Peat inspired Bodybuilding Log


Jul 19, 2020
Hi guys,i couldnt think on a proper name or title but its basically that,i finished a cut phase and now im heading a maintenance phase,im pretty aware if i do things right i can gain some muscle and keep my fat% nearly untouched.i was thinkig that this can be a good opportunity to test the Ray peat inspired diet to a muscle building phase since the overall state of being is pretty optimal at a hormonal and energy level,can be pretty good for muscle building.

How i workout overall:
-Body weight calisthenics and weighted calisthenics are pretty much my base,including ring work and lots of isometrics
-i like to do Barbell and Dumbbell excercices,mostly presses and isolations
-Some strongman type of things,like heavy farmers walk,heavy sandbag carry,and different kinds of weighted carrys
-i really enjoy going out to long walks too,thats my only cardio

How my diet will be:
-lean meats(rotating on beef,pork and chicken),tendon broths,lots of dairy from raw milk,fresh whey to cheeses like local grass fed ricotta/mozzarella,homemade jellos and gummies,plenty of pastured eggs,being dairy my overall base of calories/protein/fats,in every meal i have a big serving of some kind of dairy
-i cook my meals with butter or coconut oil or grass fed tallow,and if i feel it i eat a piece of dark chocolate with honey,but i cant find regularly good chocolate,i make my own icecream too,not the typical one with the machine but i blend whole milk ricotta with frozen fruit sugar and a egg and i freeze it,the texture is pretty good
-my carbs mostly will be honey,milk,seasonal fresh fruit,white sugar,homemade syrups,the jellos/gummies and if i feel it,coconut oil french fries and arepas(thick tortillas)made with coconut oil or butter,im still trying out organic washed white rice but will not be a staple,eventually if i head a lean bulk phase i will eat a bit more of white rice because its easy to get down
-I drink plenty of coffee and other caffeine sources like Yerba and organic green/black tea,i usually hit 500 600mg of caffeine daily,i put honey or white sugar on my coffee and sometimes non fat,non fortified milk powder

The only supplement i use is creatine,im waiting some money to buy a bundle of collagen but thats it, and i time to time take an 500mg aspirin,not too often because i feel that boost me up too much and i start to be hungry every hs and i dont like that
im 172cm/5ft8 and right now 76kg/167 pounds
i attach fizeeek pictures to not be a smoke seller lol


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Jan 4, 2021
Accidentally stumbled upon this.

feezeek looks good mate, we have similar diets.

How’s it going now?


Jul 10, 2021
Hi guys,i couldnt think on a proper name or title but its basically that,i finished a cut phase and now im heading a maintenance phase,im pretty aware if i do things right i can gain some muscle and keep my fat% nearly untouched.i was thinkig that this can be a good opportunity to test the Ray peat inspired diet to a muscle building phase since the overall state of being is pretty optimal at a hormonal and energy level,can be pretty good for muscle building.

How i workout overall:
-Body weight calisthenics and weighted calisthenics are pretty much my base,including ring work and lots of isometrics
-i like to do Barbell and Dumbbell excercices,mostly presses and isolations
-Some strongman type of things,like heavy farmers walk,heavy sandbag carry,and different kinds of weighted carrys
-i really enjoy going out to long walks too,thats my only cardio

How my diet will be:
-lean meats(rotating on beef,pork and chicken),tendon broths,lots of dairy from raw milk,fresh whey to cheeses like local grass fed ricotta/mozzarella,homemade jellos and gummies,plenty of pastured eggs,being dairy my overall base of calories/protein/fats,in every meal i have a big serving of some kind of dairy
-i cook my meals with butter or coconut oil or grass fed tallow,and if i feel it i eat a piece of dark chocolate with honey,but i cant find regularly good chocolate,i make my own icecream too,not the typical one with the machine but i blend whole milk ricotta with frozen fruit sugar and a egg and i freeze it,the texture is pretty good
-my carbs mostly will be honey,milk,seasonal fresh fruit,white sugar,homemade syrups,the jellos/gummies and if i feel it,coconut oil french fries and arepas(thick tortillas)made with coconut oil or butter,im still trying out organic washed white rice but will not be a staple,eventually if i head a lean bulk phase i will eat a bit more of white rice because its easy to get down
-I drink plenty of coffee and other caffeine sources like Yerba and organic green/black tea,i usually hit 500 600mg of caffeine daily,i put honey or white sugar on my coffee and sometimes non fat,non fortified milk powder

The only supplement i use is creatine,im waiting some money to buy a bundle of collagen but thats it, and i time to time take an 500mg aspirin,not too often because i feel that boost me up too much and i start to be hungry every hs and i dont like that
im 172cm/5ft8 and right now 76kg/167 pounds
i attach fizeeek pictures to not be a smoke seller lol
How often do you use aspirin mate?

Do you get worse pumps at the gym from it? That is my experience at least. Looking to optimize my physique but don’t know if I should keep aspirin a part of my protocol.


Feb 3, 2020
I‘d switch a majority of the carbohydrates to starchy ones as glucose is more readily utilized for muscle glycogen storage, whereas fructose is primarily used for liver glycogen. Both are important, but if you are into bodybuilding then focusing on full muscle glycogen stores should be a priority in my opinion.

Also, a high intake of glucose does not lead to liver stress from my experience, whereas too much fructose was a burden on my liver.

Pairing an easily digested starch + lean animal protein + low-gas vegetables and 1-2 pieces of fruit afterwards is probably best.

I highly recommend looking into „The Vertical Diet“ by Stan Efferding for bodybuilding and performance purposes.


Mar 11, 2021
I‘d switch a majority of the carbohydrates to starchy ones as glucose is more readily utilized for muscle glycogen storage, whereas fructose is primarily used for liver glycogen. Both are important, but if you are into bodybuilding then focusing on full muscle glycogen stores should be a priority in my opinion.

Also, a high intake of glucose does not lead to liver stress from my experience, whereas too much fructose was a burden on my liver.

Pairing an easily digested starch + lean animal protein + low-gas vegetables and 1-2 pieces of fruit afterwards is probably best.

I highly recommend looking into „The Vertical Diet“ by Stan Efferding for bodybuilding and performance purposes.
Recently I’ve been consuming just fruit juice for carbs pre-workout and it fuels me very well for about half an hour but then I get an energy crash and feel stressed/jittery, even if I’m sipping fruit juice through the workout. Fruit sugars seem to burn too quickly and lead to blood sugar spikes/crashes when lifting heavy. I find a sweetened milk good and startches even better for sustained energy.
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