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Mar 7, 2014
Eating the same food for a short period of time does sound like a really good idea. I have come up with: Apple juice, cooked apples, bananas, uncle bens rice and coconut water. Maybe parmesan courgette crisps too. Any other suggestions that are low in starch?


Apr 9, 2015
Nstocks said:
post 109335 Eating the same food for a short period of time does sound like a really good idea. I have come up with: Apple juice, cooked apples, bananas, uncle bens rice and coconut water. Maybe parmesan courgette crisps too. Any other suggestions that are low in starch?

Have you tried quitting all fruit or even fructose? I think I may have a problem with fructose actually and am experimenting on that. Fruits like bananas may be ok even though I know peat doesn't see them as optimal I never seemed to have a problem with them. I wouldn't ditch starch altogether, how about you try to actually increase fiber and starch go with potatoes, rice, squash, sweet potatoes and a non fortified cereal or bread and try and get a good bowel movement going? This might get things moving in the right direction for you.
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Mar 7, 2014
I've cut out all fruit, other than occasional pears because it never seems ripe enough to eat. I've also cut out orange juice and I'm working with Apple juice and coconut water now as my only liquids other than occasional herbal tea.

Sweet potatoes are a good idea and I'll try those with ghee and uncle bens parboiled rice seems to go down well if I cook it with a lot of water first (also removing some of the flavouring).

Looking back to a few weeks ago I was eating Special K. It sounds really pathetic but I have a few bowel movements back then but still think milk is a cause for some bloating. Cereals are really easy for calories but without milk they are not and I've never seen a non fortified gluten free cereal (and I work in retail!) Perhaps Rice milk?


Apr 9, 2015
Nstocks said:
post 109343 I've cut out all fruit, other than occasional pears because it never seems ripe enough to eat. I've also cut out orange juice and I'm working with Apple juice and coconut water now as my only liquids other than occasional herbal tea.

Sweet potatoes are a good idea and I'll try those with ghee and uncle bens parboiled rice seems to go down well if I cook it with a lot of water first (also removing some of the flavouring).

Looking back to a few weeks ago I was eating Special K. It sounds really pathetic but I have a few bowel movements back then but still think milk is a cause for some bloating. Cereals are really easy for calories but without milk they are not and I've never seen a non fortified gluten free cereal (and I work in retail!) Perhaps Rice milk?

Have you tried a low fat diet with lots of starch? Something like that could really help you get the bowels moving. I think your better off having good bowel movements and you might see things clear up.

I buy a gluten free cereal made of corn flour and rice flour with cane sugar and pomegranate juice. It isn't fortified at all its nature path is the name of the brand if you can get your hands on it.

For me, I find most fruits a problem. Also some things like honey and dried fruit never worked for me, I'm guessing my body just can't handle the fructose.
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Mar 7, 2014
With giving up dairy (except some ghee with rice) I think the low fat diet might work.

Natures Path have a lot of cereal, mostly with brown rice flour though, good prices at 4 boxes for £7. Not sure about the milk alternatives though - I need to find a good rice milk without fillers.


Apr 9, 2015
Nstocks said:
post 109365 With giving up dairy (except some ghee with rice) I think the low fat diet might work.

Natures Path have a lot of cereal, mostly with brown rice flour though, good prices at 4 boxes for £7. Not sure about the milk alternatives though - I need to find a good rice milk without fillers.

I don't think brown rice flour is that bad, give it a shot and see how it goes. For the milk alternative have you tried goats milk? I use a tiny amount of milk just enough to make the Cereal palatable, nothing excessive.
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Mar 7, 2014
EIRE24 said:
post 109375
Nstocks said:
post 109365 With giving up dairy (except some ghee with rice) I think the low fat diet might work.

Natures Path have a lot of cereal, mostly with brown rice flour though, good prices at 4 boxes for £7. Not sure about the milk alternatives though - I need to find a good rice milk without fillers.

I don't think brown rice flour is that bad, give it a shot and see how it goes. For the milk alternative have you tried goats milk? I use a tiny amount of milk just enough to make the Cereal palatable, nothing excessive.

I use to buy raw organic goats milk, then switched to cow milk at 300% cheaper...

St. Helens farm milk is pretty good, I could try that and maybe water whole milk down a bit?
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Mar 7, 2014
Perhaps this pasta too? "Garofalo Gluten Free Penne Rigate 500 g"

high fibre (7g per 100g) and made from rice and corn. Has a e number though.


Mar 7, 2014
A little update...

Nothing has changes (yet). Haven't had a BM since Saturday night. Feet are cold because all my energy is going to digestion. Gas is terribly smelly like never before. Still can't sit up straight or focus on anything.

I'm going to stick with rice, GF cereal, goat milk, coconut water and sweet potatoes for the next week or more to see if it helps.

I've added an extra half grain of thyroid in the afternoon so I'm on 1.5 grains per day now.


Mar 7, 2014
A member in a different thread about dairy-free peating said "if rice is not fully digested in the small intestine, it may then be decomposed in the bowel by many strains of foul-smelling bacteria"

That sound like the cause of my gas! But let's take rice out of my diet, what the f*** is left? Coconut water, sweet potatoes and goat milk.



Apr 9, 2015
Nstocks said:
post 109914 A member in a different thread about dairy-free peating said "if rice is not fully digested in the small intestine, it may then be decomposed in the bowel by many strains of foul-smelling bacteria"

That sound like the cause of my gas! But let's take rice out of my diet, what the f*** is left? Coconut water, sweet potatoes and goat milk.


I wonder where they got that from? I thought rice was supposed to be the most easily digested starch. You always see people reccomending rice pudding for an upset stomach. I'm really not sure though, if that's true then ya that could be a problem?
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Apr 2, 2015
What's left?

Right sleep, meditation (full-lotus) and going walkabout perhaps?

Coconut water, sweet potatoes and goat milk doesn't sound like a good idea. Neither does taking thyroid. That's one thing I stay the **** away from. I think "fixing" the thyroid comes from within. Vitamins and minerals are best absorbed by food and foodstuffs. I think the less supplementation, the better.

Try to look at food as a ritual of worship and obedience. Someone here mentioned that tribes eat the same thing every day, every year. Which might be considered boring, but nurtures the metabolism long-term. It takes a good deal of faith to find a regimen and sticking to it for long-**** time.

It should be simple.

Life is simple.


Mar 7, 2014
I don't meditate as such, but almost daily I lay down and massage my stomach and just try to breath through the bloat. I walk over 20 miles a week (at work - huge retail outlet)

Whilst I like the poetic idea of dropping thyroid and *believing* everything will just work out. It doesn't. This is what I spend 4 years prior to Peat doing, albeit mostly Paleo dieting. I hate that I spend almost £200 a year on thyroid pills - accidentally I stopped for a few weeks and things got even worse. (extreme cold feet all day which hadn't happened for a long time since taking thyroid).

You are 100% right in saying it should be simple. Damn right it should but nothing ever is. As long as I'm in the western world, life is never going to be simple either. (because I have to rely on other people for a lot of things - everybody does)

Out of interest and options, what would you eat in my situation? (excluding a gallon of liquids to get achieve 3000 calories)


Apr 9, 2015
Nstocks said:
post 109923 I don't meditate as such, but almost daily I lay down and massage my stomach and just try to breath through the bloat. I walk over 20 miles a week (at work - huge retail outlet)

Whilst I like the poetic idea of dropping thyroid and *believing* everything will just work out. It doesn't. This is what I spend 4 years prior to Peat doing, albeit mostly Paleo dieting. I hate that I spend almost £200 a year on thyroid pills - accidentally I stopped for a few weeks and things got even worse. (extreme cold feet all day which hadn't happened for a long time since taking thyroid).

You are 100% right in saying it should be simple. Damn right it should but nothing ever is. As long as I'm in the western world, life is never going to be simple either. (because I have to rely on other people for a lot of things - everybody does)

I'd do something different. What your doing isn't working obviously. Have you had blood work done? Why not just throw caution to the wind and eat freely for a little while. Good quality produce and ingredients obviously but just eat and don't think so much about why this or that will affect you. Get those bowels moving. Eat something that sounds very very appealing.

Out of interest and options, what would you eat in my situation? (excluding a gallon of liquids to get achieve 3000 calories)
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Mar 7, 2014
It would probably be a dead end, but would any lab test help with understanding my issues? (95% related to my digestion, or things that relate to that).

These would be (expensive) private tests and I would be limited to at home blood samples (don't want to visit a hospital full of sick people). IDK, I've always thought about this but my guess is that they will come back "within range" which is debatable and pretty worthless anyway.

I've been reading a thread on here titled "Thinking about ending my life"... For years I've know that living at home is not healthy. Now, at the age of 25 I'm realising that. As always I'm working hard on my career and I'll say it once again, in 3-6 months I might have a job that I enjoy. Heck, I spend all of my free time doing the work so that's means something.

Last time I had food was 4 hours ago. Apart from the cold feet I feel a lot better without food. I know that is not the way to go but it is food that is causing my problems. I've tried apple cider vinegar, digestive enzymes etc. but they just don't work.


Mar 7, 2014
My brother keeps getting headaches and suspect high blood pressure. He gave me the device that goes on a wrist... My systolic was 189 and diastolic was 99. Does this mean anything? (Brother's was 140 and Father's was 210!)

Temperature was 36.1 and we have central heating on and ate baked potato and tuna 1 hour ago



Have you tried Magnesium? With fatigue, headaches, bloating and fatigue I would wager that it would really help you. It's such a simple solution for so many things and people often overlook Magnesium. Without it you can't properly digest food. Also, the digestive tract is basically one long muscle, which cannot function properly without magnesium, leading to constipation.

Please try it out if you haven't. I used Magnesium Glycinate and Magnesium Malate. I dearly hope you find the answers you're looking for!


Mar 7, 2014
I have tried magnesium citrate (I think it was) and remember having some really nice dreams!

That was a few years ago though. Sometime after a Epsom salt bath (with a LOT of salt) I have a BM the following day and there's magnesium in those salts...

What is the reasoning behind two types of magnesium and what dosage do you take / daily?


Definitely start using it again! Epsom salts are great (and cheap). In my experience, it takes a long time to completely reverse a magnesium deficiency, although you feel the benefits almost immediately. Take it every day. A deficiency is catastrophic and even conventional doctors are realizing that.

Citrate is great. I used Glycinate because it has far less of a laxative effect than other forms if you take large doses. Malate is very well absorbed, too.

-I took 400mg in the morning and 400 mg at night. Sometimes more. I also eventually ended up combining it with a Magnesium Chloride Spray from Sunfood and Epsom salt baths. The spray is pretty expensive but it doesn't sting at all and is just like water. I had gotten a Red Blood Cell test a while ago and I was very deficient. I recently got the same test and my levels were perfect!

Please try it out, I can't wait to see if it helps you!


Mar 7, 2014
Thanks, they both seem like great options. After checking toxinless.com, I'm going to order Sansom Magnesium Malate.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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