Need Some Advice About Stress And My Job


Oct 21, 2018
Saw this topic pop up, I was wondering how you feel and how it goes now. Hope youre level of stress is a little less?


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
At the risk of seeming like I'm just pushing another supplement to another big stack of recommendations, some people are having direct success on Tribulus Terrestris. Haidut, Hans and a few others on stress reduction. I am about to try it myself too once mine arrives in the mail as my body is stuck in a perpetual state of stress too and I need to break the cycle. In particular in studies done it raised DHEA by a factor of 2-3X and lowered prolactin by a factor of 2-3X.


Oct 5, 2014
At the risk of seeming like I'm just pushing another supplement to another big stack of recommendations, some people are having direct success on Tribulus Terrestris. Haidut, Hans and a few others on stress reduction. I am about to try it myself too once mine arrives in the mail as my body is stuck in a perpetual state of stress too and I need to break the cycle. In particular in studies done it raised DHEA by a factor of 2-3X and lowered prolactin by a factor of 2-3X.
IMHO In these kind of extreme situations like the OP described, nothing "natural" works, neither huge doses of pregnenolone or DHEA or TT or Ashwagandha sensoril or theanine or anything. Only psychmeds (they were invented for a reason) until the problem is solved, in his case, quiting the job. Just my opinion.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Yeah that's why I suggested a potentially powerful option like that with significant effects. But, you're probably right, in the long run, the stressor needs to be removed to see permanent results.


Nov 3, 2017
I agree with this sentiment. While it certainly depends on how expensive of a lifestyle one currently has and is willing to drop to, getting a much lower paying job that is much less stressful can be beneficial in two ways:

1) It allows for income to continue to stream in, which can pay for at least food and gas. This buys more time to recover health.

2) If it is a job with low stress and good people, it can serve to recover health, since surrounding yourself in a good environment is just as important as diet.

I don't think lower income jobs necessarily means less stress.
A lot of factors play: the people and the environment are the most important.


Oct 5, 2014
I don't think lower income jobs necessarily means less stress.
A lot of factors play: the people and the environment are the most important.
Assuming one has to work in something which one is not passionate about, the thing is that every person reacts differently to the same job stressors, that is : some people would find terribly stressant a job where they have to do nothing most of the time (security guard, nightshift recepcionist, lifeguards in the beach, etc...) while others would find that a blessing compared to a very busy job like office work in PWC, work in a bar, worki long night shifts as emergency MD's, whatever....


Feb 18, 2018
What I meant as an unstated assumption is that one would only take the lower paying job if its less stressful .

Part-time anything can also be less stressful, even if the job isn't, because the hours required to be present are less.


Jan 25, 2014
hey everybody,

So my job is causing me a incredible amount of stress over the past year and a half. during this time Ive experienced depression, hair loss, facial aging, mussle loss, panic attacks, heart palpitations, extreme anxiety ect…
The people at my job are negative & toxic to be around and I feel like everyday im tense, not at ease, and lucky I made it through another day there without messing up or having a panic attack...The job has great benefits and a pension though, and my parents eventhough they know im suffering don't want me to quit....I tried SSRI Medication (Lexapro) and it almost made me have a breakdown. so that's not an option anymore..I am ready at the end of the year to just quit the job and take my chances finding another job while living off of savings at this point if it will save my life & health....I want to start my own business of somekind and people keep telling me to use this job as a stepping stone until I find something else, but they don't understand that I wont make it that long...I have tried different Ray peat tactics for stress like more caffeine with more calories, methylene blue, ashwagandha, meditation ect. but nothing seems to help too much once I go back to that job I fall back into extreme stress.

My question is what would you guys do in my situation?. because Im talking with a therapist but she isn't very insightful even though shes trying her best....Would you suck up the pain and keep doing yourself damage just to have financial security or just save your health and jump into the unknown hoping it will turn out alright??

This is all very stressfull for me and im almost loosing will to live...Im leaning towards just diving in and quiting but im very uncertion and afraid.

I see how Danny Roddy lives and would love to have his lifestyle, but I don't know how he affords to live comfortably to be honest haha.

anyway tell me what u think. Thanks for the help I appreciate the input!

Couple things...

First, I'm wondering why you tried SSRI's at all. The issues with Serotonin have been discussed many many times here, and even mainstream sources advise that a danger to SSRIs are more serious depression.

Second.... I don't think anyone here can say what they would do in your situation, because you really haven't described your situation very well. If you look at all of the phrases I've bolded, nothing is very specific.

For example, you say that your job is causing you stress. Well... what about your job? The pay? The hours? Your boss? Your Coworkers? Your Commute? Your day to day responsibilities? There obviously might be more than one. And even then, break it down further- If it's your boss.... what about him? Or her? Does he always yell at you? Does he not know you exist? Is he piling work on you and no one else? Is he having an affair with his secretary?

Same thing with your coworkers.... What makes them "Negative and Toxic?" The way they act? The way they dress? How they smell? Are they simply stressed like you? Do they always yell at you?

The more specific you can define a problem, the more likely you are to find a solution. This is likely why your therapist can't offer you and insightful advice. In fact, if you have, say, 14 problems with your job, simply defining what they are might reveal very obvious and simple solutions to more than 8 of them.

Same thing with quitting. If you just up and quit, you are going to have a new stress of not having an income, unless you've already addressed this. And you had better have a really, really, REALLY specific plan for any business you attempt, otherwise, failure is guaranteed.

The only super specific advice I can give you...... you mentioned seeing how Danny Roddy lives. Find a way to get in contact with him and ask him specifically about how to achieve a similar result. And be prepared to pay him, if you are asking him for life coaching advice.

Oh, and if you are looking for help in getting really specific in defining problems, solutions, and events, I recommend reading a book called "The Structure of Magic" by Bandler and Grinder. It really opened my eyes on that front.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Assuming one has to work in something which one is not passionate about, the thing is that every person reacts differently to the same job stressors, that is : some people would find terribly stressant a job where they have to do nothing most of the time (security guard, nightshift recepcionist, lifeguards in the beach, etc...) while others would find that a blessing compared to a very busy job like office work in PWC, work in a bar, worki long night shifts as emergency MD's, whatever....

I have found through personal experience that passion actually comes from high androgens typically. High androgens make EVERYTHING better even trivial, mundane things. It makes life truly worth living, and I crave this state of being again. At least for me. I've had days where I feel really good, and conversely where I find a lot of enjoyment in my work. Other days I feel really bad and I also find little to no enjoyment in my work. Yes "meaningful" work helps, but I would argue the definition of "meaningful" changes depending on if you're healthy or not - again based upon my personal experiences. A lot of things become meaningful if you're healthy, simply because your mind tends to put everything in a positive light when that's the case. Often times when I'm in a low androgen state only high octane things interest me. If my health is poor enough, NOTHING interests me.
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Nov 3, 2017
What I meant as an unstated assumption is that one would only take the lower paying job if its less stressful .

Part-time anything can also be less stressful, even if the job isn't, because the hours required to be present are less.

Ok, I see your point.
Yes if it is on the purpose this environment is less toxic.

As Cirion mentionned being healthy helps to a certain extent too. Even though I think in a toxic environment it is better to get away as soon as you can. They will just plummet your health over the long run.


Apr 16, 2017
This is the interview that made me understand Rays “rubber meets the road” on energy/stress !!! (the show was recorded in 1996) I listened to it many times .....about 5 years ago ( I was going throw a hard time also with work although I was 54 years old 3 daughters 19-24......I had been on Ssri and other drugs for 10 years for anxiety depression.... insomnia for a year.....went diet route ....paleo yada yada yada......vitamins .......this book that book yada yada ..yada....then it all clicked .I need to heal !!!...that Christmas I had enough vacation days banked I took 3 weeks start my healing process. You know what I did which was so hard.....I did NOTHING...... but sleep, journal, study Rays work and take long walks in the snow covered woods.....people could not believe I would just waste my vacation like that ☹️ Our culture doesn’t get ever year since ....I’ve taken 2-3 weeks off and this year I took 4 weeks off..... I’m fortunate to have been at my job almost 20 years so I get about 5 weeks paid vacation..... I have a great wife of 37 years all my daughter are married now and life goes on...( one day at a time.)..some days are better than others. Ive had to make some choices..... gave up tv almost 4 years ago, gave up being busy for busyness sake (beware of the barrenness of busyness) had a hard look at my life (I’m a pleaser type A and I had to start setting boundaries and saying no, even at work.....boy was that hard dad was a strick authoritarian type ) I”m in bed no latter than 9 diet is pretty alcohol no fast foods ....I make and wife makes all our meals.....the wife and I walk or bike every weekend go to the gym 2x a week, weight lift and stretch only, no cardio “been there done that”(I hated running)☹️ ...Pretty ordinary life....”Honor the ordinary because they are extraordinary” Brené Brown took 2 years to get over anxiety/depression 3 more to get where I am with sleep digestion and blood sugar....I was 177-183 lbs.....depending on if I was fasting.... lol....yep “been there done that”!.....went up to 205 back down to 195...lbs....present weight at 5 10.
I’m now 61 years old .....sleep like a baby, no digestive issues, stronger than most of my friends can walk 6 - 10 miles on any given day bike 25 - 35 miles when we’re biking ( no I’m not one of those bikers ‍..... we take it slow) ...... past my bed time☹️
.....It wasn’t easy .....he’ll no !....still not !.....listen to Danny and Georgi from Friday’s live stream “we live day to day with uncertainty.....and everyone is trying to sell us certainty ”. hopefully ....I’m not .This is my exeperince and maybe I can share a little hope with someone.....
Anyway.....I’m so greatful to Ray / Haidut and this forum....... 2019.....bob...
..make sure you pay close attention to what Ray says between 4:30 - 8 know Ray ......hidden nuggets
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Dec 7, 2015
Best of luck with your situation! I personally find fizzy baths relaxing, even for hours or days afterward. i put about a cup of baking soda in a bath and then add about the same amount of citric acid to the bath. The CO2 can get into the body through the skin.
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