A Cry For Help: Uncontrollable Fat Gain. Something Is FUNDAMENTALLY Wrong :(



Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
And before your keto days, you were fat also?
Yes, from my teens, but never been obese. Just a bit fat.
Only low carb has ever made me lean.
btw, the post I wanted to point your attention is #173 in this thread, if you haven`t already seen it yet


Aug 27, 2018
My guess - low carb made you just less bloated and if you had roughly the same caloric intake, you maintained your weight. I lost nearly 10kg during 2 months of keto. Do you really think it was all fat? After reintroducing carbs at least 5-6kg came back within a couple of days.


Mar 29, 2016
Yes, from my teens, but never been obese. Just a bit fat.
Only low carb has ever made me lean.
btw, the post I wanted to point your attention is #173 in this thread, if you haven`t already seen it yet
Thanks Vinny.

During the 3 day dry fast, did you feel comfortable throughout? Did you get your blood glucose at any time? It would help if you did. It lets you know how good your blood sugar regulation is, and it also keeps you from harming yourself. If your blood sugar gets too low, you could faint.

You would certainly lose water in a dry fast. I'm not sure if you're exactly edematous. Are there any other signs that you have edema, other than the bags in your eyes?
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Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Thanks Vinny.

During the 3 day dry fast, did you feel comfortable throughout? Did you get your blood glucose at any time? It would help if you did. It lets you know how good your blood sugar regulation is, and it also keeps you from harming yourself. If your blood sugar gets too low, you could faint.
Didn`t take BG during the fast; can`t afford the strips right now. However, except a bearable level of fatigue, I was feeling fine and mostly warm. Didn`t notice to get even close to fainting. Guess my liver was able to provide enough glucagon, to keep up without major issues.

You would certainly lose water in a dry fast. I'm not sure if you're exactly edematous. Are there any other signs that you have edema, other than the bags in your eyes?
As i mentioned, I`m not very knowledgeable about edema. I don`t know what are the other signs. Swollen limbs may be? No, I`ve got no swollen legs or arms. But the bag under the eyes are very visible.


Mar 29, 2016
Guess my liver was able to provide enough glucagon, to keep up without major issues.
After a day, your glycogen stores should be gone. You'll be converting protein sources to glucose.
Jun 16, 2017

Broke the fast with some water and slightly sugared soft beverages, pineapple and a several hours later - ground beef. No problems.

I`ve got some nystatin in my cabinet, but haven`t tried it yet. Not sure about its safety/side effects, if any at all. Will give it a go another time. However, before the fast, I took 3 grams Niacinamide, for 2 days in a row. I felt NOTHING.
(btw, I used to be careless about excipients, but now changing my mind)

I can get some good fats in Cyprus. We`ve got a lot of sheep here.
Beef, labeled as grass fed, does not exist in Cyprus. Wouldn`t buy it anyway. But the one we have is tasty and not expensive.
Thanks for answering. Those foods don't seem inflammatory, so maybe they just fed something that was in the gut which produced gas, endotoxins, etc, and that caused the edema.

Nystatin is supposedly not absorbable by the gut in significant quantities, so, in that sense, it's safer than other anti- fungus substances.

I too didn't feel much from the huge dosage of niaciamide that I took today, aside from lightheadedness, shortness of breath( my blood sugar keeps tanking) and a bit of brain fog.
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Mar 29, 2016
Didn`t take BG during the fast; can`t afford the strips right now.
I'm sorry that you're not able to test your blood glucose. It's helped me a lot. Otherwise I'm just stumbling in the dark and can't monitor my sugar regulation status. Ray Peat has even said that your thyroid functioning well is dependent on having a stable blood sugar. That alone is enough to make me want to make sure my blood sugar regulation is working well.

If poor blood regulation is the cause, it's only one level deep. Then you have to find out why there is poor blood glucose regulation. That is another level. But in order to go deeper, you have to first find the first level.

On a deeper level, it could be too much PUFA fatty acids in your blood stream blocking sugar metabolism. Or it could be low thyroid. Or B1 deficiency. Or low cytochrome c oxidase. Or hypoxia. Or hypoxemia. Or poor tissue oxygenation. Or it could be insulin-related. And this could be caused by bacteria.

If you can break down your problem methodically and into manageable sections, then you'll be able to narrow down to the specific cause or causes. You also need some resources to be able to get these things done. Otherwise, you'll be second-guessing yourself until you get exhausted and frustrated and you'll just call it a day, and accept it and be blissful.
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Dec 17, 2018
I,m slowly figuring it out...
Some of you have been correct. Am not losing fat during the fasts. It,s really impossible to drop 3-5 kg of adipose tissue for 3 days - no way, I agree.
It is WATER.

After another 3 day dry fast, when I looked myself in the mirror, could hardly recognise the person there. The bags under eyes had completely gone. I looked at least 10 years younger. Hadn,t had such a good appearance for decades. Felt light, and started again to fit into my clothes. Snoring went away too.

This morning thou, after I had broken the fast yesterday, the bags were back again and the scale showed 3 kg up...

So, Am edematous. Not fat. Am gaining water. This is for sure (and the scale, btw, was in great help to find it out. I regret I didn,t buy it earlier)

I don,t know much for edema, except it,s linked with some organ failure.
Let,s asume for the moment, that I have no orgam failure (except for my brain and my **** of course). From what then it could be? It,s inflamation, right? From what?
Infection...? What kind...? Where to look at? What to do from this point? Acetazolamide...? Carnivore diet anything...?
Chime in, brothers and sisters...

(@Cirion , I hope you read this, dude. You are not fat...)

(@haidut , можеш ли да удариш едно рамо, войводо?)

Dehydration simply reduces inflammation, swelling, water retention (because you are running out of water to retain). The body is 60% water. So in other words a good chunk of you and your weight is water. So when you stop taking in what the body is most made of, you will get really small really fast as you have noticed. But its not healthy.

Of course you can definitely have extra water retention due to inflammatory conditions or disease which will go away with dry fasting but that's because the body doesnt have a choice. Moment you consume water again it swells back up because it wants that to hold that water there for protection and to keep you healthy and help heal. Key is to be well hydrated but find the underlying cause of excessive water retention. Having inflammatory conditions such as obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, etc. can be to blame.

Think about very old people. How do they look? Their skin looks dry as if all the moisture has been sucked up by a sponge. Doesn't fix anything.


Mar 29, 2014
This morning thou, after I had broken the fast yesterday, the bags were back again and the scale showed 3 kg up...
Fasting will lose water. Especially dry fasting. You lose water through all the usual excretory means, as well as via sweating and breathing. When you eat eat and drink again, there will be more water retained in the gut itself as part of the digestive process, as well as with any glycogen that's stored/restored, and cells can rehydrate. 2-3 kg of material in the gut is probably normal.
It,s inflamation, right? From what?
Infection...? What kind...? Where to look at? What to do from this point? Acetazolamide...? Carnivore diet anything...?
Chime in, brothers and sisters...
Refeeding mineral imbalances? Liver etc working hard to keep up with it's job of cleaning out wastes?
Broke the fast with some water and slightly sugared soft beverages, pineapple and a several hours later - ground beef. No problems.
I'm speculating, but in order to reduce the risk of fluid/mineral imbalances, I wonder whether it might work better to break fast with fresh fruit and veges? Refined sugar might push it off?


Feb 28, 2020
1. Track your caloric intake and how much calories you’re actually burning a day. If you’re gaining weight then you’re consuming too much food obviously

2. Just because people tell you to eat dairy and sugar doesn’t mean you should.

Just get on a plan diet of whole fruit, meat, and eggs. You’ll lose weight


May 30, 2018
When someone (dry) fast, he looses water and regains a major part of it when he resumes its consumption.

But that being said, the fact that it all comes back doesn't necessarily means he can't benefit from this process.
Jun 16, 2017
1. Track your caloric intake and how much calories you’re actually burning a day. If you’re gaining weight then you’re consuming too much food obviously

2. Just because people tell you to eat dairy and sugar doesn’t mean you should.

Just get on a plan diet of whole fruit, meat, and eggs. You’ll lose weight
Fat loss isn't the same as water loss. You can be bloated and skinny, or fat and not bloated.


Sep 25, 2017
Have you measured your caloric need with indirect calorimetry? If you do/did then we may disprove the theory that if you consume less you lose weight...


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Have you measured your caloric need with indirect calorimetry? If you do/did then we may disprove the theory that if you consume less you lose weight...
No, haven`t measured caloric need and not intending. No need to. I already know that my weight gain has nothing to do with more/less calories.
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