My 98 Day Low Vitamin A Diet Experiment Combined with Drinking Hot Water Four Times a Day


Feb 26, 2018
Thanks guys I'll check it out !


Apr 28, 2019
Didn´t know that about pears. Apples and bananas cause some allergic reactions so I don´t want to take them. I think I am iron deficient, hope this diet addresses that as well. Would be interesting to know the bloodwork, but that would be too expensive and I don´t think there is a vitamin A blood test where I live.
well I guess it depends on your diet but if you havent been on a very serious lowiron diet I think it can clear up - mine took maybe 4 months to clear up. Its possible to eat to little iron on the diet if you dont include it since say pure white rice diet is low A, just low everything else as well so you die :P but seriously I think if you eat a normal amount of ironcontaining food and go low A it would possibly just fix itself like mine did. Of course just a theory as it doesnt explain all illness so just my 50 cents


Jun 11, 2018
What about lemon in the hot water?
I like to conduct my experiments as purely as possible and maybe tinker with it later after the initial information is in.
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Jun 11, 2018
Days 1-3

Eating only minced beef lasted only four meals, then I got intense muscle pain, fatigue and hypothyroidism symptoms started to appear. Then I added black coffee and brown rice and felt better. Later, yesterday evening added also pears. Still struggling with muscle function and energy. The food doesn´t taste great, while I have sugar cravings. Left side of the neck and the jaw are very tight, body asymmetry is worse. Abdomen muscles feel better though, there seem to be some improvents of which I am not sure yet. Thinking what else to add to get muscle function better. I don´t think I am calorie deficient (haven´t done the calculations yet), but maybe there is a sugar deficiency.

Since adding brown rice, my eczema has gotten worse and the neck and jaw stiffness started. Wondering if it is causing that, but can´t imagine why. Being solely on the minced beef, my eczema definitely improved and I didn´t have those stiffness problems. Now it is like an eczema flareup after meals.


Days 1-3

Eating only minced beef lasted only four meals, then I got intense muscle pain, fatigue and hypothyroidism symptoms started to appear. Then I added black coffee and brown rice and felt better. Later, yesterday evening added also pears. Still struggling with muscle function and energy. The food doesn´t taste great, while I have sugar cravings. Left side of the neck and the jaw are very tight, body asymmetry is worse. Abdomen muscles feel better though, there seem to be some improvents of which I am not sure yet. Thinking what else to add to get muscle function better. I don´t think I am calorie deficient (haven´t done the calculations yet), but maybe there is a sugar deficiency.

Since adding brown rice, my eczema has gotten worse and the neck and jaw stiffness started. Wondering if it is causing that, but can´t imagine why. Being solely on the minced beef, my eczema definitely improved and I didn´t have those stiffness problems. Now it is like an eczema flareup after meals.
I would replace the brown rice with white one in order to avoid arsenic toxicity and the DHT lowering effects of the rice bran.


Apr 28, 2019
Days 1-3

Eating only minced beef lasted only four meals, then I got intense muscle pain, fatigue and hypothyroidism symptoms started to appear. Then I added black coffee and brown rice and felt better. Later, yesterday evening added also pears. Still struggling with muscle function and energy. The food doesn´t taste great, while I have sugar cravings. Left side of the neck and the jaw are very tight, body asymmetry is worse. Abdomen muscles feel better though, there seem to be some improvents of which I am not sure yet. Thinking what else to add to get muscle function better. I don´t think I am calorie deficient (haven´t done the calculations yet), but maybe there is a sugar deficiency.

Since adding brown rice, my eczema has gotten worse and the neck and jaw stiffness started. Wondering if it is causing that, but can´t imagine why. Being solely on the minced beef, my eczema definitely improved and I didn´t have those stiffness problems. Now it is like an eczema flareup after meals.
I cant do brown rice makes me old and my bit bleeds. But agree just add enough white rice and maybe change pears for apples. And get enough white seasalt, supplement with organic sugar as needed. Cramps are partly electrolue and carbdeficiancy. About the jawpain etc tmj and gum problems are symptoms of retinol toxicity. When you dont eat carbs you detox less thus less pain. Try apples as they have more fiber to suck up tje retinol in your gut, but dont push to hard as detox is tough. Better be less strict first. And dont worry all medical texts confirm you need 3 - 4 years to get depleted due to fat and liver storage. 6 months if you are already "deficiant" so what you experience is not retinol deficiancy as that is physically impossible , so its either detox, or some other nutrient problem/sensitivity. I wouldnt recomend lemonwater as it contains lots of flavanoids competing for the alcohol dehydrogenase


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I cant do brown rice makes me old and my bit bleeds. But agree just add enough white rice and maybe change pears for apples. And get enough white seasalt, supplement with organic sugar as needed. Cramps are partly electrolue and carbdeficiancy. About the jawpain etc tmj and gum problems are symptoms of retinol toxicity. When you dont eat carbs you detox less thus less pain. Try apples as they have more fiber to suck up tje retinol in your gut, but dont push to hard as detox is tough. Better be less strict first. And dont worry all medical texts confirm you need 3 - 4 years to get depleted due to fat and liver storage. 6 months if you are already "deficiant" so what you experience is not retinol deficiancy as that is physically impossible , so its either detox, or some other nutrient problem/sensitivity. I wouldnt recomend lemonwater as it contains lots of flavanoids competing for the alcohol dehydrogenase
Thanks for the information on pears. I have been having those quite a bit recently.


Jun 11, 2018
@Doer I´ll do that.

@Eberhardt If my eczema reduces I´ll try switching pears to apples. Drinking water seems to make this neck and jaw problems worse. It didn´t happen before when I tried this method. One of my theories is that it is caused by hot water stimulating bile, but the bile can´t get out. Because some supplements cause it as well, fat soluble vitamins D,E and K at least, I have not tried A, also vitamin B5 and B12 and various other supplements. I do have seasalt and at some point I´ll add sugar. Grapes seem to be also a very good idea to add. Do you have a recommened list of foods to eat?

Day 4. Current list of foods that I eat:
Protein: minced beef, chicken
Carbs: rice, potatoes, pears, onions, blueberries
Other: coconut fat, coffee, hot water, salt, pepper


Apr 28, 2019
@Doer I´ll do that.

@Eberhardt If my eczema reduces I´ll try switching pears to apples. Drinking water seems to make this neck and jaw problems worse. It didn´t happen before when I tried this method. One of my theories is that it is caused by hot water stimulating bile, but the bile can´t get out. Because some supplements cause it as well, fat soluble vitamins D,E and K at least, I have not tried A, also vitamin B5 and B12 and various other supplements. I do have seasalt and at some point I´ll add sugar. Grapes seem to be also a very good idea to add. Do you have a recommened list of foods to eat?

Day 4. Current list of foods that I eat:
Protein: minced beef, chicken
Carbs: rice, potatoes, pears, onions, blueberries
Other: coconut fat, coffee, hot water, salt, pepper
You can try peeling the apples to lessen the burden of the polyphenols on your system. I think your bile thing might be right. I tried hot water early on but had to quit it. Its worse if you boil it first due to free hydrogen production when boiling further taxing dehydogenazes potentially.

And yeah I had to quit all fatsoluble vitamins when doing this. E is theorized to shuffle retinol out of the bloodstream into the liver, k is potentially produced endogenously and D is antagonized by A so low A should fix D. For me it did. Higher D with low A then when supplementing D.

Grapes are fine but wash them well and if you can by organic. Green are slightly better than red. Go by feeling. If you eat meat as you do you shouldnt need b12 when going low A i got b12 hypervitaminosis for a while when going low A due to storage beeimg dumped.

About your diet.. it has a lot of polyphenols. Coffee, onion (sulphorous), pepper...blueberries. i have a hard time saying you shouldnt because most people are not prepared to eat as bland as I do but in general as Peat also habe said, reduce polyphenols as they are estrogenic, and tjey burden the liver as well. Especially pepper as pepperine is carcinogenic and increases gut permiability, thus increasing bile reabsorption.

I might suggest buying Smiths love your liver program for lists. I do use it sometimes. I think a no list is easier. Not a ton of fat, low polyphenols. Avoid dark green and red/purple/orange fat and vegetables. And no eggs. And not to much sulphurous stuff like onions and cruciferous. Eat like a poor oldtime farmer and youll be fine. And stay low dairy. You could try taking out the itmes i mwntioned for a week or two. See what happens then add backbin one item a week amd see what gives you a reaction.


Jun 11, 2018
Day 5

Current positives: muscle contraction was great yesterday and is today. Breathing is easier. Libido is much higher (there are constant erotic images in my head). Penis feels more pleasure. Mood is elevated. Eczema improved much in two regions (I think the healing speed of eczema has increased). Energy increase. Food tastes great.

Current negatives: stool has gotten worse. Pale, yellowish stool yesterday. Today gray, red, green, weird, fuzzy stool. Butthole was bloody. Eczema flareups after meals. Some hypothyroidism symptoms. Sleep is slightly worse.

Discussion: Sexual improvement implies testosterone is unleashed. I think eczema flareups are caused by fat. I think I have managed to deplete my bile with a high fat diet. Will try to lower fat intake. Feel eczematic flareup quite soon after contact with beef or chicken fat. Body twist, neck tension is aggrevated by hot water now, I think due to bile not getting out or it´s depletion.

Working on getting all my food data into a cronometer.


Jun 11, 2018
Food stats of days 2-6 of the diet:

I have been averaging 2931 in kcal. The cronometer says it is 400 kilocalories above my requirement. Macronutrient profile is 38% carbs, 36% fat and 26% protein. I should really find more carbs to eat and lower beef and chicken. PUFA is 5% of energy, slightly under the required level. Vitamin A is 20% (from beef and chicken), calcium 42%, iodine 58%, vitamin D 48%, B1 69%, B2 91% and B9 54%. I should really find a way to up those nutrients exept vitamin A and calcium (don´t think it is possible to up that, maybe try to eat chicken bones). B1 is most concerning. If I add beans I should be able to get B9 and if I add some seafood I should be able to get iodine and vitamin D. Zinc to copper ratio is 17 to 1. Shrimp seems to be good for iodine and is without vitamin A, but is expensive.


Feb 3, 2020
I currently eat lean beef, basmati rice and low vitamin A fruits (peeled apples, pears, bananas or some kiwis) with each meal to supply some fiber to bind up free bile in the GI tract.

Supplemental lactoferrin made my stool go from pale to dark brown in a matter of a week, so Dr. Smith is onto something with it in my opinion.

Vitamin A depletes magnesium and potassium, while raising calcium and sodium. Dr. Smith recommends topical magnesium. (magnesium chloride oil or footbaths)

Vitamin A toxicity can give the weird situation where serum calcium is high, PTH is very low and sometimes even undetectable and bone resorption is high, 25OHD normal-low and 1.25OHD not elevated. So adding calcium does not fix the situation like in the case of true calcium deficiency. (high PTH and active D)

Magnesium is the endogenous calcium channel blocker and it helps the situation.


Apr 28, 2019
I currently eat lean beef, basmati rice and low vitamin A fruits (peeled apples, pears, bananas or some kiwis) with each meal to supply some fiber to bind up free bile in the GI tract.

Supplemental lactoferrin made my stool go from pale to dark brown in a matter of a week, so Dr. Smith is onto something with it in my opinion.

Vitamin A depletes magnesium and potassium, while raising calcium and sodium. Dr. Smith recommends topical magnesium. (magnesium chloride oil or footbaths)

Vitamin A toxicity can give the weird situation where serum calcium is high, PTH is very low and sometimes even undetectable and bone resorption is high, 25OHD normal-low and 1.25OHD not elevated. So adding calcium does not fix the situation like in the case of true calcium deficiency. (high PTH and active D)

Magnesium is the endogenous calcium channel blocker and it helps the situation.
That's very interesting about the calcium. My serum calcium is normal and pth is bormal too bit my diet is about the same as yours so only like 250g Ca a day. But adding makes me feelnreally bad. Could you ealborate on the reabsorption thing?


Jun 11, 2018
Day 8

Today have extreme fatigue and my gums hurt a lot, which is a new thing. The stool was the worst yet, a floating light celiac stool. Have a lot of hunger, rice and beef aren´t satiating, a lot of sweet cravings. Muscle contraction significant improvement remains and the improvement in sexual function. Something seems to be missing, maybe due to malabsorption issues.
Jul 17, 2021
I just finished my after dinner pint of hot water. :)
So you are supposed to drink it after dinner? I wonder if that is why coffee after a meal is recommended for digestion. I my digestion always feels better after I have coffee after a meal. Perhaps because it is hot but maybe because it also speeds up your digestive process.


Apr 28, 2019
Day 8

Today have extreme fatigue and my gums hurt a lot, which is a new thing. The stool was the worst yet, a floating light celiac stool. Have a lot of hunger, rice and beef aren´t satiating, a lot of sweet cravings. Muscle contraction significant improvement remains and the improvement in sexual function. Something seems to be missing, maybe due to malabsorption issues.
Could be detox. The gums are typical. Mayne need more fiber? Or something with B


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
So you are supposed to drink it after dinner? I wonder if that is why coffee after a meal is recommended for digestion. I my digestion always feels better after I have coffee after a meal. Perhaps because it is hot but maybe because it also speeds up your digestive process.
I’ll have to look in the book on the exact timing to be certain. I seem to recall it being with or after a meal but don’t quote me on that. I’ve just been having some when I wake up, taking a thermos to work and drinking that throughout the day and then having some when I get home around my evening meal. I’m only doing 3 pints though not 4 because I’m a smaller person and trying not to go overboard with fluids.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
So you are supposed to drink it after dinner? I wonder if that is why coffee after a meal is recommended for digestion. I my digestion always feels better after I have coffee after a meal. Perhaps because it is hot but maybe because it also speeds up your digestive process.
I found this from Dr. Salisbury. Apparently I’m doing it wrong.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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