Lisuride And Metergoline Long-term Experiences


Feb 15, 2018
Still having a good time on Metergoline. Two drops every morning (usually transdermal now). Anxiety and depression remaining much lessened since before, even in the face of life stress and ambiguity.

I've also noticed now if I take a large dose (for me 4-8 drops) the effects are pleasant and I get a sort of "high" or slight trippiness, more imaginative and dreamy while still feeling interested in the here and now. It's a very interesting and pleasant sensation that reminds me of doing mushrooms or even MDMA (minus the amphetamine rush).

Fascinating Rick, I felt like Metergoline was giving me hypoglycemia last time I tried it but I wasn't really eating enough then so I'm gonna have to give it another shot. Why do you use it transdermally, do you feel like it's more effective that way? I thought that most people were saying that oral worked better for them. And where do you apply it?


Apr 29, 2017
Fascinating Rick, I felt like Metergoline was giving me hypoglycemia last time I tried it but I wasn't really eating enough then so I'm gonna have to give it another shot. Why do you use it transdermally, do you feel like it's more effective that way? I thought that most people were saying that oral worked better for them. And where do you apply it?

It was a hot tip from @haidut in the Metergoline product thread. Decided to try it and I liked the results. I do sometimes still take it orally or do some each way. I apply on my wrists/forearms and rub them on each other.


Aug 30, 2012
I've been taking 4 drops of metergoline and 2 of lisuride almost every night, and for the past two months my pre-menstrual breast pain completely disappeared, my period which was very heavy, is now reduced enough to stop using the "ultra" elephant-sized tampons, and the spotting I was experiencing in between periods is gone. On top of all that, my cycle had shortened to ~23 days and is now back to its usual 27 days. I had been experiencing these issues for the last 5 years, in spite of taking thyroid (both t4 and t3) and a bunch of progesterone to no avail, and this is the first time I experience relief across the board. Prolactin levels were "normal" on my bloodwork done a few weeks ago, about a month into taking this combo.

Thing is, I need to figure out why it's been elevated to begin with, because it seems like taking these is what's keeping it in check rather than resolving the root cause. Nevertheless, I'm glad it's helping me in the short term.


Oct 11, 2016
I've been taking 4 drops of metergoline and 2 of lisuride almost every night, and for the past two months my pre-menstrual breast pain completely disappeared, my period which was very heavy, is now reduced enough to stop using the "ultra" elephant-sized tampons, and the spotting I was experiencing in between periods is gone. On top of all that, my cycle had shortened to ~23 days and is now back to its usual 27 days. I had been experiencing these issues for the last 5 years, in spite of taking thyroid (both t4 and t3) and a bunch of progesterone to no avail, and this is the first time I experience relief across the board. Prolactin levels were "normal" on my bloodwork done a few weeks ago, about a month into taking this combo.

Thing is, I need to figure out why it's been elevated to begin with, because it seems like taking these is what's keeping it in check rather than resolving the root cause. Nevertheless, I'm glad it's helping me in the short term.

I find these "serotonin antagonists" to be the most powerful drugs with respect to health so far. They also seem to be fairly misunderstood. How do you find cycling them vs taking them consistently? I've always preferred the cycling.


Aug 30, 2012
I find these "serotonin antagonists" to be the most powerful drugs with respect to health so far. They also seem to be fairly misunderstood. How do you find cycling them vs taking them consistently? I've always preferred the cycling.

Since I was also dealing with digestive issues that would leave my entire abdomen swollen after eating just about anything (as well as symptoms of high estrogen that is most probably related), I figured I could probably use a more constant reduction of serotonin while I work on improving my digestion. I haven't been feeling anything different when taking it, other than absence of the symptoms I mentioned before. I'm actually not sure at what point I would need to switch over to cycling it or discontinuing it altogether, so it's a bit of an experiment for me. I guess I am expecting to start feeling some negative effects at some point. Maybe someone else here might have insights to offer. But for now, this is what's working.


Jul 13, 2014
i wonder if this aching tiredness all over my body a few hours after taking either Metergoline or Lisuride, is from lowering prolactin too much maybe?


Oct 18, 2016
i wonder if this aching tiredness all over my body a few hours after taking either Metergoline or Lisuride, is from lowering prolactin too much maybe?

They suppress ACTH, that can create fatigue feeling


Apr 29, 2017
Just wanted to report here again about my ongoing experiences with Metergoline (I've cross posted this to the Metergoline thread as well). I used Metergoline in anything from very small daily doses to one large dose a week, experimenting over about six months last year. Aside from an initial acclimatization period (as mentioned in earlier posts) I found it to more helpful than any single supplement I'd ever taken for quality of life and mental/emotional health. I ran out in early autumn summer and stopped using it.

After lasting a fair bit further into winter without bad seasonal depression than previous years (I've noticed an improvement every year since starting "peating"), in early january I was hit hard with recurring anxiety and depression, some of the worst I've experienced (I think that this had a lot to do with demands associated with returning to post-secondary, and also working a job I hate). I ordered more Metergoline and received it the week before last. I dosed three drops on my wrist a few times the first day. Within maybe two hours of the first dose I felt profoundly better. My depressive circular thoughts and near constant low level anxiety totally evaporated. I was no longer worried about school or work. The haze I had been in cleared so quickly I couldn't fathom how or why I'd felt so down. I remembered Metergoline helping a great deal with these things when I'd last used it but this transformation seemed more drastic.

The reason I'm putting this testimonial here is that I think Metergoline (and probably other serotonin antagonists) is very much worth at least trying for other people with long standing depression and anxiety and learned helplessness. It's no panacea -nothing is-, but I used this drug for months with very few side effects, dropped it with no issue, then started using it again whereby it helped even more than before. This is a powerful substance and one that I think could be transformative for many people.


Aug 28, 2016
Awesome, thanks so much for sharing! Some people who used bromocriptine or pramipexole for long time reported similar sensitivity, so I guess it has to do with dopamine system activation somehow. Good to keep in mind.

Can you explain more?


Nov 21, 2016
4 drops of Metergoline on the wrists and I'm feeling upbeat, positive, I get things done, I look at women with a healthy desire. I have no negative side effects. It is such a beautiful compound. I'm more social and proactive. I suffer from long refractory periods sometimes so I guess my prolactin is high
Nov 21, 2015
I have been using metergoline for headache prevention. I started with about 2mg per day, divided doses, and have also been at 4mg per day divided doses. Also taking small amounts of exemestane, 3mg mostly, some days one, some days 5mg.

Today I feel very empty and erections are very poor. Libido deserted me (although I still have sex, LOL) and wonder if it could be too much of these...

Any ideas?


Sep 25, 2017
I have been using metergoline for headache prevention. I started with about 2mg per day, divided doses, and have also been at 4mg per day divided doses. Also taking small amounts of exemestane, 3mg mostly, some days one, some days 5mg.

Today I feel very empty and erections are very poor. Libido deserted me (although I still have sex, LOL) and wonder if it could be too much of these...

Any ideas?
2,5 exemestane daily ****88 up my libido and mood
2,5 mg seems more than enough to crasa estrogen


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Oct 11, 2016
I don't get how people are taking Metergoline or Lisuride at night... They're both like rocket fuel to me. I take tiny doses and have huge results. Lisuride feels more like LSD.


just wanted to add that while taking metergoline, my estradiol came down to somewhere in the upper end of the reference range. I guess while not being directly anti-estrogen, lowering prolactin and serotonin while increasing dopamine has a concomitant estrogen-lowering effect. So taking an AI at the same time might be too much.

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
just wanted to add that while taking metergoline, my estradiol came down to somewhere in the upper end of the reference range. I guess while not being directly anti-estrogen, lowering prolactin and serotonin while increasing dopamine has a concomitant estrogen-lowering effect. So taking an AI at the same time might be too much.
This is great, can you share the bloodwork test?
Nov 21, 2015
just wanted to add that while taking metergoline, my estradiol came down to somewhere in the upper end of the reference range. I guess while not being directly anti-estrogen, lowering prolactin and serotonin while increasing dopamine has a concomitant estrogen-lowering effect. So taking an AI at the same time might be too much.

great to know. Thank you.


Feb 10, 2013
I posted about this a few years ago on the original lisuride thread but I was taking it for about a week and felt nothing, I was not around people all of that week but once I was I realized my social anxiety was completely gone. Before it was so bad i was not able to post on an anonymous forum without experiencing a lot of stress. I was very chatty, open with people and had no filter kind of like a child, it was also impossible for me to feel embarrassment even in situations where I probably should have been embarrassed. I continued taking it twice a week or so (don't remember the dosages) for another year or two, but haven't taken it since in like 2 or 3 years and the effects are still the same. The social anxiety didn't come back... though I still experience other kinds of anxiety. I'm not sure if it even was anxiety so much that it got rid of, it just makes me talk like a retarded kid with zero filter. I make a fool of myself regularly as a result but luckily I also can't get embarrassed so it's a win.

I haven't seen anyone else have these kinds of ridiculous results though, I changed nothing else so it must have been the lisuride. I am getting more negative thoughts again so I will probably order more and pay attention to the effects more closely.
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