Weight Loss: Starch And Trytophan Are What Are Stopping You

  • Thread starter Deleted member 5487
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Jun 16, 2017
If anything, milk would be more stressful than meat, since milk has both less glycine and much more tryptophan than does meat. Peat has said that when you have a lot of cortisol, the breakdown of muscle tissue causes a big liberation of bad amino-acids into the bloodstream. Those amino-acids are mainly tryptophan, methionine and cysteine. Milk has 6 times the amount of tryptophan of meat and about the same amount of methionine( according to self nutrition data). Meat indeed has more cysteine than milk( twice as much, last time I checked), but I haven't looked into the effects of this amino-acid enough to say much about it. Maybe it is it that is responsible for the negative reactions that some have to meat.

Try ground beef. I cook it with garlic and cilantro and a little bit of water to make a sauce from its own fat and flavor. No need to cut into anything. I also don’t like hard meat like steaks, they also bother to digestion, but ground beef is so easy for me to eat. Carrot salad has eliminated constipatjon for me. You could try antibiotics too, my digestion feels much better after 10 days on minocycline.
Great suggestion! I use ground beef instead of non-ground meat too, mostly because of how easy-to-digest it is, but also because of the flavour. A few months ago I went back to cooking my ground beef in the pressure cooker( previously I was making meatballs and steaming them), and digestion was even smoother. I feel like my stomach has to use way less energy after the meal.


Jan 23, 2016
Ground beef (I'm partial to ground bison) is great but there have been posts here mentioning that pre-ground meat has higher levels of endotoxin. I'm not sure if it is something to actually be concerned about.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
I love ground beef.
However, here in Cyprus, its quality is a mistery. On top of that, there are sometimes, small chunks of bones in it, and i broke once one very very very expensive filling on one of my mollars. Since, i don,t buy ground meet anymore. Will probably ground it myself one day...
But, if you don,t have issues with quality, it,s a great food!
Jun 16, 2017
Ground beef (I'm partial to ground bison) is great but there have been posts here mentioning that pre-ground meat has higher levels of endotoxin. I'm not sure if it is something to actually be concerned about.
When I go to the butcher, he grounds it for me after I choose the cut of meat that I want. At least in the supermarket where I always buy my meat, everyone does the same, I rarely see people buying pre-ground meat, but I can see that not being the case in other places.


Jan 23, 2016
When I go to the butcher, he grounds it for me after I choose the cut of meat that I want. At least in the supermarket where I always buy my meat, everyone does the same, I rarely see people buying pre-ground meat, but I can see that not being the case in other places.

Which cut of meat do you choose? I will try this next time.


May 6, 2017
@Amarsh213 How is it working out for you currently? Are you still seeing positives?

I also saw your threads on 'greens broth' and 'eating like Travis' and their positive effects on weight. What is your current standing on these. Also the only A2 milk I see near me is vitamin D added and ultra-pasteurised - is is good to go?
Nov 21, 2015
I purchase grass fed lean meat and cut it into chunks and grind it in a Cuisinart food processor. It then gets cooked. It is fantastic and no endotoxins.
Jun 16, 2017
Which cut of meat do you choose? I will try this next time.
I used to get mostly knuckle, but now I'm choosing some fattier cuts, such as top sirloin and flank steak. I ask the butcher to not remove the ligaments or the visible fat, that way I get more glycine and ruminant fat.


Dec 3, 2017
If starch was the reason for weight gain, then rural tribes in West Africa and the Pacific wouldn't be ripped to shreds...which they are. Unless of course it is genetic which I suspect.

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
People will have to test their sensitivities so that they can know what to do best on. You are very sensitive to tryptophan atm, maybe that will change, but others are not as sensitive and might get away with a little whey, but 180g daily is very excessive :).

Do you use any protein powder?


Oct 2, 2019
Some cheeses like mozzarella and that orange american cheese are very high in tryptophan and should be avoided in favor of higher quality cheese high in tyrosine but low in tryptophan. I dont personally believe in methionine restriction being the answer or even protein restriction. What OP did here was ate a low tryptophan diet as well as a high tyrosine diet. Higher dopamine because of tyrosine drops water weight quite well. Restricting tryptophan is half the plot really. Tyrosine is necessary to antagonize serotonin by dopamine and drop weight. High dopamine drops water weight but also will drop actual weight as well given enough time. I do believe what he did worked, high carb combined with dopamine promoting diet, but this can be done with adding lean beef just as well not the mention how horrible it does sound to eat only cheese and juice like @Tenacity mentioned.
Which cheeses are lower in tryptophan?


Aug 5, 2019
I know is an old thread but
OP dropped weight because a restrictive diet that lead to under eating, not because Tryptophan or Starch makes you fat lol.


Feb 22, 2014
Maybe your thyroid isn't funtioning optimally. A low carb diet reliably lowers the production of the active hormone T3 from the inactive hormone T4. The conversion requires liver glycogen, so a low intake of carbs will cause low levels of T3. And because the free fatty acids in the blood are always elevated, both due to the low carb diet and to the fasting, cells don't respond well to the T3. If thyroid hormone is low, the stress hormones take over: adrenaline, cortisol, serotonin, etc. These hormones bascially are survival hormones. They sacrifice muscle tissue as well as organ tissue( skin, for example) to provide glucose for parts of the body that don't use fat or ketones, and at the same time, they preserve fat mass, especially in the belly. Also, the thymus gland, which is a very importante part of the imune system, degenerates when exposed to cortiol or low glucose. The metabolism really slows down when fat is used as fuel and the lower amounts of CO2 generated from fat oxidation could contribute to lower bone mass and soft tissue calcifications.

Many people lose weight on a ketogenic diet, but in the process they really break their metabolism. When they notice it, they have chronic fatigue, constant adrenaline rushes, bad sleep, bad memory, poor verbal fluidity, and lack of well-being and calmness. Ray cited a study where it was shown that the difference between old cells and young cells is that, although both can burn fat at the same rate, the old ones couldn't burn glucose efficiently, even when they were given large amounts of glucose. Also, one of the ways that things like niacinamide can heal kidney diseases is by reducing the amount of fat in the blood. This strongly indicates that fat oxidation isn't the way to health.

Cortisol and adrenaline often cause a feeling that looks a lot like an intense well-being, but it's not well-being that your cells are feeling. Chronically elevated levels of stress hormones will cause degenerative diseases eventually. Caffeine without carbs will increase these hormones and will accelerate the degeneration.

Losing weight isn't necessarily a sign of health. Cancer patients and people with type one diabetes lose weight like crazy and they surely feel terrible. It's possible to eat a lot of food and be lean and healthy. Caloric restriction, especially carbohydrate restriction, is bad for most, if not all, people.

If you don't feel like eating carbs, then it may mean that your carb burning capacity is greatly reduced from long periods of fat burning. Using things like niacinamide and thiamine and biotin and increasing the amount of carbs you eat will increase your metabolism and, after you recover, you will be able to maintain lean mass and much more easily lose fat.

Lastly, there was a study where they managed to maintain the weight of some women with just around 700 kcals a day. This goes to show that the body will lower the metabolism as much as it needs to stay alive. The more you lower the caloric intake, the lower the amount of calories you will burn. Fixing the carb burning capacity will, IMO, get your to where you want it to be.

@Rafael Lao Wai :

I realize this is a late post, but I was reading through the thread up to your comments, and found your summary and explanation of fats v carbs, etc to be very practical and helpful. Thanks for that!
Jun 16, 2017
@Rafael Lao Wai :

I realize this is a late post, but I was reading through the thread up to your comments, and found your summary and explanation of fats v carbs, etc to be very practical and helpful. Thanks for that!
You're welcome! Glad it was useful!


New Member
Jan 22, 2020
I'd say a 0.5 to 0.6 (1:1 roughly) tryptophan to tyrosine is a very high (bad) ratio.

@LiveWire , whey is totally unnecessary for gaining muscle, as is the ridiculous protein suggestions by "experts". Most people can probably get by on 100-150 grams a day just fine even weightlifters, even heavy weightlifters at that. Carbohydrates are what you need en masse, not protein. You might need 200-300+ gram if you take steroids, because of how fast muscle mass is synthesized, but average joes? Nah. MAYBE someone who is anorexic and never touched a weight in their life and has zero muscles, but the average person who has average muscles... again, nope.

Why are you intaking 180 gram of whey?? Unless you're on the juice, there is literally no reason to be doing that.
Amen to that!


Aug 13, 2018
I have had substantial weight loss.
I am Down 20lbs, muscle is way up, libido as well, fatigue is gone.
I am now a lean, muscular healthy individuals, without restrictive low carb/low fat/excessive excising.

Here's what I have found: It all comes down to hormones

1) All Tryptophan/Cysteine/Methanione and Insulin-Genic Starch are the culprits and disruptions of hormones.

2) Simply going "Low fat" messes with blood sugar swings, fat soul able vitamins, cholesterol production, and high circulating FFA(PUFA).

Full Fat Sheep and Goat Cheese= A2 Casein+Calcium+Fat
Homemade A2 milk Cottage Cheese

This Keep Serotonin down and you will see a huge increase in mood/libido/testosterone


Apple Juice+Salt
Orange Juice+Sugar+Salt

b2(strong serotonin antagonist)
vitamin e

You will become ravenously hungry and drop a ton of water weight in the first few days.

Take a gulp of milk/meat and the tryptophan methanione will bloat you up and slow everything down, you will realize the culperts all along.

Starchs=Insulin/Serotonin Producing
All Anti-Metabolic Amminos=Meat, Whey(milk)

Very interesting.
Did you cut calories or change your macros doing this?
How much b2 did you take?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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