Is this forum Highjacked?


Jul 29, 2014
On the contrary, we're here because we learn from one another because we have much to gain from it.

Right. It's a place to discuss and learn. Bounce ideas off each other. Theorize. I come to the forum because I find it fun (shocking, I know). It should be fun right?

p.s. I was going to unwatch this thread, but can't help myself reading through the posts. I find it entertaining to see the different takes on the OP. And thank God is the RPF, and not FB nor Twitter and their censor-happy ways.

Haha, I couldn't help myself either.... I also found the different viewpoints entertaining. I'd read one view and think "that's not a bad point" and then som one replying to that and I'd think "well, they have a good point too".

I'd like to see more calm and collected good old-fashioned basic politeness here. Walking on eggshells writing here.

I wouldn't mind this either. I do however sometimes appreciate people who "tell it like it is" even if they come across as rude. I'm Canadian, and think of myself as polite (most of the time). I lived in Boston for a couple years and people there seem to be "loud and proud" and are not afraid to just say whatever they want (this is my experience anyway). At first I found it very off-putting but I started to appreciate it in its own way. There is some kind of balance I suppose that is optimal. Too much politeness can be problematic and vice versa.

And yet again I am wishy washy with my POV lol

But this forum is obviously not the place for intelligent conversation and debate any more.

I'm not sure it is fair to paint the whole forum this way. There are lots of good posters here still.


Jan 25, 2014
But this forum is obviously not the place for intelligent conversation and debate any more.
No wonder almost all the old timers that used to engage in very interesting debates back in the day , are not around anymore.
Lol, you joined in 2019.
Look at me almost 100 comments trying to insult me and i don't care the least about it.
And all of you where soooooooo insulted by a general opinion about the Forum???

That's laughable and only solidifies my suspicions about serotonin and stress making you perceive everything as a personal attack.

I think what you really proved was more of the concept that "If you insult someone, they are liable to insult you back."

Remember, when you point the fingerpistols of shame at someone, there's usually six pointed right back at yourself. Maybe more if you're doing it in the mirror.
Apr 22, 2019
You have the tao in you!
Haha it's a peculiar thing. Just yesterday I had a realization that the monk-like peace that many people (seem to be) routinely searching for is a state of ignorance, hence the age-old expression, "ignorance is bliss."

Well, actually I had that realization many years ago. It falls right in line with cherry picking my own life, using positive thinking to override 'negative vibes,' and being self-righteous above all else--

But the second realization I had just yesterday was that the Bible teaches us to be ignorant of ourselves. Not a small portion of it, but the entire self... Because the flesh is dead in trespasses and sin yet is made alive in Christ.

Lost people deprive themselves of one piece of material after another that they might deny the flesh completely, but even the monk without a cell phone and hot food living on top of a mountain can never perform the circumcision of their own soul, for it is the operation of God.

Proverbs 3:5
[5] Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

Proverbs 14:12-15
[12] There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
[13] Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful; and the end of that mirth is heaviness.
[14] The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways: and a good man shall be satisfied from himself.
[15] The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.
May 21, 2015
I wouldn't mind this either. I do however sometimes appreciate people who "tell it like it is" even if they come across as rude. I'm Canadian, and think of myself as polite (most of the time). I lived in Boston for a couple years and people there seem to be "loud and proud" and are not afraid to just say whatever they want (this is my experience anyway). At first I found it very off-putting but I started to appreciate it in its own way. There is some kind of balance I suppose that is optimal. Too much politeness can be problematic and vice versa.
Yeah there's a balance for sure. A bit of banter is fine and in a way I too have more respect for someone who's an honest douchebag rather than fake kind. But when we're communicating through an internet forum, IMHO we all need to pull back a little 'cause we can't read the body language etc and things take a wrong turn real quick and we end up wasting time on nonsense.


Jul 29, 2014
Yeah there's a balance for sure. A bit of banter is fine and in a way I too have more respect for someone who's an honest douchebag rather than fake kind. But when we're communicating through an internet forum, IMHO we all need to pull back a little 'cause we can't read the body language etc and things take a wrong turn real quick and we end up wasting time on nonsense.

I would have to agree with you. Some people are better at this. I'm not sure if it's personality, or maybe they have been communicating on the internet for much longer than other people and are therefore a bit more skilled in conveying tone. I played online computer games back in the mid 90's and I feel like people tended to be more polite, however when youtube came about I thought of the comments section as essentially a cesspool of humanity (it still is lol).

I suppose it's that on the internet you're communicating with some people whom you would never talk to in person, so it feels like there is a disproportionate amount of rude people compared to your daily life (plus the anonymity thing). This reminds me of an experience from my younger days. One of my friends (not a close friend) was a real loudmouth. He was basically an internet troll but in real life. One day he was trolling people on the sidewalk in town, calling passersby names and stuff, and one guy just came up and punched him in the face. Yep lol, that's the difference between real life and the internet.


Mar 29, 2016
I would have to agree with you. Some people are better at this. I'm not sure if it's personality, or maybe they have been communicating on the internet for much longer than other people and are therefore a bit more skilled in conveying tone. I played online computer games back in the mid 90's and I feel like people tended to be more polite, however when youtube came about I thought of the comments section as essentially a cesspool of humanity (it still is lol).

I suppose it's that on the internet you're communicating with some people whom you would never talk to in person, so it feels like there is a disproportionate amount of rude people compared to your daily life (plus the anonymity thing). This reminds me of an experience from my younger days. One of my friends (not a close friend) was a real loudmouth. He was basically an internet troll but in real life. One day he was trolling people on the sidewalk in town, calling passersby names and stuff, and one guy just came up and punched him in the face. Yep lol, that's the difference between real life and the internet.
That's why SUVs sell. Black Tint on Black Paint. Everyone thinks the suburban mom inside is Dwayne Johnson.


Sep 19, 2016
Life is completely ambiguous and language is limited.

Intelligence I think is understanding and stacking all these complex layers instead of looking at it for its face value.

To stand on something with confidence requires a type of developed ignorance that benefits over the short run.

I think the original post comes from a good place, but remember that lsd is a mixed agonist/antagonist. Not all receptors are being pulled in one direction. Mixed signals get sent as a result.

Personally I know a few people who've taken different psychedelics, and can definitely tell who takes what and is influenced by what based on resulting overall behavior, backed by evidence of their preferences over time and resultant lifestyle. Very ambiguous depending on perspective and experience.

I feel that lsd and other ergot-derived drugs delay time as well between the percieve and think phase. Forcing oneself into the percieve phase perhaps even longer too, and delaying the act phase. That can be looked at as weakness: Especially under pressure.

There are a lot of different types of intelligence; different displays of it; what works, works though in the end, and picking the best approach is a constant personal decision to be made.

If everything goes your way, people will try to take advantage. If nobody believes in you, you have an opportunity to differentiate yourself and create things in the background.

Selfishness to a degree can't be avoided unless you were not a person with an experience tied to this realm.

Everything has two sides to it; is paradoxical of course. Its our decision to gamble and choose what will provide the best chance of the best results we want within our limited reason.

Do you leave the forum to avoid the worst, while leaving the best?

Or do you stay, and become callous, and/or influenced by the bad while learning more about how the world works and focusing on the good?

Do you get sucked into the bad? etc?

If you have any stance or position on anything, there will always be a response if you mean something to the world/ to the people.

Life itself is definitely the biggest trip of our lives, and will never be able to be fully deduced by any singular person.

I have a quote that I think about a lot and keep developing. I'm sure it's been used before in other ways and it goes like this:
"We know nothing, and understand completely. We are only blinded by what stands in the way.
The road itself.

Humanity I think is a self solving enigma; because personally, I can only help other people with their own problems, but not really my own. And even then only to a limited scope within what people are willing to submit to/ provide.
Its a great mechanism to ensure we continually are forced to work together if its a innate thing. Im not sure.

The kind, understanding mitochondria like, and tough, knowing cell like.
Both are needed in this world to survive. Whether one needs to remain as one or the other or both is definitely a personal decision to be made.


Sep 26, 2022
Other things that where very clear to me is that language is very limiting just like doctor Peat said.
Can anyone help elucidate Peats thoughts on language? This is one area of Peats teachings I never quite grasped

Great post btw @PurpleHeart , I frequently microdose LSD myself and have found it to be the single most impactful thing in shaping my views on life, modern society/culture, etc etc

For me it has been less about the one off benefits of the drug experience (though I always find it very enjoyable and enlightening) and more about how it shapes my thinking in my day to day life.

for example: I suspect I would not be able to fully grasp Peats wise teachings about todays culture without my experience with LSD

These ideas you profess about modern society are akin to those of the “hippie movement”, which was of course inspired by LSD experiences.

I think a quote from the prolific Georgi Dinkov really encapsulates all of this

“That was my thinking too - LSD does indeed arise something out of people that is viewed as inherently "unhealthy" by the powers that be. Especially considering that it was the drug of choice of the hippies. During the Cold War and Vietnam, the last thing authorities wanted was a bunch of young people ignoring the "rational" path of obeying laws, acting predictably, generating income/taxes, etc. If serotonin causes that "rational" behavior then every government in the world will find a use for it.
Nowadays the effects LSD causes and are typical of young people are called "Oppositional Defiant Disorder". There are certainly valid cases for it, but it is mostly handed out to people who question authority.”

I see you have been inactive for awhile, I hope one day you come back to the forum @PurpleHeart .
As far as your claim of the forum being over run with these authoritarian high serotonin types, I can’t say I have experienced the same, but I’m sure there are some. It’s a shame to let a few bad apples steer you away from the RPF. I am not religious, but I think a Bible verse is fitting here “Not everyone who calls out to me, 'Lord! Lord!' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter”
I am sure there are some low metabolic, high serotonin, authoritarian types in here, yes, but there are also independent minded, intelligent, altruistic individuals too.
Last edited:


Jul 7, 2020
Can anyone help elucidate Peats thoughts on language? This is one area of Peats teachings I never quite grasped

Great post btw @PurpleHeart
someone drop the RP quote about sensory deprivation tanks, I don't have it handy

I seem him as part of the 20th-century bioenergetic tradition, along with people like Wilhelm Reich who also emphasized the inadequacy of language

or John Zerzan, as someone mentioned earlier

people like Terence McKenna believed language first came from psychedelics... if mushrooms give a serotoninergic high then it's possible all of "culture" and "civilization" can be traced back to serotonin states. just goes to show that serotonin isn't "bad" (unless you're john Zerzan), but rather just a bit rampant in our era.


Sep 26, 2022
people like Terence McKenna believed language first came from psychedelics... if mushrooms give a serotoninergic high then it's possible all of "culture" and "civilization" can be traced back to serotonin states. just goes to show that serotonin isn't "bad"
Actually, pslicibin and lsd, being potent 5ht1a agonists (inhibits serotonergic tone and also increases dopamine) are actually ANTI serotonin

Quite counter intuitive considering high doses cause psychadelic experiences due to 5ht2a agonism (which is definitely not safe and I do not recommend) but one need only try these substances for themselves to realize that for the most part the effects are not “pro serotonin”


Forum Supporter
Jul 11, 2023
northern california
As I said, I don't have any hard feelings one way or another, but would generally lean towards whatever the majority of people within a society would want for themselves. I don't know or claim to know what is best for society, but it would make sense to me that whatever results in the majority of people being happier/freer would be ideal.

I don't see anything productive about people constantly butting heads or being in conflict with one another, but if that's the way things continue to go, so be it, it's just something I'm not interested in contributing to.

“The majority is never right. Never, I tell you! That's one of these lies in society that no free and intelligent man can help rebelling against. Who are the people that make up the biggest proportion of the population -- the intelligent ones or the fools?”
― Henrik Ibsen, An Enemy of the People


Oct 23, 2017
Oklahoma, USA
As soon as you start throwing -isms about, I find it hard to believe you are as low serotonin as you think. Tripping excluded, of course.

Classic SSRI behaviour. And rather authoritarian (Enforced tolerance)

What business is it of yours if two men kissing gives me the heebie-jeebies? Doesn't mean I'm going to hurt them, and I will not be made to feel ashamed for my 'gut' (Hint hint) reaction.
Well said.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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