Tony Robbins Diet - HORRIFIC!


Aug 9, 2013
I went to the Tony Robbins seminar in London this weekend, which in general was super interesting.

The diet portion however is horrific though (at least us Peaties will think so). Can't remember all of it, but it's roughly:

- drink half your lbs body weight in ounces of water, so a 200 lb person should drink 100 ounces (3-ish litres) of water per day
- don't eat animal products, vegetable protein is "superior", so eat lots of soy and pulses
- 70% of your diet should be water-rich foods, preferably green "alkalising" foods
- eat and take "essential" fatty acids o-3 and o-6 oils
- don't eat saturated fat
- around 50% of your food (I assume they mean calories) should be vegetables including lots of broccoli, cabbage, lettuce etc.
- milk is "POISON" and causes cancer (truly amazing, they actually use these words in the notes. They actually wrote "Milk Causes: 1- Cancer". HOLY ****!)
- sugar is poison
- your pee should always be clear, if it's orange you are MEGA dehydrated. You should sip water every 15 minutes, it helps with increasing metabolism
- become a fat-burner, it's much more optimal. Vegetable fats are good, like avacados and including from seeds, but processed vegetable oils are not (i don't see how they can come up with these contradicting statements!)
- combine your foods in certain ways - fat doesnt' go with protein for example
- take pro and pre-biotics, you need "good' bacteria
- take digestive enzymes
- take green supplements including chlorella
- do cleanses every year (ie don't eat for a week, take Tony Robbins supplements and drink water)

It's almost 100% the exact opposite of a Peat approach. The thing is, I did the above a few years ago and really believed it, and it ****88 me up despite losing body fat and looking good.

I mean, this is super sad and also potentially so damaging, something like 4 million people have gone to his seminars over time, and people really listen to him as the gospel of truth.

I did a quick calculation of their suggested meal plan, and the calories came to about 1400 per day. Very little salt, very little sugar, at bed time eat live green vegetables

It's interesting because at one point, he made a statement about listening to others and asking yourself "WHAT IF what they are saying is true?", and yet they use words like poison for milk which people all over the world drink, and the language in the diet notes is so "this is the ONLY way to eat healthily, you will die early if you eat meat, dairy and sugar" etc.


Dec 21, 2013
Whoa, just imagining having to eat soy, spinach and water every day would be a cause of depression for me. So untasty! Haha


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I'm wondering how he keeps going? He has to either cheat on his diet a lot or not really follow it at all. I've often wondered that about many diet and fitness gurus. It would probably be eye opening to know what they really do behind closed doors. Not that I really care it's just the fact that so many people suffer so they can make money selling useless books and supplements.


Aug 9, 2013
I was thinking the same. I genuinely believe he does follow that diet. However, he's also some form of genetic freak (in a good way), he's 6 foot 7 and about 250 pounds of pure muscle, and he's 54 years old. He spends 12-14 hours on stage with no food and is one of the most energetic people on the planet.

My guess is that the "alkalizing" , "fat burner" diet does work for some people. Eg the black YouTube woman who's about 45 years old and is a little ball of energy. Perhaps it works for people who naturally have very strong Thyroids? This is obviously pure speculation. The guy who led the diet part of the event was actually the other presenter, who is 64 years old and looks 40, and also mega energetic, muscular etc.

Robbins said that he was fine until about 39 and has been eating this way since then. It's utter fantasy from me, but perhaps it works for people with already mega energy? Certainly it didn't work for me, I followed almost that exact diet for 2 years, got super lean and looked great, yet felt awful and still recovering.


Jan 3, 2014
I read somewhere about a guru supposedly raw vegan for 20 years caught at the airport eating pizza. And avoiding eye contact.


Blossom said:
I'm wondering how he keeps going? He has to either cheat on his diet a lot or not really follow it at all. I've often wondered that about many diet and fitness gurus. It would probably be eye opening to know what they really do behind closed doors. Not that I really care it's just the fact that so many people suffer so they can make money selling useless books and supplements.

To induce some deficiencies in rats, sometimes it takes generations. I wonder if some of these people are exceptional because their ancestors led a very healthy life, and if they could take really bad food for one or two generations before evident damage appears.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
That's a real possibility j. Good point. Or maybe he's sneaking pizza? Too bad I didn't get those ancestors! Maybe he is a closet peatarian. :lol:


Jan 22, 2013
three explanations:

hes generally motivated by what he does, is careful about timings of things, and is fueled by a lot of dopamine and passion and simply pushes through the irritations

he, like most professionals or celebrities, athletes, actors, politicians, businessman...whatever, they use a lot of drugs, have money for whatever they want
when they feel like it, get massages, always have a clean luxurious existence and helpers serving them, speed, coke, performance enhancers...ect

hes not being completely truthful, or doesn't realize that what he is spelling out to eat isn't the best for everyone


Aug 9, 2013
My business partner is on a similar diet - he eats what I used to eat - lean chicken breast, ground beef, lots of water, no cheese, no milk, no juice, avocado, tuna, olive oil, peanut butter and lots of nuts etc etc.

He's solid as a rock. Even when he didn't weight train, he was always muscular and lean. He entered a 10km race last year and without training did it in 60 minutes.

My point is there are genetically "strong" people who this diet seems to work for. Who knows, maybe the negative effects will only kick in later in life. Like the diet hasn't given him more energy, he's just even leaner and more muscular (i'd guess 7-8% body fat).

I know it doesnt' work for me in terms of feeling good, but it worked for me in terms of looking good too.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I think I looked good too eating similarly but it about killed me toward the end. I'm sure some people can live in that stressed state and seemingly hold up longer than others. I bet despite appearances you are the healthier one aquaman. I actually look better now even though I'm not ultra lean. I sure get noticed more. I think genuine health gives us a glow.


New Member
Mar 26, 2017
To induce some deficiencies in rats, sometimes it takes generations. I wonder if some of these people are exceptional because their ancestors led a very healthy life, and if they could take really bad food for one or two generations before evident damage appears.

Great comments!
Tony also eats fish. I know mackerel is his main source. However, he had crazy Mercury poisoning from it that would have killed anyone else years ago, and it's taking him over a year to cleanse. He also has seems to have an arm issue, he wears a kind of brace. So I think he's spot on for any things, but his diet is only good as a cleanse so long term would cause negative effects. Without animal foods, the teeth, bones, ligaments, brain, and eyes cannot function well for long. But too much meat can cause other problems so we all need to test our own bodies to find the right way. I've studied nutrition for years and have found the most truth for me in Dr. Weston Price's book. Tony's stuff goes against a lot of that, however, I was eating Weston Price style food at UPW and stopped immediately after hearing what Tony had to say and I tried his diet for a month. It cleaned out tons of toxins, I lost a lot of weight, (back to my most fit weight now) and after a month and a half I started losing muscle. So I went to a new diet, halfway between Tony and Weston Price and I think it's perfect for me. I'm maintaining the weight loss and still feeling strong and good. GAPS diet has a nice principle where it teaches that it is a healing diet for a space of time and then you go back to eating what you find as your best diet. I think Tony's is similar, even if he won't agree with that part. He's definitely grossed himself out of eating meat, and tries to do the same for others. However, all his statistics are based off of commercial meat and dairy so he is right in a sense. But if he tested raw dairy and organic grass fed meats, he would have to change his tune.


Feb 22, 2017
I mean, this is super sad and also potentially so damaging, something like 4 million people have gone to his seminars over time, and people really listen to him as the gospel of truth.

The thing with many people that become interested in diet (myself included) is they're often coming from a place of poor health, so can be keen to believe that they've found the solution to their problems, moving from diet to diet, never finding what they need as they're listening to what other people say about nutrition, instead of listening to themselves.

It's good to gather information but if you don't apply it to your own context and instead follow what works for someone else, what good is it to you?

That diet may work for Robbins but to preach it to everyone else. :hand:


Feb 27, 2017
Tony preaches by hyped-up states in other parts of his business and, I would guess, is running on stress hormones - it works for a while for many, many people.

Happy clappy :)
Nov 26, 2013
You'd think he already has plenty of growth hormone before that diet


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
That diet may work for Robbins but to preach it to everyone else. :hand:
Same for Peat then! ;)
1 fit all? ... no.

I am surrounded by vegans, raw foodist, fructarians and more!
I can hardly invite anyone to eat...
Most cured themselves from being ill, and are better now than before eating what I see they do. No business, I mean they really do what they say. Some are rigid some not, like a long time vegan raw fooder who now feel like eating quinoa. He follows his want, but told me he went raw many many years ago because cooked food in general made him feel tired.

I know others that are fine with such diets, so I will do the same as them: listen to myself!
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