Scalp Progesterone For Hair Loss Experiment


Apr 29, 2018
A better question to ask beyond all of these supplemental things is:

How many here have good androgen function, good thyroid function with low stress markers and still are losing hair?
Yeah I just hopped off levothyroxine. Wasn't going to deal with NDT without a doctor, which would have me paying out of network.
As far as androgens go I'm supplementing D3, will start using a tanning bed and I feel better when i lift.
I hear MB is pro-thyroid


Jan 15, 2017
Yeah I just hopped off levothyroxine. Wasn't going to deal with NDT without a doctor, which would have me paying out of network.
As far as androgens go I'm supplementing D3, will start using a tanning bed and I feel better when i lift.
I hear MB is pro-thyroid
For whatever its worth... not that I am advising this explicitly.

There are people who use their "doctors prescription" as a way to get their own thyroid supplementation bloodwork done..

Plenty of us use our own doctors egos and misinformation as a way to get our own diagnostics done. Play the game, so to speak
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Apr 29, 2018
For whatever its worth... not that I am advising this explicitly.

There are people who use their "doctors prescription" as a way to get their own thyroid supplementation bloodwork done..

Plenty of us use our own doctors egos and misinformation as a way to get our own diagnostics done. Play the game, so to speak
Yeah I know about that ego. I asked my doctor if she prescribed NDT and she responded with this:
[SIZE=5 said:
"RE: Non-Urgent Medical Question[/SIZE]

Is there a role for T3? - For the vast majority of patients with hypothyroidism, we suggest not using combination T4-T3 therapy. However, a therapeutic trial using doses of T4 and T3 that attempt to mimic normal physiology (ratio T4-to-T3 of 13:1 to 16:1) while maintaining a normal TSH is an option in selected patients. (See 'Candidates for combined T4 and T3 therapy' below.)
There is controversy as to whether T4 replacement alone can mimic normal physiology. T4 is deiodinated in peripheral tissues to form T3, the active thyroid hormone. The prohormone nature of T4 is an advantage over other thyroid hormone preparations because the patient's own physiologic mechanisms control the production of active hormone. In some [12,43], but not all [44,45], studies, mean serum T3 concentrations were within the normal range in hypothyroid patients receiving adequate T4 therapy. In a prospective study of recently athyreotic patients receiving T4 therapy to normalize serum TSH concentrations, serum T3 concentrations on treatment were, in most, but not all cases, comparable with the patients' preoperative T3 values [43]. However, in another study, 15 percent of athyreotic patients taking T4 monotherapy had serum T3 levels below the reference range for individuals with intact thyroid glands [45].
Some hypothyroid patients remain symptomatic in spite of T4 replacement and normal serum TSH concentrations [46]. In a large, community-based questionnaire study of patients taking T4 who had normal serum TSH concentrations, 9 to 13 percent more patients had impaired psychological well-being as compared with normal subjects [31]. This observation raises the question of whether hypothyroid patients might benefit from substitution of some T3 for T4, an idea that has now been evaluated in multiple randomized trials, almost all of which showed that combination T4-T3 therapy does not appear to be superior to T4 monotherapy for the management of hypothyroid symptoms [47-58]. (See 'Efficacy' below.)
Well-designed, blinded studies are still needed to address this ongoing controversy. The normal ratio of T4-to-T3 secretion by the thyroid gland is approximately 13:1 to 16:1 (mcg T4 to mcg T3) [36]. The majority of the randomized, controlled trials used excessive and nonphysiologic amounts of T3 when assessing combination therapy. In addition, a slow-release T3 preparation, which may avoid supraphysiologic peaks in serum T3 concentrations, is not yet commercially available [59]. A combination T4-slow release T3 preparation may better replicate physiologic T4-T3 production.
Efficacy - In a systematic review of nine randomized trials, only one trial reported beneficial effects of combination T4-T3 therapy on mood, quality of life, and psychometric performance when compared with T4 therapy alone [60]. A subsequent meta-analysis of 11 published randomized trials including 1216 patients showed that there was no benefit (fatigue, bodily pain, anxiety, depression, quality of life) of combined therapy [61].
In some trials, patients preferred combined therapy to T4 monotherapy. In some [56], but not all [54,62], of these trials, patients were given overzealous doses of T3, resulting in mild hyperthyroidism. As examples:
?In one trial comparing T4 alone with T4 and T3 in a molar ratio of 10:1 or 5:1, there were similar improvements in mood, fatigue, psychological symptoms, or neurocognitive testing [56]. However, patients preferred combined therapy to T4 alone. Forty-four percent of the patients who preferred combined therapy had TSH values less than 0.11 mU/L. In addition, those patients taking T4:T3 in a molar ratio of 5:1 had a 1.8 kg weight loss, which correlated with a preference for the combined treatment, and 54 percent of these patients had subnormal serum TSH concentrations.
?In one small, well-designed study, women taking 100 mcg of T4 were changed to 75 mcg T4 and 5 mcg T3 (ratio 15:1) [54]; while no benefit was found using standardized questionnaires, patients preferred combination therapy over monotherapy despite a higher TSH within the normal range in the group receiving combination therapy.
?In a double-blind, crossover trial comparing T4 and desiccated thyroid extract (T4-to-T3 ratio 4:1), there were no differences in symptoms and neurocognitive measurements between the two groups, but 49 percent of the patients preferred thyroid extract over T4 (19 percent preferred T4 and 33 percent had no preference), and those who preferred thyroid extract had lost on average 1.8 kg during the study [62]. In this trial, thyroid medications were adjusted to maintain a TSH level between 0.5 and 3.0 mU/L (mean achieved TSH levels were 1.30 and 1.67 mU/L for T4 and desiccated thyroid extract, respectively).
Whether a combination of T4 and T3 is beneficial in a subset of hypothyroid patients has also been studied. One analysis suggested patients with a polymorphism in the type 2 deiodinase, which converts T4 to T3, might benefit from combination therapy [63]. Sixteen percent of the population studied had the CC genotype of the rs225014 polymorphism in the deiodinase 2 gene (DIO2); these patients had worse baseline quality-of-life scores and showed greater improvement after T4-T3 therapy compared with T4 alone. However, a smaller study was unable to show a difference in response to combined T4-T3 therapy based on DIO2 genotype [64]. In addition, a large population-based study showed lower health-related quality-of-life scores in levothyroxine-treated hypothyroid patients compared with controls, but this did not differ among individuals who did or did not have the rs225014 polymorphism [65].
Some thyroidectomized patients who have no residual endogenous T3 production might derive benefit from the addition of T3. In one study, serum T3 levels were more uniformly restored to preoperative levels when T4 doses were high enough to suppress the serum TSH (=0.3 mU/L) [44]. However, in another study, traditional T4 therapy that resulted in a TSH level of =4.6 mU/L resulted in normal T3 levels in most but not all patients [43].

The above is from up to date.

With the guidelines from the american thyroid association only recommending T4 I will not treat with any thing else as this is not what the current studies shows works. "]
That's a good idea, tbh I don't feel awful off thyroid meds though. I'm worried she might hate me lol because the TSH will show I'm not on anything


Jul 29, 2015
For whatever its worth... not that I am advising this explicitly.

There are people who use their "doctors prescription" as a way to get their own thyroid supplementation bloodwork done..

Plenty of us use our own doctors egos and misinformation as a way to get our own diagnostics done. Play the game, so to speak
I think sometimes people forget that they have complete agency over their own health decisions because the idea of working with a doctor is inherently authoritarian, and it is structured to be that way. They will not remind you of any freedom of choice that you might have because that would take their power away. If you suffer from a chronic condition and you choose to "work with" a doctor, you will be treated like a child, and you'll potentially be abused or neglected. And if the physician causes permanent damage , then you as a patient have no legal recourse whatsoever. I see no issue with encouraging people to take these matters into their own hands, even if it isn't legal. I have seen too many people be hurt or killed by doctors.
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Apr 29, 2018
I think sometimes people forget that they have complete agency over their own health decisions because the idea of working with a doctor is inherently authoritarian, and it is structured to be that way. They will not remind you of ant freedom of choice that you might have because that would take their power away. If you suffer from a chronic condition and you choose to "work with" a doctor, you will be treated like a child, and you'll potentially be abused or neglected. And if the physician causes permanent damage , then you as a patient have no legal recourse whatsoever. I see no issue with encouraging people to take these matters into their own hands, even if it isn't legal. I have seen too many people be hurt or killed by doctors.
I have a "problem with authority" which is really a sense of self confidence and the acknowledgement of my own intellectual agency. Tried to convince my family a few dumb things my doctor's done and they seem to think doctors are gods.


Feb 8, 2017
I might try and keep taking it for a couple more days to see what happens. It could just be a coincidence. Honestly, I don't see why it would accelerate hair loss. Why is it so hard for men to regrow a bit of hair ffs

Yeah idk, about MB. Let's keep monitoring I suppose. What dosage are you doing?

I am back on prog for good now, once again.

I took a shower and can see I lost ground on left side of my head, for sure.

Back on prog 100mg oral nightly, and let's see if it improves. Left side of my hairline took a hit (and that's transplanted hairs) this happens from time to time when I do diff regimens, then usually I end up going back on prog and it comes back...


Feb 8, 2017
I meant the MB. Seems to cause aggression/ serotonin mental sides. Want to find out if less than 1 mg is really beneficial

Gotcha..... ***t, maybe! I do noticed I'm more irritated for sure lately. I snapped on a few ppl. haha


Apr 29, 2018
Gotcha..... ***t, maybe! I do noticed I'm more irritated for sure lately. I snapped on a few ppl. haha
Damn... I’ve noticed these drugs like prog and MB seem to have estrogenic mental sides
Men can’t win (will prbably still try MB)


Jan 15, 2017
Yeah I know about that ego. I asked my doctor if she prescribed NDT and she responded with this:

That's a good idea, tbh I don't feel awful off thyroid meds though. I'm worried she might hate me lol because the TSH will show I'm not on anything

Go by your symptoms and your temps then, assuming you have summer coming your should definitely use it to feel better.

Honestly you never know what can happen, maybe your short term on t4 helped you more than you know.

What she said, respectfully was very close minded. There are a lot of studies that go in each direction with regard to monotherapy and combination therapies. In fact the pure reality event T3 is the active hormone and that tea to calcitonin and the other parts of thyroid production are the reason that we maintain a healthy metabolism should make you think twice and perhaps consider trying NDT and using your own symptoms and times as your guide if you feel like you want to try it.

Keep in mind a TON of us are here, improving because while doctors may or may not mean well, they often just regurgitate incorrect or misunderstood information. Then there is a tiny percentage of helpful sincere people, then for every one of them is 100 moronic a-holes.

As @Dhair mentioned its your health and you have every imaginable right to have control of it. Dont ever forget that.


Feb 8, 2017
Damn... I’ve noticed these drugs like prog and MB seem to have estrogenic mental sides
Men can’t win (will prbably still try MB)

Oh, no... on Prog I am a cool cucumber...

Irritated on MB, not Prog.

But it's not so bad, tbh. I had a legit reason to be upset at something. I was just maybe more upset than I would have normally been.


Apr 29, 2018
Oh, no... on Prog I am a cool cucumber...

Irritated on MB, not Prog.

But it's not so bad, tbh. I had a legit reason to be upset at something. I was just maybe more upset than I would have normally been.
I was a little mean on ginkgo biloba, and adderrall. It could be the increased focus. It’s hard to say, especially below 1 mg


Feb 8, 2017
I was a little mean on ginkgo biloba, and adderrall. It could be the increased focus. It’s hard to say, especially below 1 mg

I wouldn't say I'm mean on MB, for the record. Just that when I get irritated.. it's a bit more.

I think overall I'm actually much more efficient on MB.

It's almost like being on a stim, but not. Very subtle.

Adderall is a different story altogether. That should turn you into an emotionless robot.. lol


Feb 8, 2017
I'm 2 days on 100mg oral prog now. Feeling good. Shedding is WAY DOWN. I'm still on MB as well.

Not sure if shed is gone due to shower last night or prog, probably shower.


Apr 29, 2018
I'm 2 days on 100mg oral prog now. Feeling good. Shedding is WAY DOWN. I'm still on MB as well.

Not sure if shed is gone due to shower last night or prog, probably shower.
Have you regrown any hairline?
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