Scars Are Not Healing, Please Help Me



Feb 12, 2020
I did the carnivore thing for two more days and it eliminated my hot flashes for almost a month. Did some blood work...LH-FSH ratio is now almost perfect, estrogen is normal or could be low, progesterone is either normal or very low (I don't know how to judge against phase references when I don't have a period). Prolactin is within reference range this time but still kinda high. I'm even more hypothyroid than before with very high cholesterol, LDL and high some tpo antibodies were detected too but still within reference range...if it's the type of range they use for my climbing TSH too I'm expecting full blown hashimoto's next time I test. To hell with all this
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Sep 10, 2019
I actually have a very similar problem. I have had a reopening wound on my chest for nearly TWO YEARS. It closes and then starts tearing over and over and over again. My latest experiment has me finding some hope. After trying so many different things to no avail, late last year I had the idea that perhaps I wasn't getting enough calories in every day. This was true as I'm 6'2" and float between 155 and 160 lbs. but I was getting around 1500 calories max every day. So I tried bumping it up to 2000. Wound still went through its usual cycle. A few weeks ago, I theorized that my body burns through carbs way too fast. It's so hard for me to gain weight. And I was eating 2 or 3 big meals a day to meet that 2000 calorie requirement. There are two things I could have done at this point:

1) Rely on fat as the primary source of energy as it burns slower. I've tried this and I feel so tired and lethargic doing it. With my job being so far from home, I don't have time to acclimate to this, although it is the ideal solution.

2) Eat more often. This is what I'm currently doing. Right now I'm eating 300-350 calories every two hours, six times a day. I feel pretty good doing this. Always satiated but never overly full. With this method, I can still eat a lot of carbs and instead of my body burning through two big meals right away, I'm refueling it often and it always has something to run on (except while I'm sleeping, obviously).

So far, my wound has been closed for almost a week now and it hasn't opened. If it stays closed (and I pray that it does), it would have to mean that my body simply didn't have enough energy throughout the day to heal itself while I was stuffing my face twice a day as opposed to spreading my calories out evenly throughout the day. Something to consider.


Oct 15, 2018
Hey I see you mentioned PCOS, I've seen some people improve a lot with iodine, magnesium and coconut oil. One girlfriend even had a cyst go away and her breasts no longer got sore when on her period. I think @Terma mentioned having success with the iodine. I had a pretty bad scar on my shin from a bicycle accident and it gradually went away when taking iodine. I'd just recommend taking it easy with the supplements and see how you respond.
Sometimes I've tried to rush a fix for a health issue and it has been counterproductive. Also, someone recommended Vitamin E, which should help you with restoring progesterone production and making the most of the progesterone you do produce.
Seriously, I would drop all supplements, just try eat as best, use coconut oil (very little), try to get orange juice (at least natural if not fresh squeezed), and take a drop of lugol's iodine and about 400mg of magnesium each day. I could bet you would see some results. Btw, when I take a break from and go back coconut oil if I was eating PUFA lead to slight acne while my body clears the PUFA, so I would go very low fat and all of it coconut oil
Dec 18, 2018
I can’t handle fat. I ate some coconut cream yesterday evening and it made me extremely nauseous. Woke up even more nauseous with diarrhoea, constant burping and an enormous nodule on my cheek that’s probably gonna scar horribly

Then I ate some macaroni like normal human starchivores do and felt like utter crap

You have to eat complete meals with protein and animal fat and agreeable fruitlike veg like cucumber and bellpepper, not one of the things in isolation, this is unnatural and leads to issues. Also, try garlic with your food, it is bettering the microbial profile.


Feb 12, 2020
You have to eat complete meals with protein and animal fat and agreeable fruitlike veg like cucumber and bellpepper, not one of the things in isolation, this is unnatural and leads to issues. Also, try garlic with your food, it is bettering the microbial profile.
How many calories/day are you getting
Dec 18, 2018
How many calories/day are you getting

Fat is more efficient per calorie to me seemingly, so i am getting about 1800 kcal of fat per day, from butterfat mainly, plus protein kcal, around 800kcal, i am doing high protein keto, 2 meals/d.
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