My Prediction For The United States Presidential Election, 2016, Plus The Harshest Peat Quote Ever


Mar 29, 2014
The stupidity in the voting habits of the American population needs to be addressed.
Possibly the non-democratic nature and functioning of the US electoral/representation system could be part of the problem. And the US population haven't had an opportunity to have a say about that.

It's simple; vote ur guy in, then vote his fraternity in,
Most USers don't have a guy to vote for.
The only viable options in the current plutocracy are a couple of arms of the big business (including MIC) party.


Jun 21, 2015
I'm not an American myself but I know how politics work like the back of my hand. All the runners for president are pawns of Israel all they do is in favor of the jews cause they rule America. The only exception could be Trump. So it doesnt really matter who you vote for it will most likely be a puppet, just like every president after JFK has been.


Oct 11, 2015
miggie you might want to be a little more subtle with your wording around here
but yes you are correct


Jun 21, 2015
miggie you might want to be a little more subtle with your wording around here
but yes you are correct

Oh sorry, I wasn't aware it wasn't allowed on this forum, because it does have a conspiracy subforum after all. I know when it comes to that certain subgroup people get very touchy.


Oct 27, 2013
Possibly the non-democratic nature and functioning of the US electoral/representation system could be part of the problem. And the US population haven't had an opportunity to have a say about that.

Most USers don't have a guy to vote for.
The only viable options in the current plutocracy are a couple of arms of the big business (including MIC) party.

My issue was more geared towards the fact that it makes no sense for the US citizens to vote in someone, then a couple of months later, vote in a congressperson &/or senator from the other party, as this handcuffs the president from getting their initiatives through the house. If people voted properly, then every president would have the house vote for at least the first 2 years of presidency. If the president (& their platform) are messing things up, the 2 year mark would be the time to change the house, which would signal a change in presidency 2 years later. This rarely happens, as people tend to keep voting in the same house seats for long stretches like 20+ years, irrespective of which party president they voted for, which messes up the law process. It`s almost like there are 2 different groups of voters out there, one that votes for the president, and another group that votes for local representatives.


Oct 27, 2013
Oh sorry, I wasn't aware it wasn't allowed on this forum, because it does have a conspiracy subforum after all. I know when it comes to that certain subgroup people get very touchy.

At the highest order, you may be correct about who`s calling the shots, but the way you worded it would imply that the Jewish faith runs the show, which is incorrect. And pawn is probably not the best symbolism, I would imagine it`s more that US politicians are afraid to but heads with the money creators, using your example of JFK as a reference point. Once you get beyond who controls the money, there`s still lots of decisions made within the country that affect it`s citizen a great deal.


Sep 2, 2012
I'm not a big believer in a diet/philosophy connection to be honest. I haven't noticed any correlation over the years for my self personally with all the changes and experiments I've done. If anything good health makes me more right wing because I have a quicker mind and can defend my views more assertively. There's a lot of evidence that your political dispositions are hereditary to a certain extent (we are not blank slates). The connection between being libertarian/free thinking/open minded and Peat are probably in the reverse. People who are open minded will pursue alternative information and ways of thinking and are not be afraid to buck the status quo. I used to be pretty libertarian, but life experience and understanding the importance of heredity made me move on. Libertarianism is basically a quirky way of thinking that most people will never understand. Collective action and group identity is far more instinctive to humans than strong individualism.

In terms of Trump, I think he is a smart guy, and his simple speech patterns are intentional and very effective. Most Americans don't like politicians that equivocate and use language to obfuscate their true intentions, especially right now with the anti-establishment insurgency in both parties. Too many lawyers run for office (Obama,Clinton,Cruz). Last summer I put the odds of Trump winning the nomination 50-50 and then the presidency 50-50. Now it looks like 75% chance he will win the nomination and then I think it's still 50-50 he wins the presidency. If you really want to understand what he is doing I suggest reading the blog of the Dilbert creator Scott Adams, where he lays out the method to the madness. You'll realize Trunp is no dummy.

Ok, so more related to health I noticed a few things that stuck out to me.

Bush - On Paleo diet, takes vitamin D. Takes a statin, cholesterol of 146 which is low, probably lifelong low testosterone give how narrow his shoulders are. Choice of spouse a huge indication of low confidence/charisma in my opinion. The low energy hit from Trump was spot on.

Clinton - On Armour thyroid medication, antihistamines for seasonal allergies and Warfarin. Was treated for a stomach virus that caused double vision and a clot. Eats a diet of "lean protein, vegetables and fruit". Rumors of poor health, and from looking at her she looks to be in poor health. Trump's hit of "no strength, no stamina" keen imo.

Trump- Takes daily aspirin (81mg) and a low dose statin. Never smoked or drank in his life. Eats a ***t diet of American food. In one interview he said he just eats what he wants because there is so much conflicting nutritional advice out there. Averages about 4 hrs of sleep his whole life. He seems to have a lot of energy, and everyone that knows him says he is a very hard worker. Has fathered 5 kids with 3 women and known as a bit of a womanizer. His throwback alpha male persona is a large part of his appeal in my opinion, and probably indicates good health, or at least high androgens.

Sanders- health report says "normal thyroid" but who knows what they consider normal. Takes t4 medication and indomethacin (NSAID). Fasting glucose of 94. Has been treated for gout, hypothyroidism, skin tumors, among other conditions.

Carson, Fiorina- both survived cancer.

So not surprisingly a lot of the candidates have thyroid issues, especially the two candidates in the democratic party. Does being hypothyroid make you seek the comfort of the government taking care of everything versus the more robust individualism of American tradition? Who knows, but it's interesting to speculate.

Health reports-
Sanders -
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May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I will not be voting as no current candidate is suitable for me but here's my prediction nonetheless:

The "Super Tuesday" primaries on March 1, 2016 will sum it up. Assuming that either one of them don't have any dirty laundry that squeaks out, Trump will win the Republican nomination and Clinton will win the Democratic nomination. On November 8, 2016, Clinton will win the election. She will win the same states Obama won both times with the exceptions of Virginia, Indiana and North Carolina. (Obama lost IN and NC in 2012 but still won VA) Remember, it's the purple states that matter. Clinton will win Florida, Iowa, Colorado, and Ohio. Even if Trump takes Virginia and Indiana, and NC, it's still not enough for him to win the election. As far as their VP's, I don't think it matters much. Sanders will not win the Democratic nomination. If he's her VP, it's irrelevant.

I think it's an absolute joke that Donald Trump, the guy from the reality TV show from over a decade ago "The Apprentice" is the GOP's nominee. If you had told people back then that in 2016 he will be the nominee you would have been laughed out of the room. Now it's real. It's quite frightening actually. Trump's not smart enough to be the commander in chief, to have the power to start wars at the push of a button. Imagine Trump sitting and talking with Putin and Jinping. What a joke. He inherited his money. Trump represents a fleeting culture. He's a good ol' American, 1950's style, when the US was the empire of the world. He just makes middle-aged and elderly white people, and some pro-white non-whites, feel better about themselves. He's the Hulk Hogan, Taylor Swift, McDonalds and all-American Apple Pie superhero with a bit of old school wannabe NYC gangster thrown in. But, Hillary ain't no day at the beach either. I'm not happy with the reality of both her or Trump being president. They both suck.

You will try to paint me as a leftist, but I assure you, I am not a leftist. I no longer consider myself a leftist after what these crazy people have done with liberalism:

"Illiberal Progressives"

And I'm certainly not a conservative in the current form as well. They think that the only 6,000 year old Earth is theirs to rape and pillage for all of its dwindling resources, among many other stupid things. That's not conservative at all.

Ray Peat gets it. We keep electing people that are not addressing and acting on the real issues:

Q: "In consideration of all the things that diminish health and our well-being such as adulteration of the food supply, oppressive schooling, stressful jobs, stressful relationships, Wi-Fi, exposure to radiation, pesticides, not getting enough light, vaccinations, water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, low carb diets, over-exercising, drugs, hectic schedules … essentially a slew of things that human beings have never faced before en masse, what is the world going to look like in ten years in terms of the toll on the population from all these stressors?"

A: "If we extrapolate the curves for Alzheimer’s disease and obesity, it looks very bad, but things could change quickly if people shifted their energy from destructive to constructive ends. If people who refuse to talk about the real issues keep getting elected, then maybe the US population will become too fat and too stupid to keep destroying the world, setting an example for the other “advanced” countries." - Ray Peat

:shock: Harshest Peat quote ever (the part in red). ... -ray-peat/

"In a society that chooses to destroy ecosystems, rather than adapting to them, the question of sanity should be an everyday political issue." - Ray Peat

By the way, to all of you Trump lovers on here lately, look at Peat's answer to question number 7 on that page. An endormsent of the Occupy movement by Peat...Trump is Wall Street.

Here's what my prediction map looks like:

Make your own at: 2016 Presidential Election Interactive Map

So you think Trump isn't "smart enough"? And you think Obama is any smarter?

Trump may speak in colloquialisms and a working class tongue but believe me that has little correlation with intelligence. The man graduated at the top of his class and grew a 10 billion dollar empire out of one million dollars, that certainly grants him a praiseworthy amount of business and negotiating experience, amongst many other beneficial political qualities.


Apr 18, 2016
So you think Trump isn't "smart enough"? And you think Obama is any smarter?

Trump may speak in colloquialisms and a working class tongue but believe me that has little correlation with intelligence. The man graduated at the top of his class and grew a 10 billion dollar empire out of one million dollars, that certainly grants him a praiseworthy amount of business and negotiating experience, amongst many other beneficial political qualities.

Come on dude, do a tiny bit of research before you regurgitate that Trump self made man claim.


Sep 16, 2014
Peat's preferred candidate was Bernie Sanders as he said in one of the recent Ask your herb doctors podcasts.


May 3, 2015
At this stage Trump should win.

The polls put Trump 6% behind but these do not consider that:

1) The media has so demonized Trump that some electors will hide their intention to vote for Trump.

2) Trump isn't politically correct. He tells it like he sees it. He has said things no other candidate dared to say. He appeals to people who haven't voted for many elections. These people will not show up in polls.

3) Democrats being Statists are more likely to tell pollsters their intentions. Republicans are more likely to say 'mind your own business'.


Mar 1, 2016
I live in Canada- probaly one of the most liberal/leftist countries in the world but if I lived in the United States I would vote for Trump in a heartbeat. Hillary is a war mongering globalist. She would love to go to war with Russia or to keep kicking the hornets nest in the middle east- scattering islamic refugees into every other country but their own. Her donors are all the big banks, pharma companies, and most major media outlets.

Peat's preferred candidate was Bernie Sanders as he said in one of the recent Ask your herb doctors podcasts.
Bernie is way too passive to run a country. If Putin confronted him he would pee his pants.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Are you going to refute it with evidence?
He can't. Typical liberal fairy tale talking points to try and destroy the character of a man and make it look like he is not able.

In 1995 the New York Times themselves said Donald Trump is the "Comeback King". It does not say Donald Trump and some other mythical person held his hand because he was not able to self make himself.

Crowning the Comeback King
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Jul 20, 2014
At this stage Trump should win.

The polls put Trump 6% behind but these do not consider that:

1) The media has so demonized Trump that some electors will hide their intention to vote for Trump.

2) Trump isn't politically correct. He tells it like he sees it. He has said things no other candidate dared to say. He appeals to people who haven't voted for many elections. These people will not show up in polls.

3) Democrats being Statists are more likely to tell pollsters their intentions. Republicans are more likely to say 'mind your own business'.

The polls themselves are mostly exercises in educating helplessness. They're intentionally skewed toward HRC by over sampling demographics that tend to go that way, whether that's intended to stop people voting for Trump (because there's no point), or whether they simply want to literally steal the election through fraud and are creating polls to match up with their outcome, well we'll soon see.


Apr 18, 2016
He can't. Typical liberal fairy tale talking points to try and destroy the character of a man and make it look like he is not able.

In 1995 the New York Times themselves said Donald Trump is the "Comeback King". It does not say Donald Trump and some other mythical person held his hand because he was not able to self make himself.

Crowning the Comeback King

Talking about fairy tales? "Growing a 10 billion dollar empire out of a 1 million dollar loan". Thats a fairy tale.

And im not a liberal. Id rather the entire government go down in flames, which is probably what will happen regardless of who wins.
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