Donald Trump


May 27, 2015
Things were great when Hitler first took office. That was the time.period when the people were sold on the ideas of eugenics, concentration camps, narcing on your neighbor for saying the wrong thing, &etc.

@Queequeg Couldn't agree with you more. I think many kf the families live in switzerland. I suspect that the royal families control the priests and religions, that is the tip of the hierarchy.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Things were great when Hitler first took office. That was the time.period when the people were sold on the ideas of eugenics, concentration camps, narcing on your neighbor for saying the wrong thing, &etc.
Can you clarify what you mean by this? Are you trying to draw a correlation to Hitler and Trump? Just trying to figure out what you mean by this statement.


May 27, 2015
Can you clarify what you mean by this? Are you trying to draw a correlation to Hitler and Trump? Just trying to figure out what you mean by this statement.

Welp hitler fixed a lot of things wrong with Germany, I suppose "fixed" is a generous term, because obviously things didn't turn out wonderfully in the end. I do believe in the hegelian dialectic, and therefore I do believe that though Trump will initially rectify many mistakes and improve many situations, i feel that this will lead to calamity and a result no different from the fall of the third reich. People clamor for trump's "get tough" attitude because of the so-called liberal tenents and agendas we're all so sick of. There are innumerable parallels to the weimar republic, and also the philosophers and artists, viz., the kultur, of the time. This is detailed rigorously in leanord pikoff's "The Ominous Parallels" The Ominous Parallels: The End of Freedom in America

Once you stop believing that the people select presidents, your perception becomes oriented on finding out what's next, what's in store. The whole purpose of liberalism was to get trump into office. That is why Obama, Billary, &etc, trump's purported enemies are encouraging everyone to put aside their differences and rally around trump. Now that our population no longer resists war, trump will bring back the draft, and continue fighting Isis until the united states is exhausted, just as happened with soviet russia. In this new world war II- like struggle, ISIS will be irascible and incorrigible enemy and our entire culture will be oriented to war, even more than it is now. For example, what became of all the talk about how hillary created ISIS? Is trump investigating these claims? Nope. Down the memory hole. We are already so polarized into liberal and conservative, and if you subscribe to neither of those you are typically hated even more for being anti-american. All that hatred will be focused into a diamond point, and the last energy of america will be drained. Finally, we will have a civil war and merge with Russia. That is why putin and trump are so close. Syria is nothing new-America and russia have been fighting together against civilian populations for about 100 years now. This is the phase where all this anguish is being united and coherently focused. That is my evaluation of trump and yes I think he is our Hitler, or perhaps it's more accurate to say "will be ourhitler". One day Russian and American troops will be fighting together on American soil and if I'm still alive I will be thankful to have learned russian.


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Feb 4, 2015
About the Billy Bush tape, I've got news for you, thats how straight men talk around each other. It was indeed locker room talk. Only liberal, low testosterone, SJW weakling males don't talk like that around other males. Half the time it's not even true, it's just how we talk around each other for fun. People act as though they've never said similar things around their friends. I've heard women say some pretty similar things in my time. It's not a gender thing. He used the word "let." Let equals consent. And what he said about women and famous men is clearly true. Look at how many women act around famous men. Look at all of the screaming Elvis and Beatles fans all the way to Bieber fans. You don't think those fans would let Elvis, John or Paul, or even Ringo, and Justin grab? Please.
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Sep 13, 2015


Jul 29, 2016
In December 2015, Godwin commented on the Nazi and fascist comparisons being made by several articles on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, saying that "If you're thoughtful about it and show some real awareness of history, go ahead and refer to Hitler when you talk about Trump. Or any other politician."[13]
"The best way to prevent future holocausts, I believe, is not to forbear from Holocaust comparisons; instead, it’s to make sure that those comparisons are meaningful and substantive." but then references an opinion piece from the totally discredited CNN.


May 27, 2015
I mean, actually, we've had a series of Hitler presidents, really since day one, the indian genocides. But in terms of one who ushers in the conclusion of a society, an erasing of a culture and it's memory, a termination, that is the purpose of trump. We are witnessing what happens at the end of the productive life of a society: the jews and others are scapegoated, and part of the purpose of this scapegoating is to establish the conditions for complete destruction, for the torture and psychological warfare against a whole society. The natural inclination to doubt and question, the natural suspicions of the crowd, before they come dangerous, are oriented against the society itself, towards its own destruction. Look at nazi germany- a lot of people think they had the answers, put up a valiant fight. If you look at our horrible system today that is a, not quite reasonable conclusion, but yet an understandable one. The same lie is perpetuated throughout history, the next victim/country never, or seldom, discerning the whole story.

The bible even encourages this view, saying "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

Therefore it makes sense that we see hints of jews as scapegoats currently:
CNN makes no mistakes.

Trump and David Duke: Trump’s David Duke Amnesia

General Wesley Clark calling for concentration camps for "lone wolf" americans and muslims on MSNBC:

Very few ever catch on, too late.

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Nov 25, 2016
WE needed Hillary Clinton as president. Besides Trump being a xenophobic, islamophobic, homophobic, transphobic, misogynist, sexist racist, he's actually a male. I'm a male too, but we really needed a female. Females are the best. They are usually anti-racism, anti-sexism,anti-islamophobia,etc... More importantly, they are female. Females commit the least crime. They are nicer too. There's too much crime, serial killings, school shootings in this country done by males. The system is broken to make males violent and so on. Females will fix this.
Of course females need higher wages too(They get paid 77cents for every man's dollar for the same job and same experience).
Anyways, Clinton is a democrat, the trustworthy party(In my opinion).
I liked Bernie Sanders more than Clinton, but either of them would've helped the country. Clinton would've raised the minimum wage, and made it a living wage too. I don't believe in trickle down theory either, which Clinton and Bernie were against. Both good for the people, not just those at the top 1%.
I'm surprised many people on here supported Trump.
Hopefully Trump doesn't do anything too bad. The protests should calm him down.

When I say males I'm not talking about all of them obviously. There's a huge problem. The system is broken. Too many prisons are part of that problem.
Men go to prison for something tiny -> They become even bigger criminals because of what they learned in prison -> Make children ->Children become bad either because the father left the mother or because the system has failed him
That's just one of the problems. Clinton would've fixed this
It's a cycle that never ends. It doesn't seem to affect women though.
We need free college, better schools, and so much more too.
Again, I'm not talking about everyone. I'm saying this because it seems like some of you guys were hating on feminism. Obviously some women commit crime too and some men don't. It's just statistical facts. There's no inherent problem with men. The system has failed them. We need to fix that system.
Edit: Feel like I'm going to get some replies for making women seem special. They ARE special, but it's nothing they were born with. Women stick with women. Men stick with women. People learn from their surroundings. That's why women and men are the way they are. Personally I'm an atheist. I don't believe there's a spirit or any of that. I believe everyone has potential to do good and bad when they're born. It all depends on what influences you.
I live in California so I'm not trying to start a problem or anything. Just trying to add to the convo.
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Sep 13, 2015
He's 70 years old. Give him a break. Don't fall for the snake oil of those so called 70+ year old life extension guys who claim to be natty. They take testosterone.
I am Just making fun of people saying you have low Testosteron because you act like that. That is so simpel minded.


Aug 10, 2012


Aug 10, 2012
And this:


Sep 20, 2015
" This is a late stage empire on its inevitable trajectory."

I don't buy this at all. It's too deterministic. Who knows what hightech cards America has up it's sleeves? And as Catherine Austin Fitts says, there are really 2 economies--hi and low tech--and the hightech sector is doing well. The black budget for such things is huge. Trump is a cunning, wiley, smart player. He'll assess the cards we hold and play them adroitly, thinking big.

"All indications are we are rolling over into a severe recession right now and there are no policy tools available to ameliorate it. Trump keeps talking nonsense about massive infrastructure spending and tax cuts. That is simply not going to happen because there is no more money. It was all wasted already."

This idea that there's nothing we can do is false. The book The Public Bank Solution by Ellen Brown, which I researched and edited, gives a recipe for economic miracles. You inject the credit needed. You plan and work with business. Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China have all done it. National Socialist Germany did it and pulled itself out of apparent economic perdition to prosperity in 5 years while most of the banker-occupied West remained mired in depression. (WWI and II were, as Churchill attested, economic wars to destroy the economic/industrial might of Germany. (and Japan!)). China has become so wealthy doing this, it is buying up the world.
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