
Jan 25, 2014
Well the problem is they did boil the frog for all these years and the frog is dead.

Don't believe me? Go to the grocery store without a mask and someone some do-gooder will say something because youre outside breathing air as nature intended us to do and wouldn't you know it, youre killing people in the process.

The cat is out of the bag and covid has a 99.9% survival rate and the whole country is still wearing their filthy masks that breed germs. The whole country except for some rural areas is still accepting being locked down for a virus that most people need to take a test (a flawed test) to find out if they have it.

Caucasian people willing accept programming telling them they are evil racists just by virtue of being Caucasian. My wife who does er medicine had to go through racial bias training because African Americans suffer from medical ailments more than Caucasians like prostate cancer and its root cause is racist medical practitioners according to the government.

Every time I apply for a job i am asked what my skin color is.... And people willing tolerate it.

The frog died a long time ago. Now they have their coveted 1 party rule and they are going drop nuclear bomb after nuclear bomb and then finish off the survivors with napalm.

They are trying to remove Ted Cruz from office for saying the government should look into the concerns of 80 million Americans about the election.

And to top it off, if you protest against democrats and protest peacefully for trump, well they are going to call you a domestic terrorist. 20,000 troops in DC and barbed wire for a virtual inauguration.... That's a clear signal to those 80 million trump voters that they are in charge now so back the hell off and go back home and sit in your living room till they say you can go outside. I live in a state of 10 million and there are not 2000 police on patrol at any given moment.

They just deputized 2000 soldiers in DC so as they are now under the control of the liberal police and can be ordered by the "police" rather than the military. That out to scare the ***t out of people but its just another day.


None of the things you mention suggest that "the frog is dead" in the analogy, merely that the heat has gotten high, or to get back to the real world, that the conspiracy has moved pretty far along. That would make sense, since the modern version of the conspiracy has been going on for 250 years.

The plan was not to reveal themselves until victory was assured. That hasn't happened yet, truthfully, it's still about 20-30 years off. But maybe too many people were waking up too quickly, and the 393 million guns in America are a big problem. If they wanted to go the nuclear route, and wait out the radiation in DUMBS, they could have done that decades ago. Something like the Neutron bomb (that destroys people, but leaves buildings and infrastructure) would likely be preferred.

And as for the 20,000+ NG troops in DC...... do you know who has control over them?

The D.C National Guard was formed in 1802 by President Thomas Jefferson to defend the newly created District of Columbia. As such, the Commanding General of the D.C. National Guard is subordinate solely to the President of the United States. This authority to activate the D.C. National Guard has been delegated, by the President, to the Secretary of Defense and further delegated to the Secretary of the Army. The D.C. National Guard is the only National Guard unit, out of all of the 54 states and territories, which reports only to the President.

Maybe Trump really did catch all of the swamp. He built a prison and dispatched an army (of which he has total control) to protect a TV Show. Yeah, the 4D Chess meme is overused, but right here, Trump is setting up a siege, and no one even seems to realize it.


Jun 20, 2015
A year ago, if I had seen an article like that on MSM I would have just rolled my eyes and assumed it was just schizophrenic journalists writing in a state of SSRI withdrawal. Yet, here it is and it is not an isolated news item. After an entire year of mocking, vilifying, arresting, doxxing, cancelling, etc of people who were saying all along lockdowns will decimate the country, Cuomo is now singing that same song. Namely, if NY does not reopen ASAP the economic devastation would be so complete there will be nothing left to reopen. Just a week ago, Cuomo was foaming at the mouth then asked when NY will reopen and said that considering the skyrocketing infection rate numbers, and the very low vaccination rates, reopening even in 2022 was actually an optimistic goal. As @Drareg and @tankasnowgod pointed out a few months ago, this whole thing is now about to be over (as if it never happened) as soon as the election is done and powers that be got their guy installed as President. Even the vaccine may turn out to be a very small piece of the political puzzle. Yes, a lot of companies/people will get rich off of it and it is a nice "gig" for people like Gates, but it is not really a factor in reopening anything. California already put a recall on the ballot, because Newsom messed things up beyond belief. I am not sure why the same is not already under way in NY too...
What a travesty this world has become!

"...New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said Monday that the state must start reopening its economy despite most New Yorkers not having received a coronavirus vaccination, saying that there will be “nothing left to open” otherwise....New York currently does not allow gatherings of more than ten people at private residences. Indoor dining at restaurants is limited and even prohibited in some areas with higher positivity rates."

@Regina @boris @Giraffe @yerrag
I will be happy for you guys over there if the States reopen but ... Won't they come round the corner with a new even more dangerous mutation? In Germany they are currently talking about a "mega lockdown" and a "zero covid" policy. I have seen our politicians and health authorities make so many 180° turns, I won't ever again believe anything they say.
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Jun 20, 2015
Sure, they had a crystal ball every time. It wasn't planned at all. :hilarious:
I believe that there are very powerful people with utterly sick intentions, and they plan long-term. I do think however that a lot (not everything) of what is going on today is opportunism. And when I look at the pet "experts" of the government in my country, and the chief pharma lobbyist (aka minister of health), and the head of the Robert Koch Institute (German CDC) and how they constantly contradict themselves, I get the feeling that they are improvising quite a bit.


Oct 19, 2020

None of the things you mention suggest that "the frog is dead" in the analogy, merely that the heat has gotten high, or to get back to the real world, that the conspiracy has moved pretty far along. That would make sense, since the modern version of the conspiracy has been going on for 250 years.

The plan was not to reveal themselves until victory was assured. That hasn't happened yet, truthfully, it's still about 20-30 years off. But maybe too many people were waking up too quickly, and the 393 million guns in America are a big problem. If they wanted to go the nuclear route, and wait out the radiation in DUMBS, they could have done that decades ago. Something like the Neutron bomb (that destroys people, but leaves buildings and infrastructure) would likely be preferred.

And as for the 20,000+ NG troops in DC...... do you know who has control over them?

Maybe Trump really did catch all of the swamp. He built a prison and dispatched an army (of which he has total control) to protect a TV Show. Yeah, the 4D Chess meme is overused, but right here, Trump is setting up a siege, and no one even seems to realize it.
I don't think they care about 390 million hunting rifles and 9mm pistols. The police might care because we're equally armed and outnumber then, but the military doesn't need to fight a ground war..... not with helicopters and drones. Drones have decimated overseas terrorists. All you do n is kill the leaders and the rest b give up.

This whole scheme would not have worked 12 years ago.

Now with the massive influx of illegal and legal people from other countries they are bringing their socialist governments with them and diluting the pool of patriots. Which is why 20 years ago denocrats flipped on illegal aliens and now want as many as possible but only if they're from Nicaragua or Mexico..... notice they don't want illegal people from Poland! Those people get deported.

Did you know 73% of all commercials with couples are of a caucasian married to an African American and if there are kids then the kids a predominantly African American? You don't see a black and white married with white kids, they're always black. What's that about??? AA are 13% of the population and per television every AA person in America is married to caucasian in order to get to 73%. I'm not a racist and you can marry whoever but sonething is rotten in Denmark...... real life only like 1 or 2% of couples are mixed. I'm not racist but I've seen people blasted as racist for just pointing out that some kind of attempt at programming today's youth into (which is who tbe target is) mixed race couples is under way. 20 years ago this would not have happened.

Yes the troops in DC are under military control but the 2000 that were depilutizrd are not under military control. And guess who runs the military Wednesday morning.... not the good guys. So b you've got 2000 troops under control of the "police" while keeping their military tools and weapons. There is a law or provision in the constitution that's supposed to forbid that.

And what are conservatives told to do by Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson and other so called leaders of the movement. Don't protest. Do go home and let the system fix itself. Go home and vote. But nooo don't protest.

The last 20 years was the final death throws of being boiled alive slowly

This covid nonsense has taught Americans to comply and shut up. Hence a virus with better odds of surviving than the flu has people scared into masks and giving up their jobs.


I believe that there are very powerful people with utterly sick intentions, and they plan long-term. I do think however that a lot (not everything) of what is going on today is opportunism. And when I look at the pet "experts" of the government in my country, and the chief pharma lobbyist (aka minister of health), and the head of the Robert Koch Institute (German CDC) and how they constantly contradict themselves, I get the feeling that they are improvising quite a bit.
Oh sure, I don't doubt there are opportunistic things that come about. That is what parasites do after all. That's all for the details as they go along. But the main skeleton of the agendas, those are so far in advanced planned out it would make your head spin. But this is their calling: ritual, planning, symbolism. They created the calendar as we know it. They pushed for the English as we know it now. All intentional. It was a long drawn out plan to ensure their language and their occultism is in full force. It pleases them.


Jan 25, 2014
I don't think they care about 390 million hunting rifles and 9mm pistols. The police might care because we're equally armed and outnumber then, but the military doesn't need to fight a ground war..... not with helicopters and drones. Drones have decimated overseas terrorists. All you do n is kill the leaders and the rest b give up.

This whole scheme would not have worked 12 years ago.

Now with the massive influx of illegal and legal people from other countries they are bringing their socialist governments with them and diluting the pool of patriots. Which is why 20 years ago denocrats flipped on illegal aliens and now want as many as possible but only if they're from Nicaragua or Mexico..... notice they don't want illegal people from Poland! Those people get deported.

Did you know 73% of all commercials with couples are of a caucasian married to an African American and if there are kids then the kids a predominantly African American? You don't see a black and white married with white kids, they're always black. What's that about??? AA are 13% of the population and per television every AA person in America is married to caucasian in order to get to 73%. I'm not a racist and you can marry whoever but sonething is rotten in Denmark...... real life only like 1 or 2% of couples are mixed. I'm not racist but I've seen people blasted as racist for just pointing out that some kind of attempt at programming today's youth into (which is who tbe target is) mixed race couples is under way. 20 years ago this would not have happened.

Yes the troops in DC are under military control but the 2000 that were depilutizrd are not under military control. And guess who runs the military Wednesday morning.... not the good guys. So b you've got 2000 troops under control of the "police" while keeping their military tools and weapons. There is a law or provision in the constitution that's supposed to forbid that.

And what are conservatives told to do by Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson and other so called leaders of the movement. Don't protest. Do go home and let the system fix itself. Go home and vote. But nooo don't protest.

The last 20 years was the final death throws of being boiled alive slowly

This covid nonsense has taught Americans to comply and shut up. Hence a virus with better odds of surviving than the flu has people scared into masks and giving up their jobs.
Whatevs, dude.

Things are bad, sure. Quit trying to make them out like they are the worst in history.

Things were worse under Stalin. They were worse under Mao. They were worse under Lenin.

Hell, things were worse under FDR-

It's interesting that some of the most knowledgeable in the Freedom movement are those who have spent time in prison.

What American's were complying with the Mask Mandates? Probably wasn't a lot of crossover with the gun owners.

You can't even think logically. "Guess who runs the military Wednesday..." Well, if Trump is indeed setting up a siege and capture, that would either be Trump or some high ranking officer in the military that he trusts, not Biden. Trump's given you every sign he's planning something (remember, those 20,000 NG are under his control NOW), and you keep thinking he's going to do nothing because apparently, he didn't take his Oath to the Presidency seriously, and isn't willing to fight an insurrection when he sees one. If he isn't....... why would he set up all those troops just to hand over control to his enemy?

Oh, and last I checked, 20,000 is about 10 times the size of 2,000. Being that the higher number is well trained, and the lower number is recently "deputized," I know who I'd bet on, and it ain't the smaller number of poorly trained individuals.

Anyway, just two days now, again, I will wait two days before swallowing any black pills. You can continue to gulp them down, despite facts that don't even support your doomed ideas.


Oct 19, 2020
Whatevs, dude.

Things are bad, sure. Quit trying to make them out like they are the worst in history.

Things were worse under Stalin. They were worse under Mao. They were worse under Lenin.

Hell, things were worse under FDR-

It's interesting that some of the most knowledgeable in the Freedom movement are those who have spent time in prison.

What American's were complying with the Mask Mandates? Probably wasn't a lot of crossover with the gun owners.

You can't even think logically. "Guess who runs the military Wednesday..." Well, if Trump is indeed setting up a siege and capture, that would either be Trump or some high ranking officer in the military that he trusts, not Biden. Trump's given you every sign he's planning something (remember, those 20,000 NG are under his control NOW), and you keep thinking he's going to do nothing because apparently, he didn't take his Oath to the Presidency seriously, and isn't willing to fight an insurrection when he sees one. If he isn't....... why would he set up all those troops just to hand over control to his enemy?

Oh, and last I checked, 20,000 is about 10 times the size of 2,000. Being that the higher number is well trained, and the lower number is recently "deputized," I know who I'd bet on, and it ain't the smaller number of poorly trained individuals.

Anyway, just two days now, again, I will wait two days before swallowing any black pills. You can continue to gulp them down, despite facts that don't even support your doomed ideas.

Lol trump setting up a siege. The Grey aliens are helping I'm sure.
Whatever yourself dude.
Keep waiting for your kraken, it's probably going to be here by tomorrow morning.


There will be no siege. There might be a play-act for all to watch but Trump is not some savior. He was placed for a particular reason, as an element of chaos. This is built into the occultism when broken down. The Capitol hill nonsense was a show too, a reenactment in fact. Of course you have your useful idiots who pad the undertaking; they add to realism.
Trump is a wealthy Jesuit educated elite. He represented division and chaos and that's exactly how it unfolded or is still unfolding. They bank on the average citizen imploring "my team vs yours! "


Jan 9, 2019
Speaking of boiling frogs, imagine the cook giving the frogs a recipe on what he plans to do with them. Before and during. The ones who listen are labeled conspiracy frogs. "Hide" in plain sight seems to be a fetish for these folks, including the subject of this thread.

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