Testosterone Optimization On RP-inspired Nutrition


Feb 3, 2020
Latest results came through. DHEA-S and SHBG are very low . Cortisol, Progesterone and Prolactin came in range.
Prolactin higher than desired.

Also had a consultation with an endo today. He suspects I have secondary hypogonadism. Wants me to do a pituitary MRI, testicular ultrasound, and a stereography,.
What would be causing my issues?

Low Testosterone
Low Estrogen
Low LH and FSH.

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I was looking over this again. I noticed that the serum cortisol is close to the upper limit. Ray recommended no higher than the middle of the range for serum cortisol, which would be ~336 nmol/L according to your reference range.

I looked at a lot of studies and noticed that in human studies, relatively few supplemental things really impact serum cortisol that much. A lot of things mentioned on the forum seem based on animal models or theoretical mechanistic studies. Even things like RU486 have some paradoxical effecs on serum cortisol.

What I have seen in human studies:
Aspirin = negligible reduction in cortisol; magnesium = very slight decrease (like 8% reduction); glycine = couldn’t find human data; pregnenolone in human studies = not really that big impact on actual cortisol levels or other hormones in general)

The things that actually lower cortisol in humans to my suprise were: eating breakfast, proper sleep, meditation/breathwork, herbal (or black) tea, walking, sunlight, sauna, laughter, hot baths. Supplement-wise real significant reductions in cortisol could be seen with phospatidylserine, betaine, apigenin, ashwaghanda.
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