Best US states for becoming self-sustainable/a small farmer (need to move ASAP)


Aug 17, 2016
Go with your family to FL, keep saving your money and explore some other states. If you like your family, you might want to be fairly close to them in the long run.
And there are programming jobs in Boca. At minimum, there's a big IBM campus there. And rich girls. lol


May 30, 2018
Lastly, it's way harder than most people think to break away from a family unit. They're likely supporting you in ways you won't even realize until you're thousands of miles away & there's no one that can help you out because it takes real time to be accepted into a small town community.
This is a great point and a main reason why I decided to buy land right next to my brother even though it’s not my first choice for climate. He doesn’t plan on living there full time for another 10 years, although I hope to start building a home in a few years. I figure we will both need about that much time to get the land just starting to be substantially developed and build a relationship with the locals, which is a small town of 800 people. Everything is going to require help and trust that money can’t buy unless you have millions.
Starting a farm or farming-esque business of some sort sounds optimal, but to get to the point where that'd actually be feasible is what the really kick ... er, nightmare is.
Also a great point. I don’t expect my land to be profitable or very productive for at least 30 years from now. You can’t just pick a piece of land make it instantly profitable unless the conditions are perfect and you already have generations of experience with the crops and area involved.


Jan 11, 2019
Lol yeah but...

There you are. I woke up here today to snow and no sun :sob:
im not the majority or the estrogenized people that he speaks of. Come walk around florida, most of these people look like theyve never eaten an orange a day in their life. Fast food and fried food are what a lot of these people eat, i thought that theyd be in better shape than the people in michigan but instead they look like they ate the people of michigan


Dec 4, 2021
I see why you would think that, but I'm a big boy I have spent quiet a few years camping/living in the wilderness and quiet a few summers living in Central America as well on a farm so I do have a very good idea of what it would entail
Fair enough I for sure don't know your life story but also this:

" I don't want to kill an animal I raised and would rather do my own hunting in the wild for meat if it came down to it "

You don't seem emotionally cut out for the homesteading you're imagining man & any rural community member will be put off by you're inability to tend to the basic need of culling an animal.

Please know that during a severe food shortage you will not have the capacity to for hunt wild game for long.

Within 6 months of the Great depression 70% of wild game populations were wiped out, including fresh water fish, you couldn't even eat an possum if you desperately wanted to...
I'm not worried so much about "buying land" as eventually - all property will be stripped from citizens - hence why I emphasize open space - large plots of land in the wilderness no one cares to bother.
It's a real possibility, I'll grant you that but also... You think you're capable of coming to a rural area & just claiming some? In these vast tracts of wilderness you're imagining do you not think there are generations of families, ranchers, etc, that will absolutely already be not only utilizing these resources but willing to shoot City people just coming to claim it?

If you buy land before whatever happens you're actually a member of the community versus some guy who's thinking he's just gana start using up resources of an area he's not from.

Land ownership will always exist in the human mind. Even if the .gov takes it the people who owned it before that are still around will absolutely defend what's "theirs".
In other words - I don't "want" to live in a wilderness type environment - I see it as I actually "have to" - I refuse to put up with this forced technocratic future (which in a large part will be forced hypometabolic states of living) and I refuse to be held hostage by food shortages.
I get it but as a person who's been prepping for a very long time can I tell you a secret?

You also need to prepare for the world not ending as we know it.

Meaning, you literally don't want to live in a "wilderness situation"(is that what city dwellers think rural life is "the wilderness"?)so I mean it's gana suck when you end up "in the wilderness" & things didn't collapse.

But if it does happen...

You do know mass swaths of people exodus from cities when there's no more food right?

That they are the most concentrated in their desperation for food/resources actions within a 1-2 hour radius of any metropolitan area before the "herd" disperses into differing directions.
I want to be near a city at least because I don't want to be stuck in a scenario where I have "Slim Pickings" when it comes to girls and I would have to settle for a girl that I definitely would normally not settle for. I just need to be near a place with trad girls that know what's going on/some survival skills that are on the healthier side and I know I'll be able to get one onboard with me
I'm kinda perplexed that you think a city is the place to find a trad woman with survival skills.

They do a lot of hunting/farming in cities these days? Lot of chicken plucking??

Also, as a woman, this kinda comes off as you seeing us a livestock that needs selecting for your EOTWAWKI fantasy.

You'd probably be better off moving to a genuinely rural place, developing more land/farm based skills, & looking like a man that knows what he's doing & how to live removed from a city setting & genuinely attract a woman for your capacity to provide as a male.


Oct 5, 2014
Out of pure curiosity, I was today checking the "About" section of a new, millenial-start-up-type tech company whose HQs are in manhattan. The pictures of the employees said it all. Girls posing in a company picture as if they are trying to seduce you on instagram or tinder. Guys pale white, emaciated, these kind of glasses with wide black frames and totally looking lile the "soyboy hipster" prototype. Then some hindus, asians and blacks to give a sense of diversity. Etc.

The content of the website (the content is good) but it is completely permeated of that absurd IT hipster cliches like pizza, coffee, cats, dogs and empty motivational phrases and dopamineblunting graphics.

I imagined every person under 30 in Manhattan to be or trying to be like this prototype.

It must be really boring, empty and superficial living there.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Indiana could be good too.
I've been glancing at some maps:
1) Soils map
2) Drought vulnerable soils landscape map
3) Both overlaid
I can say from the experience of living in Indiana for 27 years that the soil is indeed excellent. The cost of living is pretty low as well. You can still find affordable farmable land within an hour of Indianapolis which is a medium sized city. I think we’re doing pretty good comparatively with the vax and mask madness. There’s vitamin D winter from October through March that’s a huge negative though.


Apr 19, 2020
Fair enough I for sure don't know your life story but also this:

" I don't want to kill an animal I raised and would rather do my own hunting in the wild for meat if it came down to it "

You don't seem emotionally cut out for the homesteading you're imagining man & any rural community member will be put off by you're inability to tend to the basic need of culling an animal.

Please know that during a severe food shortage you will not have the capacity to for hunt wild game for long.

Within 6 months of the Great depression 70% of wild game populations were wiped out, including fresh water fish, you couldn't even eat an possum if you desperately wanted to...

It's a real possibility, I'll grant you that but also... You think you're capable of coming to a rural area & just claiming some? In these vast tracts of wilderness you're imagining do you not think there are generations of families, ranchers, etc, that will absolutely already be not only utilizing these resources but willing to shoot City people just coming to claim it?

If you buy land before whatever happens you're actually a member of the community versus some guy who's thinking he's just gana start using up resources of an area he's not from.

Land ownership will always exist in the human mind. Even if the .gov takes it the people who owned it before that are still around will absolutely defend what's "theirs".

I get it but as a person who's been prepping for a very long time can I tell you a secret?

You also need to prepare for the world not ending as we know it.

Meaning, you literally don't want to live in a "wilderness situation"(is that what city dwellers think rural life is "the wilderness"?)so I mean it's gana suck when you end up "in the wilderness" & things didn't collapse.

But if it does happen...

You do know mass swaths of people exodus from cities when there's no more food right?

That they are the most concentrated in their desperation for food/resources actions within a 1-2 hour radius of any metropolitan area before the "herd" disperses into differing directions.

I'm kinda perplexed that you think a city is the place to find a trad woman with survival skills.

They do a lot of hunting/farming in cities these days? Lot of chicken plucking??

Also, as a woman, this kinda comes off as you seeing us a livestock that needs selecting for your EOTWAWKI fantasy.

You'd probably be better off moving to a genuinely rural place, developing more land/farm based skills, & looking like a man that knows what he's doing & how to live removed from a city setting & genuinely attract a woman for your capacity to provide as a male.
Word Up! Yo James, Listen to this woman. I would not have been so gentle. Read it over and over again. I have lived in various locations in Oregon, and Alaska, and she is obviously coming from experience.


Sep 10, 2019
Don’t put an unnecessary time limit on yourself. I’m not sure where in FL your family is moving, but Miami has some extremely beautiful women :)


Oct 5, 2014
I am wondering if this prepping fantasy of the civilization collapsing and having to survive in the woods is a subconcious manifestation of a same old myth : The christian scatologies of the first millenium. Or more recently some of those other small cults that predicted end of the world or the newcoming of Jesus in the 60s, 70s and 80s.

Happened before also on XIX century with the 7th day adventists for example.

These things have a strong weight on the collective US subconcious mind AFAIK.

+1 for Summer : James, chill down and enjoy life man. You seem like a cool young guy.

+1 I am no one : "be prepared for the thing to NOT happen"

+ 1 for Dolomite. If you like your family you will start to miss them sooner than you think.

Besides that, a gipsy fortune teller the other day told me the end is not near. I take her word for that. One of the other customers became very angry and started to throw bibles at her. Her dodging skills were even more impressive than her ability to read the crystal ball.
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Jan 11, 2019
I am wondering if this prepping fantasy of the civilization collapsing and having to survive in the woods is a subconcious manifestation of a same old myth : The christian scatologies of the first millenium. Or more recently some of those other small cults that predicted end of the world or the newcoming of Jesus in the 60s, 70s and 80s.

Happened before also on XIX century with the 7th day adventists for example.

These things have a strong weight on the collective US subconcious mind AFAIK.

+1 for Summer : James, chill down and enjoy life man. You seem like a cool young guy.

+1 I am no one : "be prepared for the thing to NOT happen"

+ 1 for Dolomite. If you like your family you will start to miss them sooner than you think.

Besides that, a gipsy fortune teller the other day told me the end is not near. I take her word for that. One of the other customers became very angry and started to throw bibles at her. Her dodging skills were even more impressive than her ability to read the crystal ball.
i also think a lot of people fantacise about living in the woods generally, but dont want to be seen as a crazy homeless person by society, so the whole end of the world thing offers a simple solution to said dissonance


Jun 22, 2021
Maybe the best solution is to always be on the move -- never live in any one place "permanently" or such. It costs money, but I don't think you need to be wealthy.
Yep - I actually had this idea initially, but I have a feeling the elites plan on making gas cars extinct by making gas impossible to afford long-term. I don't ever want an electric car because of the EMF I experience from being inside of a Tesla

James Gatz is a software engineer? Well, color me surprised. Considering your profession, and assuming you have a degree, why not just leave the country?
Yea that is a good idea but I don't know - when I meet people from any other country in the world in-person there always seems to be some level of disconnect during conversation I'm not sure how to explain it. I feel like I always want to be near Americans long-term

Go with your family to FL, keep saving your money and explore some other states. If you like your family, you might want to be fairly close to them in the long run.
Yea that is true. Deep Down I actually like Florida, but I also want to get serious about my future

@JamesGatz where in fl is your family looking to move?
The West Palm Beach/Wellington area - not too far from Epstein's old place or where Trump is staying.

Fair enough I for sure don't know your life story but also this:

" I don't want to kill an animal I raised and would rather do my own hunting in the wild for meat if it came down to it "

You don't seem emotionally cut out for the homesteading you're imagining man & any rural community member will be put off by you're inability to tend to the basic need of culling an animal.

Please know that during a severe food shortage you will not have the capacity to for hunt wild game for long.

Within 6 months of the Great depression 70% of wild game populations were wiped out, including fresh water fish, you couldn't even eat an possum if you desperately wanted to...

It's a real possibility, I'll grant you that but also... You think you're capable of coming to a rural area & just claiming some? In these vast tracts of wilderness you're imagining do you not think there are generations of families, ranchers, etc, that will absolutely already be not only utilizing these resources but willing to shoot City people just coming to claim it?

If you buy land before whatever happens you're actually a member of the community versus some guy who's thinking he's just gana start using up resources of an area he's not from.

Land ownership will always exist in the human mind. Even if the .gov takes it the people who owned it before that are still around will absolutely defend what's "theirs".

I get it but as a person who's been prepping for a very long time can I tell you a secret?

You also need to prepare for the world not ending as we know it.

Meaning, you literally don't want to live in a "wilderness situation"(is that what city dwellers think rural life is "the wilderness"?)so I mean it's gana suck when you end up "in the wilderness" & things didn't collapse.

But if it does happen...

You do know mass swaths of people exodus from cities when there's no more food right?

That they are the most concentrated in their desperation for food/resources actions within a 1-2 hour radius of any metropolitan area before the "herd" disperses into differing directions.

I'm kinda perplexed that you think a city is the place to find a trad woman with survival skills.

They do a lot of hunting/farming in cities these days? Lot of chicken plucking??

Also, as a woman, this kinda comes off as you seeing us a livestock that needs selecting for your EOTWAWKI fantasy.

You'd probably be better off moving to a genuinely rural place, developing more land/farm based skills, & looking like a man that knows what he's doing & how to live removed from a city setting & genuinely attract a woman for your capacity to provide as a male.
Well that may be true, but I am 110% certain society will not be suitable for living in 10 years. Electric cars blasting people with EMF, VR headsets blasting our skulls with EMF for hours a day, being forced to chow down whatever filth the elites decide are "food" for us, not to mention nearly all jobs will have been replaced by AI.

The future doesn't need poor/middle class people - this entire population is just waiting to die in about 10 years. If I am not "emotionally cut out" for homesteading then I guess I will become that over-time once the food supply is held hostage and I don't have much of a choice. I 100% believe it's possible to hunt for meat and avoid killing animals I'm using for eggs and milk

Out of pure curiosity, I was today checking the "About" section of a new, millenial-start-up-type tech company whose HQs are in manhattan. The pictures of the employees said it all. Girls posing in a company picture as if they are trying to seduce you on instagram or tinder. Guys pale white, emaciated, these kind of glasses with wide black frames and totally looking lile the "soyboy hipster" prototype. Then some hindus, asians and blacks to give a sense of diversity. Etc.

The content of the website (the content is good) but it is completely permeated of that absurd IT hipster cliches like pizza, coffee, cats, dogs and empty motivational phrases and dopamineblunting graphics.

I imagined every person under 30 in Manhattan to be or trying to be like this prototype.

It must be really boring, empty and superficial living there.

Yep exactly - Manhattan is a manifestation of everything evil = the men tend to be very low-androgens and lifeless husks that are just as compliant with these absurd rules as the women. The women here tend to be low-quality and the worst part is they genuinely believe they are high-quality because they live in NYC. Everyone here is just chronically sick and their personalities are all about the same NPC BS - I can't have a nice conversation with anyone here

Don’t put an unnecessary time limit on yourself. I’m not sure where in FL your family is moving, but Miami has some extremely beautiful women :)
Yea that is true - Florida definitely has some nice girls, but I feel like the girls in Florida tend to be "party girls" or women who are retired. I don't mind because I like having fun, but I also want to get serious about my future


Aug 17, 2016
Check out Indian Hammock.
Sporty families have weekenders there.
They have vast ranges and instructors. And skeet shooting. You will learn to shoot and hunt.

I got invited for a weekend there where my friends had a weekender. They recently sold it after there kids went off to college.


Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
The West Palm Beach/Wellington area - not too far from Epstein's old place or where Trump is staying.

W Palm Beach will have a lot of beautiful women. Of the worldly, superficial, vapid type IMO. A horrible place to be anywhere away from civilization. But it could serve as a nice base camp to explore other parts of FL. One thing to consider is intensive gardening like aquaponics. You could actually raise tilapia in S FL.


Aug 17, 2016
W Palm Beach will have a lot of beautiful women. Of the worldly, superficial, vapid type IMO. A horrible place to be anywhere away from civilization. But it could serve as a nice base camp to explore other parts of FL. One thing to consider is intensive gardening like aquaponics. You could actually raise tilapia in S FL.
Yeah, but Wellington has flocks of South American polo jockeys. Beautiful venezuelan girls, etc. The Polo club is actually in Wellington. The polo stars have mega-mansions on the residential grounds. They walk prize horses on the sidewalks with an entourage of latin beauties and stable hands.
You see, I'm raising James to be a gigolo. :lol:


Nov 14, 2013
Very true that's exactly what I had in mind - I plan on working remotely and starting with chickens and either goat/sheep only for milk purposes. I don't want to kill an animal I raised and would rather do my own hunting in the wild for meat if it came down to it
To keep a goat in milk they have to have kids, and the question then becomes, what do you do with the kids... Having diary animals almost inevitably means you will have to slaughter at some point or you will simply end up with an unsustainably large herd (and the billy goats will quickly become difficult to deal with) This is something I'm contemplating doing and I know that killing an animal is not what I want to do, but to have a sustainable supply of milk there is very little other choice. Not trying to put you off, just wanted to present a realistic view so that you can be prepared mentally.


Apr 28, 2018
Word Up! Yo James, Listen to this woman. I would not have been so gentle. Read it over and over again. I have lived in various locations in Oregon, and Alaska, and she is obviously coming from experience.
I tried to tell him as well. The desires and concepts listed are perhaps admirable, but not a match to reality in oh-so-many ways.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
To keep a goat in milk they have to have kids, and the question then becomes, what do you do with the kids... Having diary animals almost inevitably means you will have to slaughter at some point or you will simply end up with an unsustainably large herd (and the billy goats will quickly become difficult to deal with) This is something I'm contemplating doing and I know that killing an animal is not what I want to do, but to have a sustainable supply of milk there is very little other choice. Not trying to put you off, just wanted to present a realistic view so that you can be prepared mentally.

Another option is to sell goats you don't want to Mexicans
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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