Ideal diet for oral health?


Dec 17, 2017
Pseudoscience. The same muppets are going to show up and say the same boring stuff to "challenge" (lols)my view on this, but there is no science that supports this and IME, it's definitely not been the case as i use a lot of toothpastes with glycerin and i've had confirmation from 3 different dentists and a hygienist that i have all but reversed my risk of periodontitis and no longer have any cavities or fractures. One thing i dislike about glycerin though in some toothpaste formulas is it can cause me to gag, but i just avoid those brands.

You all must get your information from the same place as i literally had to scour search items on the web to find out where this information came from. It was said by one single dentist in the 20th century, and not even a decade later a test was done to prove it wrong.more to the point, it is common knowledge that glycerin is HIGHLY water soluble and quite easily breaks down in cold and warm water, which means it also breaks down in saliva, so why this information still persists today with that thin of a thread to hold it together is baffling
So we both have good dental reports. Good for you. Still doesn't solve for x and highly water soluble doesn't negate an affinity to micro-coat enamel and impede absorption. That smooth feeling coating is a big part of why it's in there.

I lean toward what is closer to natural. Glycerine pastes are in no way natural nor have they ever been a part of oral hygiene in populations with naturally good teeth, as researched by W. Price.
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