What would happen if i become totally socially and sexually celibate? also the idea of “relaxed manic” state in perpetuity


May 21, 2015
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Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
it's hopeless because it's a religious argument and I'll never win an argument with a True Believer.
i do not know if you included my questions into this,if you did,i am not religious.i asked you to clarify your claims


Jun 7, 2016
Only because men are forced to develop these characteristics under our current cultural structure.. The rejection of companionship between men, the enforced rigid sexuality used to promote the endless growth model that our civilization follows, yet can't sustain without violence. The shaming and promotion of subjective concepts like "masculinity", this infectious use of language digging into every fabric of their lives.

Solitude is a blessing, but people need more than that to thrive, and men are not excluded from this regardless of what some old "stoic" says.
Yeah men have been excluded from society but shouldn’t be its true, certainly a trade off and not ideal. Philosophers recognise the problems and try to find solutions or ways to live with it, The stuff I read was only written last century by a pessimist and not sure about the other but would have all been influenced by the Greek stoics.
Nov 21, 2015
i do not know if you included my questions into this,if you did,i am not religious.i asked you to clarify your claims

religious means faith-based beliefs. When someone advocates not ejaculating, no orgasms, no masturbation, no partner sex, that is a religious belief. Even if they are an atheist regarding "God" they have a religion.


Jan 22, 2021
Sex is just a tool for species survival, based on metabolism state.

Severely damaged metabolisms won't have or desire any sex, they are done.

Unhealthy metabolisms will crave sex, as death is near and reproduction is a urgency, why do kids reach puberty so early nowadays? Why are people so hypersexual nowadays?

Healthy metabolism will have moderate, sometimes low sex drive, as they live longer and the need for reproduction isn't a big urgency.

The more advanced species are, the more child-like they become, look at how chimp babies strongly resemble humans, who are more "advanced".




Jun 7, 2016
Sex is just a tool for species survival, based on metabolism state.

Severely damaged metabolisms won't have or desire any sex, they are done.

Unhealthy metabolisms will crave sex, as death is near and reproduction is a urgency, why do kids reach puberty so early nowadays? Why are people so hypersexual nowadays?

Healthy metabolism will have moderate, sometimes low sex drive, as they live longer and the need for reproduction isn't a big urgency.

The more advanced species are, the more child-like they become, look at how chimp babies resemble humans.


It’s been argued that when men are at the point of copulation, that children is the last thing on their mind, that it is not as primitive and simple as reproduction, it’s not the driving force but something else, something higher.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
religious means faith-based beliefs. When someone advocates not ejaculating, no orgasms, no masturbation, no partner sex, that is a religious belief. Even if they are an atheist regarding "God" they have a religion.
i do not know if you incude my comments into this,if you do,i did not advocate any of these things,i questioned some of your dubious claims you are the one that made religious statements if thats your definition of religious


Jan 22, 2021
It’s been argued that when men are at the point of copulation, that children is the last thing on their mind, that it is not as primitive and simple as reproduction, it’s not the driving force but something else, something higher.
Of course they don't think about it, it's not a logical approach, but instinctive.


Jun 22, 2021
Sex is just a tool for species survival, based on metabolism state.

Severely damaged metabolisms won't have or desire any sex, they are done.

Unhealthy metabolisms will crave sex, as death is near and reproduction is a urgency, why do kids reach puberty so early nowadays? Why are people so hypersexual nowadays?

Healthy metabolism will have moderate, sometimes low sex drive, as they live longer and the need for reproduction isn't a big urgency.

The more advanced species are, the more child-like they become, look at how chimp babies strongly resemble humans, who are more "advanced".


I agree - I think this state accurately defines the different approaches men and women have to sex.

I think women tend to be higher-dopamine/healthy metabolism so as a result - they view sex as a tool of pleasure.

They don't "need" sex, but they are open to sex if the demands are met

As a better way to say it - women don't tend to be starving for sex - they usually are looking to be stimulated/won over - hence why most men have to jump through hoops/conduct XYZ ceremonies - they aren't just "ready" to have sex and require a lot of mental stimulation to make the act of sex meaningful to them.

As an example - the movies that women tend to be into are more of an intense fantasy (i.e. 50 shades of grey) - If we notice in women fantasies - it tends to be very detail-oriented and everything is set to strive for "perfection" - I think in a healthier metabolic state, one doesn't think of sex every active second and needs to be stimulated accordingly. They have sex for pleasure, rather than with the intent to have children.


I think given that most men in modern society tend to be stressed/in a survival state - we see exactly what you stated - They are starved to sex and have a strong urge to reproduce immediately. They aren 't really focused on moving slowly, being properly stimulated or aren't as detail-oriented about the act as women are.

I think the fact that baby primates resemble humans strongly signals how stressed people have become in modern society. As a baby we have flat faces and in a healthy environment we continue to grow into forward-grown faces and healthy faces/bodies ideal for metabolism and function. But humans in modern society don' t have anywhere near the forward growth of animals anymore - our jaws are nowhere near as growing as big as primates, dogs, or any animal species in the wild. I think a healthier person would actually look more like a primate, dog, or any animal that tends to have healthy forward growth.


Our ancestors who tended to be much healthier and more "in tune with nature" certainly seem to resemble animals a lot more than modern humans​


Feb 1, 2022
Hello @noodlecat, this is actually my first comment on this forum, and I have to say I really resonate with what you are saying. I think it’s difficult for a lot of people to understand what this state of mind feels like, because quite simply, there aren’t that many truly sensitive people on earth today. Which doesn’t at all make non sensitive other people “bad”. They are equally important out there in the world. This is not a discussion of morality which is weird to me that anyone started to talk about it from that point of view. Anyways, I couldn’t agree with you more in that I feel entirely better as a person with limited social interaction and for the the first time since I was a teenager (am now 32), I have basically no desire for sex or a relationship. I don’t enjoy shopping excessively anymore, and I pretty much keep to myself other than my close family like you said. These parts of life always sort of made me crazy and very unfocused and ungrounded in the past. Now, I am recovering from some pretty severe health issues, but I am almost thankful for the downfall, because it’s helped me to become extremely clear on what I do and do not want in my life, and also what takes me away from myself. It kind of sounds like what you are saying. For me, the best feeling in the world is being grounded, feeling vitality for the sake of vitality, not having that vitality and warmth need to “go” anywhere like sex or excessive socialization, or material longing. I guess the most wordly place it wants to go would be exercise but even then for me that means hiking in nature or riding my bike. I mentioned the sensitive person thing because all throughout history we have seen artistic types of souls gravitate towards living a lifestyle free of these things that other people really feel and value as important and a sign of health. It just goes to show we are all different and not everything comes down to “if your metabolism is good, you’ll be and act like ___________.” SO, right on to your loner lifestyle, which absolutely doesn’t mean lonely!!!!! You’re not “alone”, LOL.


Jan 22, 2021
I think the fact that baby primates resemble humans strongly signals how stressed people have become in modern society. As a baby we have flat faces and in a healthy environment we continue to grow into forward-grown faces and healthy faces/bodies ideal for metabolism and function. But humans in modern society don' t have anywhere near the forward growth of animals anymore - our jaws are nowhere near as growing as big as primates, dogs, or any animal species in the wild. I think a healthier person would actually look more like a primate, dog, or any animal that tends to have healthy forward growth.

Our ancestors who tended to be much healthier and more "in tune with nature" certainly seem to resemble animals a lot more than modern humans​
Chimpanzees are just easier to assimilate, but pretty much every newborn species will resemble humans to some extent, because their naturally high metabolisms and bigger craniums/brains in relation to face and body.


Children naturally have good and harmonious facial structure, usually the uglyness/recession from bad environment starts when puberty kicks in and death/ageing hormones skyrocket.



Mar 30, 2020
I feel really great on nofap, and my life becomes 'magical' after a while. I feel so confident and unstoppable.

Every once in awhile I get this 'knowing' feeling that I should ejaculate, however. It's when my brain feels 'tight' from being focused too much. I'm experimenting with releasing only when I physically 'need' to. I think that's a healthy balance. It's been interesting to learn to really listen to my body properly, after mostly living in my head all my life. I think being purely abstinent creates too much rigidity (for me, at least), and mental energy starts to go towards abstinence itself instead of where it should be going (following passions; living life to the fullest).

But whatever works for you!


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
The Coolidge-Effect

In experiments with rats it has been observed that after vigorous copulation with a new partner, male rats soon completely ignore this partner, but when a new female is introduced, they immediately are revitalized - at least sufficiently to become sexually active once more. This can be repeated again and again until the male rat is completely exhausted.
This phenomenon has been called the “Coolidge Effect” after an American president. On a visit to a farm his wife had been shown a rooster who could copulate with his hens all day-long day after day. She liked that idea and asked the farmer to let the president know about this. After hearing it, President Coolidge thought for a moment and asked: ”Does he do that with the same hen?” “No, Sir” answered the farmer. “Please tell that to Mrs. Coolidge” said the president (http://www.reuniting.info/science/coolidge_effect).

Not only has the Coolidge effect been observed in all tested male animals, but also in females. Female rodents for instance flirt more and present themselves more attractively when observed by new males than in the presence of males with whom they had already sex.

Another experiment indicates that the cause of this effect may be a rush of dopamine. When rats were taught to pull a lever to stimulate their own reward center, they would forgo eating and copulating, and just continue to stimulate themselves until they were totally exhausted.​


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Karezza is a spiritual way of making love; basically it is a love meditation. This has many personal and relationship benefits but at present it has also the potential of transforming our society from a crumbling capitalist system based on greed to a new world order based on compassion and cooperation.

Karezza is a gentle, affectionate form of intercourse in which orgasm is not the goal, and ideally does not occur in either partner while making love. Karezza gained its name from Alice Bunker Stockham, MD at the end of the nineteenth century. She based the name on the Italian word carezza, meaning “caress.”

Stockham was initially inspired by the work of John Humphrey Noyes, who taught a concept he called, Male Continence, in which men opt to avoid ejaculation when conception is not desired. However, Stockham encouraged both partners to pass up orgasm, insisting that the practice is neither “male” nor “female.”

Although Stockham and, later, J. William Lloyd, MD both wrote books about Karezza (available free at this site), readers often observe that the descriptions of the actual practice seem vague. This is because technique is virtually immaterial. It’s a practice about not doing, about getting your goal-driven mammalian mating program out of the way long enough to fall into a state of relaxed union. It’s more of an experience than a practice. As a result, each couple has a slightly different tale to tell.

During a lengthy period of perfect control, the whole being of each is merged into the other, and an exquisite exaltation experienced. This may be accompanied by a quiet motion, entirely under subordination of the will, so that the thrill of passion for either may not go beyond a pleasurable exchange.

Our emphasis is on affection, and we stay well away from the edge of orgasm. If we sense ourselves slipping into performance mode while making love, we pull ourselves back into relaxation with deeper, longer breaths. This relaxes our abdominal breathing and reverses the increase in muscular tension and the urge to restrict breathing that coincide with the buildup to orgasm.​


Aug 9, 2019
You will regret this. Let’s stop glorifying being a loser and assign a higher meaning to inceldom and walking out of society. Such a defeatist mindset.
Do you realise how low are you on the dominance hierarchy to have this kind of thinking? You should be angry about it.


Jan 30, 2021
Sounds like spiritual growth to me. Whether you choose to "ejaculate on purpose" really is your choice. I would think those with high T would have a big problem with this and (might) guess that your T is no longer driving you to it. Over the last two years of isolation, many of us became much more comfortable just being by ourselves; and if you can achieve peace in whatever way, go for it. I have been delighted that my social activities started up again, but for me those activities are nearly 100% playing in community musical groups where we all have known each other for many years and just being together doing what we do is a great pleasure. However, that's basically all the "socializing" I'm doing other than one or two close friends whom I either see in person or talk on the phone. Me and my two cats for now, and frankly if I had not made the commitment to the cats, it's likely I'd get a small motor home or travel trailer and just hit the road like so many have done, out being a vagabond. Nothing wrong with enjoying your work either. So many do not.
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