I feel as though I'm on the verge of passing out, I feel so depleted, my heart feels as though it has no energy to pump



Apr 3, 2019
That tsh is way too high. Also, I thought you had a stool test done and it came back with some infection? Leaky gut and bacterial infection will cause all kinds of symptoms.

Yes I had the stool test and followed up with the nutritionist. He didn't think the infection was anything particularly relevant and wouldn't be causing me symptoms. Rather just low level bacteria that's normal in any gut. I'm not sure there's any sign of leaky gut either. My absorption and gut inflammation were optimal according to the test.

None the less, I've been on antibiotics for the past week for Prostatitis and the nutritionist said that would kill off those gut bacteria at the same time. So if they were causing any issues which he's sure they wouldn't be, they'd be gone now and I'll be repopulating the gut as soon as I finish. Unfortunately I've not seen any improvement while on the antibiotics so it's unlikely any of the guy bacteria was causing me a problem.

Yes I hope to get that TSH down. In my head I'd like to take some thyroid for relief and to help me along the way to recovery. (If I can find a thyroid med that works for me). But some here say taking thyroid wouldn't be a good idea for me. Weighing that one up at the moment while I focus on the nutrition in the first instance.


Jun 10, 2020
Yes I had the stool test and followed up with the nutritionist. He didn't think the infection was anything particularly relevant and wouldn't be causing me symptoms. Rather just low level bacteria that's normal in any gut. I'm not sure there's any sign of leaky gut either.

None the less, I've been on antibiotics for the past week for Prostatitis and the nutritionist said that would kill off those gut bacteria at the same time. So if they were causing any issues which he's sure they wouldn't be, they'd be gone now and I'll be repopulating the gut as soon as I finish. Unfortunately I've not seen any improvement while on the antibiotics so it's unlikely any of the guy bacteria was causing me a problem.

Yes I hope to get that TSH down. In my head I'd like to take some thyroid for relief and to help me along the way to recovery. (If I can find a thyroid med that works for me). But some here say taking thyroid wouldn't be a good idea for me. Weighing that one up at the moment while I focus on the nutrition in the first instance.
Whenever there’s discrepancy among members on this forum, go directly to Peat articles and interviews! :)


Nov 20, 2019
Wow that's a lot. 15g of sodium? I think I had about 7g on one of my chronometers posted on here and someone said I'd trying to kill myself lol.

I've tried salt in water for days but no help. I feel if it salt food maybe it helps slightly in terms of feeling a little more satiated.

How are you taking the salt? On food, in water?
Yes I got a blood test for serotonin and it was sky high 214 ng/mL. I was looking for ways to lower it and salt was one. I started taking more and lowered it to 170ng/mL in just a week. I started feeling much better after that so I haven't gotten any blood tests since then but all the other "high serotonin" symptoms I had mostly dropped off.

Peat has said just a few months ago on a Danny Roddy Livestream that 1tsp of salt is a "tiny amount". BTW, 1/4 tsp is not 2000mg sodium, salt is about 40% sodium so that's only 590mg sodium.

Yes I just take it in hot gelatin water mix and that allows me to get in large amounts with gelatin and control the amount I get.

Have you seen this thread Haidut posted years ago of how the Optimal Sodium Intake Is At Least 230% Higher Than RDA?


Apr 3, 2019
Yes I got a blood test for serotonin and it was sky high 214 ng/mL. I was looking for ways to lower it and salt was one. I started taking more and lowered it to 170ng/mL in just a week. I started feeling much better after that so I haven't gotten any blood tests since then but all the other "high serotonin" symptoms I had mostly dropped off.

Peat has said just a few months ago on a Danny Roddy Livestream that 1tsp of salt is a "tiny amount". BTW, 1/4 tsp is not 2000mg sodium, salt is about 40% sodium so that's only 590mg sodium.

Yes I just take it in hot gelatin water mix and that allows me to get in large amounts with gelatin and control the amount I get.

Have you seen this thread Haidut posted years ago of how the Optimal Sodium Intake Is At Least 230% Higher Than RDA?

Sorry that should have said 3/4 not 1/4 TSP and that's in addition to whats naturally in the food.

I'm certainly not afraid of salt and for sure don't believe the mainstream idea that it should be limited.

Glad to hear the salt seems to be helping you and I will check out that thread.


Jan 27, 2021
Take a b complex and try re-feeding b1. Get adequate calories when doing so.
Basically if you have malnutrition or took the "more sugar and more milk with antibiotics" Ray Peat standard issue line, its likely you are low in b1. B1 deficiency can cause massive energy failure as it is a pre-requisite in energy metabolism, without it it doesn't mater how much thyroid you give yourself, your energy metabolism will be rate limited via not having enough B1.

If it isn't this, it is a very easy thing to rule out that basically can have systemic wide effects if you aren't replete in it.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi0O_fzczYA



Apr 3, 2019
Take a b complex and try re-feeding b1. Get adequate calories when doing so.
Basically if you have malnutrition or took the "more sugar and more milk with antibiotics" Ray Peat standard issue line, its likely you are low in b1. B1 deficiency can cause massive energy failure as it is a pre-requisite in energy metabolism, without it it doesn't mater how much thyroid you give yourself, your energy metabolism will be rate limited via not having enough B1.

If it isn't this, it is a very easy thing to rule out that basically can have systemic wide effects if you aren't replete in it.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi0O_fzczYA

Thanks. Yes I checked this guys videos after @marcar72 linked one yesterday. He appears a big fan of Thiamine, that's for sure!

I've taken thiamine before, recently, but not in the large doses of 1500mg - 1800mg he talks about. I was taking 200mg a day and went up to about 400mg at times. Possibly mine wasn't the most absorbable version for the body. It's certainly worth a try again. Do you take it yourself and are you aware of a good source of the type of thiamine he recommends? I know he sells one but its about £30 a bottle and that seems a lot for thiamine.


Apr 3, 2013
Whenever there’s discrepancy among members on this forum, go directly to Peat articles and interviews! :)
What in my comment to the op is different than Peats perspective? What did I say that goes against his articles? Just curious


Jun 10, 2020
What in my comment to the op is different than Peats perspective? What did I say that goes against his articles? Just curious
No, that comment was definitely not directed at you or any individual. Just that @Callmestar has received a ton of advice and ideas, mine included, and of course several of these opinions contradict each other. If anyone’s opinion should hold the most weight, Peat’s should. Not just about the TSH or salt or diet, but any contradictory recommendations.

(As a side note, I agree with you about the TSH, based on what I’ve heard from Peat)


Apr 3, 2013
No, that comment was definitely not directed at you or any individual. Just that @Callmestar has received a ton of advice and ideas, mine included, and of course several of these opinions contradict each other. If anyone’s opinion should hold the most weight, Peat’s should. Not just about the TSH or salt or diet, but any contradictory recommendations.

(As a side note, I agree with you about the TSH, based on what I’ve heard from Peat)
Ok, thanks for clarifying! ?


Jan 27, 2021
Thanks. Yes I checked this guys videos after @marcar72 linked one yesterday. He appears a big fan of Thiamine, that's for sure!

I've taken thiamine before, recently, but not in the large doses of 1500mg - 1800mg he talks about. I was taking 200mg a day and went up to about 400mg at times. Possibly mine wasn't the most absorbable version for the body. It's certainly worth a try again. Do you take it yourself and are you aware of a good source of the type of thiamine he recommends? I know he sells one but its about £30 a bottle and that seems a lot for thiamine.
benfothiamine seems to be what the kids are all excited about.
im taking hcl thiamine and slowly increasing


May 24, 2013
Thanks. Yes I checked this guys videos after @marcar72 linked one yesterday. He appears a big fan of Thiamine, that's for sure!

I've taken thiamine before, recently, but not in the large doses of 1500mg - 1800mg he talks about. I was taking 200mg a day and went up to about 400mg at times. Possibly mine wasn't the most absorbable version for the body. It's certainly worth a try again. Do you take it yourself and are you aware of a good source of the type of thiamine he recommends? I know he sells one but its about £30 a bottle and that seems a lot for thiamine.
If you are interested in allithiamine and lipothiamine as mentioned on that video, best to learn direct from the horses' mouth, Dr. Derrick Lonsdale. Dr. Lonsdale is where that person in the video is getting their information from. Lonsdale writes on Derrick Lonsdale, MD and he's got three books available on amazon including "Thiamine Deficiency Disease, Dysautonomia, and High Calorie Malnutrition".


Nov 9, 2016
I feel like what I imagine those with low blood sugar feel or those with a rock bottom b12. Yet I don't have these conditions. I feel unbelievably weak and depleted, feels as though my system is struggling to just sustain itself as I lay in bed. I don't know what to do.
This is what I often feel. I feel like the energy to all of the cells in my body has been turned off, and I'll lay there wondering if my body is just going to completely stop working and shut down. I just felt like that this morning. It felt like time to wake up, but my body just felt like mush with no energy getting to my cells.

I've also been to multiple doctors and they don't know. Sugar has no effect. T3 has no effect....could eat the entire bottle and feel nothing at all.
The only thing that really has an affect is if I can motivate myself to do some heavy, intense weight lifting; if I keep going with a lot of effort it seems to have a lasting effect with energy once I'm done.

This energy issue will come and go too. I will tank and feel like I'm going to drop dead, and then if I lay on the couch and watch tv, maybe it'll fade away somewhat as an hour goes by.

I feel worse on a weekend day of pure relaxation. If I just lounge around the house my energy will tank and I get some kind of brain inflammation or almost a dizziness.
On work days when I'm under stress I don't seem to notice the energy issue as much.


Nov 27, 2015
Have you been tested for SIBO? It is thought to be a prostatitis and fibro driver - coupled with HPA axis & thyroid issues and neuromuscular tension. It can cause most all of the symptoms you are describing - a perpetual cytokine storm.


Apr 7, 2021
Have you been tested for SIBO? It is thought to be a prostatitis and fibro driver - coupled with HPA axis & thyroid issues and neuromuscular tension. It can cause most all of the symptoms you are describing - a perpetual cytokine storm.
Please be kind and detail a little the ones listed above.


Apr 3, 2019
Have you been tested for SIBO? It is thought to be a prostatitis and fibro driver - coupled with HPA axis & thyroid issues and neuromuscular tension. It can cause most all of the symptoms you are describing - a perpetual cytokine storm.

I had a stool test. Posted the results here: Chronic health problem (Dehydration) - Faint hope somebody here might have some ideas

No sign of SIBO apparently. Some possible minor gut bacteria but the nutritionist didn't think it was anything abnormal or that would be causing my symptoms. I've also taken antibiotics for about 10 days for prostatitis recently which would have dealt with that bacteria. I saw no improvement any of my symptoms or the prostatitis.


May 28, 2020
I've been there and this has worked for me
thiamine (benfotiamine) before 5 pm. because it will increase your adrenaline and mess your sleep if you take it after that point. make sure to drink a sugary liquid(personally I dissolve sugar into hot water and drink it without anything else) with each meal.
make sure to drink it every 2 hour cuz benfotiamine increases your metabolism and drops your blood glucose you need to refeed your glycogen stores before they get depleted and before you feel the hunger and cortisol spike.
also take low dose magnesium every two hour, if you take high dose your body will rush to lose it in the bathroom instead of using it for calming your nervous system.

follow this and you will see guaranteed calmness, energy, wight loss and better mood


Apr 3, 2019
Back to feeling like this. Cannot deal with this anymore. I am at my wits end with no sign of anything getting better.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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