High Carb Moderate Protein Low Fat?



Sep 9, 2020
I should add I've been sedentary before my workout regime. From September last year to about April of this year. No workouts except for walks. Pretty much high fat carnivore during this time. Still felt awful, no energy no libido fatigue.

Started lifting, while carnivore, and felt really good. Could sense hormonal changes in a positive way. As the intensity increased, I started feeling worse. My body was starting to actually crave carbs in the form of fruits.

Started eating them a little bit and felt better but still this fog and depression. However, libido went up(as well as my sperm production by a massive amount which I understand is a factor to consider when monitoring health).

I did overload my system on carbs the past few weeks, but I also was eating a lot of fat to try and balance my blood sugar. Learning that's probably not the best thing to do I think it was making my blood sugar regulation worse.

Last night I smacked on fruit without any issue. Felt alert, and normal.

Today I woke up at 630 AM before the sun. Laid in bed until it started to rise. It's about 8 AM right now. I felt pretty decent, haven't eaten yet.

Will update this a bit later today after I've had a few meals. Will more than likely take the day just relaxing and resting other than a walk with my pups. I live in florida and its tropical storm weather so not much to do. Probably a good time to just rest and nourish.


Nov 18, 2019
for sure don't go low protein it's numb
guy is lifting weights but "oh no more than 20% protein" lmao aim for at least 150g a day, most energy with carbs, rest with fats
eggs lean meats and some fatty ones, low fat dairies, some whole, seafood, fruits, some starch and you good

btw bench less, row more squat more and DL more, it's really not normal to bench near your squat and as much as you DL


Sep 9, 2020
for sure don't go low protein it's numb
guy is lifting weights but "oh no more than 20% protein" lmao aim for at least 150g a day, most energy with carbs, rest with fats
eggs lean meats and some fatty ones, low fat dairies, some whole, seafood, fruits, some starch and you good

btw bench less, row more squat more and DL more, it's really not normal to bench near your squat and as much as you DL

I dont bench anymore than I squat. The reason being my squat isnt as high is that I just came back from having a sports hernia. It took a lot of physical therapy to fix. Its definitely healed up, but the strength is still lacking.

Just to be clear a sports hernia isnt an actual hernia it's a muscle tear in the adductor. I also have had an umbilical hernia that I've had repaired via no mesh so I do worry about trying to go much heavier at a fast rate. Although last month I could only squat 165x5 so my progress is definitely increasing.

I've been doing a strength oriented routine for the past 5-6 weeks and I'm definitely hitting a slight plateau. I'm going to change up my routine next week. Incorporating less weight and higher reps in the 6-10 range. Will probably change my split to upper day, lower day twice a week. Doing one split heavy the other less


Jul 29, 2014
Never drop protein below 50% of macros if your interested in building muscle! Try carnivore/low carb with a high carb reload every 5th day.

Something to keep in mind is that carbohydrates spare protein, so a high carbohydrate + moderate protein diet might provide more amino acids for muscle building than a high protein + low carbohydrate diet. Ray has said that he knew someone (paraphrased here) whom was eating a couple pounds of meat a day with signs of protein deficiency, presumably because they were eating very little carbohydrates.


Sep 9, 2020
Something to keep in mind is that carbohydrates spare protein, so a high carbohydrate + moderate protein diet might provide more amino acids for muscle building than a high protein + low carbohydrate diet. Ray has said that he knew someone (paraphrased here) whom was eating a couple pounds of meat a day with signs of protein deficiency, presumably because they were eating very little carbohydrates.
I definitely never had that issue on carnivore. Kept muscle mass very well. Definitely bigger now that I have added in carbs though. More than likely glycogen and water retention but still bigger none the less


Jul 9, 2020
I've never had an issue keeping or even adding muscle with a moderate/low protein intake. And I'm 6'3, so I'm a pretty big guy. Conventional wisdom would suggest my protein intake to be very high. But I can get by just fine on 90-100 grams. Both carbohydrate and gelatin are protein sparring, and peatish principles implies you eat plenty of both.

Lower protein diets are also important for longevity.


Apr 8, 2020
Cool to see more ex-carnivores, like myself. Very hard to find in other places, such as YT.
I also feel much better with carbs. Experimenting with lowering fat recently. Also eat a ton of liver.
My hunger has increased drastically tho. I don't know if it's due to the liver increasing my metabolism, but since I've incoporated more liver into my diet (meaning 100g+ a day) I can't get satiated as easily as before, no matter the macros.
I eat at least 1 kg of beef a day (choosing leaner cuts now) and 1kg+ of sweet potatoes, plus some fruits. Does the hunger vanish or should I reduce the liver?


Sep 9, 2020
Cool to see more ex-carnivores, like myself. Very hard to find in other places, such as YT.
I also feel much better with carbs. Experimenting with lowering fat recently. Also eat a ton of liver.
My hunger has increased drastically tho. I don't know if it's due to the liver increasing my metabolism, but since I've incoporated more liver into my diet (meaning 100g+ a day) I can't get satiated as easily as before, no matter the macros.
I eat at least 1 kg of beef a day (choosing leaner cuts now) and 1kg+ of sweet potatoes, plus some fruits. Does the hunger vanish or should I reduce the liver?

I think this is a bit of uncharted territory..especially with that much liver. Maybe not so much liver? My view is that we werent meant to eat it all the time. There is only 1 liver per animal


Sep 9, 2020
Cool to see more ex-carnivores, like myself. Very hard to find in other places, such as YT.
I also feel much better with carbs. Experimenting with lowering fat recently. Also eat a ton of liver.
My hunger has increased drastically tho. I don't know if it's due to the liver increasing my metabolism, but since I've incoporated more liver into my diet (meaning 100g+ a day) I can't get satiated as easily as before, no matter the macros.
I eat at least 1 kg of beef a day (choosing leaner cuts now) and 1kg+ of sweet potatoes, plus some fruits. Does the hunger vanish or should I reduce the liver?
Liver also has pretty much no fat at all. Lean meat still contains some fats inside the tissues. Maybe that's something to experiment with


Sep 9, 2020
Update for today:

Today wasnt very active, just errands, cleaning, walking.

That being said here's what I ate

Lamb chop .5lb
Yam - medium
Honey 2 tbsp
Coffee -8oz
Lots of salt

After eating I felt ok. Not great but not bad. A bit foggy, but more energy. I'm thinking theres two issues. The yam and the coffee.

I went shopping, towards the end of it I felt hungry low blood sugar type symptoms

Lamb chop -.4-5lb
White potatoes - 1lb
Banana - 2
Grapes - 1 cup

After eating definitely felt better this time around. But felt like I had low blood sugar. I pushed through it and went to help my girlfriend clean a house. It subsided as I started moving more. However by the end, only 2.5 hours of work I was pretty exhausted. Could be crashing from the coffee, unsure.

I came home and drank 2 cups of OJ. Took the dogs for a walk. Felt a little better but still fatigued. However no low blood sugar symptoms.

After the walk for dinner I had:

Flank steak - .75lb
Grapes -.5 lb
Dark red cherries - 2 cups
Honey on steak
Lots of salt

Definitely feeling more balanced and satiety. Feeling like I may have eaten too much of variety though. Kinda tired, but not depressed or very foggy.

I may be eating too much, but this is what my body is currently craving. I think I am gaining a little bit of weight, but I'm not worried. I have a feeling it will balance out as I find my 'sweet spot'


Dec 29, 2015
I've been lurking, reading a bit and see this has been done by a few people. I'm leaning towards this WOE. Thinking 60% carbs 25-30% protein and 10-15% fat(saturated of course)

Been carnivore for close to 2-3 years off and on. Strictly carnivore for the past 9 months. Been having a LOT of energy draining after eating and worsening of workouts. I notice I get more fatigued the more fat I eat. At first it was great, I'm guessing my metabolism has shifted gears. Generally am feeling better on higher carb now, but still having issues with satiety.

Any advice on proceeding?

I'm trying to consume the following:

Lean beef/lamb
Beef liver/heart
Black cherries
White potatoes

I feel better but still am getting some energy drainage.

I'm considering adding into my diet:
Bone broth from ox tail/bones
Oysters(unsure how to prepare)

I've been trying dairy with a little success, but it has been full fat dairy in the form of goat milk.

I'm mainly getting brain fog after eating and not feeling as strong for a few hours. Maybe I need more starch than fruits? I feel kind of cold after eating fruits in excess
I'm just going to give you some food for thought. I love love love potatoes. However I just recently found out that I'm getting pains body aches back ache, from them. They are a nightshade vegetable, and despite Ray Peat saying what a perfect food they may be, he also said that they are allergenic. Maybe you can do an elimination diet to figure out what's causing your brain fog. At this moment I find that low vitamin a foods give me the best brain function, and energy. The moment I put in something that doesn't fit I feel it. Fruits and juice are always good, but try eliminating egg yolks and potatoes to see if these brain fog allergy subsides. Good luck


Sep 9, 2020
I'm just going to give you some food for thought. I love love love potatoes. However I just recently found out that I'm getting pains body aches back ache, from them. They are a nightshade vegetable, and despite Ray Peat saying what a perfect food they may be, he also said that they are allergenic. Maybe you can do an elimination diet to figure out what's causing your brain fog. At this moment I find that low vitamin a foods give me the best brain function, and energy. The moment I put in something that doesn't fit I feel it. Fruits and juice are always good, but try eliminating egg yolks and potatoes to see if these brain fog allergy subsides. Good luck

Appreciate the advice. The brain fog has been there before I had potatoes. I seem to tolerate them pretty well. I notice better blood sugar regulation with just meat and fruit, but I need to figure out where the point of balance is. Maybe tomorrow I'll add a little more lean meat and less fruit and see if that helps me.

I'm feeling pretty good at the moment, but theres a bit of excited/nervous energy I'm experiencing. It's odd


Jan 31, 2020
Getting a more favorable calcium to phosphate ratio would help, maybe. Eating more and moving less is something you should consider, at least until you've found some stability and can go a day without your blood sugar dropping.


May 4, 2019
I'm just going to give you some food for thought. I love love love potatoes. However I just recently found out that I'm getting pains body aches back ache, from them. They are a nightshade vegetable, and despite Ray Peat saying what a perfect food they may be, he also said that they are allergenic. Maybe you can do an elimination diet to figure out what's causing your brain fog. At this moment I find that low vitamin a foods give me the best brain function, and energy. The moment I put in something that doesn't fit I feel it. Fruits and juice are always good, but try eliminating egg yolks and potatoes to see if these brain fog allergy subsides. Good luck

Same experience with the taters, when I make them a staple in my diet I get joint pain/creakiness and wide-spread inflammation throughout my body. Whole grains such as oatmeal, white rice/brown rice, even beans and lentils, work much better even though they're supposed to be the worst carbs in terms of anti-nutrients etc. Low VA also gives me very clear focused thinking.


Sep 9, 2020
So last night I noticed some pain in my liver area, unsure if its gas pain or actual liver pain. I've had it before I was carnivore and eating mainly meat, sweet potatoes, vegetables. Always felt like trapped gas.

Worried it might be from the high fruit consumption causing issues with my liver. Or it could be the starch.

This morning I had a glass of OJ, felt a bit okay but a little off then about a hour later I had

Flank steak , lean beef-350 grams
Grapes - 1 pound
Honey- 2/3 tbspns
Coffee - 1 cup

I ate the grapes first and felt a little more off, like something was missing. Maybe affecting my fluid balance? I then ate the flank steak, heavily salted with some honey on it. Started to feel a bit better. Drank my cup of coffee with honey, and now I'm outside on the porch soaking in some morning sun.

I'm feeling pretty good, heads pretty clear. Still feel like something isnt 100% but definitely a feeling that is better than the norm.

I was going to try and do zero starch today, but tonight I will be going on a dinner date so I will have to opt for steak and potatoes.

Lunch will be similar to breakfast.

About to go walk the doggos then will hit a gym session. Will update later on how I feel.

I appreciate all your responses, and I am definitely keeping them in mind as I am moving along this journey for ultimate health. Thank you all!


Sep 9, 2020
About an hour after posting. Felt good but still a slight blood sugar feeling. Then a bout of diarrhea. Afterwards I felt better. I felt warm. Went to the gym. Pretty heavy lifts today.

305 x 4 deadlift - didn't have access to bumper plates, only hex so its hard to maintain form. Probably would have done 5 otherwise.

125 x 5 ohp

230 x 1 squat - had added in drop sets to my deadlift, was pretty tired by this point. Also drop sets or my squat

Bench 185 x 6 - was just adding it in as accessory for today

T bar rows - accessory
Chin ups - accessory
Bodyweight tricep extensions- accessory

I had steady energy during the workout.

For lunch I ate:

400 grams lean beef
2 cups oj( ik not a good idea I dont do it often)
Handful of medjool dates
2 cups dark red cherries

I'm feeling pretty damn good at the moment.
Probably eating too much still, but I think that will level off.

Tonight I'm going to outback steak house. Will probably get a steak and a potato with nothing on it. I have a feeling I'll react to that. Maybe I should eat fruits before i go and maybe not eat much of the potato?

Peato Diet

Feb 16, 2013
I've been lurking, reading a bit and see this has been done by a few people. I'm leaning towards this WOE. Thinking 60% carbs 25-30% protein and 10-15% fat(saturated of course)

Been carnivore for close to 2-3 years off and on. Strictly carnivore for the past 9 months. Been having a LOT of energy draining after eating and worsening of workouts. I notice I get more fatigued the more fat I eat. At first it was great, I'm guessing my metabolism has shifted gears. Generally am feeling better on higher carb now, but still having issues with satiety.

Any advice on proceeding?

I'm trying to consume the following:

Lean beef/lamb
Beef liver/heart
Black cherries
White potatoes

I feel better but still am getting some energy drainage.

I'm considering adding into my diet:
Bone broth from ox tail/bones
Oysters(unsure how to prepare)

I've been trying dairy with a little success, but it has been full fat dairy in the form of goat milk.

I'm mainly getting brain fog after eating and not feeling as strong for a few hours. Maybe I need more starch than fruits? I feel kind of cold after eating fruits in excess

I was on a zero carb diet for about a year whilst weight training and i gradually became more and more fatigued with brain fog. Probably a combination of low calories and no sugars. It could just be a case of not eating enough calories. Have you worked out how many calories on average someone your size and weight requires and then checked your diet to see if you are actually getting enough? There are calculators online. Google search something like 'weight loss calories calculator'.

If your metabolism is running low after eating a low amount of calories for a while then you will need to reverse diet to increase your calories back up to normal range i.e. by adding 50 calories or so each week. This will prevent fat gain by over eating.

This guys site and books are brilliant for understanding reverse dieting, dieting, calorie requirements etc:

Rippedbody.com | No-Nonsense Nutrition and Training Guides


Mar 20, 2021
Exercising should be complementary to health. I would guess you are running on stress hormones and only feel good when they are elevated. I'm surprised nobody has said this yet. I don't think your health is going to improve while you are doing insane work outs.
I agree! Especially since his job is very physically demanding. It's so hard to break away from the "I feel so good on keto and fasting" stress hormone bandwagon... I've been there! My sleep is crap the night after workouts that are even a little bit too strenuous. For each of us healing folks, this threshold is different of course.


Mar 20, 2021
About an hour after posting. Felt good but still a slight blood sugar feeling. Then a bout of diarrhea. Afterwards I felt better. I felt warm. Went to the gym. Pretty heavy lifts today.

305 x 4 deadlift - didn't have access to bumper plates, only hex so its hard to maintain form. Probably would have done 5 otherwise.

125 x 5 ohp

230 x 1 squat - had added in drop sets to my deadlift, was pretty tired by this point. Also drop sets or my squat

Bench 185 x 6 - was just adding it in as accessory for today

T bar rows - accessory
Chin ups - accessory
Bodyweight tricep extensions- accessory

I had steady energy during the workout.

For lunch I ate:

400 grams lean beef
2 cups oj( ik not a good idea I dont do it often)
Handful of medjool dates
2 cups dark red cherries

I'm feeling pretty damn good at the moment.
Probably eating too much still, but I think that will level off.

Tonight I'm going to outback steak house. Will probably get a steak and a potato with nothing on it. I have a feeling I'll react to that. Maybe I should eat fruits before i go and maybe not eat much of the potato?
How have you been doing? Feeling better? ?
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