Tom Chalko Diet - HORRIFIC!


Mar 12, 2016
After stumbling around the internet I came across Thomas Chalko - (in)famous for his theory that global warming can cause the Earth to explode. I had come across his work before many years ago as a young lad, and the notion scared the bejeebers out of me (it was about 2009, when the 2012 apocalypse myth was in its infancy). He's also written numerous websites about chakras, auras, healing and vibrations.

I thought I'd quote some of his ideas regarding diet. Enjoy!

Thomas Chalko said:
The list presented below should be considered with caution, because it was obtained by observations conducted on a small scale. It may be incomplete and its applicability to your particular situation may be limited, so consider it as an example only.

1. Milk. In Nature, milk is a food for a very special period of life – the period immediately following the separation of a newborn organism from its mother. Only relatively recently, technology became available to preserve milk itself on a large scale (evaporation, powder technology, refrigeration, homogenization, pasteurization etc.). Today milk is present in a great multitude of food and drink products, especially confectionery. Our ancestors used to make cheeses and yogurts in order to preserve milk for their consumption. While milk itself seems a frequent offender for adult human metabolism, cheeses and yogurts seem not. It seems that letting bacteria and enzymes begin the digestive process can make quite a significant positive difference. The next time you consider drinking coffee or eating chocolate try to admit for your consideration that the most dangerous ingredient in them could be milk...

2. Eggs. Tibetan lamas were known for centuries to discard egg white and give it back to chooks. Their argument was that it took them more energy to cope with egg white that it could give them when consumed. Dangers of eggs today are not limited to eggs themselves. The amount of antibiotics, hormones and other chemicals that are used to “enhance” egg production is mind-boggling. These extra ingredients can find their way to our body and create some serious puzzles for our metabolism and immune system. The danger is amplified by the fact that eggs are present in one way or another in a great multitude of manufactured food products.

3. Sugar. Sugar is another ingredient that is found in a great multitude of food products and nearly every meal and drink that people consume in so-called “developed” countries. Children in such countries today are brought up on sweets and this seems to have a significant detrimental impact on their metabolism. Dr Volkov told me that intolerance to sugar frequently goes together with intolerance to yeast. Products that contain yeast include most breads, beer and wine. Later in this book you will find out how to make bread without yeast.

4. Wheat. Wheat is a dominant grain on Earth. It is produced in massive quantities. Being inexpensive (a few dollars per tonne is paid to producers) it is used in most food products manufactured on Earth today, including soy sauces. If any product is over-used as food on Earth – it is wheat. Wheat is also the most over-engineered grain on Earth. Genetic modifications to wheat enable its producers to use dangerous amounts of pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals to boost production and profitability. There is a possibility that some of us may have become sensitive not only to wheat proteins, but to some chemicals that are overused in wheat production.

5. Potatoes. Potatoes comprise a staple food in many countries and my feeling is that many people overuse them. Their low price and availability in huge quantities seem very attractive to the so-called fast food industry. I am sure that you are aware of the abundance of addictively flavoured varieties of potato chips on the market today. One very interesting feature of potatoes is that under certain conditions they produce, and hence contain, so- called solanine. Solanine is quite toxic to human organism. The very fact that food manufacturers are supposed to measure solanine levels in their potato products to ensure that the solanine concentration is below a pre-determined threshold per kilogram of food, is proof that solanine can be legally present in what they sell. While consuming potatoes twice a week may be fine for most people, eating potato products several times each day is likely to cause problems - eventually. Remember that our organism is a system of limited resources and one of these resources is time. It takes time to recover from poisoning... One possible consequence of eating too much potato too often could be solanine poisoning that may occur when solanine accumulated in your body from multiple potato meals exceeds the level that your metabolism and immune system can tolerate. Another possibility is that when your metabolism cannot fully recover from solanine poisoning before you supply the next shot of the poison, it opts to reject potatoes altogether, without trying to separate potentially useful nutrients that potatoes may contain. Other food items known to contain solanine are tomatoes, capsicums and eggplants, especially if they are not fully ripe. Nature seems to use solanine to prevent these fruits from being eaten before they ripen and develop mature seeds.

6. Tannin. From his clinical practice (dealing mainly with unhealthy people) Dr Volkov has identified tannin as a frequent offender, especially for people with skin diseases. Most people in the world consume tannin many times a day in their tea.

The above list indicates that food ingredients that dominate our diet should be considered as prime suspects for being incompatible with our metabolism.

I'd love to see Chalko and Peat in a cage match. :emoji_wrestlers:


Apr 30, 2015
After stumbling around the internet I came across Thomas Chalko - (in)famous for his theory that global warming can cause the Earth to explode. I had come across his work before many years ago as a young lad, and the notion scared the bejeebers out of me (it was about 2009, when the 2012 apocalypse myth was in its infancy). He's also written numerous websites about chakras, auras, healing and vibrations.

I thought I'd quote some of his ideas regarding diet. Enjoy!

I'd love to see Chalko and Peat in a cage match. :emoji_wrestlers:

Well you can't argue with Tibetan monks, lamas, or alpacas. That is the first think you learn when you get your new age card.


Mar 10, 2016
Some of his facts are right, but the answers he draws from them, don't hold up under research.
Nightshades do have effects like bringing cholinesterase low, and have toxins in the peel, iron and solanine. What Chalko said about milk, sounds a lot like a Peat quote that was just featured on this site, how some proteins in it aren't fit for adults if they aren't balanced with glycine. Egg white, we know, Peat cautions for some people. Both wheat and the stuff it's sprayed with is not ideal. And sugar maybe does "increase" with diet problems around the world, but not for the reasons Chalko thinks.
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