Why is my instinct anti-carb (and even anti-peat ?) ?


May 8, 2017
My muscles couldn’t take all that protein and my sleep was horrible without some carbs. I always enjoyed starches over sugars, but the opposite makes me feel good. I just readied myself some raw honey fruit water for later today. The store bought flavored waters are so awful and provide nothing. Our food chain us a joke.
Do you just let the fruit soak in water for a certain amount of time and then drink it?
Mar 10, 2021
Do you just let the fruit soak in water for a certain amount of time and then drink it?
Yes! Usually overnight. You can drink it with just the fruit or sweetened I sweeten mine with a raw neutral tasting white honey, just a couple of heaping tablespoons in 2 quarts. It’s addicting and so quenching unlike straight orange juice.
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Sep 13, 2012
Type Os have it so much easier. I'm type A and have always struggled with my diet.

And yeah slow starch saved me from constant panic attacks from too much sugar.

Did ya'll hear Peat eats oats again.
Mar 10, 2021
Type Os have it so much easier. I'm type A and have always struggled with my diet.

And yeah slow starch saved me from constant panic attacks from too much sugar.

Did ya'll hear Peat eats oats again.
Yes. I have been e-mailing him about it, and posting it in various threads…

RIinse & rePeat
“Good morning Dr. Peat!
Which do you think is better for health, especially someone with weight issues, oatmeal or oat bran?”

“Bran is a little more helpful for increasing the metabolic rate.”

It has some benefits like the carrot salad and mushrooms. He says using it over a long period is not recommended. Like other things it is a useful tool.


May 31, 2015
They go on experimental diets to lose the fat they gained from their parents feeding them crappy food.
Thus my mention of "healthy people". And most people on this forum don't even seem to lose weight, it's as likely they gain...
Mar 10, 2021
Thus my mention of "healthy people". And most people on this forum don't even seem to lose weight, it's as likely they gain...
Yeah they usually do on this forum, they take that recommended ice cream and run with it.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Listen to your body, as long as you’re eating nutritious real food what’s the problem? As someone who came to all this stuff from being sick since age 12 I cannot for the life of me figure out why healthy people want to do experimental diets and risk messing with perfection.
hi,"nutrious food",it is relative,among any of the same "real"foods group,there is some that will maintain or increase your health,some that will decrease it,whever its fruits,eggs,dairy,organs,animal fat,"healty tubers/starchs","listening to your body"idyll only make sense when there is in your environnement all the foods containing everything you need to tend to an optimal state,and very likely you must have experienced these foods so your intuitions can guide you to it,if you have never experienced and or eaten a food that is among the ones optimal for you in your given context,your intuitions wont necessary guide you to it.

"healthy people"thats a relative term,most peoples i know even those who dont realise and or claim to have symptoms are far from optimal mental and physical well being,their degree of health/energy is mediocre if we consider every relevant metric of it beyond obvious pains.

peoples,you and i included,dont know how high is the highest degree of energy and health you can tend before you experience it,peoples shouldnt limit their experiments to avoid"risks",either way they might have a mediocre life.generally if someone is willing to experiment and "risk"its because he isnt satisfy enough in the first place,and its very likely to be a relevant instinct,when i feel high enough energy,fullness,i dont care about any theory,i just consume what make me maintain this state,and when i start to feel worst and my "intuitions" dont solve it,thats when i start to care more about theories and experimenting with new perspectives
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James IV

Anger and aggression towards others is the most telling sign of your current state of health. Sick bodies seek other sick bodies or isolation. Do not absorb health advice from anyone that is argumentative, aggressive, or can not handle criticism.

Your emotion state is a product of your colon. Conjoined twins that share digestive systems share emotional states, despite having separate brains, and seperate thoughts.

Unfortunately, eating what you crave doesn’t make you healthier unless you are healthy. If avoiding carbohydrate makes you feel better, it’s because you are already sick. It’s takes time to heal and restructure your microbiome. Sometimes, a very long time. You don’t need to avoid fat, but you do need to slowly push the balance towards a higher percentage of carbohydrate if you want to reach your peak health potential.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Anger and aggression towards others is the most telling sign of your current state of health. Sick bodies seek other sick bodies or isolation. Do not absorb health advice from anyone that is argumentative, aggressive, or can not handle criticism.
hi i partially agree for the anger and agression often the manifestation of a suboptimal state in someone body specifically when there is a disparity between the person anger/agression and the "cause""trigger"she perceive,and that people that can not handle criticism have probably very little to bring to others.

Why should people listen to you and apply your "Do not absorb health advice from anyone that is argumentative, aggressive, or can not handle criticism."when this very part of your comment i quoted is an order,why should people listen to you giving them order,when authoritarianism belong in the same kind of behaviors you mentionned that should be rejected?


May 6, 2022
France, Toulouse
Anger and aggression towards others is the most telling sign of your current state of health.
You can be healthy and be crazy/neurotic.
Sick bodies seek other sick bodies or isolation.
Doesn't seem logical, can you elaborate?
Do not absorb health advice from anyone that is argumentative, aggressive, or can not handle criticism.
You can be crazy/neurotic, or basically be the most unbearable human being in the world and be right about health.
Your emotion state is a product of your colon.
I don't know, maybe the state of the colon is a mood catalyst, but I would say that my emotional state is mostly dependent on what is happening in my environment and what has happened before.
Conjoined twins that share digestive systems share emotional states, despite having separate brains, and seperate thoughts.
Unfortunately, eating what you crave doesn’t make you healthier unless you are healthy. If avoiding carbohydrate makes you feel better, it’s because you are already sick.
I didn't say carbs made me feel worse, just that they weren't pleasant to eat in significant amounts.
It’s takes time to heal and restructure your microbiome. Sometimes, a very long time. You don’t need to avoid fat, but you do need to slowly push the balance towards a higher percentage of carbohydrate if you want to reach your peak health potential.


Oct 4, 2019
Many tend to forget or don’t know at all these while there is a broad evolutionary corridor that determines what is „healthy“ and beneficial for human organism … there Are necessarily outliers to it. Otherwise evolution would have failed.

Some are outliers. If our environment would change to suit the needs of the outliers than the current broad corridor of what benefits most would struggle, the outlier would thrive - that’s how a species survives and adapts.

Eat what you crave if it benefits your health and improves how you feel.

Do not war what you crave if it makes you sick and miserable.

For gods sake don’t ear what you find unbearable and on top of it makes you feel bad.
I like milk but that makes me constipated I feel great though Oj makes me feel energized but causes me skin inflammation

so now what?


Jan 22, 2021
My instinct is anti-starch only, since i was toddler.. I used to be disgusted by it, especially grains and beans, i'd throw them into the trash bin when my mother wasn't looking, lol. But i always liked fruits and loved milk.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
good for him, that would be good for you too, you need a bit of who i am, so you can stop having a gut sewer, start thinking more clearly, recover energy, quit the forum, enjoy life and stop spreading some of your claims that are dubious and unfounded, so I won't have to deconstruct them anymore.

i can send you some of my own body freshly harvested seed,ONE OF THE REAL SUPERFOOD that will solve all your problems
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Sep 24, 2016
I like milk but that makes me constipated I feel great though Oj makes me feel energized but causes me skin inflammation

so now what?
I like milk and dairy products too but her skin inflammation. I don’t eat dairy or very seldomly. It is what it is. You Have to decide how to deal with it, which outweighs which.


May 6, 2022
France, Toulouse
I like milk but that makes me constipated I feel great though Oj makes me feel energized but causes me skin inflammation

so now what?
Me it turns my **** into a smelly geyser of gas, I'm pretty sure that's bad enough for my cognition. I once had an instant brain fog after consuming sheep's milk.
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