Adult Acne. What The Hell Is Wrong With People Like Me?


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda


May 1, 2016
When I emailed ray he advised getting enough calcium and vitamin d.

Started to take thyroid hormone. Nature thyroid.

Still battling the same problems.

Started to take a calcium/magnesium supplement.

Was going to start taking Lugols iodine but held off on it.

Seems like cal/mag/zinc/vitamin d combo may help.

Concentrated on neck and jawline, mostly neck.

Have been trying to incorporate wheat. Seems sometimes when I do I'm okay at other times I break out

Have been eating tuna also, seems to be helping.
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May 1, 2016
I notice that I am getting cold hands and feet after taking the thyroid meds. Guessing this is a sign that it's kind of working?


Sep 28, 2016
I notice that I am getting cold hands and feet after taking the thyroid meds. Guessing this is a sign that it's kind of working?
Probably so. Might be a metabolic dip as your system shifts from stress hormones to proper cellular respiration. I think Ray's mentioned this before.


May 1, 2016
I haven't beeen taking my temps normally but I haven't had cold hands and feet for awhile.

I notice it happens a lot after eating.


May 1, 2016
Stress hormones drop after eating so it is probably a sign of improvement.

Not sure if I said it clearly but before I went on thyroid, there was a period where I wasn't getting cold hands and feet. Since starting the thyroid, I am noticing more cold hands and feet.


Sep 28, 2016
Not sure if I said it clearly but before I went on thyroid, there was a period where I wasn't getting cold hands and feet. Since starting the thyroid, I am noticing more cold hands and feet.
Do you get enough magnesium and vitamin A? Do you eat enough calories and nutrient rich foods? Thyroid isn't very helpful if you don't increase your caloric intake while on it.


May 1, 2016
Do you get enough magnesium and vitamin A? Do you eat enough calories and nutrient rich foods? Thyroid isn't very helpful if you don't increase your caloric intake while on it.

Yes I've been working on eating more. When I tracked my calories I hit about 2300.

I am tracking on cronometer but I find that they don't always calculate all the vitamins/minerals in like some packaged food. For instance, not all nutrients in tuna are calculated.

When I was eating the bulgur wheat, which I believe has lots of magnesium, it was also helping. I don't think it's any one nutrient that will work. I think it's a mix of nutrients, but I do believe calcium mag vitamin d zinc help a lot.

Haven't really been getting any A. I will try to add some liver once a week but I find it really gross now.

The tuna is what is helping my current breakout heal I believe. It's when I started eating tuna that I noticed it healing.

I'm still have yellow tinted skin that hasn't faded yet. It seemed to be fading more when I was eating lots of meat and sweet potatoes, even though sweet potatoes have a bunch of beta carotene.

The general condition of my skin still sucks. It seems very thin with no muscle and I can wrinkle it easily by bunching it together. I believe this is probably from barely eating and not getting in enough nutritents.

I am determined to find a solution to this awful problem. I want to enjoy eating out again, and stuff that I love, especially milk and cheese and ice cream and sugar!

I'm not peating or anything. I'm keeping an open mind to everything and trying to listen to my body. It's bad to get into mentality of this is the only way because life is too short to not enjoy it and live so restricted. For now I have to restrict though in order to control the acne.
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May 1, 2016
I've been eating tuna, red salmon, and just started on sardines.

I have to say, this is what is helping my acne improve and just the general look of my skin.


Apr 17, 2013

You should try topical magnesium oil. Apply to the face, let sit for 15-60 minutes, rinse off. My face has been quite clear lately while doing this. It's a simple method at least, worth trying.

What kind of acne do/did you have? Cystic...Mild?

When I emailed ray he advised getting enough calcium and vitamin d.

Started to take thyroid hormone. Nature thyroid.

Still battling the same problems.

Started to take a calcium/magnesium supplement.

Was going to start taking Lugols iodine but held off on it.

Seems like cal/mag/zinc/vitamin d combo may help.

Concentrated on neck and jawline, mostly neck.

Have been trying to incorporate wheat. Seems sometimes when I do I'm okay at other times I break out

Have been eating tuna also, seems to be helping.

Did you know ray doesn't recommend taking iodine? And also sometimes the body can't convert is often safer to just take t3, like in cynomel then a combination product.


May 1, 2016
What kind of acne do/did you have? Cystic...Mild?

Did you know ray doesn't recommend taking iodine? And also sometimes the body can't convert is often safer to just take t3, like in cynomel then a combination product.

Cystic, super horrible kind that leaves disfiguring scarring.


Apr 17, 2013
Cystic, super horrible kind that leaves disfiguring scarring.

I had that too. Had to have surgical excisions they were so bad and left with scarring.
But in the end I also learned it was because of system inflammation.

Have you had blood work done?
you might want to check your prolactin/dhea.
I would definitely switch from iodine to cynomel.

Ray's work is really helpful to understanding the bigger picture if you listen to the interviews, or read the transcripts here.

What worked for me was avoiding pufa and processed foods, taking progesterone without breaks in large doses along with T3 only and getting digestion dialed in, along with sleep and energy levels.
Magnesium, progesterone, aspirin, Vitamin K, some vitamin A, and very nutrient dense easy to digest low pufa whole foods along with Red light, and good sleep cycles are all also very important.


May 1, 2016
I haven't started iodine yet. I've had bloodwork done but not those two. I don't know if I even will. I would rather choose whole food forms over any kind of supplement.

I read a book by Matt Stone and one other book, the name escapes me, that I got free on Amazon, which really opened my eyes. Everyone claims to have the answer, yet if it doesn't work, it's useless. It's very easy to get into the "this sounds true" mentality.

I've found acupuncture, along with exercising, salmon, oysters, sardines, tuna, and surprisingly I've been eating bacon and it seems to be helping. I ate almost a pack of bacon yesterday and the one bump I had has shrunk. I will say that oysters and salmon and sardines are really nasty. Hopefully I won't have to keep eating these.

I haven't had the normal big cysts. It's small acne that dries up with tea tree oil or betadine.

Ray Peat sounds very good but it didn't work for me. And that is true for many things.

I have stayed away from dairy and sugar and most grains, and that will be the true test to see if my acne will come back.

If I have to give those up forever, then so be it. I've gotten to a point where acne has stolen my life, and while diet can be very restrictive, its a sacrifice I'll be forced to make.

If you do have acne, DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT get into this mentality that one way is the only way. Unless you have experimented, don't write anything off.

If you're taking advice from people that haven't had acne (or your type of acne, because there are so many different forms caused by so many things), then I suggest you reconsider.

Fish is largely demonized in the Ray Peat sphere because of PUFA, but please do try eating tuna, salmon and sardines for a week and let me know if your skin clears.
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Apr 17, 2013
I haven't started iodine yet. I've had bloodwork done but not those two. I don't know if I even will. I would rather choose whole food forms over any kind of supplement.

Testing prolactin might be enough for you to know the root cause of your acne. Definitely worth testing.

I read a book by Matt Stone and one other book, the name escapes me, that I got free on Amazon, which really opened my eyes. Everyone claims to have the answer, yet if it doesn't work, it's useless. It's very easy to get into the "this sounds true" mentality.

Yeah, I read his book too; it did help me remember the importance of salt.

If you do have acne, DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT get into this mentality that one way is the only way. Unless you have experimented, don't write anything off. If you're taking advice from people that haven't had acne (or your type of acne, because there are so many different forms caused by so many things), then I suggest you reconsider. Fish is largely demonized in the Ray Peat sphere because of PUFA, but please do try eating tuna, salmon and sardines for a week and let me know if your skin clears.

I agree experimenting is key. I also think many people on the forum don't understand a lot of what Peat is saying and read more stuff on the forum than they do of his actual articles, books or interviews.
I often find those a lot more helpful than the forum.

Fish is largely demonized in the Ray Peat sphere because of PUFA, but please do try eating tuna, salmon and sardines for a week and let me know if your skin clears.

I think maybe you misunderstood; I HAD cystic acne my whole life, but I don't anymore since finding peat.

And so I won't be trying sardines because avoiding PUFA and keeping my metabolism up and digestion running well is what keeps inflammation down for me.


Sep 13, 2012
I haven't started iodine yet. I've had bloodwork done but not those two. I don't know if I even will. I would rather choose whole food forms over any kind of supplement.

I read a book by Matt Stone and one other book, the name escapes me, that I got free on Amazon, which really opened my eyes. Everyone claims to have the answer, yet if it doesn't work, it's useless. It's very easy to get into the "this sounds true" mentality.

I've found acupuncture, along with exercising, salmon, oysters, sardines, tuna, and surprisingly I've been eating bacon and it seems to be helping. I ate almost a pack of bacon yesterday and the one bump I had has shrunk. I will say that oysters and salmon and sardines are really nasty. Hopefully I won't have to keep eating these.

I haven't had the normal big cysts. It's small acne that dries up with tea tree oil or betadine.

Ray Peat sounds very good but it didn't work for me. And that is true for many things.

I have stayed away from dairy and sugar and most grains, and that will be the true test to see if my acne will come back.

If I have to give those up forever, then so be it. I've gotten to a point where acne has stolen my life, and while diet can be very restrictive, its a sacrifice I'll be forced to make.

If you do have acne, DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT get into this mentality that one way is the only way. Unless you have experimented, don't write anything off.

If you're taking advice from people that haven't had acne (or your type of acne, because there are so many different forms caused by so many things), then I suggest you reconsider.

Fish is largely demonized in the Ray Peat sphere because of PUFA, but please do try eating tuna, salmon and sardines for a week and let me know if your skin clears.
Glad to hear you have found things that are working and I think my favorite Peat quote is 'perceive, think, act' meaning experiment what will work for you. :):
Sep 7, 2017
I had an annoying problem with acne in my adult life, particularly when I would eat dairy products. Incorporating beef liver into my diet and then supplementing with with vitamin A in retinyl palmitate form completely cleared up my acne. My skin has never been better. I'm sure there are other co-factors since that wasn't the only thing I had been doing for my health, but it was definitely the piece that made the biggest difference, for me.


May 1, 2016
Unfortunately, salmon, tuna and sardines began to become super disgusting to eat.

So I haven’t been eating them all the time like I should.

Salmon tuna and sardines no doubt help but they’re disgusting to eat everyday.

I will be starting an iodine protocol soon.

I read the whole thread again and I don’t think I’ve been getting enough calories/protein/nutrients. I’m trying and for the past two days got over 2000.

I will consider vitamin a again.

And I now believe my yellow skin is Carotenemia and not high bilirubin.

Sometimes after acupuncture my skin will be a super bright white.

And I’ve also noticed eating tons of bacon also gets rid of the yellow temporarily.

Still trying to figure all this out :/

I started IF again. This time I’m doing 8-4pm. I used to do 12-8. I feel really good in terms of bloating and just feeling lighter. But yesterday I woke up with extreme confusion. Still don’t know if I should call it a panic attack or low blood sugar. I reallly should get a blood sugar monitor. Had to drink like 3 cups of oj to feel some relief.


Jan 15, 2017
Would exposure to good amounts of light cause pimples to start?

Ive been supplementing vit D a little more to improve my status(topical and oral).

This past week I went to a UV bed and then the past couple days I have been sitting in the sun through my windows(its 28 outside), certainly looking like a maniac or a weirdo.

Today when I woke up I noticed i have a bunch of pimples kinda randomly on my forehead, cheek, near my lip. Ive always had good skin so they dont bother me but I am curious why?

Could it be the light exposure?
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