Keto is my only hope. Please tell me why I'm wrong!


Mar 15, 2023
Florida, U.S
I would love to eat milk, eggs, seafood, fruit, mushrooms etc etc

No matter what diet I try, I'm on a rollercoaster from day to day. Some days are ok, some days suck pretty bad. It's depression, negative thinking, fearful thinking, social anxiety, inability to articulate my thoughts. It's all around pretty rough being me to be honest.

Keto fixes all these problems for me. Great mood, comfortable in social situations, clear mind, clear speach. I even surprise myself how much more capable and "normal" I am while on keto.

There are some downsides from my perspective-

-Lack of sex drive
-Becoming hangry despite being in a great mood
-Lack of food options (can't eat keto staples avocado, egg, dairy)
-after reading into ray peat information I'm convinced keto is bad for our health.

I'm kinda stuck but man I can't manage to achieve this state with carbs in the diet.


Feb 3, 2020
In a hypothyroid state you feel better with high cortisol and adrenaline. Because when you eat carbohydrates, you lower your cortisol and adrenaline, but when thyroid doesn‘t take over, you feel low in energy. Low thyroid and low cortisol is no bueno.

Measuring your pulse and underarm temperature in the morning and after eating a carbohydrate-rich breakfast would help. If temperature or pulse drop after carbs, then you maintain your P&BT through cortisol/adrenaline.
Checking TSH, fT4, fT3, total cholesterol, lactate would be good aswell.

purple pill

Nov 19, 2022
United Kingdom
Can relate to this, i done keto for a rid of all the symptoms you describe but yeah its difficult, boring and eventually left me burnt out and resorting back to tobacco to manage stress. Lately been eating my carbs/sugars in the morning when insulin sensitivity is highest (as suggested by many members on here) and fats/protein in the evening, seem to get the best of both worlds especially if i get my carbs out the way early in the day around midday. I still have the cloudyy mind and inabily to articulate anything meaningful some days but not as bad. Im convinced this is gut bacterial/digestive issues (# seretonin) though as anytime ive taken antibiotics or herbal laxative (something with senna) my head is as clear as day next morning ,😎. Ive ordered some Cascara sagrada capsules in the hope of a long term solution, it was highly favoured by Ray Peat for keeping the bowels moving and also being antibiotic to some degree. 🤞
Aug 21, 2018
Go keto and don't mind all the "ketoisbad" fear mongering around.


Dec 15, 2022
I would love to eat milk, eggs, seafood, fruit, mushrooms etc etc

No matter what diet I try, I'm on a rollercoaster from day to day. Some days are ok, some days suck pretty bad. It's depression, negative thinking, fearful thinking, social anxiety, inability to articulate my thoughts. It's all around pretty rough being me to be honest.

Keto fixes all these problems for me. Great mood, comfortable in social situations, clear mind, clear speach. I even surprise myself how much more capable and "normal" I am while on keto.

There are some downsides from my perspective-

-Lack of sex drive
-Becoming hangry despite being in a great mood
-Lack of food options (can't eat keto staples avocado, egg, dairy)
-after reading into ray peat information I'm convinced keto is bad for our health.

I'm kinda stuck but man I can't manage to achieve this state with carbs in the diet.
It’s not anyones role to tell you what works, or why it works. But we certainly have opinions! (Ie: you have gut issues; keto won’t heal you but keep your symptoms at bay while it causes other metabolic issues).

Don’t outsource your health. Figure it out. Experiment. Research. Listen. Read.



purple pill

Nov 19, 2022
United Kingdom
Go keto and don't mind all the "ketoisbad" fear mongering around.
Lol. You must have logged in to the wrong forum this morning. Many people came here after doing keto and suffering, its not fear mongering its consolidated experience backed up by countless studies postied and discussed on this forum. I dont see any problem with intermittent fasting or low/no carb in the evenings if you have issues that are resolved by keto, but full keto is assinine except in rare cases..... its just one of the better "diets" out there that can be beneficial as its a natural adaption of humans in times of scarecity due to winter or harsh climates (history is full of famines and may even be the reason our great ancenstors left the jungle and were forced to evolve/adapt) its also why we store fat easily like animals that hibernate but as a diet CHOICE its far from "ideal"


Mar 20, 2021
@Luked89 well it sounds like you've done a fair amount of research on the ketogenic diet within this forum as you fear that it isn't healthy long-term because of what you have read here... So I don't feel it's necessary to tell you that you are wrong. However, I believe that individuals tolerance for carbohydrates varies dramatically depending on so many things- activity level, insulin sensitivity, age, body composition issues, liver health and STRESS....

Ultimately you should be eating foods that make you feel good. Nothing trump's feeling good, no matter what book you're reading or doctor (podcast🤔) that you're listening to!


May 4, 2022
I would love to eat milk, eggs, seafood, fruit, mushrooms etc etc

No matter what diet I try, I'm on a rollercoaster from day to day. Some days are ok, some days suck pretty bad. It's depression, negative thinking, fearful thinking, social anxiety, inability to articulate my thoughts. It's all around pretty rough being me to be honest.

Keto fixes all these problems for me. Great mood, comfortable in social situations, clear mind, clear speach. I even surprise myself how much more capable and "normal" I am while on keto.

There are some downsides from my perspective-

-Lack of sex drive
-Becoming hangry despite being in a great mood
-Lack of food options (can't eat keto staples avocado, egg, dairy)
-after reading into ray peat information I'm convinced keto is bad for our health.

I'm kinda stuck but man I can't manage to achieve this state with carbs in the diet.
Tinker with what works. This is what I've done. I am ketovore-peatarian.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I agree with @LadyRae and @joaquin. Trusting your personal experience and being open to reevaluating things is important. I honestly don’t believe there’s one optimal way of eating for everyone. What works best for you now might change in time so I think it’s important to not get too ideologically attached to a particular “diet” if that makes sense? Best wishes.
Dec 4, 2022
I would love to eat milk, eggs, seafood, fruit, mushrooms etc etc

No matter what diet I try, I'm on a rollercoaster from day to day. Some days are ok, some days suck pretty bad. It's depression, negative thinking, fearful thinking, social anxiety, inability to articulate my thoughts. It's all around pretty rough being me to be honest.

Keto fixes all these problems for me. Great mood, comfortable in social situations, clear mind, clear speach. I even surprise myself how much more capable and "normal" I am while on keto.

There are some downsides from my perspective-

-Lack of sex drive
-Becoming hangry despite being in a great mood
-Lack of food options (can't eat keto staples avocado, egg, dairy)
-after reading into ray peat information I'm convinced keto is bad for our health.

I'm kinda stuck but man I can't manage to achieve this state with carbs in the diet.
Off course everyone is diferent and context is everything.
Me too tried keto because of digestive issues,all went well,mood,energy,until one day i crashed,felt so tired. So feeling good might not even be a good predicable.
Life is complex.
The dificult for us humans is that we like certainty when in life there is none. All is full of uncertainty. I guess most of our problems come from not acepting this then we become control freaks.
Embrace not knowing,experiment,feel like ***t if it is the case,keep going. Say goodbye to your muses.
Whenever i drank milk in the past i would burst in tiredness and depression,nowadays is much better and i can tolerate them. I am fixing the gut.
Changed life to a sunny place.
Maybe life is telling you something.
Dont try to be perfect.
What does your deep feeling tell you to really do?even if it kills your muses.
Life and death are equal on the spot,always moving with no regret.
Try keto if it is the case.
All this diet changing and questing for health just made me a simple person,maybe humble,open,receptive.
Darkness is not bad... actually in older times,in xhristian theology It was embraced has a path to change and become more human.


Dec 15, 2022
I follow Ray and his research, not because i think he’s a nice guy or gets it somewhat right. I follow him to guide me away from what I think works- and if his ideas don’t work- i try to figure out what’s wrong with me. With all my complex issues; I’ve not found him to misguide me yet. And as someone simply stated above: it’s a gut issue most likely. Is he omniscient? Of course not. But for me using his work as a foundational guide, has literally been invaluable and possibly life saving.

Ultimately people need to work through it all. Problem solve and deduct. I wish the OP great health and discovers along his journey.


Nov 27, 2018
If keto or carnivore superficially fixes things and pro-metabolic eating doesn't, it's often either because of food intolerances or hypothyroidism. For the former, simple elimination diet and then bringing food items back one by one to find out what causes problems is helpful. For the latter, thyroid supplementation (measure temp and pulse, read a lot and experiment to get the dosage right). Many people think that after decades/generations of abuse they can quickly fix their metabolism just by changing their diet but often this is simply not the case. However, every change in your diet and environment and the way they effect your health are clues to understanding your individual situation so don't feel discouraged.


Dec 1, 2021
What is wrong with keto? The only issue I see is low carbs, if you would eat 1 carb meal a day to get 100-200 grams of carbs it would be a good diet. It is what most bodybuilders of the past did, the Golden Era diet which was basically keto but with low carbs.


Mar 20, 2021
What is wrong with keto? The only issue I see is low carbs, if you would eat 1 carb meal a day to get 100-200 grams of carbs it would be a good diet. It is what most bodybuilders of the past did, the Golden Era diet which was basically keto but with low carbs.
I agree. The "keto diet" has a a lot going for it as it eliminates a lot of processed foods. If labeling is important to you, perhaps "paleo" would be better as it also includes a lot of whole food healthy carbohydrates.


Mar 15, 2023
Florida, U.S
Go with what works.
It works but as I mentioned there are drawbacks and concerns.
Hows your pulse and temperature?
I was monitoring it for a while whilst Peating and it was averaging 97.8f 80bpm during the month of Jan in Florida, during what I believe to be a hypothyroid state after quiting trt and experimenting with iodine supplements which seemed to cause a lump in my throat that wasn't going away. Right around my thyroid. I also suspect it was due to gum disease. I've rinsing my mouth with immediately after every meal. Also changed my pillow and one of them fixed it. I tend to throw the kitchen sink at the problem and never know exactly was resolved it lol. Anyway when it started to heat up in Florida I average 98.3f 80bpm. Often 98.5f. I do notice a slow relaxation to the Achilles tendon test. Tsh usually in the high 2s low 3s. Vitamin d levels are good. Prolactin high (30s) this is all during my peat style eating and thyroid supplementation. Thyroid sup seemed to make me more hypo so I stopped after 2 weeks and no change in test results. Maybe wasn't long enough but I'm not sure I'm sold on taking thyroid yet. Especially after coming off 5 year trt, I'm kinda trying to keep it natural.
It might be a digestion issue, not a carb issue.
No doubt. However removing the carbs is the only thing that works. Honestly it isn't just the carbs though. I did carnivore (rib eyes only) for 2 months n didn't get any of the positive effects I get from keto. Perhaps due to less protein. Perhaps beef is an intolerance for me. My food sensitivity test indicated so. Wasn't sky high off the charts like egg or chicken. But it's on the list.
In a hypothyroid state you feel better with high cortisol and adrenaline. Because when you eat carbohydrates, you lower your cortisol and adrenaline, but when thyroid doesn‘t take over, you feel low in energy. Low thyroid and low cortisol is no bueno.

Measuring your pulse and underarm temperature in the morning and after eating a carbohydrate-rich breakfast would help. If temperature or pulse drop after carbs, then you maintain your P&BT through cortisol/adrenaline.
Checking TSH, fT4, fT3, total cholesterol, lactate would be good aswell.
What confuses me about the cortisol and adrenaline being high on keto idea is that why is it I sleep well and feel good. Why does it eliminate my social anxiety, fear of death? Why is it when people are overworked or overstressed you often hear that cortisol is too high and we all know that overworked overstressed feeling is terrible. Why wouldn't it be the same for keto?

Here are some blood test results starting from stopping trt cold turkey if anyone's interested in what that looks like for a 34 year old after 5 years on trt. The second test was around when I started Peating. Third test was 2 weeks into daily thyroid. Wasn't a pleasant two weeks.
Screenshot_20230503_191658_Adobe Acrobat.jpg Screenshot_20230503_191556_Adobe Acrobat.jpg Screenshot_20230503_191355_Adobe Acrobat.jpg
Can relate to this, i done keto for a rid of all the symptoms you describe but yeah its difficult, boring and eventually left me burnt out and resorting back to tobacco to manage stress. Lately been eating my carbs/sugars in the morning when insulin sensitivity is highest (as suggested by many members on here) and fats/protein in the evening, seem to get the best of both worlds especially if i get my carbs out the way early in the day around midday. I still have the cloudyy mind and inabily to articulate anything meaningful some days but not as bad. Im convinced this is gut bacterial/digestive issues (# seretonin) though as anytime ive taken antibiotics or herbal laxative (something with senna) my head is as clear as day next morning ,😎. Ive ordered some Cascara sagrada capsules in the hope of a long term solution, it was highly favoured by Ray Peat for keeping the bowels moving and also being antibiotic to some degree. 🤞
One thing I started thinking about yesterday while watching a recent Thomas delaur video about mental health and keto. They mentioned how people with mental disturbances which are mitigated by the keto diet, often after two to five years are able to return to carbs without issue. Danny roddy, haidut, Paul saladino all were carnivore or keto for at least 2 years, and now are able to eat carbs without issue. Perhaps keto allows whatever damage is done by standard American diets to heal. Maybe something in the endotoxin/bacteria/sibo area of things.
Go keto and don't mind all the "ketoisbad" fear mongering around.
I made a recent decision to do just that after two years of struggle with different food and diet choices.
It’s not anyones role to tell you what works, or why it works. But we certainly have opinions! (Ie: you have gut issues; keto won’t heal you but keep your symptoms at bay while it causes other metabolic issues).

Don’t outsource your health. Figure it out. Experiment. Research. Listen. Read.



This is the dilemma. I'm currently choosing to eat keto for the mental effects so I can better my financial situation. Without keto I'm descending into depression quite regularly so I need this to climb out and once better situated I'll begin getting help with this from someone who can guide me. Alone there's too much room for error.
Lol. You must have logged in to the wrong forum this morning. Many people came here after doing keto and suffering, its not fear mongering its consolidated experience backed up by countless studies postied and discussed on this forum. I dont see any problem with intermittent fasting or low/no carb in the evenings if you have issues that are resolved by keto, but full keto is assinine except in rare cases..... its just one of the better "diets" out there that can be beneficial as its a natural adaption of humans in times of scarecity due to winter or harsh climates (history is full of famines and may even be the reason our great ancenstors left the jungle and were forced to evolve/adapt) its also why we store fat easily like animals that hibernate but as a diet CHOICE its far from "ideal"
I can't agree with keto being asinine when the benefits are this great. "Far from ideal" I can agree with that because it's my only known choice at this point. Anything else causes too much suffering for me.
@Luked89 well it sounds like you've done a fair amount of research on the ketogenic diet within this forum as you fear that it isn't healthy long-term because of what you have read here... So I don't feel it's necessary to tell you that you are wrong. However, I believe that individuals tolerance for carbohydrates varies dramatically depending on so many things- activity level, insulin sensitivity, age, body composition issues, liver health and STRESS....

Ultimately you should be eating foods that make you feel good. Nothing trump's feeling good, no matter what book you're reading or doctor (podcast🤔) that you're listening to!
Tinker with what works. This is what I've done. I am ketovore-peatarian.
Sounds badass
I agree with @LadyRae and @joaquin. Trusting your personal experience and being open to reevaluating things is important. I honestly don’t believe there’s one optimal way of eating for everyone. What works best for you now might change in time so I think it’s important to not get too ideologically attached to a particular “diet” if that makes sense? Best wishes.
100% agree. Keto unfortunately is the only way to manage my mental health but I really don't wish to eat this way and intend to figure out what's going on here and how to resolve it.
Off course everyone is diferent and context is everything.
Me too tried keto because of digestive issues,all went well,mood,energy,until one day i crashed,felt so tired. So feeling good might not even be a good predicable.
Life is complex.
The dificult for us humans is that we like certainty when in life there is none. All is full of uncertainty. I guess most of our problems come from not acepting this then we become control freaks.
Embrace not knowing,experiment,feel like ***t if it is the case,keep going. Say goodbye to your muses.
Whenever i drank milk in the past i would burst in tiredness and depression,nowadays is much better and i can tolerate them. I am fixing the gut.
Changed life to a sunny place.
Maybe life is telling you something.
Dont try to be perfect.
What does your deep feeling tell you to really do?even if it kills your muses.
Life and death are equal on the spot,always moving with no regret.
Try keto if it is the case.
All this diet changing and questing for health just made me a simple person,maybe humble,open,receptive.
Darkness is not bad... actually in older times,in xhristian theology It was embraced has a path to change and become more human.
How long were you doing keto before the crash? Some interesting thoughts. The darkness idea I like but I've literally gone through 2 years of darkness and in all honestly I think I need to come up for air because too much of anything is a bad thing. And I'm sure when life improved I will be humbled and appreciate of what I'll have because of the contrast to the last two years.
I follow Ray and his research, not because i think he’s a nice guy or gets it somewhat right. I follow him to guide me away from what I think works- and if his ideas don’t work- i try to figure out what’s wrong with me. With all my complex issues; I’ve not found him to misguide me yet. And as someone simply stated above: it’s a gut issue most likely. Is he omniscient? Of course not. But for me using his work as a foundational guide, has literally been invaluable and possibly life saving.

Ultimately people need to work through it all. Problem solve and deduct. I wish the OP great health and discovers along his journey.
Thanks, big momma.
If keto or carnivore superficially fixes things and pro-metabolic eating doesn't, it's often either because of food intolerances or hypothyroidism. For the former, simple elimination diet and then bringing food items back one by one to find out what causes problems is helpful. For the latter, thyroid supplementation (measure temp and pulse, read a lot and experiment to get the dosage right). Many people think that after decades/generations of abuse they can quickly fix their metabolism just by changing their diet but often this is simply not the case. However, every change in your diet and environment and the way they effect your health are clues to understanding your individual situation so don't feel discouraged.
Carnivore didn't work for me. I'd rate it as one of my biggest regrets as far as diets go. The thyroid situation does require more research and in my case more money. I think more testing, and possibly seeing a specialist.
What is wrong with keto? The only issue I see is low carbs, if you would eat 1 carb meal a day to get 100-200 grams of carbs it would be a good diet. It is what most bodybuilders of the past did, the Golden Era diet which was basically keto but with low carbs.
Something to consider. I did have some success with separating macros into three meals. No mental benefits but did resolve an issue I had were any time I would exercise I would get upper respiratory infections. After returning to mixing my macros the issue returned after some time.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
100% agree. Keto unfortunately is the only way to manage my mental health but I really don't wish to eat this way and intend to figure out what's going on here and how to resolve it.
That’s the spirit. If you really don’t wish to eat that way then I’m confident you will figure it out but it’s going to take determination. I’m not aware of any higher profile formerly very low carb/keto adherents who have successfully made the switch and told their story publicly when mental health was the primary reason for eating that way. Surely there must be some out there but it could be a lingering stigma on mental health issues that keeps some people from sharing this type of success. I honestly don’t know why but since there are many other health struggles that people have overcome while using these diets and remained in remission after increasing carbs I think it’s possible. It might just be a matter of utilizing some supplements or meds short term in the transition process. I do know of one lady that used to eat carnivore and successfully went back to more carbs with high dose thiamine. She never mentioned mental health specifically but described herself as on the spectrum fwiw. I tend to think a gradual transition would be the wisest course if your livelihood is dependent on you functioning at a high level.
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