Troubleshooting Foamy Urine


Mar 22, 2022
Interesting to see enzymes mentioned here. When I started having foamy urine I had been taking a big dose of Wobenzym for a bit.

Moreover, there is this: r/foamyurine


Mar 29, 2016
@Vinny I have been holding off on taking suppositories as I try to put things together the past 2 weeks.

By happenstance, things got a little busy for me and I wasn't able to do my twice daily sessions of emf zapping of periodontal bacteria using a Biotrohn unit. During this time, I was only taking Endocalyx Pro, which is basically a capillary declogger that isn't based on any proteolytic enzyme. For more info on it, a Google search will give you an idea of what it does. I would say that compared to a proteolytic enzyme, it is more gentle as a plaque lysing agent (though the maker doesn't call it that) so I don't run the risk of large pieces of plaque from larger arteries falling off and causing smaller arteries and capillaries to be blocked off from circulation. It is a danger I only imagine though, but I had experienced 3 years of higher bp and worsening inflammation (based on hsCRP, LDH, and ESR) from using very powerful proteolytic enzymes that are being promoted as plaque lysing agents.

While on Endocalyx Pro and nothing else, I experienced nights of heavy urination and heavy foaming and frothing of my urine. I also saw my blood pressure reach its highs. It only leads me to confirm my suspicion all along, that lysing plaque, even in the capillaries, releases microbes that require an immune response to kill them. And the by-products of that response require an anti-oxidant response as well. And the result is what I see as high production of water to be urinated, and the production of foam and froth, frothing being differentiated from foam as being much smaller.

I went back to using my zapper twice a day the last two days, and I had much, much better sleep with correspondingly less urination. I noticed foamy urine, but not as much, and no froth. This meant that the zapping was killing the microbes, taking much of the burden of killing the microbes away from my immune system, with the cleanup task left to my immune system to take care of. When I check my bp, my bp would be lower, at 190/130 compared to 240/150. This ties in to the connection of bp to blood volume, blood volume to level of serum albumin, and its levels to my urination frothing (not foaming).

This is what I think is taking place. When the immune system has to do the killing, it uses neutrophils in the blood to kill, and in so doing, it produces a lot of spillover ROS. This spillover ROS needs to be neutralized, and serum albumin is used as an anti-oxidant. The albumin become oxidized, and oxidized albumin cannot be recycled back to reduced albumin, and because of that, it gets excreted in urine. And hence the frothing of urine. However, there is still foaming.

I believe the foaming has a lot more to do with the macrophages eating up the by-products of neutrophilic phagocytosis of microbes. It is also called phagocytosis, but this form produces much less ROS, and cause it is milder in terms of oxidative stress production, it produces foaming instead of foaming. I suspect it may involve other antioxidants other than albumin to neutralize oxidative stress. There are other antioxidants in the body such as uric acid, and so albumin may not be tapped as the antioxidant in this process. This may explain why when I used zapping to kill the microbes, there is less frothing produced in my urine.

Still, there is a store of plaque in my system, and even without taking any lysing supplements such as Endocalyx Pro or proteolytic enzymes, the plaque slowly releases microbes into my blood, which is a constant sink (a drain that takes away) for serum albumin, which keeps my blood pressure high. When I hold on to the two electrodes with each of my hands, I would feel a constant buzz in my hands, and this indicates the presence of the microbes. I don't know how much the supply of microbes is in my system, but clearly taking Endocalyx Pro and zapping is not enough. So I would need to another substance to the protocol or therapy. That is where the use of essential oils would come in, to add punch.

I would be combining suppository use with oral intake, and with inhaling, to find the most effective way of getting the essential oils in, for the best effect. I have explained the use of essential oils and why I am resorting to that, in an earlier post. My next posts would be about updating you on the results.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
@Vinny I have been holding off on taking suppositories as I try to put things together the past 2 weeks.

By happenstance, things got a little busy for me and I wasn't able to do my twice daily sessions of emf zapping of periodontal bacteria using a Biotrohn unit. During this time, I was only taking Endocalyx Pro, which is basically a capillary declogger that isn't based on any proteolytic enzyme. For more info on it, a Google search will give you an idea of what it does. I would say that compared to a proteolytic enzyme, it is more gentle as a plaque lysing agent (though the maker doesn't call it that) so I don't run the risk of large pieces of plaque from larger arteries falling off and causing smaller arteries and capillaries to be blocked off from circulation. It is a danger I only imagine though, but I had experienced 3 years of higher bp and worsening inflammation (based on hsCRP, LDH, and ESR) from using very powerful proteolytic enzymes that are being promoted as plaque lysing agents.

While on Endocalyx Pro and nothing else, I experienced nights of heavy urination and heavy foaming and frothing of my urine. I also saw my blood pressure reach its highs. It only leads me to confirm my suspicion all along, that lysing plaque, even in the capillaries, releases microbes that require an immune response to kill them. And the by-products of that response require an anti-oxidant response as well. And the result is what I see as high production of water to be urinated, and the production of foam and froth, frothing being differentiated from foam as being much smaller.

I went back to using my zapper twice a day the last two days, and I had much, much better sleep with correspondingly less urination. I noticed foamy urine, but not as much, and no froth. This meant that the zapping was killing the microbes, taking much of the burden of killing the microbes away from my immune system, with the cleanup task left to my immune system to take care of. When I check my bp, my bp would be lower, at 190/130 compared to 240/150. This ties in to the connection of bp to blood volume, blood volume to level of serum albumin, and its levels to my urination frothing (not foaming).

This is what I think is taking place. When the immune system has to do the killing, it uses neutrophils in the blood to kill, and in so doing, it produces a lot of spillover ROS. This spillover ROS needs to be neutralized, and serum albumin is used as an anti-oxidant. The albumin become oxidized, and oxidized albumin cannot be recycled back to reduced albumin, and because of that, it gets excreted in urine. And hence the frothing of urine. However, there is still foaming.

I believe the foaming has a lot more to do with the macrophages eating up the by-products of neutrophilic phagocytosis of microbes. It is also called phagocytosis, but this form produces much less ROS, and cause it is milder in terms of oxidative stress production, it produces foaming instead of foaming. I suspect it may involve other antioxidants other than albumin to neutralize oxidative stress. There are other antioxidants in the body such as uric acid, and so albumin may not be tapped as the antioxidant in this process. This may explain why when I used zapping to kill the microbes, there is less frothing produced in my urine.

Still, there is a store of plaque in my system, and even without taking any lysing supplements such as Endocalyx Pro or proteolytic enzymes, the plaque slowly releases microbes into my blood, which is a constant sink (a drain that takes away) for serum albumin, which keeps my blood pressure high. When I hold on to the two electrodes with each of my hands, I would feel a constant buzz in my hands, and this indicates the presence of the microbes. I don't know how much the supply of microbes is in my system, but clearly taking Endocalyx Pro and zapping is not enough. So I would need to another substance to the protocol or therapy. That is where the use of essential oils would come in, to add punch.

I would be combining suppository use with oral intake, and with inhaling, to find the most effective way of getting the essential oils in, for the best effect. I have explained the use of essential oils and why I am resorting to that, in an earlier post. My next posts would be about updating you on the results.
Thanks fort he update, yerrag. It seems you re getting close to solve the riddle, and that`s great!
So, your task is to find a way to get rid of the bacterial plaque in your arteries, but slowly, right?

Any ideas why I have such low CRP (indicator for infection/inflammation) but still producing foam/froth)?

(I hadn`t distinguished before froth from foam. Which one is the more thick/dense? I remember, when I first got this problem years ago, in the beginning I produced froth/foam so dense, that it looked like a thick layer on the top, that one could possibly cut through it with a knife and it could endlessly keep its condition (yuck!). Nowadays, it`s mostly bubbly and I have no clue why is the change...)


Mar 29, 2016
So, your task is to find a way to get rid of the bacterial plaque in your arteries, but slowly, right?
The plaque is the easy part. The hard part is the release of microbes embedded in the plaque as it gets lysed. So as I slowly lyse the plaque, I have to kill the microbes as they are being released. While the immune system is doing that, it comes at the cost of albumin being used to deal with the oxidative stress produced by the immune system. I have to use lessen the burden on the immune system, by using methods that kill the microbes outside of the immune system. Using essential oils as well as using electromagnetic frequencies are two methods I have used.

Any ideas why I have such low CRP (indicator for infection/inflammation) but still producing foam/froth)?
It's because you are using your albumin to keep whatever ROS being produced by your immune system from destroying your tissues. Your albumin is being sacrificed in place of tissue, so your CRP is low. Your immune system is doing its job. My CRP is also low.

(I hadn`t distinguished before froth from foam. Which one is the more thick/dense? I remember, when I first got this problem years ago, in the beginning I produced froth/foam so dense, that it looked like a thick layer on the top, that one could possibly cut through it with a knife and it could endlessly keep its condition (yuck!). Nowadays, it`s mostly bubbly and I have no clue why is the change...)
A good head in a pint of Guinness is frothy.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
The plaque is the easy part. The hard part is the release of microbes embedded in the plaque as it gets lysed. So as I slowly lyse the plaque, I have to kill the microbes as they are being released. While the immune system is doing that, it comes at the cost of albumin being used to deal with the oxidative stress produced by the immune system. I have to use lessen the burden on the immune system, by using methods that kill the microbes outside of the immune system. Using essential oils as well as using electromagnetic frequencies are two methods I have used.

It's because you are using your albumin to keep whatever ROS being produced by your immune system from destroying your tissues. Your albumin is being sacrificed in place of tissue, so your CRP is low. Your immune system is doing its job. My CRP is also low.

A good head in a pint of Guinness is frothy.
Thank you, yerrag


Mar 29, 2016
Thank you, yerrag
It's been 2 weeks, and I had the chance to go back to my use of essential oil-infused suppositories, together with using an emf zapper, to work on killing periodontal bacteria and fungi in my system. This time, though, I removed the cinnamon bark essential oil from the suppository formulation, as it was a topical irritant and it irritated by butts when the suppositories would leak out. But since it is a vital component, I did not altogether eliminate its use but instead took the cinnamon bark oil orally, with the help of a sugar cube, where I would put 3 drops of the oil, and put in my mouth for it to slowly dissolve.

I was expecting the level of foaming in my urine to reduce, but instead the foaming increased. This happened every day since I began, and since my batch is for 6 days to use up, I still have two days of experimentation. I will finish the batch, but I won't wait for all to be used up before sharing my experience.

Not only did foaming increase, I was waking up often to urinate at night. I also experienced a slight headache during the day. My blood pressure also went higher, and worst of all, I became more hypothyroid, judging by the QTc of my personal ECG.

I thought to myself, WTF, what's going on here? Can't I get a break here? I was hoping to report success, but instead my condition worsened.

I had to go back into my past, and it was my looking back that I could weave a tale of what's happening.

It turns out that 12 years ago, I was diagnosed with having lead toxicity. But it was determined using a provoked challenge test. This meant that traces of lead weren't found in my hair and urine initially, but using a test where lead had to be coaxed out from my tissues, lead was identified. I initially tried to reduce my blood pressure based on this premise, but wasn't successful in lowering my blood pressure despite using lead chelation. So I dropped the lead angle, and proceeded to later on attack the bp problem from the periodontal microbe perspective, which remains to this day. I figured then that lead was safely tucked away in my tissues, maybe in fat, where it would do no harm.

Fast forward to now. I had been lysing my blood vessels with Endocalyx Pro. In the process, I am to find out that lysing also caused periodontal microbes (both bacteria and fungi) to be released, and that the released microbes would cause more foaming in urine due to albumin being oxidized, and this would cause my blood pressure to increase due to the effect of lower serum albumin causing lower blood volume.

Even after stopping the intake of Endocalyx Pro, so as to slow down the release of periodontal microbes into the blood, and allowing for time to pass, I would resume using suppositories and emf zapping to kill periodontal microbes, expecting that urine foaming would lessen and blood pressure go down as a result of less albumin needing to be oxidized (by acting as an antioxidant to the spillover ROS from phgocytosis of neutrophils and macrophages).

However, it would seem that on the deeper layers of plaque, which the lysing would have reached, the buried lead atoms were to begin its process of shedding into the blood stream. The problem with lead is that it affects the kidney filter, that normally would repel the albumin by its negative charge, keeping reduced albumin from going past the kidney filter into urine on the way out. The kidney filter would no longer be able to keep the reduced albumin molecule away, as it had developed a positive charge. This would cause reduced albumin to be released with urine, and this would once again cause urine to foam. Only this time, it is reduced albumin that is causing the foaming.

So, what I have now on my hands are both oxidized albumin (caused by periodontal microbes) and reduced albumin (from lead beginning to accumulate in my kidneys as they are released from deeper layers of plaque), both causing the foam and the increased blood pressure.

So, aside from using suppositories and EMF zapping to deal with the problem of oxidized albumin, I have to find a way to chelate and excrete the lead accumulating in my kidneys, so as to keep reduced albumin from going past the kidney filters into excreted urine. Because I can't wait for chelating agents to be ordered and shipped to me, I will first try using magnesium ascorbate supplementation, as I have in stock magnesium carbonate and ascorbic acid need to make magnesium ascorbate. I am hoping they would chelate and excrete the lead released from lysing the plaque in my blood vessels.

We shall see. Keeping my fingers crossed.


Nov 21, 2012
@yerrag is the BioTrohn the same as a (handheld) Rife machine?
Do you also need to install a program on the computer for it?


Mar 29, 2016
@yerrag is the BioTrohn the same as a (handheld) Rife machine?
Do you also need to install a program on the computer for it?
I haven't used a handheld Rife unit so I wouldn't know. It has a small footprint and comes with about 100 programs, each program for a specific condition.


Nov 21, 2012
I haven't used a handheld Rife unit so I wouldn't know. It has a small footprint and comes with about 100 programs, each program for a specific condition.
Thanks, from what I see it is a rife machine, similar to Spooky2, Biozapper and such. They all just got their own Brand name.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
It's been 2 weeks, and I had the chance to go back to my use of essential oil-infused suppositories, together with using an emf zapper, to work on killing periodontal bacteria and fungi in my system. This time, though, I removed the cinnamon bark essential oil from the suppository formulation, as it was a topical irritant and it irritated by butts when the suppositories would leak out. But since it is a vital component, I did not altogether eliminate its use but instead took the cinnamon bark oil orally, with the help of a sugar cube, where I would put 3 drops of the oil, and put in my mouth for it to slowly dissolve.

I was expecting the level of foaming in my urine to reduce, but instead the foaming increased. This happened every day since I began, and since my batch is for 6 days to use up, I still have two days of experimentation. I will finish the batch, but I won't wait for all to be used up before sharing my experience.

Not only did foaming increase, I was waking up often to urinate at night. I also experienced a slight headache during the day. My blood pressure also went higher, and worst of all, I became more hypothyroid, judging by the QTc of my personal ECG.

I thought to myself, WTF, what's going on here? Can't I get a break here? I was hoping to report success, but instead my condition worsened.

I had to go back into my past, and it was my looking back that I could weave a tale of what's happening.

It turns out that 12 years ago, I was diagnosed with having lead toxicity. But it was determined using a provoked challenge test. This meant that traces of lead weren't found in my hair and urine initially, but using a test where lead had to be coaxed out from my tissues, lead was identified. I initially tried to reduce my blood pressure based on this premise, but wasn't successful in lowering my blood pressure despite using lead chelation. So I dropped the lead angle, and proceeded to later on attack the bp problem from the periodontal microbe perspective, which remains to this day. I figured then that lead was safely tucked away in my tissues, maybe in fat, where it would do no harm.

Fast forward to now. I had been lysing my blood vessels with Endocalyx Pro. In the process, I am to find out that lysing also caused periodontal microbes (both bacteria and fungi) to be released, and that the released microbes would cause more foaming in urine due to albumin being oxidized, and this would cause my blood pressure to increase due to the effect of lower serum albumin causing lower blood volume.

Even after stopping the intake of Endocalyx Pro, so as to slow down the release of periodontal microbes into the blood, and allowing for time to pass, I would resume using suppositories and emf zapping to kill periodontal microbes, expecting that urine foaming would lessen and blood pressure go down as a result of less albumin needing to be oxidized (by acting as an antioxidant to the spillover ROS from phgocytosis of neutrophils and macrophages).

However, it would seem that on the deeper layers of plaque, which the lysing would have reached, the buried lead atoms were to begin its process of shedding into the blood stream. The problem with lead is that it affects the kidney filter, that normally would repel the albumin by its negative charge, keeping reduced albumin from going past the kidney filter into urine on the way out. The kidney filter would no longer be able to keep the reduced albumin molecule away, as it had developed a positive charge. This would cause reduced albumin to be released with urine, and this would once again cause urine to foam. Only this time, it is reduced albumin that is causing the foaming.

So, what I have now on my hands are both oxidized albumin (caused by periodontal microbes) and reduced albumin (from lead beginning to accumulate in my kidneys as they are released from deeper layers of plaque), both causing the foam and the increased blood pressure.

So, aside from using suppositories and EMF zapping to deal with the problem of oxidized albumin, I have to find a way to chelate and excrete the lead accumulating in my kidneys, so as to keep reduced albumin from going past the kidney filters into excreted urine. Because I can't wait for chelating agents to be ordered and shipped to me, I will first try using magnesium ascorbate supplementation, as I have in stock magnesium carbonate and ascorbic acid need to make magnesium ascorbate. I am hoping they would chelate and excrete the lead released from lysing the plaque in my blood vessels.

We shall see. Keeping my fingers crossed.
It saddens me that it`s getting complicated and now you have to deal with lead ….. But, are you sure? I mean, if it`s been released, then it should be detected, right? Aren`t you planning to make some tests before the chelation?


Mar 29, 2016
It saddens me that it`s getting complicated and now you have to deal with lead ….. But, are you sure? I mean, if it`s been released, then it should be detected, right? Aren`t you planning to make some tests before the chelation?
I just did a day of taking magnesium carbonate and ascrobic acid, in 8 hourly intakes, and that seemed to have improved my markers. So, I'm going to add this to my protocol of using essential oil suppositories and using the Biotrohn emf zapper. I'm gonna hold off on the lysing agent (Endocalyx Pro) until such time that the markers say I could resume.

Just goes to show healing from a complicated past (it almost always is, considering how much we are subjected to in terms of toxins and microbes) and I'm just happy to have a window into it. Since I already tested for lead toxicity from a provoked challenge test before, I have an inkling into what caused this complication and I think I am right about it. It is the lead that is starting to come out from the deeper recesses of my plaque.

I am working off likelihoods and there is no certainty with my conclusions, but I am working with high probabilities and going with it.

Add: I lived in an old apartment complex in Cincinnati where the plumbing is made of copper pipes where joints are welded with lead. The eight years of lead slowly being introduced into my body would have had no effect on me as the body probably knew how to tuck it away from its circulation.

But in lysing my blood vessels of plaque, I imagine that the release of lead accompanying that process is at a faster rate, so it could overwhelm my system. Hence the headache and the coughing and the throat having difficulty swallowing and the incessant hiccups that lasted 2 weeks. I first suspected food poisoning in another thread, but in hindsight it stems from this side-effect of lysing, given my known history of lead intoxication.

This is just one example of why healing can be very difficult, and why magic bullets or relying on one substance don't ever work. And why context is very important.

One has to be methodical, and has to be process-oriented and not magic bullet-oriented, which is the way of pharma and their magic bullet cures.
Last edited:


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
I just did a day of taking magnesium carbonate and ascrobic acid, in 8 hourly intakes, and that seemed to have improved my markers. So, I'm going to add this to my protocol of using essential oil suppositories and using the Biotrohn emf zapper. I'm gonna hold off on the lysing agent (Endocalyx Pro) until such time that the markers say I could resume.

Just goes to show healing from a complicated past (it almost always is, considering how much we are subjected to in terms of toxins and microbes) and I'm just happy to have a window into it. Since I already tested for lead toxicity from a provoked challenge test before, I have an inkling into what caused this complication and I think I am right about it. It is the lead that is starting to come out from the deeper recesses of my plaque.

I am working off likelihoods and there is no certainty with my conclusions, but I am working with high probabilities and going with it.

Add: I lived in an old apartment complex in Cincinnati where the plumbing is made of copper pipes where joints are welded with lead. The eight years of lead slowly being introduced into my body would have had no effect on me as the body probably knew how to tuck it away from its circulation.

But in lysing my blood vessels of plaque, I imagine that the release of lead accompanying that process is at a faster rate, so it could overwhelm my system. Hence the headache and the coughing and the throat having difficulty swallowing and the incessant hiccups that lasted 2 weeks. I first suspected food poisoning in another thread, but in hindsight it stems from this side-effect of lysing, given my known history of lead intoxication.

This is just one example of why healing can be very difficult, and why magic bullets or relying on one substance don't ever work. And why context is very important.

One has to be methodical, and has to be process-oriented and not magic bullet-oriented, which is the way of pharma and their magic bullet cures.


Mar 29, 2016
Thanks, I needed that.

I checked my personal ECG today as my heart rate was getting past 100, which is a red flag. Normally, when my heart rate goes beyond my median of 68, something is amiss. So, looking at my ECG, I would find that my QTc at 590-650 is way too high, as normally I would be at around 440msec. This means that my heart's repolarization rate, or the rate at which my heart muscle relaxes, is very slow. Together with a high heart rate, it is a bigger red flag.

So, I'm just going to give myself a break and reassess.

It looks like taking the magnesium carbonate and ascorbic acid aggravated my hypothyroid and high heart rate. I think it is the magnesium more than the ascorbic acid. The daily elemental magnesium dosage was at 800 mg, whereas the daily ascorbic acid dosage was at 4000mg. It may be that the magnesium was not needed, as I am sufficient in magnesium, and while I expected my bp to increase from an expected uptick in metabolism, that did happen, but I didn't expect to become more hypothyroid based on the high QTc in the ECG I was reading. That, plus the increase in heart rate that would easily go into tachycardia territory.

I highly doubt this has to do with the use of essential oil suppositories though, as I was careful enough to select organic oils, and the essential oils used I made sure were suitable for their antimicrobial use. Dosage-wise, it was based on recommendations from books by Tisserand and Schnaubelt. Moreover, I have used the same formulation before except for changing the carrier base from cocoa butter to virgin coconut oil.

I still suspect what is happening to come from lead being released from the lysing of arterial plaque. So, I need to look at ways to bind the lead that is being released and recirculating back into tissues, especially the organs - especially the heart, brain, and kidneys. I would not be looking at chelators, as already the chelation is underway, but a substance that will be able to bind the lead and facilitate its excretion.

The only substance I have that is available is iodine. I have both SSKI and Lugol's (in 2% and 7% strength). I have been looking at @burtlancast 's posts on the use of iodine as a binder for lead and would need to go deeper into the Optimox site of Guy Abraham which @Jam has shared with me.

For now, the safest bet is to do nothing and let the tempest run its course. I feel fine though, it's just that the markers tell me I have to watch it.


Aug 10, 2018
Thanks, I needed that.

I checked my personal ECG today as my heart rate was getting past 100, which is a red flag. Normally, when my heart rate goes beyond my median of 68, something is amiss. So, looking at my ECG, I would find that my QTc at 590-650 is way too high, as normally I would be at around 440msec. This means that my heart's repolarization rate, or the rate at which my heart muscle relaxes, is very slow. Together with a high heart rate, it is a bigger red flag.

So, I'm just going to give myself a break and reassess.

It looks like taking the magnesium carbonate and ascorbic acid aggravated my hypothyroid and high heart rate. I think it is the magnesium more than the ascorbic acid. The daily elemental magnesium dosage was at 800 mg, whereas the daily ascorbic acid dosage was at 4000mg. It may be that the magnesium was not needed, as I am sufficient in magnesium, and while I expected my bp to increase from an expected uptick in metabolism, that did happen, but I didn't expect to become more hypothyroid based on the high QTc in the ECG I was reading. That, plus the increase in heart rate that would easily go into tachycardia territory.

I highly doubt this has to do with the use of essential oil suppositories though, as I was careful enough to select organic oils, and the essential oils used I made sure were suitable for their antimicrobial use. Dosage-wise, it was based on recommendations from books by Tisserand and Schnaubelt. Moreover, I have used the same formulation before except for changing the carrier base from cocoa butter to virgin coconut oil.

I still suspect what is happening to come from lead being released from the lysing of arterial plaque. So, I need to look at ways to bind the lead that is being released and recirculating back into tissues, especially the organs - especially the heart, brain, and kidneys. I would not be looking at chelators, as already the chelation is underway, but a substance that will be able to bind the lead and facilitate its excretion.

The only substance I have that is available is iodine. I have both SSKI and Lugol's (in 2% and 7% strength). I have been looking at @burtlancast 's posts on the use of iodine as a binder for lead and would need to go deeper into the Optimox site of Guy Abraham which @Jam has shared with me.

For now, the safest bet is to do nothing and let the tempest run its course. I feel fine though, it's just that the markers tell me I have to watch it.

The mechanism of action of Iodide in the detoxification of lead is explained in the following quote from the Encyclopedia Britannica: “The essential part of the medicinal treatment of this condition is the administration of iodides, which are able to decompose the insoluble albuminates of lead which have become locked up in the tissues, rapidly causing their degeneration, and to cause the excretion of the poisonous metal by means of the intestine and the kidneys.” 1910-1911 edition.
About one hundred years ago, it was already known that Iodine detoxifies the body from the heavy metals, lead and mercury.
See also Hatefi, Y., Hanstein, W.G., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 62:1129-1136, 1969.


Aug 10, 2018
LEAD POISONING. (Plumbism-Saturnism). Causes.--It is common in lead
smelters and grinders, painters, glaziers, and plumbers, whose hands are
not washed before eating. The lead is absorbed by the mouth, skin and
lungs. It may be taken into the system by drinking water, cider, etc., in
new lead pipes, or from hair-dyes or cosmetics containing lead.
Symptoms of Acute Case.--These develop rapidly from continued exposure.
There is rapidly progressing anemia, with acute neuritis, epilepsy,
convulsions or delirium or with severe stomach and bowel symptoms.
Chronic Cases. Symptoms. 1.--Anemia, lead line on the gums, paralysis,
colic, and brain symptoms.
2. Blue-black line of lead in the gums near the teeth.
3. This is preceded by an obstinate constipation. It resembles severe
intestinal colic. There may be vomiting.
4. Paralysis. This is the result of peripheral neuritis, localized or
generalized. Wrist drop and many other symptoms of local and general
TREATMENT. Prevention.--The hands and finger nails of the lead workers
should always be thoroughly cleaned before eating. Use respirators if lead
is present in the form of dust.
For chronic poisoning remove the cause. Potassium iodide, five to ten
grains three times a day. Not to be given in acute cases or when the
symptoms are very severe, until what is in the bowels is removed

Five to ten grains is 300mg to 600mg.


Mar 29, 2016
Glad for getting me out of this Jam, jam! That is a solution made for my situation, and I have done 600 mg of iodide in SSKI before, as you had advised, and they are proven safe for me. I'm gonna just do a 450mg dose first (in one dose) before I turn in, as I already take 150mg daily as a mouthwash but not spit out.


Mar 29, 2016
More than 2 weeks have passed since I last posted here, and I have since learned that all my suspicions I found to be untrue, such as this being a matter of lead being released from lysing plaque.

I have found the cause to be from taking cinnamon bark oil orally in the worst manner imaginable, in a sugar cube, instead of taking it in capsule form diluted in a carrier oil such as VCO.

Since I was taking 3 drops twice a day for 6 days, the effect did not show until it accumulated and I was soon wondering why I had difficulty swallowing, and I was hiccupping very often. Even when I stopped taking this oil, these symptoms persisted.

It was when I resumed braking this oil that I realized this oil was the culprit.

So now I am dealing with the full brunt of its effects. It will take time to recover from it, it seems. My bronchial mucus membranes are shot, and I cannot breathe in air as easily as before, as the mucosal passages are restricted. Foamy white mucus frequently is excreted from the throat, which confirms this condition.

As a result, my metabolism is greatly lowered. have to keep myself from swimming, to running, and from carrying very heavy items - things I just take for granted. Now, I can understand what it feels like to have COPD and asthma.

The good thing is I found the cause, and I believe strongly the damage is only temporary.

This is merely a detour, so when I'm recovered, I will resume lowering the frequency, volume, and foaminess of urination. The one key component in this had turned into a key stumbling block -cinnamon bark oil.

Lesson learned. I'm glad I didn't go on a wild goose chase in trying to fix something that could have further complicated the situation. As my own doctor, I own up to my mistake. In the real world though, with conventional doctors, I would likely be on the highway to heaven.


Mar 29, 2016
@yerrag oh boy. That's tough. I have a lung condition; you have my empathy. Wishing you well - sooner rather than later.
Thank you very much!

Your wish was granted.

I woke up with a different vibe this morning. My breathing seemingly back to normal. The foamy white mucus gone in my throat. My heart rate down from 103 to 83.

I had watched this video last night and a word 'aminoglycans' caught my attention. I said what the heck, I'll go back to taking Endocalyx Pro, since it contains a lot of that stuff.


Anyways, I should open another thread about this to keep from hijacking this thread.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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