I'm Finally Losing Serious Weight

May 29, 2013
I think going by hunger is the most efficient way to stave off fat gain, and I mean real, significant hunger, not mere "room".

This. I think you have to let the body do it’s thing. The only way I’ve managed to get rid of bloat is to not eat when not hungry, and not force feed based on what I feel I should have eaten by now.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
This. I think you have to let the body do it’s thing. The only way I’ve managed to get rid of bloat is to not eat when not hungry, and not force feed based on what I feel I should have eaten by now.

Exactly what I have been trying to do lately. What amount of calories do you get lately? Also I think that 100 calories of fat is worse than 100 calories of sugar for fat loss, however fat does seem to have a satiating effect where at sugar doesn't always do the trick for me (quell hunger)
May 29, 2013
Exactly what I have been trying to do lately. What amount of calories do you get lately? Also I think that 100 calories of fat is worse than 100 calories of sugar for fat loss, however fat does seem to have a satiating effect where at sugar doesn't always do the trick for me (quell hunger)

Not as many as I’d like, probably about 2300 at the moment. But it’s slowly increasing day by day as hunger increases. Just trying to ignore the psychological stress of knowing I’m not eating enough calories and just let the body work it’s way up. In the beginning I force fed myself in an attempt to increase metabolism, but I think this overburnded my digestion.

Same - I seem to be able to eat indefinite quantities of sugar without feeling satiated. My intuition tells me the body needs a bit of fat through the day. I crave it otherwise. Especially beef and lamb fat. It’s almost orgasmic when I eventually eat some.

When I don’t feel like eating for 5 or 6 hours, for whatever digestive reason, I notice a strange relaxed calmness comes over me after a while. I’d like to think it’s the body being unburdened. Then hunger redevelops slowly.

What are your experiences?


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Not as many as I’d like, probably about 2300 at the moment. But it’s slowly increasing day by day as hunger increases. Just trying to ignore the psychological stress of knowing I’m not eating enough calories and just let the body work it’s way up. In the beginning I force fed myself in an attempt to increase metabolism, but I think this overburnded my digestion.

Same - I seem to be able to eat indefinite quantities of sugar without feeling satiated. My intuition tells me the body needs a bit of fat through the day. I crave it otherwise. Especially beef and lamb fat. It’s almost orgasmic when I eventually eat some.

When I don’t feel like eating for 5 or 6 hours, for whatever digestive reason, I notice a strange relaxed calmness comes over me after a while. I’d like to think it’s the body being unburdened. Then hunger redevelops slowly.

What are your experiences?

Actually I have noticed the relaxed calmness come when I haven't eaten in a while. I think it may be the digestive system shutting down. But it doesn't last for long, unfortunately, because once I have tried not eating for 16 hours as per the common intermittent fasting routine, and found that I was incredibly anxious and panicked towards the end of it, and I had such trouble falling asleep that night I decided to drink a couple glasses of salted OJ to calm down and it helped.

I do notice being a bit more anxious when my metabolism is high, but I think that may be caused moreso by caffeine intake which I use habitually through the first half of the day. When I have tried stopping caffeine, I became less anxious but also more depressed. That is why I have considered trying thyroid replacement tog et the mood and energy benefits of enhanced metabolism minus the anxiety. But even thyroid supplement seems like a risky endeavor, I have heard a few stories of people becoming hyper thyroid after taking just a little too much t4 and subsequently feeling terrible and taking quite a while to reverse the bad effects...

And yes after a day long of eating absolutely no fat, before bed I may have some beef fat or cream and it tastes exceptionally delicious, much more so than when I used to eat fat through the day with 2% milk. I think this will be the method I use from now on, to drink juice and skim milk to get through the work day and in the evening I will have a little animal fat or coconut oil to satiate myself through the night, as well as decrease inflammation. Hopefully it wont be too much fat to stall fatloss...


Jun 24, 2015
What has stopped the acne for you?
lots of fantastic points u just made...Yes no Peat diet! Just what works for us! when I stopped drinking all my calories and just ate high metabolic foods and Raised my calories...it started happening...also I love "the fad diet rollercoaster"!! I payed a ton of money over the years riding that coaster lollllll
What’s your favorite “high metabolic foods”? I drink a lot of my calories, so convenient & I have access to delicious, fresh OJ.. but the high metabolic foods, it’s time :)


Mar 2, 2016
so why'd you stop drinking milk and how did you come to the conclusion that is something that is helping you lose weight? Or were you drinking a lot of milk before?

A. squamosa

Sep 27, 2016
Nah, the whole 'eat only when you're hungry' thing doesn't work for someone who is coming from a pretty dysfunctional place metabolically speaking. I would almost never eat if I did that. Plus my stomach signals are so out of whack, I oscillate weirdly between full feeling and hungry feeling - going to take a while to stabilise that.
I think that getting yourself to a place where you don't have to eat so frequently is probably the result of having eaten frequently for a long period before, right?
Nov 21, 2015
Muscles are good. I fit in my clothes without a problem. I am not always hungry anymore. I just eat less without trying. I'm assuming I'll slowly lose fat but who knows. I'm at 205 now, was at about 218 at peak. I feel really really good, I have a healthy libido and good erections.


Apr 8, 2020
Yeah this seems to be a similar story for many people adopting Ray's ideas. .
this is not really ray idea.
This is al decades known in the world of sports, even before ray was born.
Ever heard of carb cycling? refeeds? dont eat long periodes of time under maintance kcal but eat every few days above it to keep the hormones stable and preventing metabolism reducing to much.
This is the best and still the most effective way today for healthy fat loss without losing strenght or muscle mass.
Ray just copy it.
Last edited:


Oct 14, 2016
Muscles are good. I fit in my clothes without a problem. I am not always hungry anymore. I just eat less without trying. I'm assuming I'll slowly lose fat but who knows. I'm at 205 now, was at about 218 at peak. I feel really really good, I have a healthy libido and good erections.
What is your current diet looking like
Nov 21, 2015
What is your current diet looking like

milk, cheese, nixtamilized tortillas (2 or 3 per day), a little meat, a potato, orange juice, coke, a well cooked veggie (brocolli, kale, etc.) but not that much, ripe fruit


Apr 8, 2020
I've said that I am against fast weight loss, and I am.

So I wanted to update you.

I was at 170 for a long time, a US size 32 or 34 waist, then in my middle age creeped up a bit. I was following low carb most of that time

Then I started a Peat-inspired diet. By then I was more at 190, and I quickly ballooned to around 217. I'm male, over 6 feet tall and naturally a narrow person. You couldn't tell I was that heavy and it was mostly fat around my belly. In US sizes I was at a 38 waist.

I have slowly (over 2 years) fallen but was stuck around 203. Recently I got to 198 and maybe even 196. And the weight loss is a little faster.

I think it's because I'm warmer. My temperature are higher. Right now, late afternoon, they are 98.2F., they will vary during the day but a few years ago were often in the 96s or 97s even at the peak.

So my metabolism is higher.

What has also made a difference is that I'm no longer drinking milk. I am not on a lot of liquids. And I watch starch. I eat digestive enzymes for gluten when I eat wheat-based products. Maybe that makes a difference. I don't know.

But it is quite nice because I'm not going hungry or trying to lose weight by eating less.
i dont get it.
so you did low carb, then you start peating and gained a lot of weight.
so how exactly did your diet look like? high sugar low/no fat? or medium fat, medium sugar?
and what exactly have you changed so that you finaly lose weight?

milk, cheese, nixtamilized tortillas (2 or 3 per day), a little meat, a potato, orange juice, coke, a well cooked veggie (brocolli, kale, etc.) but not that much, ripe fruit

this is still high sugar and fat..
so i dont get it..


Jun 10, 2020
i dont get it.
so you did low carb, then you start peating and gained a lot of weight.
so how exactly did your diet look like? high sugar low/no fat? or medium fat, medium sugar?
and what exactly have you changed so that you finaly lose weight?

this is still high sugar and fat..
so i dont get it..

Not hamster of course, but my inference was that he strengthened his thyroid and metabolism by eating that way, so even without lowering fat and sugar he eventually started to lose weight
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