New To Peat

Feb 6, 2020

I have been reading up on Peat and going through this forum for many months.

To explain my health journey: I have always been health-conscious. That has meant very different things as I have learned more about diet, etc. In the beginning, my diet was low fat, consisted of whole grains, fresh fruit and fresh and cooked veggies, some nuts/seeds, dairy was mainly homemade greek yogurt made from 2% milk. Meat was beef, chicken, fish. Lots of herbs, spices, teas. At the time, the oil used to cook was canola and some olive oil (both used sparingly). The only processed food I consumed was the occasional granola bar when I was on the go. I have always had a stable, normal weight and only would go up and down 5 pounds depending on activity. My skin was not good in this stage. Acne all over, concentrated on chin/jaw. (age: early 20s). exercise was 30min-1 hour cardio and stretches.

Then I shifted my diet to paleo/weston price/keto. The reason for this was that almost overnight my dental health deteriorated (turned gray, translucent) even though I always brushed, flossed and had yearly cleanings. I looked I don't think I was fully keto since I would still have honey and fruit, and dried fruit occasionally. The big shift was removing grains, increasing eggs, saturated fat (butter, coconut oil, avocados, olive oil, sheep cheese, raw milk, cod liver oil, butter oil). I tried evening primrose oil for a little while. I also started green smoothies. At this point I would say my pufa intake decreased from before because I was using more saturated fat. But I still used some canola oil not knowing how bad it was. I was eating some liver and bone broth at this time. I was still having nuts/seeds and sardines. Still lots of herbs and spices, green/herbal teas. I started using novamin toothpaste (which worked ok), oil pulling with coconut oil, using the miswak twig stick, and apagard premio toothpaste (nanohydroxyapatite) to replace novamin, and activated charcoal to brush. I think the apagard, miswak and charcoal worked best for teeth. My acne got a lot better eating this way but i still had some jawline/chin acne. The other great thing about eating this way was that i actually felt satiated and could focus and have energy and go more hours staying productive without eating (this was a plus for me because before i would constantly get hungry, and it would hinder productivity). Another plus was I hardly ever got sick. (age: mid 20s) One thing that happened towards later 20s, which I didn't like, but I don't know if diet caused it--facial hair on chin and under navel. I think I might be estrogen dominant. I tend to gain weight on thighs and upper arms. exercise is hiit 2x a week. long walks other days. some light weights. supplemented vitamin d3, k2, msm, magnesium chloride topically.

Now nearing 30, I found peat, I started incorporating more fruit, coffee, completely took out canola, stopped nuts/seeds/nut butter, started daily gelatin, stopped green smoothies and avocados, stopped cruciferous veggies, I still eat a good amount of fat, but try to stick to saturated, I wouldn't say I'm high carb low fat, just because I feel I need fat soluble vitamins for my teeth, bc although they got better, its still has some translucence, and its yellowish. I still eat grassfed butter and full fat dairy. Weight has remained stable. Skin has a little more acne than before (started getting some around forehead/cheeks).
Basically breakfast is something like primal coffee-- coffee with butter, coconut oil, 100% chocolate, some milk or coconut cream, pastured eggs, and raw honey--blended together. Some days I also have a piece of grassfed feta/cheddar cheese with this. Lunch is a fruit/citrus (lemon/lime/orange)/fresh aloe vera inner gel/cucumber smoothie and gelatin to prevent blood sugar spike). Also I have acv, honey, lemon either first thing in morning or with fruit smoothie for afternoon energy. Dinner is raw carrots and roasted/steamed/sometimes fresh veggies (try to stick to zucchini/bell peppers/tomatoes/cucumbers), potatoes, and some kind of protein (beef, lamb, liver) i stopped chicken. Leafy greens are less-often and in soup or well-cooked. Some non-peaty things I still eat--wild-caught salmon cooked in coconut oil, sardines (with bones, organs etc) in spring water, greek yogurt, and sweet potatoes. blood test only shows low vitamin d, which i supplement 5000iu, vitamin k2 mk-4 and mk-7 mixed, magnesium chloride topically. exercise is cleaning my house.

I know thyroid problems show up after years of stressing out your body. My main concern is adult acne on chin/jawline, facial hair growth, and to a lesser extent gaining weight on thighs. I think these are all hormonal related which is why I'm hoping for some advice/tips.


May 6, 2014
Welcome, healthiswealth!

I think you are lucky to have found Ray Peat before you are 30. I started after age 50 and have had good results. Apart from the weight gain! :sweatsmile:

Maybe you could incorporate progesterone supplementation. Also, are you getting enough natural light and red light and doing some earthing? I think an important change is to eliminate fluoridated water as much as possible. I use a distiller for drinking and cooking water, and I limit showering, both frequency and duration. I also use only a few commercial cosmetics--a small amount of a natural shampoo, a little natural soap, Then baking soda for deodorant (works great), and organic cornstarch for dusting powder, coconut oil for moisturizing, etc. I still use a little makeup, but know I shouldn't. I try to use just a few dots when leaving the house.


Aug 23, 2018
Welcome @healthiswellth !

I'm 29 and have had similar symptoms. I put on weight in my mid section. I have a few hairs on my chin, breasts and below my navel. I've dealt with some pimples since my teenage years.

How long have you been implementing Peat's principle?

My best advice for anyone starting out is to stop listening blindly to external advice and start tuning into your own body.

As an example, I started taking D3 to help me this winter and while it does help me I seem to tolerate only a small dose. If I take 1000 IU everyday, I get palpitations and heavy legs. But, I still take it since it helps with motivation just not everyday.
Feb 6, 2020
@Lilac @somuch4food-- thank you for the prompt response. I use makeup sparingly, drink reverse osmosis filtered water for drinking and cooking, use natural aluminum-free deodorant and sometimes mag chloride for deodorant, coconut oil or unrefined shea butter for moisturizer (FYI shea butter VERY noticeably improved my under eye area, i have hereditary dark circles and it diminished lines and gave overall fresher appearance), and I limit shower time. I started about 5 months ago but slowly adding in peaty stuff and removing non-peaty stuff. i would say it has been 3 months for the full regimen described above.

I really have been thinking about ordering Progest-E, but I am a little unsure if I should be taking it alone or with preg/dhea...I still have some reading up to do on that. Honestly I got really really scared when I read that you apply this to your gums, and elsewhere I read that it can cause receding gums and darken skin pigmentation. I have dealt with acne scars and it literally took like 3 years to get my dental health back on track ( I still have NO idea what had happened to my teeth, but for 3 whole years I barely smiled and would consciously talk in a way as to not expose my teeth) and I try to have as much vitamin c naturally through lemon juice and citrus (which I drink through a straw) for gum recession. So I had looked online for other ways to increase progesterone and what i've found is magenesium (which I've read also helps with hormonal acne), vit. C, seed-cycling (which is not Peaty--I used to do this back when I was eating Weston Price way...honestly I didn't notice a difference from it so I stopped a long time ago).

I don't think i feel bad taking 5000Iu d3, but thanks for the advice/reminder, I will be more tuned in---I used to blindly accept what doctors told me over how I actually felt. I was put on doxycycline + topical retin-A for acne when I was about 19, and after one cycle of the antibiotic, the derm gave me another round and the first pill i took from the second batch made me nauseous, and I just kept thinking "be strong, keep it down" and i eventually vomited and felt bad that i couldn't keep it down. then i found out that the derm had given me (both times) a dose that was too high for listening to your own body cannot be overstated.

The women in my fam have low iodine, nodules on thyroid, pcos, high testerone, so I want to take preventative action. Thank you all for your thoughts.


Aug 23, 2018
Have you ever heard of phytic acid? It is thought to be bad for teeth. It's present in significant amounts in whole grains, seeds, legumes and seed oils.

From my experience, my teeth start to ache whenever I go too high on phytic acid/oxalic acid foods.


Aug 7, 2014
Dinner is raw carrots and roasted/steamed/sometimes fresh veggies (try to stick to zucchini/bell peppers/tomatoes/cucumbers), potatoes, and some kind of protein (beef, lamb, liver) i stopped chicken. Leafy greens are less-often and in soup or well-cooked. Some non-peaty things I still eat--wild-caught salmon cooked in coconut oil, sardines (with bones, organs etc) in spring water, greek yogurt, and sweet potatoes.

Be mindful of how you feel when consuming:

Meat (tryptophan and phosphorus)
Insoluble fiber (raw carrots)

...In the evenings.

Starchy foods can cause low blood sugar and feed Endotoxin.
Meat can lead to hibernative effects which can stress the body come nightfall.

Peat has talked about these ideas extensively. I avoid starch and meat completely with the exception of liver 1x a week.

In the evenings I only do sugar, calcium, and gelatin rich foods like ice cream, milk, cheese, fruit, and powdered gelatin.

The simplest guide for remembering this is keeping calcium to phosphorus ratio 1:1.
Feb 6, 2020
I learned about phytic acid through Weston price so I removed whole grains at the time and only ate soaked/sprouted nuts and seeds, which I have since also stopped.

I think I will try the no meat/starch in the evenings, and move up the carrots to earlier in the day.
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