Nitric Oxide Effect On Dandruff Or Continual Scalp Scale Formation


Mar 29, 2016
I have been dealing with a case of continual scale formation on some areas of my scalp. It is like dandruff, but thicker. It has been happening for a long time, and I recall it to maybe date back to when I started having high blood pressure. Lately, after listening to interviews with Ray Peat on KMUD (the one on digestion), and with haidut on Generative Energy, I'm beginning to see a clearer picture of what seems to be going on.

It seems to me that the scale formation is a manifestation of a systemic condition which is related to my high blood pressure condition. Recently, I tested for LDH and it was very high. My prolactin levels tested to be on the high end of range. This could result from tissue destruction occurring at my kidney, due to lead toxicity. This leads me to think that my estrogen, serotonin, and nitric oxide levels would be chronically high as a result.

Ray mentioned nitric oxide as something that would cause de-differentiation of stem cells, and he mentions the case of keloids as an example where cells would be continually on a "heal" mode, and it's an example I can appreciate as I have keloids as well. My keloidal activity has become dormant for a long time, although the scars remain. What is active though, is the activity on my scalp. I think the continual scale formation is a milder form of de-differentiation being expressed this time on my scalp.

I don't have a salivary test for nitric oxide yet, and I asked a lab if they have a lab test for nitric oxide, to which the answer is a negative. I suspect I have high nitric oxide levels though. I'll order this salivary test on Amazon and in a month (I[m overseas) I'll be able to confirm my nitric oxide status.

I've tried all sorts of stuff topically on my scalp. It appears the only way this can be addressed is to address the systemic issue. I already eat carrots and cooked bamboo shoots, to lower endotoxin levels. I think that if I have high nitric oxide levels, it is the body's response to tissue destruction in my kidneys. Should I let high nitric oxide levels persist (assuming that is the case) because it is protecting my kidney from further damage? After all, my kidney is more important than a few scales on my scalp?

I'm reminded of Hering's Law, which states that it's better for a condition to be expressed the further it is away from the internal of the body. In my case, it would be better to let the condition express itself as a cosmetic blemish on my scalp, than to allow it to be expressed elsewhere within the internals of my body.

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May 25, 2017
Methylene Blue, and Niacinamide can help to lower NO.

Also maybe Solban to use on scalp is an option.


Mar 29, 2016
Methylene Blue, and Niacinamide can help to lower NO.

Also maybe Solban to use on scalp is an option.
Thanks Warrior. I'm already on 2 x100 mcg Methylene Blue, so that's good to know. I'll incorporate Niacinamide eventually into my protocol, as it also helps with chronic kidney disease.

I'm just hoping that when my kidney lead toxicity is resolved, the recurring scalp condition would also take care of itself. If not, I'll try the SolBan.
Jul 6, 2016
Try diluted vinegar on scalp. Wash off within a minute. I think it helps by killing bacteria on scalp.

Possibly a fatty aliphatic substance as well, vaseline/beeswax/lanolin/coconut oil. Helps to keep scalp moisturized. Apply after showering, then wash off.

I am really not sure of the cause of dandruff. It really seems to go on and off for me. The regime I described seems to work, but has to be done frequently, and I don't think it targets the root cause.

The biggest factor in my mind would probably be androgens. Trans MtF, when taking anti-androgens/estrogen (which shuts down androgen production), very often will mention complete resolution of dandruff, massive hair growth, and increased hair shaft thickness.


Jul 11, 2017
Could it be seborrheic dermatitis? My son had this and after reading this article below and others I tried some shampoo that did the trick. The active ingredients of zinc and selenium were recommended. There may be other causes that should be looked at but for him Jason 2 in 1 Dandruff shampoo with zinc cleared up the symptoms quickly. There is probably something else that has better ingredients but for short term this worked well.

I've read elsewhere on the forum that polysorbate 80 worked well on the scalp to remove crap out of your scalp for hair regrowth.


Jul 13, 2014
I have been dealing with a case of continual scale formation on some areas of my scalp. It is like dandruff, but thicker. It has been happening for a long time, and I recall it to maybe date back to when I started having high blood pressure. Lately, after listening to interviews with Ray Peat on KMUD (the one on digestion), and with haidut on Generative Energy, I'm beginning to see a clearer picture of what seems to be going on.

It seems to me that the scale formation is a manifestation of a systemic condition which is related to my high blood pressure condition. Recently, I tested for LDH and it was very high. My prolactin levels tested to be on the high end of range. This could result from tissue destruction occurring at my kidney, due to lead toxicity. This leads me to think that my estrogen, serotonin, and nitric oxide levels would be chronically high as a result.

Ray mentioned nitric oxide as something that would cause de-differentiation of stem cells, and he mentions the case of keloids as an example where cells would be continually on a "heal" mode, and it's an example I can appreciate as I have keloids as well. My keloidal activity has become dormant for a long time, although the scars remain. What is active though, is the activity on my scalp. I think the continual scale formation is a milder form of de-differentiation being expressed this time on my scalp.

I don't have a salivary test for nitric oxide yet, and I asked a lab if they have a lab test for nitric oxide, to which the answer is a negative. I suspect I have high nitric oxide levels though. I'll order this salivary test on Amazon and in a month (I[m overseas) I'll be able to confirm my nitric oxide status.

I've tried all sorts of stuff topically on my scalp. It appears the only way this can be addressed is to address the systemic issue. I already eat carrots and cooked bamboo shoots, to lower endotoxin levels. I think that if I have high nitric oxide levels, it is the body's response to tissue destruction in my kidneys. Should I let high nitric oxide levels persist (assuming that is the case) because it is protecting my kidney from further damage? After all, my kidney is more important than a few scales on my scalp?

I'm reminded of Hering's Law, which states that it's better for a condition to be expressed the further it is away from the internal of the body. In my case, it would be better to let the condition express itself as a cosmetic blemish on my scalp, than to allow it to be expressed elsewhere within the internals of my body.

I have the exact same thing at the moment. These thick patches of dandruff.

Methylene blue seems to be the only thing that works so I think your high nitric oxide theory might be correct


Jul 13, 2014
I have been dealing with a case of continual scale formation on some areas of my scalp. It is like dandruff, but thicker. It has been happening for a long time, and I recall it to maybe date back to when I started having high blood pressure. Lately, after listening to interviews with Ray Peat on KMUD (the one on digestion), and with haidut on Generative Energy, I'm beginning to see a clearer picture of what seems to be going on.

It seems to me that the scale formation is a manifestation of a systemic condition which is related to my high blood pressure condition. Recently, I tested for LDH and it was very high. My prolactin levels tested to be on the high end of range. This could result from tissue destruction occurring at my kidney, due to lead toxicity. This leads me to think that my estrogen, serotonin, and nitric oxide levels would be chronically high as a result.

Ray mentioned nitric oxide as something that would cause de-differentiation of stem cells, and he mentions the case of keloids as an example where cells would be continually on a "heal" mode, and it's an example I can appreciate as I have keloids as well. My keloidal activity has become dormant for a long time, although the scars remain. What is active though, is the activity on my scalp. I think the continual scale formation is a milder form of de-differentiation being expressed this time on my scalp.

I don't have a salivary test for nitric oxide yet, and I asked a lab if they have a lab test for nitric oxide, to which the answer is a negative. I suspect I have high nitric oxide levels though. I'll order this salivary test on Amazon and in a month (I[m overseas) I'll be able to confirm my nitric oxide status.

I've tried all sorts of stuff topically on my scalp. It appears the only way this can be addressed is to address the systemic issue. I already eat carrots and cooked bamboo shoots, to lower endotoxin levels. I think that if I have high nitric oxide levels, it is the body's response to tissue destruction in my kidneys. Should I let high nitric oxide levels persist (assuming that is the case) because it is protecting my kidney from further damage? After all, my kidney is more important than a few scales on my scalp?

I'm reminded of Hering's Law, which states that it's better for a condition to be expressed the further it is away from the internal of the body. In my case, it would be better to let the condition express itself as a cosmetic blemish on my scalp, than to allow it to be expressed elsewhere within the internals of my body.

Also were you supplementing vitamin A when you started getting this problem?


Sep 7, 2017
Los Angeles
Years ago I used to get bad dandruff... nothing else worked but that Jason shampoo that @Lurker mentions above. I used to get it when you didn't need to get the 2 in 1... but have used the 2 in 1 (without zinc)... and the stuff is a freakin miracle. Whatever else you're doing... just get that Jason shampoo and try it for a week. I can almost guarantee it will help (I've recommended to friends before and they've had success as well.).


Mar 23, 2017
I had some red patches with scales. Internally nothing was breaking the cycle which seemingly was getting worse. A kitchen sink approach for it, because i didnt know if psoriasis or dermititus was to rotate between nizoral and t-gel coal tar. It appears to have cleared it all up and now the least dandruff i have ever had. Next step will be to evaluate how my scalp responds when stopping the treatment. I believe my scalp is a lot happier for the reduced inflammation.


Sep 7, 2017
Los Angeles
I had some red patches with scales.
On your head? Or on your body?

I used to get red patches, about a nickel to a quarter in size... my dermatologist said it was "like" ringworm... it did itch... but was never contagious. I never go it on my scalp... and ringworm treatment did nothing for it... eczema treatment/cortisone cream did help.

The condition has resolved for now... not sure why, but it's been years since I've had one of those... and no doctor I've ever seen (which was a lot back them) could ever figure out why I was getting them or what it was. Very frustrating. I always just chalked it up to a long term Accutane side effect or a maybe a Cipro side effect (took a course once).


Mar 23, 2017
On scalp. It originally was just flakes but progressed to redness underneath the numerous (but small area) patches of flakes.


Jul 13, 2014
I have been dealing with a case of continual scale formation on some areas of my scalp. It is like dandruff, but thicker. It has been happening for a long time, and I recall it to maybe date back to when I started having high blood pressure. Lately, after listening to interviews with Ray Peat on KMUD (the one on digestion), and with haidut on Generative Energy, I'm beginning to see a clearer picture of what seems to be going on.

It seems to me that the scale formation is a manifestation of a systemic condition which is related to my high blood pressure condition. Recently, I tested for LDH and it was very high. My prolactin levels tested to be on the high end of range. This could result from tissue destruction occurring at my kidney, due to lead toxicity. This leads me to think that my estrogen, serotonin, and nitric oxide levels would be chronically high as a result.

Ray mentioned nitric oxide as something that would cause de-differentiation of stem cells, and he mentions the case of keloids as an example where cells would be continually on a "heal" mode, and it's an example I can appreciate as I have keloids as well. My keloidal activity has become dormant for a long time, although the scars remain. What is active though, is the activity on my scalp. I think the continual scale formation is a milder form of de-differentiation being expressed this time on my scalp.

I don't have a salivary test for nitric oxide yet, and I asked a lab if they have a lab test for nitric oxide, to which the answer is a negative. I suspect I have high nitric oxide levels though. I'll order this salivary test on Amazon and in a month (I[m overseas) I'll be able to confirm my nitric oxide status.

I've tried all sorts of stuff topically on my scalp. It appears the only way this can be addressed is to address the systemic issue. I already eat carrots and cooked bamboo shoots, to lower endotoxin levels. I think that if I have high nitric oxide levels, it is the body's response to tissue destruction in my kidneys. Should I let high nitric oxide levels persist (assuming that is the case) because it is protecting my kidney from further damage? After all, my kidney is more important than a few scales on my scalp?

I'm reminded of Hering's Law, which states that it's better for a condition to be expressed the further it is away from the internal of the body. In my case, it would be better to let the condition express itself as a cosmetic blemish on my scalp, than to allow it to be expressed elsewhere within the internals of my body.

I've worked it out now. It's estrogen that causes it. Androsterone is really good. So is Progesterone. Dandruff completely gone now
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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