Finally becoming immune to sunburn, here's how:

Apr 22, 2019
I went the longest time just doing raw meat, sometimes fattier cuts, but I finally did the butter with lean meat thing and wow. I find it incredibly palatable and digest even better. I dont have access to raw butter/dairy so never really gave the full primal a go but always find myself gravitating back towards raw meat.

I find it so vitalizing that it makes me notice what a drag the cooked meat is. Sure it's fun to scarf down a seasoned, soft, hot dish... But there's no mistaking the energetic difference.


Unfortunately, I’m tired of looking like a lardass, lol.
I do feel my best when I up my fat intake, however… I’m pale ginger, for what it’s worth.


Jun 19, 2017

Interesting. Noticed your refs to this herb (PL) only now. Apparently this herb offers sunburn protection due to its diverse phenol composition.

From the paper:
The chemical composition of PL has identified the following compounds: p-coumaric, chlorogenic, caffeic, ferulic and vanillic acids....
To study whether these could be responsible for the beneficial effects of the extract, their absorption rate was studied in vitro. Their absorption of the phenolic compounds was studied using Caco-2 cells in order to resemble the intestinal barrier. Their antioxidative capacity was evaluated by the luminol/H 2 O 2 assay. Finally, their metabolism was assessed using cultured primary rat hepatocytes. The most powerful antioxidants were ferulic and caffeic acids. The PL components increased the antioxidant capacity in a concentration-dependent manner.

The quoted above paper also contains a reference to :

Caffeic Acid Inhibits UVB-induced Inflammation and Photocarcinogenesis Through Activation of Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor-γ in Mouse Skin

From the Abstract:
UVB exposure for 10 consecutive days showed edema formation, increased lipid peroxidation and decreased antioxidant status with activation of inflammatory molecules such as TNF-α, IL-6, COX-2 and NF-κB. However, [caffeic acid] CA (15 mg per kg.b.wt.) administration before each UVB exposure decreased lipid peroxidation, inflammatory markers expression and enhanced antioxidant status probably through the activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARγ) in the mice skin. PPARγ is considered a potential target for photochemoprevention because it inhibits UVB-mediated inflammatory responses.

Both topical (CAT) and intraperitoneal (CAIP) treatment before each UVB exposure downregulates iNOS, VEGF, TGF-β, upregulates p53 and reduces tumors multiplicity in the mice skin.

Apparently caffeic acid is protective against different kinds of radiation. For example, compare with this thread:

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon

Ultraviolet B-Induced DNA Damage in Human Epidermis Is Modified by the Antioxidants Ascorbic Acid and D-α-Tocopherol



Jan 24, 2014
Texas USA
I'm pale, blond/red hair, blue eyes, with an orange tint and freckles on exposed skin. Probably not the palest human phenotype, but darn close. My habitually unexposed areas are translucent. I've lived my whole life between 10 and 33 degrees North, with occasional stints towards 0 and -25 degrees, so I'm exposed to UV indexes of 11+ every summer. I barely tan; the tannest I have ever been looks pasty even compared to my immediate family members.
Heres the thing: I've been sunburned about three times in my whole life, and only one was really memorable. With just a little bit of habituation / gradual exposure of my skin it seems like I can handle a pretty huge exposure without getting burned. I've always guzzled milk and enjoyed steak, dark chocolate, and eggs.
Sun burn-ability surely is a multifactorial issue involving circumstances, diet, and genetics, not to mention the imprecision of terms like "a lot" and "huge." But it seems like my experience might +1 your hypothesis about saturated fat protecting from sunburn.
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