How Are You Teeth? Is Anyone Else Crazy About Oral Health Here?


Oct 28, 2019
so the last few days I realized my molars felt a little painful and "loose." I have been taking magnesium. So I started taking some eggshell calcium, and voila, molars are solid again and no pain

Over just a few days.

I consume a lot of dairy but I think the magnesium-calcium "receptors" are somewhat competitive, and the magnesium glycinate was interfering with calcium absorption.

I still visit the dentist, but haven't had to get any dental work done in years. I think the cleanings have been valuable. I never let them x-ray me and I don't accept fluoride treatments.
This exact thing is happening to me at the moment. I was taking magnesium over Christmas and have had dull tooth ache since. Not in any particular tooth but generally all of them. I drink a lot of milk but I'll try the egg shell. Why do you think the egg shell worked but the dairy didn't? Or do you just think it is down to upping the calcium?
Nov 21, 2015
I am not sure, but I think I was consuming much more Ca via eggshell than I was getting via dairy.
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