Vinny`s Log


Mar 8, 2017
Reno, NV
Here's an idea of where my Candida protocol is heading. Two fundamental parts of the approach is (1) hit it very hard and (2) hit from a variety of approaches. Candida is highly adaptable in animals, humans included. We already know it's dimorphic, it readily spreads throughout the GI tract, and sinus. More disturbingly, it seems to spread throughout the interstitum. That's a new work coined by some researchers for the interconnected web of interstitial fluid. If you google interstitum, you'll find some articles on the recent announcement. So Candida has access to much of the body, not just the GI tract. The medical industrial complex only acknowledges Candida as a problem when it's blood bourn.

For outgrowths on the skin, I will continue vinegar in the morning before showering. In the evening, I am now trying a 1/2 and 1/2 mixture of castor oil and turpentine (100% pure gum spirits only, not toxic industrial stuff). A very small amount can help reduce stubborn areas. Don't use turpentine for jock itch since I'm uncertain of the consequences. I'm using a small amount of castor oil in the evening down there with success.

For the internal disinfecting protocol, I think of my day in increments: (1) before breakfast, (2) mid morning, (3) noon, (4) mid-afternoon, and (5) before dinner. The baseline is at (1), (3), and (5), I'm taking 5 tablets of Thorne SF722 (undecenoic acid). At (2) and (4), I do garlic (see notes below). On some days, I replace (1) with a mixture of 1 tsp castor oil mixed with 1 tsp of turpentine. This mixture will lead to a purge from about the 1 to 3 hour mark. On other days, where I feel the need to cleanse/purge what's died off, at (1), I take 2 - 3 tablespoons of pure castor oil. As I've cleaned up, the castor has less and less of an effect.

Additionally, I make a borax solution and sip it 3 - 4 days a week. Just dissolve 1/4 tsp in a liter of later. Shake and allow to completely dissolve before sipping. I also add add 200 mg of magnesium as magnesium chloride for balance.

Once a week, twice at most, I perform an enema of either (1) ACV, or (2) borax. Borax/boron has strong anti fungal properties. I used 1 tsp borax per liter of water. That's a lot but most of it gets purged out anyway. I don't do many enemas because they flush micronutrients out of the system and they damage beneficial bacteria in addition to the Candida.

Taking garlic --> Crush 3 - 5 large cloves into 4 - 6 oz of room temperature water. Let sit for 15 minutes, strain and swallow. Within a minute, you might feel a sense of nausea, which should go away after another 2 - 3 minutes. As you cleanse out, this sensation fades.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Here's an idea of where my Candida protocol is heading. Two fundamental parts of the approach is (1) hit it very hard and (2) hit from a variety of approaches. Candida is highly adaptable in animals, humans included. We already know it's dimorphic, it readily spreads throughout the GI tract, and sinus. More disturbingly, it seems to spread throughout the interstitum. That's a new work coined by some researchers for the interconnected web of interstitial fluid. If you google interstitum, you'll find some articles on the recent announcement. So Candida has access to much of the body, not just the GI tract. The medical industrial complex only acknowledges Candida as a problem when it's blood bourn.

For outgrowths on the skin, I will continue vinegar in the morning before showering. In the evening, I am now trying a 1/2 and 1/2 mixture of castor oil and turpentine (100% pure gum spirits only, not toxic industrial stuff). A very small amount can help reduce stubborn areas. Don't use turpentine for jock itch since I'm uncertain of the consequences. I'm using a small amount of castor oil in the evening down there with success.

For the internal disinfecting protocol, I think of my day in increments: (1) before breakfast, (2) mid morning, (3) noon, (4) mid-afternoon, and (5) before dinner. The baseline is at (1), (3), and (5), I'm taking 5 tablets of Thorne SF722 (undecenoic acid). At (2) and (4), I do garlic (see notes below). On some days, I replace (1) with a mixture of 1 tsp castor oil mixed with 1 tsp of turpentine. This mixture will lead to a purge from about the 1 to 3 hour mark. On other days, where I feel the need to cleanse/purge what's died off, at (1), I take 2 - 3 tablespoons of pure castor oil. As I've cleaned up, the castor has less and less of an effect.

Additionally, I make a borax solution and sip it 3 - 4 days a week. Just dissolve 1/4 tsp in a liter of later. Shake and allow to completely dissolve before sipping. I also add add 200 mg of magnesium as magnesium chloride for balance.

Once a week, twice at most, I perform an enema of either (1) ACV, or (2) borax. Borax/boron has strong anti fungal properties. I used 1 tsp borax per liter of water. That's a lot but most of it gets purged out anyway. I don't do many enemas because they flush micronutrients out of the system and they damage beneficial bacteria in addition to the Candida.

Taking garlic --> Crush 3 - 5 large cloves into 4 - 6 oz of room temperature water. Let sit for 15 minutes, strain and swallow. Within a minute, you might feel a sense of nausea, which should go away after another 2 - 3 minutes. As you cleanse out, this sensation fades.

You`ve taken the bull by the horn, man! Great! Thanks a lot for sharing in such detail!

I`d like to ask a few more questions, but if you feel it`s too much, I`d understand.

1. You mentioned before using ACV for the jock itch. Undiluted vinegar, yes? What made you change to castor oil? I`m asking this, because a friend of mine is looking for some solution for his problem. He`s got something on the crouch which`s going towards his anus and creates a lot of itching, pain and discharge. Doctors could not diagnose him so far. Mine jock itch, for example, is only on the inner part of the thighs, like semi circles. I used to have it on my testes in the past as well, but it subsided eventually... Do you think he can try the vinegar spray as well?

2. I`m not sure I`ve got Candida (or fungus, as you prefer). I`m still excreting the alien thing, but I don`t know if it`s an intruder or just pieces from the intestinal lining, presumably falling off because of the contact with the acid from the enemas (but that`s hardly). What`s your take on that? Are there any reliable tests which determine fungus infection or we have to rely on interpreting our symptoms and intuition?


Mar 8, 2017
Reno, NV
I use distilled white vinegar topically, not ACV. It’s way cheaper. As far as CO goes, I meant that I’m experimenting by applying it in the evening in addition to morning vinegar.

The stuff coming out was not created by your own metabolism. It’s either from bacteria or Candida. I highly doubt it’s from viral or parisitic issues. Hence, you need to figure out which it is. I’m really starting to doubt that dysbiosis exists without Candida overgrowth. I don’t have a definitive answer on that one.

If antibiotics don’t cure your problems or they worsen them, you have your answer. If they do help, you also have your answer. Candida is way more difficult to cure than most bacterial infections.


Aug 24, 2016
Here's an idea of where my Candida protocol is heading. Two fundamental parts of the approach is (1) hit it very hard and (2) hit from a variety of approaches. Candida is highly adaptable in animals, humans included. We already know it's dimorphic, it readily spreads throughout the GI tract, and sinus. More disturbingly, it seems to spread throughout the interstitum. That's a new work coined by some researchers for the interconnected web of interstitial fluid. If you google interstitum, you'll find some articles on the recent announcement. So Candida has access to much of the body, not just the GI tract. The medical industrial complex only acknowledges Candida as a problem when it's blood bourn.

For outgrowths on the skin, I will continue vinegar in the morning before showering. In the evening, I am now trying a 1/2 and 1/2 mixture of castor oil and turpentine (100% pure gum spirits only, not toxic industrial stuff). A very small amount can help reduce stubborn areas. Don't use turpentine for jock itch since I'm uncertain of the consequences. I'm using a small amount of castor oil in the evening down there with success.

For the internal disinfecting protocol, I think of my day in increments: (1) before breakfast, (2) mid morning, (3) noon, (4) mid-afternoon, and (5) before dinner. The baseline is at (1), (3), and (5), I'm taking 5 tablets of Thorne SF722 (undecenoic acid). At (2) and (4), I do garlic (see notes below). On some days, I replace (1) with a mixture of 1 tsp castor oil mixed with 1 tsp of turpentine. This mixture will lead to a purge from about the 1 to 3 hour mark. On other days, where I feel the need to cleanse/purge what's died off, at (1), I take 2 - 3 tablespoons of pure castor oil. As I've cleaned up, the castor has less and less of an effect.

Additionally, I make a borax solution and sip it 3 - 4 days a week. Just dissolve 1/4 tsp in a liter of later. Shake and allow to completely dissolve before sipping. I also add add 200 mg of magnesium as magnesium chloride for balance.

Once a week, twice at most, I perform an enema of either (1) ACV, or (2) borax. Borax/boron has strong anti fungal properties. I used 1 tsp borax per liter of water. That's a lot but most of it gets purged out anyway. I don't do many enemas because they flush micronutrients out of the system and they damage beneficial bacteria in addition to the Candida.

Taking garlic --> Crush 3 - 5 large cloves into 4 - 6 oz of room temperature water. Let sit for 15 minutes, strain and swallow. Within a minute, you might feel a sense of nausea, which should go away after another 2 - 3 minutes. As you cleanse out, this sensation fades.

@Christoph Like you and Vinny, I've had lots of ENT issues from a young age and had a tonsillectomy (seems like this is the go-to solution for ENT doctors). Way too much use of antibiotics. Have you been able to deal with chronic sinusitis with this protocol? This for me is the most difficult issue to solve.

I'm going to order the Thorne SF722 supplement and give your protocol a try. Have you modified or optimized any part of the protocol since you started?


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Ok, let`s update a little bit.

The Alien thing I excreted, and posted a photo.... I had a couple of more episodes, but it seems it disappeared, so far. I must`ve killed it with my vinegar enemas and Borax orally. Not sure what it is/was, but most probably, this is what some call a"biofilm". Anyway, the Candida protocol is not relevant ATM. Or, more precisely said, it`s incorporated among other things.

It seems I poop better. Once a day.... not much, but at least it`s regular. Sometimes twice, even thrice, if I had a lucky day! And, it`s very often the right kind - ghost wipe - that doesn`t leave anything after... I`m quite happy, because, if this is not a good indicator of the condition of your colon, then what is? It also looks and smells right (not sure about the taste, tho).

My hemorrhoids are almost gone. Say almost, because I don`t believe I`d ever get rid of them completely, but at least they stopped bothering me. Elimination of alcohol and whatever spicy/hot substance helped a lot. Pitty, can`t eat garlic, turmeric and a lot of acidic things, but feeling fine behind is A LOT of relief....

I don`t pee so often at night anymore. Not sure why, but I limit my liquids since I stumbled on this forum and it looks like it contributed.

Sleep is better. Also don`t know why, but I`ve always had very, very bad sleep, and now I`m like: "Wow...!". But there is still much to desire in this field.

Swollen eyelids (edema) in the morning also improved a little bit.

Good thing I paid attention recently, was that my balls shrank. Not the testes, but the sacks. They stay.... how to explain it .... tight. They don`t hang anymore, which I take as a good sign .... of something. And my shaft now, is kinda more well established and positioned towards them (sorry, no pic).

Ok, it seems no other improvements so far, now the undesirables:

Temps and pulse are still low.

Liver/gallbladder area still hurts.

Gained a lot of weight this year. Never been obese, but now - I am.... Still figuring this out.

Foamy urine. I still have no idea what makes it worse. And, this factor is one of the most challenging psychologically for me. I just can`t get it better and I freak out almost every time I go to pee.... I`ll try more dietary experiments to try to spot what makes no/change.

I haven`t been working out for ages, and must have lost a lot of muscles (which I never had anyway) but I just don`t get the energy to boost my **** in the gym. Walking is the only exercise (if you can call it so) I can tolerate, more or less.

Still too much acne (mostly on scalp).

Will go on tonight.....


May 21, 2018
Wow a lot of familiarity. I also was very sick as a child, I lot of sinus issues. Luckily my tonsils weren’t removed; and my mother took my on a holiday and let the sun soak in and then I recovered. Later in my teens the trouble would start again and they found out I have hemochromatosis. Apparently, bacteria thrive on iron. Liver enzymes were through the roof. Started donating blood, liver enzymes normalized again. After a couple of years I had a nose operation for some sinus issues, the issues got worse and 3-4 times a year I got a full blown sinus infection/blockage. I got a lot of antibiotics and indeed it temporarily helped but wrecked more havoc.

What helped me a bit was stopping gluten. Reducing starch. Cascara, carrot salad, mushrooms, activated charcoal.

Still working on my gut as well


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
I`ve got almost no issues anymore with my jock itch.
I say almost, coz again, not sure it`s completely gone, but the last flair up was months ago. Now, the skin looks fine, nock on wood. It was a torture for decades, really amazing, can`t believe this is happening....

No changes on my varicocele. It`s just the same bulging vein near the scrotum, on the left side. Never felt whatever discomfort, in fact, I found out it`s a disease by chance. The doctor who revealed this to me said also, that my left testee was much smaller (supposedly from bad circulation). I`m not sure about that. To me they both look and feel same. Could has he been lying to me, to drive me to a costly and unnecessary operation, or I`m just an ignorant idiot? I don`t know yet, must another doc that I trust more to scratch my balls and give his opinion. We`ll see about that.... As I mentioned, I never felt any disturbance, and semen analysis showed no infection whatsoever. Will put this issue, for the moment, as no urgent for solving yet.

Ok, as we go near "that" area of my body, and considering also, how its function is a very good indicator of health, I`ll bring some details about my libido.
What`s the current level of my libido, I can`t say for sure.
I guess it`s good, but that`s only a guess. Because, since we broke up with my ex about 3 years ago, I haven`t been with another woman yet, neither I`ve been practicing another form of satisfaction. Full celibacy since our last intercourse.
However, there are signs one can guess. I wrote already, that my sacks are tighter, firmer. That must be good. I have also more regular morning woods than before. But I don`t get that much easily aroused when interacting with hot females, as several years ago. I used to get a lot of spontaneous erections - not anymore.
So, wish me luck, to find out how I am, soon. Either by meeting the love of my life, or, as it happens in world sometimes, to get back together with my ex. I don`t exclude it as an option. The b*tch still gets horny when around me. I might marry her one day.... or beat her bloody.... who knows..... and who cares?


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Luckily my tonsils weren’t removed;
There is almost no doubt to me anymore, especially after reading Steve Richfield`s stuff, that the root cause of my severely impaired health since early childhood, my depression, lethargy, fatigue, lack of motivation, hypothyroidism etc, are due to the tonsillectomy. Alternatively, it was one of the main driving factors.
Glad you missed that. Steve says, that it shortens one`s lifespan with 20-30 years, and he`s probably right. Cool, isn`t it?
Good luck to achieving supreme health, Bart1!
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