Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Jul 6, 2016
Ok I understand what you mean. Yes it makes sense. I also think the body works like that...BUT I don't know then how to restore proper functioning without drugs, supplements, special diet, etc... So that's why I use them. I know there might be better approaches but those are the ones that I'm knowledgeable of.

And the positives outweight the negatives in my case.

What are your strategies for healing then ? That don't disturb the homeostasis. At a practical level, not theories.

I actually think that supplements like aspirin or caffeine can help. They seem to effect signalling as a side-effect of their effects on the mitochondria. Now, aspirin versus something like cyproheptadine, is completely different. As far as I know, cyporheptadine's effects are only because of it's "blunt" action at the receptors it targets. It doesn't effect some very basic mechanism, like aspirin seems to. Cyproheptadine will probably only confuse the cell and not allow it to use the information from the environment correctly. Aspirin does a LOT, and seems to coherently do generally good things, like lower serotonin or estrogen, yet it isn't an antagonist at any of these receptors, which tells me that aspirin lowers these things as a side-effect of what it does to the mitochondria, versus cyproheptadine, which lowers the effects of serotonin purely by being an antagonist at the receptor.

Drugs have their uses. But you have to get everything right in order to use them correctly (as an example, think of dopamine agonists. You have to use them in the morning, or else they **** everything up, like your circadian rhythm. If you use cyproheptadine too much, you're probably not letting your body deal with endotoxin correctly). And even when used correctly, they are not a cure, they only give symptomatic relief.

(Full disclosure, I have used benadryl and memantine among other drugs this past month. No relief of health issues.)

I think special diets can help. It depends on the person. I think it's worth a shot. Definitely better than taking drugs, especially if you don't actually know what the drug is doing / understand the implications of taking such a substance.

I won't say my strategies for healing until I am healed. When I am healed I will try to help as much as possible.


Jan 5, 2016
I won't say my strategies for healing until I am healed. When I am healed I will try to help as much as possible.

I like that philosophy. Keepin' it real. I think a lot of the time people jump the gun and say "x_y_z is so amazing it cured me of _____", when in reality they're only experiencing short term relief before homeostasis kicks in.

The only lasting thing i've really noticed benefits from is vitamin A (dry eyes, acne, dandruff), collagen (inflammation / resistance to sunburn), getting more sunlight (I just feel better generally) and very restrictive diets (improving bowel function and general energy). Although I get pretty sick of the restrictive diets so I've historically done them as more of a "cleanse". All of these things need to be up kept though.
Jul 6, 2016
I like that philosophy. Keepin' it real. I think a lot of the time people jump the gun and say "x_y_z is so amazing it cured me of _____", when in reality they're only experiencing short term relief before homeostasis kicks in.

The only lasting thing i've really noticed benefits from is vitamin A (dry eyes, acne, dandruff), collagen (inflammation / resistance to sunburn), getting more sunlight (I just feel better generally) and very restrictive diets (improving bowel function and general energy). Although I get pretty sick of the restrictive diets so I've historically done them as more of a "cleanse". All of these things need to be up kept though.

In my case, a lot of the supposed "healing" that I thought I was experiencing was actually delusion.
Jul 6, 2016
In my case, a lot of the supposed "healing" that I thought I was experiencing was actually delusion.

Basically what happens is that I research a new supplement or diet, take it, and coast off of placebo until reality hits me, when I then realize it hasn't helped at all. At least that's what I think is happening but this could also be more delusion or over-analysis.
Dec 10, 2015
Hi anyone here understand spanish? I saw this at youtube and the chinese chef just massage and corrected a dislocated arm?



Jan 5, 2016
Basically what happens is that I research a new supplement or diet, take it, and coast off of placebo until reality hits me, when I then realize it hasn't helped at all. At least that's what I think is happening but this could also be more delusion or over-analysis.
Yeah ive heard a lot of raw vegans be like 'this is the answer' next minute their teeth and hair starts falling out and its not the answer anymore lol
Jul 6, 2016
Yeah ive heard a lot of raw vegans be like 'this is the answer' next minute their teeth and hair starts falling out and its not the answer anymore lol

And all the while they think they're "detoxing".

IMO reading about nutrition is a waste of time usually.


Oct 11, 2016
Very interesting stuff tyw! Do you think it is possible to give quality TCM doctoring via the internet? If the patient measures their pulse and takes pictures and whatnot - and having a video conference? I realize the patient will not be trained to feel the various pulses TCM docs can feel - but I'm wondering if it would still be worth it.


Apr 11, 2015
The more I learn the more I come to realize how cool TCM is, the way of distinguishing dis-ease may sound a bit off putting to people "damp spleen qi deficient or blood deficient dry skin so eat chicken liver to nourish lung/metal qi."

You can see some of the remedies may be synergistic with peat approach, but just have an interesting way of explaining physiological effects, so the organism is seen coherently & harmonically related through complementary opposites which are observed by the interplay elemental forces found in nature. It's super rad.
Dec 10, 2015
Are tcm chinese capsules or powder form has binders(sterate, silica...etc) like the conventional vitamins/supplements?

Or are they more "clean"

Cannot understand the ingredients written in chinese.


Oct 11, 2016
Are tcm chinese capsules or powder form has binders(sterate, silica...etc) like the conventional vitamins/supplements?

Or are they more "clean"

Cannot understand the ingredients written in chinese.

They should be the pure herbs without fillers... However, giving you the herbs in raw form, and having you boil them into water for drinking - is considered more potent by TCM docs.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Correct me if I'm wrong but you've never experienced the high stress/learned helplessness situation I'm talking about, right ? (I'm not saying this in any offensive manner). You would think very different, trust me. From a theoretical point of view it's easy to say yeah.. the body is wise... but quite often is not just your body man, it's lots of external stressors.
I know this too from inside, but yes it is still your body, its reaction. -> inside
Stress is in the body even after stressor has gone.
This is why it is posible to get better through body/somatic techniques.
Yes the body knows what to do, and when it seems it does not, it is still protecting us from worse.
Helplessness is about the freeze response, and it hides a very big activation under apparent stillness.
Stress from exterior, tcm from exterior, compensate the inside energy change...
Balance back!
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Nov 27, 2016

For example, one can say that "Hair Loss is evident, with concurrent Liver Qi is deficient. Suspect Kidney Jing or Blood deficiency" => then go do the appropriate tests. Find out that Kidney "blood" is deficient, and that's due to pathogens attacking its complementary organ, the Urinary Bladder (eg: common to see UTIs manifest as kidney issues).

Diagnosis is done. Treatment can take many possible options, that may or may not follow traditional TCM procedures. At this point, if I want to say, "nuke the parasite with antibiotics, and then take Milk Thistle to support liver function", that may also be a viable option.

Diagnosis is distinct from Treatment. We can choose whatever treatment works once we understand the pathology.

This begs the question: How do you figure out "what treatment works". And the answer is to use whatever logic and empirical experimental evidence is available to you. There is no restriction to use TCM treatment herbs.​

TCM diagnosis is still useful -- in the example above, Western medicine wouldn't even think about looking to the kidneys over hair loss symptoms.


Possibly. Again, those doses are for acute use, and should be used with appropriate support if possible.


Sodium Chloride does not work in the context of infections, and has not been shown to work practically:

When one considers that this normal acid is derived from the tissues of the stomach or gastric membrane and not directly from the sodium chloride of the blood, one readily realizes that an ample supply of.sodium chloride alone is insufficient to restore normal gastric acidity. Rather that it is, instead, a complex process, the sodium atom being picked up and combined with the phosphorus atom, giving rise to sodium phosphates to be eliminated, thus allowing the chlorine atom to be set free to combine with the potassium and other minerals and albumins in the gastric acid cells and to be made ready for future digestive functions.


Glycine receptor chloride channels are unrelated to the process of killing infection, and glycine provides no extra chloride ions itself (ie: if there is an "increase in stomach acid", it is via already present chloride ions, which is not enough for clinical use of infection management). The mechanisms are completely orthogonal to Betaine HCL, and should be discussed as a separate mechanic, and not as a replacement.


@tyw can this be used for HCL diluted down to lets say 5%? If yes, how much could be used per meal?
Hydrochloric Acid 36 % High Concentrate 5 litres | eBay
Dec 10, 2015
@Makrosky @Regina @papaya @Waynish @Entropy @ivy @Xisca @moringa

Hi anyone can name these herbs in english and why it was prescribe ? 8 kinds of herbs and those two black are different kinds










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