I feel as though I'm on the verge of passing out, I feel so depleted, my heart feels as though it has no energy to pump


Apr 3, 2019
Apologies for the dramatic title but a literally feel so unwell and I don't know what to do. My doctor is offering nothing. If I ring an ambulance or go to the emergency hospital, which I have done previously they will just take my blood pressure, pulse, oxygen level, which will likely be normal as usual, then send me away, maybe with a Full blood count blood test before I leave if I'm lucky.

I feel like what I imagine those with low blood sugar feel or those with a rock bottom b12. Yet I don't have these conditions. I feel unbelievably weak and depleted, feels as though my system is struggling to just sustain itself as I lay in bed. I don't know what to do.

Some of you may have read my thread about chronic dehydration which is always an underlying factor but I have periods like this where I feel even more unwell, I can't understand why there isn't an obvious cause. My blood results are also on that thread and again no obvious cause of my symptoms.

What helps? I suppose just waiting it out. Going to sleep. But even then I often wake up feeling the same. I suppose eating, getting some calories in helps to a degree, as if the carbs give me a little energy to keep me going on top of whatever is causing me to feel like this. Unfortunately, it's only a very subtle improvement and doesn't last.

I don't know how I can carry on living like this.


Apr 3, 2019
Chocolate milk and thyroid.

I have some Ancestral Grass fed beef thyroid, it doesn't seem to do me any good. Took some capsules earlier. I have some Tyronene/t3, also not done much for me previously, on the rare occasion it's made me feel something subtle. I suppose it might be worth a try now. Is there any possibility I need simply T4 rather then T3 despite T4 converting to T3 because from my experience T3 has done very little for me.

Chocolate milk, sounds good, if I can make it to the shop.


Oct 21, 2013
I have some Ancestral Grass fed beef thyroid, it doesn't seem to do me any good. Took some capsules earlier. I have some Tyronene/t3, also not done much for me previously, on the rare occasion it's made me feel something subtle. I suppose it might be worth a try now. Is there any possibility I need simply T4 rather then T3 despite T4 converting to T3 because from my experience T3 has done very little for me.

Chocolate milk, sounds good, if I can make it to the shop.
I don't know where you are, but Hersey's has a simple 5 chocolate syrup you get at walmart that is clean, and makes very good chocolate milk, very easy.

I've struggled a lot with Thyroid too, it's not easy to get right. There is a lot of discussion on this forum of course about thyroid. One thing is you have to have enough cholesterol, so a total cholesterol above 160 for thyroid to even be effective.

I tried Tyroene and Tyromix in the past, but it was hard for me to dose because carrying the little bottles around and remembering to use them all the time was just not working. Now I use cynomel and cynoplus. I started with a 1/4 tab of cynomel with breakfast, (because taking it with food slows the absorption rate) and a 1/4 tab of cynoplus with dinner. My notes say taking T4 and T3 togther prolong the effects of T3 at night. With thyroid, it seems that the best course is to start with a low dose, and stick with a dose for at least 2 weeks then up it incrementally until symptoms resolve. It takes time. Hypothyroidism: The unsuspected illness by Broda Barnes is the gold standard book on thyroid.


Apr 3, 2019
I don't know where you are, but Hersey's has a simple 5 chocolate syrup you get at walmart that is clean, and makes very good chocolate milk, very easy.

I've struggled a lot with Thyroid too, it's not easy to get right. There is a lot of discussion on this forum of course about thyroid. One thing is you have to have enough cholesterol, so a total cholesterol above 160 for thyroid to even be effective.

I tried Tyroene and Tyromix in the past, but it was hard for me to dose because carrying the little bottles around and remembering to use them all the time was just not working. Now I use cynomel and cynoplus. I started with a 1/4 tab of cynomel with breakfast, (because taking it with food slows the absorption rate) and a 1/4 tab of cynoplus with dinner. My notes say taking T4 and T3 togther prolong the effects of T3 at night. With thyroid, it seems that the best course is to start with a low dose, and stick with a dose for at least 2 weeks then up it incrementally until symptoms resolve. It takes time. Hypothyroidism: The unsuspected illness by Broda Barnes is the gold standard book on thyroid.

I'm not even sure I have low thyroid. Although my symptoms are similar in some ways. My T3 and T4 are normal. My TSH is about 3.00. My cholesterol is HIGH.


Jun 10, 2020
I'm not even sure I have low thyroid. Although my symptoms are similar in some ways. My T3 and T4 are normal. My TSH is about 3.00. My cholesterol is HIGH.
I agree with @LucyL, it looks like thyroid, if dosed appropriately, could help. I have tried tyronene and tyromix, but I am getting best results with cynomel and cynoplus.

According to Ray Peat, that TSH is high as well. I once heard him mention in an interview that the healthiest groups of people have TSH’s below 0.4. The high cholesterol is also a classic sign of low thyroid function, s thyroid is needed to convert that cholesterol into protective hormones. Peat has said that thyroid is the safest way to lower cholesterol.

Nicole W.

Nov 28, 2016
Apologies for the dramatic title but a literally feel so unwell and I don't know what to do. My doctor is offering nothing. If I ring an ambulance or go to the emergency hospital, which I have done previously they will just take my blood pressure, pulse, oxygen level, which will likely be normal as usual, then send me away, maybe with a Full blood count blood test before I leave if I'm lucky.

I feel like what I imagine those with low blood sugar feel or those with a rock bottom b12. Yet I don't have these conditions. I feel unbelievably weak and depleted, feels as though my system is struggling to just sustain itself as I lay in bed. I don't know what to do.

Some of you may have read my thread about chronic dehydration which is always an underlying factor but I have periods like this where I feel even more unwell, I can't understand why there isn't an obvious cause. My blood results are also on that thread and again no obvious cause of my symptoms.

What helps? I suppose just waiting it out. Going to sleep. But even then I often wake up feeling the same. I suppose eating, getting some calories in helps to a degree, as if the carbs give me a little energy to keep me going on top of whatever is causing me to feel like this. Unfortunately, it's only a very subtle improvement and doesn't last.

I don't know how I can carry on living like this.
I haven’t gotten a chance to read your other thread on dehydration but are your fingertips full and firm or are they wrinkly, like as if you’ve spent a long time in the water? Your TSH is high, but your symptoms say “exhaustion” or adrenal fatigue to me. Have you investigated that? Water regulation in the body is difficult with that condition.


Oct 21, 2013
I'm not even sure I have low thyroid. Although my symptoms are similar in some ways. My T3 and T4 are normal. My TSH is about 3.00. My cholesterol is HIGH.
@Vileplume covered it. Thyroid is the master regulator, and in a Peat-lens, 3 is high for TSH.


Apr 3, 2019
My adrenal blood, Cortisol and Aldosterone come back as high end of normal range. My DHEA is high.

My fingertips. I'd say they are normal, not wrinkly and mostly full.
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Nicole W.

Nov 28, 2016
My adrenal blood, Cortisol and Aldosterone come back as high end of normal range.

My fingertips. I'd say they are normal, not wrinkly and mostly full.
What kind of cortisol test did you have? The blood test or the 6 part urine/ metabolite test like DUTCH offers. Have you tried any herbal medicine yet?


Apr 3, 2019
What kind of cortisol test did you have? The blood test or the 6 part urine/ metabolite test like DUTCH offers. Have you tried any herbal medicine yet?

I've had morning cortisol blood test which was 606. I've also had 24 hour saliva test. Both show somewhat high morning cortisol then a normal gradual lowering of cortisol throughout the day. Both results are on my dehydration thread. My DHEA has also been tested 3 times and is always high.

Herbal medicine in what regard? I've tried herbs from a herbalist yes but at this point nobody knows where the problem is coming from so it's really herbs for the sake of herbs with no idea what to aim at.


Apr 3, 2019
Have you tried supplementing with b vitamins? Maybe it's a virus? Lyme? Have you ever had mono?

Yes tried b vitamins. A virus has been a consideration, although seems unlikely. I think I may get tested for Lyme just incasee even if the symptoms don't quite match. I've not had Mono. Concidentally I'm currently on Antibiotics for prostatitis and thought maybe if there was some other lingering infection I hadn't been aware of then it might also tackle that and improve my symptoms. It hasn't, the antibiotics have done nothing for the prostatitis or any other symptom.

Nicole W.

Nov 28, 2016
I've had morning cortisol blood test which was 606. I've also had 24 hour saliva test. Both show somewhat high morning cortisol then a normal gradual lowering of cortisol throughout the day. Both results are on my dehydration thread. My DHEA has also been tested 3 times and is always high.

Herbal medicine in what regard? I've tried herbs from a herbalist yes but at this point nobody knows where the problem is coming from so it's really herbs for the sake of herbs with no idea what to aim at.
My husband and I have both suffered a few times by something natural medicine doctors like to call “adrenal fatigue”.
I prefer to call it Exhaustion (old fashioned term) or secondary hypothyroidism which I think is probably the most accurate description. You said in your other thread that symptoms started after a water fast. I’m thinking a variety of stressors put you over the edge. Your symptoms reminded me of ours, especially the excessive urination, thirst and hunger at night, although the elimination of starched might be the cause of that.
The problem with this condition is that many supplements will make you feel worse. So what ever you do you need to approach supplements in very small amounts, titrate up slowly, over a long period of time. As you heal you can accept higher doses.
I have found that herbal supplements are particularly well suited to exhaustion. They work very gently helping your body to recover in a way that is not too jarring. If you use a tincture, you can start very small and see if you can tolerate the medicine. This medicine is full of adaptogens and has pulled us out of the stress state many times. I recommend this brand but honestly, there are many similar options on the market or you can consult a naturopath to help you.

I’ve always used Vital Adapt but if you feel like you need something stronger Power Adapt might be worth a shot.

This along with all the recommendations here might be able to help.


Apr 3, 2019
My husband and I have both suffered a few times by something natural medicine doctors like to call “adrenal fatigue”.
I prefer to call it Exhaustion (old fashioned term) or secondary hypothyroidism which I think is probably the most accurate description. You said in your other thread that symptoms started after a water fast. I’m thinking a variety of stressors put you over the edge. Your symptoms reminded me of ours, especially the excessive urination, thirst and hunger at night, although the elimination of starched might be the cause of that.
The problem with this condition is that many supplements will make you feel worse. So what ever you do you need to approach supplements in very small amounts, titrate up slowly, over a long period of time. As you heal you can accept higher doses.
I have found that herbal supplements are particularly well suited to exhaustion. They work very gently helping your body to recover in a way that is not too jarring. If you use a tincture, you can start very small and see if you can tolerate the medicine. This medicine is full of adaptogens and has pulled us out of the stress state many times. I recommend this brand but honestly, there are many similar options on the market or you can consult a naturopath to help you.

I’ve always used Vital Adapt but if you feel like you need something stronger Power Adapt might be worth a shot.

This along with all the recommendations here might be able to help.

Thanks. I definitely consider adrenal fatigue a possibility and will have a look at the supplement you linked but given my cortisol is normal/high, my aldosterone is normal and my DHEA is high, these 3 being the main adrenal hormones, would that not suggest I have the exact opposite of adrenal fatigue? The adrenals are firing too much by the looks of it if anything.

Nicole W.

Nov 28, 2016

Nicole W.

Nov 28, 2016
Thanks. I definitely consider adrenal fatigue a possibility and will have a look at the supplement you linked but given my cortisol is normal/high, my aldosterone is normal and my DHEA is high, these 3 being the main adrenal hormones, would that not suggest I have the exact opposite of adrenal fatigue? The adrenals are firing too much by the looks of it if anything.
Adrenal fatigue can indicate both high or low cortisol. Cortisol can get really high before a crash. My husbands levels did this. First they were extremely high and then they bottomed out. It was a completely flat line for the entire day as indicated on the DUTCH test.


Apr 3, 2019
I looked at your Cortisol and you are clearly not in range most of the day. It’s more than a little high. The cool thing about adaptogens is that they normalize cortisol levels, raising low levels or lowering high ones. Once your cortisol levels normalize the thyroid will adjust also.

Ok thanks. Although just for clarification if you read my statement above the cortisol test you will see why it looks so out of range. Going from more accurately when I naturally woke up, the cortisol trajectory was pretty much normal if slightly high.

I'm in the UK so if you know if any similar product to Vital adapt that I can get here do let me know. I'll have a look what the shipping of that one is like to the UK.

Nicole W.

Nov 28, 2016
Ok thanks. Although just for clarification if you read my statement above the cortisol test you will see why it looks so out of range. Going from more accurately when I naturally woke up, the cortisol trajectory was pretty much normal if slightly high.

I'm in the UK so if you know if any similar product to Vital adapt that I can get here do let me know. I'll have a look what the shipping of that one is like to the UK.
If you look at the nutritional information on the back of the bottle (on the website ) you can see the ingredients from most to least and also the ratios. You can try to find something with a similar ingredient/ ratio profile in the UK. Have you tried consulting a naturopath yet? These people are very skilled treating conditions like yours.
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