System Health Issue (cold Hands/feet, Tinnitus, Eyes, Hair Etc.) - Help/Advice Needed


Oct 6, 2020
Good Evening Forum,

so i've been browsing/lurking here for 2-3 months now, soaking up so much information and i've finally decided to get into direct contact with the people here.

Perhaps it is selfish and egocentric for my first Post/Thread to be asking strangers to help me but from what i've percieved so far there are many helpful/knowledgable people not shy of using their wealth of information/experience to help a fellow guy to find his way to health.

I try to keep this as short as possible if i can but in case i'm not able to i will try to make a TLDR at the end.

My name is Ben. I'm 26 years old male, 1,80cm (5 feet 11 inches) tall, 63kg (138lbs) from Austria and im dealing with serious health issues for ca. 4 years now and can't seem to figure out what exactly the problem is.

Current Health Issues/Symptoms are:

  • Tinnitus (the side, sound and intensity changes fairly often)
  • Hyperacusis
  • Shallow Breathing/ compromised volume to breath (feels like its blocked)
  • Eyes Issue (visual snow, seeing sharp to far away objects is compromized, lights at night feel intense and im having difficulty reading electrical signs, also they are always bloodridden and under my eyes i kind of lost connective tissue/fat or something ... you can see all the veins under them ... looking sickish)
  • Cold hands and feet (while being very heat sensitive at thoose areas)
  • Numb arms while benchpressing
  • Hair loss and weak Hair which gets greasy very quickly
  • Dandruff on scalp, eyebrows, feet and foreskin
  • Bad Nails
  • Skin Issues (can't get brown from the sun anymore properly, having many of these bursted bloodvessels(?) under my sternum, also suddenly getting more and more moles, getting smal red dots which look like mini moles everywhere on the body ...hemangioma?)
  • White strong coating on the tongue with spots left out (candita? inflammation?)
  • Milk products causes me to have this wierd annyoing after taste/feeling all day long (never had issues with milk before)
  • Heat/Cold sensitive teeth/inflammed gums almost everyday
  • Upper stomache pain under the sternum where the lowest rip starts on the left side
  • Jaw, neck and back muscles tense up randomly (no massage/physio helps)
  • Sympathetic nervus system being to quick to activate (stress reaction to often, to quickly, to long)

So far Multi-Vitamin complexes, high dosage B-Vitamin Complexes, Omega 3 fish oil, OPC Supplement, Vitamin D and Vitamin B12, Magnesium, Bone Broth, Vitamin C+Zink, Mineral Supplement have been tested trough the last 1-2 years. I also went to so many doctors with them telling me essentially that i am a nutcase imagining things (as my symptoms are to broad and my bloodtest is not to much out of the ordinary)

I would like to write up my story here as i think its important to understand how or why im having these issues but this would get kinda long. Is there a option where i could put text in a box that can be opened/closed so people are not overwhelmed of this much text .... it is such a stupid long story...

I write it down here and format it later when i figure out how:

My issues as a teenager has been low energy/fatigue, severe social anxiety and being very skinny despite eating like a madman.
I got into weight lifting at 18 and made realy good progress until i was 22-23 years old.
I had an injury from trying to learn muscle-ups (was kinda sick on that day too, no idea why i felt like workoing out), hurt my right shoulder and i am unable to do dips without pain nor can i benchpress without my arms getting numb (especially the forearm) ever since mid 2016. Also going into planking or lying down position i get a vein on my forehead popping out liky crazy and me feeling like my blood is stuck rushing to my head as if i was doing a handstand for to long, this kinda got better to this day but its still a thing sometimes. That vein thing happense also when im in a health comrpomised state or drink alcohol. Doctor couldnt think of a reason why i have these issues and physiotherapie only helped a little. Within 1,5 years i had severe symptoms of numb arms when i tryied to sleep on my back and also having realy bad lower back pain ... so bad infact i couldnt move often times at all. MRI of the spine couldn't tell us why either. Thank god the backpain and numbness issues went away ... kind of, sometimes it flares up.

Fast foreward to 2018: i got dental braces since i was unhappy with my teeth. Around a 1-2 months after that i started to get a tinnitus that wouldn't go away. I told the orthodontist to remove the braces since i was convinced it was causing the issue. 2-3 weeks without them didn't change a thing so we continued with the dental braces.
The tinnitus was only bothering me when i was lying down trying to sleep so it wasn't that bad but at that time it scared me and i could only sleep with music running in the background.
ENT specialist set me on a one week vitamin b complex which did nothing and after that on a 2-week Cortisone treatment. Didn't help either. I was sent to do a MRI from the skull. Nothing unusual found there either (tho the braces kinda interfered the image). One month after the tinnitus i lost my job.

2-3 Months later i found a new job but during that search time i was fairly depressed.
At my new job i started to get symptoms with my eyes but they would go away quickly so i wouldnt think much of it. I also felt like my immune system was just worse than what it should be. I would go sauna once a week but i couldn't endure it at all anymore. Going sauna would make me feel sickish for 2-3 days while nose, jaw, hands and feed would tingle insanely or go numb. That was already a sign that i should've payed attention to. but instead i decided ... no more saunas.
My PUFA consumption increased in the year 2018 dramaticly, trying out fishoil for its supposed health benefits and eating alot of seeds and nuts. Already had issues with white coating on my tongue/sensitive teeth and inflammed gums from here on. No doctor would take that as a potential problem so i tryed to ignore it. Around october 2018 i tryed to go vegan for some reason. Sticked with it until february 2019 (4 months) but had to stop. I lost around 6-8kg (from 76kg down to 68kg). Skin was extremly good but my hair got realy realy bad (weak hair all the time and needed to be washed within 1-2 days because it greased up insanely quickly) and my nails were just a big mess and weak with wierd black points on them. Doctor found low copper levels ... which was wierd since i ate alot of nuts and chocolate. Well tbh i ate raw nuts, seeds and oats on a daily basis for a long time ... i didn't know anything about phytic acid and enzyme inhibotors ... i also had a inflammed synovial bursa for 2 months.

Anyway, i tried to eat normally and got back into weightlifting during the summer 2019 since i wanted to be as strong as in the "old" days but hair, skin etc. wouldnt catchup from what i did with my veganism experiement. Also i wasn't able to digest tomtatoe/paprika skins nor nuts anymore ... i would find these things in my stool all the time. A smelly wet kind of bowel movement remained even half a year after reverting back to a "normal variety rich diet".

I also tried high dosage of a vitamin-b complex. My eyes went from a grey colour to a deep strong ocean blue ... like this actor ragnar in vikings has. Sadly this effect didnt remain. I also had to stop taking it because i felt bad taking the complex to often. It was an attempt to get rid of the tinnitus.

Somewhere during that summer i got stung by something while doing outdoor pullups at the nearby forrest. This was wierd as i got sick within 2 hours of the sting having an badly inflammaed throat. It was such a wierd experience that i went to the doctor immediately becaus something just felt off. She took bloodsamples, looked at the wound on my chest where i was stung and said its nothing.
Within each following week it got worse and worse and the wound on my chest wouldn't heal/be itchy all the time until it it went from a wound to a scar after 2 months.

The inflammed troath became cronic and would persist while also developing bad inflammaed elbow pain.
Elbow Pain eventually went away after 3 months ... the wierd thing was it was gone after a night of not sleeping and drinking way to much alcohol...

Big blood work at the hopsital, stool and urin sample aswell as a colonoscopy couldn't make me nor the doctors any smarter. Rheumatism or Lyme-disease where ideas but couldn't be proven either.

Went to a tcm doctor for a month which turned out to be a huge waste of money and time.
Went to a orthodontist specialist (since up to that point i was sure my tinnitus had something to do with my jaw) who experiemented a little with me while doing physiotherapie for my jaw/neck.
Also i went to a osteopathy practioner. All of these things were also a huge waste of time and money.
During this time of doctor marathons my tinnitus became hearable troughout the day.

I tried to ignore my issues. Get away from all the medical professionals who were as helpfull as the rock sitting in my backyard. Went on a company outing where i ran into the problem of not sleeping for 2 days and drinking far to much alcohol (well we had alot of fun tho ...) . All of that during a time of big emotional stress i had with this woman i fell in love with.

The 2 days not sleeping and drinking made the tinnitus so bad i couldn't overshadow it with music during broad daylight/ city traffic and i developed severe hyperacusic which made being near ventilators, bus fans, air conditioners, computer fans etc. a living nightmare to be around. Also my stomache was badly inflammed so a simple apple or banana would hurt realy bad and there was this constant chronic pain near the sternum where the lowest rip on the left side starts. I would also get intense tachyarrhythmia during the day and especially at night. Also i got realy bad issues with breathing and falling asleep, laying in bed for 2-3 hours each night.

I was at such a loss, my health derrotiated so badly i didnt know what to do anymore. Took time of work for 3 weeks but it didnt help. I was so weak and sickish while being tortured by the tinnitus/hyperacusic i couldnt manage to do a simple grocery shopping, nor could i work anymore.

In my desperation i ended up at this doctor who was a supposed specialist for lyme-disease. He didn't do any bloodwork nor anything ... he was a alternative guy who thought he could diagnose and treat people with frequency diagnostic. he would hold this thing up to your ears, measure frequencys while feeding you with homeopathic sugar balls. After he was done he told me i had 3 viruses, parasites, ms, lyme disease and a sexual transmittable disease. Ofcourse i thought he was crazy but finally someone who wanted to take some actual action. He set me on a 5 week antibiotic treatment and told me im not allowed to eat anything other than white rice with cooked veggies/cooked meat and maybe some proccessed white toast.

I lost most of my appetite, barely ate anything but this white rice dish. My Weight dropped down to 62 kg and i started to look slowly but surely like a holocoust victim. I went with this treatment until the end of January 2020. My inflammed stomache/throat got better but suddenly ... my hair started falling out realy bad while getting bad dandruff. 1-2 weeks later i get realy realy bad testicle pain for a week and my eyes would go realy bad suddenly having this visual snow like a overlay on my vision, being light sensitive, having nerve pain above my eyes and having realy bad issues with seeing sharp. Neither a ophthalmology doctor nor 2 other doctors at the hospital could find a reason for this (everythings fine apparantly ...)

In February i got so sick for 3 weeks (not sure if it was corona ... bad fever, throat inflamed, bad cough and feeling like a dead person)

From here on i decided its on me to figure this out and take my health into my on responsibility ...
Learning all i could about stress and applying breathing/meditation techniques. Started this Tinnitus retraining therapy on my own trough a self-help book which got rid almost completly of the hyperacusic. I also got rid off most of my tension in jaw/shoulder/neck by selfmassaging painful trigger points i seemed to have everywhere (they still flare up every other day tho).

While this was all good and well and i seemed to get better and better my hair and eyes wouldnt agree with me. A friend of mine recommended this health practioneer. He told me the basis of my problems are parasites (which he apparantly saw trough dark-field microscopy in my blood) and organs not working properly. He set me on this anti worm med pyrantel... and oh boy did it work. I couldn't sleep more than 2-3 hours for the next 3 days but my body was constantly warm (in a good comfy way) and i had energy, focus, selfconfidence, strong libido and felt like i could rip trees out with my bare hands. Tinnitus also was almost gone these days.

Sadly this feeling went away and repeated action with the same med or other worm meds didnt seem to help.
I started doing enemas with cdl recommended by this health practioneer ... and man it realy helps my energy and my libido but i can't seem to eat milk products anymore without this wierd annyoing aftertaste feeling in my mouth since 3 weeks. Also while hair and eyes seem to have days where they regrow/get better, i am now getting worse and worse these days again.

Considering everything i know and experienced most of my problems are somehow connected to my gut. Wether it realy is parasites, endotoxins, fungal/bacterial overgrow idk. But im almost sure it's one of thoose. If the thyriod or some other organ has issues, im still convinced its not the source of my problems. I also crave meat realy badly at the moment.


So here i am. Avoiding pufas. eating bonebroth/glycine when i can (which feels so good to my stomache). OJ and more sugar/carbs which help my blood circulations. Taking walks. Doing breath/parasympathetic work.
Tryed raw carrot with coconut oil but that triggers sleepy/tiredness sometimes.

My Symptoms are worsening again ... so idk what my next course of action is going to be.

From everything ive read here im tempted to try the taurine/k2 mk4 thing mentioned here somewhere against tinnitus. On the other hand i feel like fixing my stomache first. Twohandsondeck or Amazoniacs posted Stomache fixex with fruit and antifungal/parasitic natural herb reguimes, which also intrigued me. Also i want to be able to eat milk products in good quantities again without white tongue coating /aftertaste feelings.

I'd realy love to hear your ideas. For the sake of offering everything ill try to take pictures of my hair, eye and skinn issues and maybe upload the big bloodwork done last year.


Forum Supporter
Jun 26, 2017
What is your everyday diet like, besides bone broth and OJ? What do you eat for substance?


Aug 6, 2017
Myofascial tension as a result from chronic energy depletion or postural damage. Most of the issues you list are something i have experienced resolution from by fixing chronic postural damage, or can easily argue why fascial tension is the cause. You can look at my post history for arguments over the past year or so from different topics, or 2 years ago when i started my healing journey (but did not know the details yet). I also recently posted a topic here with the best fascial overview video i have come across. If you have any specific details outside of that i'm willing to also answer it here.

Fascial damage is probably the most overlooked field of medicine and ends up being able to explain a whole lot of common chronic conditions. Hormone balances/vitamin,nutrition balance/"parasite",overgrowth etc. are second order effects and usually not causal, yet everyone looks at these.
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Oct 6, 2020
What is your everyday diet like, besides bone broth and OJ? What do you eat for substance?

As of right now im trying this fruit fast where twohandseck made a testimonial a week ago.

Bulk of my diet over the last months before this fast used to be chocolate, OJ 1-3 glasses a day, bigger meals consisting and varrying between pasta bolognese with lots of ground beef, white rice with goat cheese, cooked peas and carrots or potatoes with eggs, and i use onions in most warm recipies. Eggs also sometimes replace a milk based breakfast. And theres often times cheese or sourdough bread with liverpate as snacks 2-3 times a day. Also an apple and a banana on most days. Most meals are cooked with coconut oil or butter/ghee.

Myofascial tension as a result from chronic energy depletion or postural damage. Most of the issues you list are something i have experienced resolution from by fixing chronic postural damage, or can easily argue why fascial tension is the cause. You can look at my post history for arguments over the past year or so from different topics, or 2 years ago when i started my healing journey (but did not know the details yet). I also recently posted a topic here with the best fascial overview video i have come across. If you have any specific details outside of that i'm willing to also answer it here.

Fascial damage is probably the most overlooked field of medicine and ends up being able to explain a whole lot of common chronic conditions. Hormone balances/vitamin,nutrition balance/"parasite",overgrowth etc. are second order effects and usually not causal, yet everyone looks at these.

Hey man. Well this sounds intriguing considering how much i was able to improve my lifequality by triggerpoint massages and daily walks. It could make sense because of all the issues i have the first one came from my sport injury. This is where and how everything started. And in no doubt could some issue with muscular, connective or scar tissue result in a permanent stress factor for the body ... but could it realy lead to such an insane decline in a young healthy person like this? What i went trough the last 2 yeas is insane. I can't shrug of the feeling tho that the gut is/could be just as important tho. Or even more so. But im open for anything.

I will definietly check your thread out and read into this. Thank you very much. I'll come back to your offer if i have any questions.


Oct 21, 2018
Iam an woman en experience the same things as you. Very warm and sometimes very cold, but the worst is the sensitive gums. A few fays ago I started reading online of been searching what it could be ore at least for some ideas. I do see a lot of the symptons in copper deficieny. But I dont really know fore sure, its so hard. So no, unfornately not really an answer for you but maybe an idea to look at. I will follow this lost in the hope that there are people with some idea or answers.
Sep 7, 2017
OP, you mention breathing problems. Can you elaborate? Are you able to regularly breath through your nose effectively?

I've recently discovered breathing to be the cornerstone of health. Highly recommend the book Breath be James Nestor.


Oct 6, 2020
Iam an woman en experience the same things as you. Very warm and sometimes very cold, but the worst is the sensitive gums. A few fays ago I started reading online of been searching what it could be ore at least for some ideas. I do see a lot of the symptons in copper deficieny. But I dont really know fore sure, its so hard. So no, unfornately not really an answer for you but maybe an idea to look at. I will follow this lost in the hope that there are people with some idea or answers.

There is a reason for everything. And i don't mean this in a spiritual sense but for everything working or not working in your body there is a an complex biological/ physiological reason for it.

Copper itself should've under no nutritional reasoning be low at anytime for me during the last two years if we look at the food i used to eat. But it was. So there is a malabsorption thing going on. A really bad serious one at that.

OP, you mention breathing problems. Can you elaborate? Are you able to regularly breath through your nose effectively?

I've recently discovered breathing to be the cornerstone of health. Highly recommend the book Breath be James Nestor.

Breathing itself works just fine. There are moments (which are alot less frequent the further i improve my healh) where i notice some sort of blockage under my sternum. That leaves me breathing fast and often instead of calm and deeply. But the days where this was a chronic thing are gone thank god ... but it still happense from time to time.

Another thing that i still have is, if i try to breath in very deeply trough my nose and trying to get to maximum capabilites i notice the muscles or connective tissue stretching at the right side of my neck down to my right shoulderblade. Exactly where i had my injury.

In this sense rei's proposal with fascia makes sense. The shoulder injury led to all my nervous system issues from numb/cold limbs, breathing and blood circulations. Funnily enough i sat at a neurologist this year explaining my discovered connection between some of my health issues and my injury i had 4 years ago ... she told me there is no way that that is connected and told me to see a psychiatrist.

Fascial damage is probably the most overlooked field of medicine and ends up being able to explain a whole lot of common chronic conditions. Hormone balances/vitamin,nutrition balance/"parasite",overgrowth etc. are second order effects and usually not causal, yet everyone looks at these.

Well i've watched the german video on your thread. It's amazing ... im always excited seeing such interesting research. I think around april this year i noticed intense stress relief and a amazing feeling when i activate the muscles at my backside between the shoulderblades ( a little above the right shoulderblade) . Whenever i do that i get an immense sensation trough my head and all the tightness of my jaw stops... as if my entire body would "let go". Idk why i stopped working on that but if i did it to often i noticed the issue with breathing more often.

The model he showed in the video of these fascia keeping us stable even if vertebras are damaged is amazing. In a visual sense it explains the tightness i feel when breathing deeply in.
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Apr 15, 2020
I experience some of your symptoms too oddly.

Just a few stuff:
Drop the Fish Oil, it is highly advised against in the RP community.
Try Vitamin K2 (Thorne Reserach, Vitamin K2 Mk-4 without Vit D) for the teeth and gums.
Try to get some morning sun. As early as possible.
Eat beef heart, cheap and good source of Cholesterol and CoQ-10, Zinc...
Talk to more people.
High carb meal, after that a walk with shallow but diaphragm breathing, mouth closed, good posture. See new places walk around etc. Allows for good CO2 production.
Eggs, butter... warm Milk with honey if you can tolerate it.
Scoliosis exercises (static I think, balance)... Also includes some stretches. Really good for strength. Search for T-Nation rotator cuff exercises (3 exercises with a band, can't remember the name of article).
Avoid chronic exercise. I suggest stop with any exercise for now, aside from light rotator cuff work, walking, Scoliosis exercises.

Good luck :):


Oct 6, 2020
I experience some of your symptoms too oddly.

Just a few stuff:
Drop the Fish Oil, it is highly advised against in the RP community.
Try Vitamin K2 (Thorne Reserach, Vitamin K2 Mk-4 without Vit D) for the teeth and gums.
Try to get some morning sun. As early as possible.
Eat beef heart, cheap and good source of Cholesterol and CoQ-10, Zinc...
Talk to more people.
High carb meal, after that a walk with shallow but diaphragm breathing, mouth closed, good posture. See new places walk around etc. Allows for good CO2 production.
Eggs, butter... warm Milk with honey if you can tolerate it.
Scoliosis exercises (static I think, balance)... Also includes some stretches. Really good for strength. Search for T-Nation rotator cuff exercises (3 exercises with a band, can't remember the name of article).
Avoid chronic exercise. I suggest stop with any exercise for now, aside from light rotator cuff work, walking, Scoliosis exercises.

Good luck :):

Hey man thank you, i am doing all of these already.

I dropped the fish oil by the end of 2019. At one point i was able to notice that the oil was adding to the worsening of my health state, even before i read up on how dangerous pufas are.
Funny my Thorne K2 Mk4 is already on it's way as we speak.

Beef Liver or Heart ... well i've never been at a butcher in my life before but i have to find one but i'd doubt i find one who sells me grassfed stuff honestly. Idealy i'd find a local farmer who's grass feeding where i can order a half animal or so and freeze the meat.

You can look at my post history for arguments over the past year or so from different topics, or 2 years ago when i started my healing journey (but did not know the details yet). I also recently posted a topic here with the best fascial overview video i have come across. If you have any specific details outside of that i'm willing to also answer it here.

Rei... my apologies but i can't seem to find to much on this forum from you that realy explains more towards this topic you are suggesting. The video was very helpful, same goes with Esther Gokhale explaining the J spine.

I already implement mindfulness towards my posture trying to get more into a j spine as suggested by her. My Range of motion in my right shoulder improved dramaticly already within 1-2 weeks. That's where i had my injury. Ofcourse i reach a point where i cant go further where i feel a blockade or something that leads to extreme stretch feelings at the triceps ending at my elbow (simply by moving my shoulder into the proper position)

If i keep working on that im certain that i'd reach a progress in my health state that no physiotherapy could in the last 4 years. My jaw and traps are way more relaxed doing this too. Reeducating my neck is pretty hard tho. On some days it kinda seems to backfire and my tensions are worse from doing this stuff. Thats were i need a day off from doing this kind of work.

So far im just experiementing with finding trigger points and some stretches where i realy know i need them. But that's about it. Came across Myofscial Yoga or Myiofascial release by John barne's but thats about all i could find and there aren't specific videos designed where to work at. I know we all are individuals but damn i could need some more pointers. All the other videos are just people going in a meditative state rolling and stretching around on the floor which i did too before and feels good but it's not as precise as what i think it should be. I know alot of fascial and muscle tension only goes away when you work torwards it mentally, see what emotional trauma may lies behind it. Certain thoughts, breathing or simply parasympathetic for instance seems to be necessary at times.

Another good Video explaining it is:

here it suggests that foam rolling for instance is not realy as beneficial long term and we need movement and mobility to get the fascia gliding properly again.
They use this knowledge on their professional sport clients by using decompressive techniques rather than compressive once (like massage, foam rolling, trigger point work). Pulling instead of all the constant pushing on layers. This starts at around the one hour mark of the video. They actually made a study where they put a person into an MRI with cupping to see whats happening there. But they are using a devices on their professional sport clients that can generate much more pulling strength than traditional cupping can .... simply put strengthening the muscles that are not doing their job while doing fascial release work is their philosophy.

Do you have a more precise approach to this? I've found one approach that goes into yoga and more into a john barnes kind of style but i can't attend nor have the money for simply "trying" that method :

I tried translating the posture thing towards my sleeping posture/habit but damn my body only feels like sleeping when i go into the classic fetus/sitting position...
Would like to hear more from you towards this topic. Perhaps you could write up a thread as a sort of simple guide from where one could start of off.


Aug 6, 2017
Indeed, pulling not pushing, except when you need to get over a "local optima" you have settled in to as a result of injury etc. But in addition to what you describe mainly my regimen has been flailing my arms and legs around according to which direction the tension is.

This might be a completely foreign concept but you can actually feel the imbalance in tension if you "meditate" on it and at least for me there is always only one direction towards which the tension can be felt. Often very subtly. You mention Barnes, and he is actually in one of the videos i have linked several times here.
Really listen to what he says and try to imagine/visualize/internalize the idea. The woman performing it is a bit more artistic and "on camera" than what it should in practice look like, but gives a decent clue.

when he says "and when you stretch and keep it up, notice that in that stretch there is a motion, it's almost like you begin to fall into space" this comes from the imbalance in myofascial tension pulling you in some direction. This imbalance is what you are looking to detect, and fix. Once you have found the issue then all that stretching takes second seat and it is more "flailing" the limbs around to wind the fascia back in line.

And i'm not exaggerating when i said meditate on it, it is another dimension of introspection most people seem to have lost, as had i. I don't know if i had been able to accidentally discover it unless i had done fasting, as it forces you to learn to listen to your body in a new way.
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Oct 20, 2021
United States
Hey man, I was wondering if you improved some of these issues? I have tried so many different things and I can’t seem to get rid of persisting dry skin/scalp and dark under eyes with visible veins.


Oct 6, 2020
Hey man, I was wondering if you improved some of these issues? I have tried so many different things and I can’t seem to get rid of persisting dry skin/scalp and dark under eyes with visible veins.

Sadly, not in the sense that i "fixed" or got rid off anything but im better now than i was then. Still trying alot of things.

Thus far my conclusion is:

Gelatine/Glycine and Sulphur is awsome. Antihelmintics seem to affect me positiviely short term. Methylene blue is amazing for my hair/skin if it woudn't cause systemic and gum inflammation.

Fluid intake seems to intensify the cold extremeties but other than that i wasn't able to find another reason/correlation for them, its realy random sometimes.

The dark eyes i believe hint to either a nutritional deficiency, parasites or a thyroid issue (which is basicly a problem anyways if one of thoose other things are present).

I'd realy love to fix the vein thing myself. Its a healthmarker imo and a ugly one at that. I know a friend of mine who has that one realy bad.


Oct 20, 2021
United States
Sadly, not in the sense that i "fixed" or got rid off anything but im better now than i was then. Still trying alot of things.

Thus far my conclusion is:

Gelatine/Glycine and Sulphur is awsome. Antihelmintics seem to affect me positiviely short term. Methylene blue is amazing for my hair/skin if it woudn't cause systemic and gum inflammation.

Fluid intake seems to intensify the cold extremeties but other than that i wasn't able to find another reason/correlation for them, its realy random sometimes.

The dark eyes i believe hint to either a nutritional deficiency, parasites or a thyroid issue (which is basicly a problem anyways if one of thoose other things are present).

I'd realy love to fix the vein thing myself. Its a healthmarker imo and a ugly one at that. I know a friend of mine who has that one realy bad.
Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it. I agree with what you said about the under eye vein. Whenever my dark circles get worse, my under eye vein becomes more prominent. I’m starting to think it has something to do with excess fat oxidation and low blood sugar because I notice it get worse whenever I take niacinamide or drink too much full fat milk.
I think chronic dark circles are due to low heat production, low blood sugar, poor salt retention, low protein intake, excess fat oxidation, hypoxia from estrogen excess, just all the things related to insufficient thyroid-driven metabolic energy. Excess cortisol causing tryptophan to convert to serotonin instead of niacin is probably related too, so calcium + gelatin could also help.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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