of?

It's possible you're vitamin D deficient. Ray has mentioned something along the lines of what you are describing. He has said sometimes that some people who don't tan may be vitamin D deficient. The body responds this way to ensure more vitamin D from the sun.


Jun 2, 2017
The amount of suffering caused from finasteride is unreal. Wear a hat; I have male pattern baldness, and it's awful, but I'll never use finasteride.

Topical caffeine, progesterone, or even small amounts of topical T3 are far safer than finasteride.

I'm about %99 sure that I'll never take finasteride. Even if you have zero sides, it still damages your body. I take my health very seriously, but I went through an episode of depression for a while and just stopped caring. That is changed now though and I'm back to eating healthy, supplementing what is needed, and exercising.

Do you have any links discussing what you suggested? I will absolutely read into them more, but if you have any shortcuts that would be awesome too. I've read a little into topical caffeine, but I don't know much about progesterone or topical T3. Thank you for the response. It is appreciated.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
I'm about %99 sure that I'll never take finasteride. Even if you have zero sides, it still damages your body. I take my health very seriously, but I went through an episode of depression for a while and just stopped caring. That is changed now though and I'm back to eating healthy, supplementing what is needed, and exercising.

Do you have any links discussing what you suggested? I will absolutely read into them more, but if you have any shortcuts that would be awesome too. I've read a little into topical caffeine, but I don't know much about progesterone or topical T3. Thank you for the response. It is appreciated.

Do you believe male pattern hair loss is reversible? - Ray Peat Q&A

What actually causes hair loss. Seriously. No, I mean, really seriously. - Ray Peat Q&A

Urinary and hair loss problems - Ray Peat Q&A

Is it too late for my hair? I'm at my wit's end. - Ray Peat Q&A

Email exchanges with Ray Peat - Ray Peat Q&A

There's also an official hair loss thread on this forum.


Jun 2, 2017
It's possible you're vitamin D deficient. Ray has mentioned something along the lines of what you are describing. He has said sometimes that some people who don't tan may be vitamin D deficient. The body responds this way to ensure more vitamin D from the sun.

I take a d3 supplement everyday and I still have the problem. I haven't been taking the d3 as much lately, because I read a few things about d3 making hair loss worse, so I figured I would test it out. Has anyone else here read about d3 supplementation negatively affecting male pattern baldness? I believe it may be connected to how capable the body is at absorbing vitamin D, so I have pondered on adding a magnesium supplement to see if I have any positive effects.

It's not necessarily that I'm unable to tan, but I have problems keeping my tan. For example, if I get a lot of sun and tan and then go a week without any sun then I lose a lot of the tan that I had quickly.
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