I Feel Like I'm On Cocaine

Nov 26, 2013
Well if healing is about rejuvenation maybe you’re reversing into your previous cocaine life phase to heal some of the damage that went on then


Apr 17, 2013
My brain is always tingling, I have so much more energy, I'm pooping like 5 times a day. I've been doing this for 2 days.

I'm drinking OJ, sugar, skim milk, honey, and gelatin by the buckets. Occasional cheese and supplementing E,D, and K.

What is this magic. Have Thyroid on the way and I don't even know if I should bother. I still have stress responses, but every time I feel them coming on I drink some sugar and its insane how much it attenuates it.

I am frequently consuming liquid calories which is kind of unfortunate because I'm peeing every 40 minutes, and I'm not really sure where my temps are at, because they've been chronically low I don't really bother. I think I have a long way to go to raise them, but I'm really enjoying the process.

Glad you're seeing positives!

How long have you been doing this? Do you add salt?
Still having the same response?


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
My brain is always tingling, I have so much more energy, I'm pooping like 5 times a day. I've been doing this for 2 days.

I'm drinking OJ, sugar, skim milk, honey, and gelatin by the buckets. Occasional cheese and supplementing E,D, and K.

What is this magic. Have Thyroid on the way and I don't even know if I should bother. I still have stress responses, but every time I feel them coming on I drink some sugar and its insane how much it attenuates it.

I am frequently consuming liquid calories which is kind of unfortunate because I'm peeing every 40 minutes, and I'm not really sure where my temps are at, because they've been chronically low I don't really bother. I think I have a long way to go to raise them, but I'm really enjoying the process.
It takes the brain several weeks to adapt to a hormonal change, serotonin levels for example.

If you're hypothyroid, insufficient sodium with a high intake of liquids can cause frequent urination.


Mar 29, 2014
Non-expert opinion:
Have Thyroid on the way and I don't even know if I should bother.
Put the thyroid supp aside when it arrives and see what you can do for yourself with food first, and then see if you still need it. Do measure temps several times before considering using thyroid supps. (Be aware that it often takes 5-10 mins for thermometer to come up to stable body temperature, even if it says it' ready quicker than that.)
I am frequently consuming liquid calories which is kind of unfortunate because I'm peeing every 40 minutes, ...
That sounds like too much liquid. Consider swapping some of it out for more solids - eg some dried fruit, honey, cheese/farmers cheese, veges, coconut, other foods...till you can go a bit longer than that.
You want to urinate as little as possible.
On the other hand, it's possible to go too far in the opposite direction too... you probably do want to be drinking and peeing regularly, not as little as possible. There's a balance. Watch frequency or colour or brix or something. I think spreading fluids through the day, rather than massive quantities at once, can make it easier on the system if it's struggling with this.

I'm drinking OJ, sugar, skim milk, honey, and gelatin by the buckets. Occasional cheese and supplementing E,D, and K.
Unless you are eating quite a bit of more nutrient dense foods, I'd personally be cautious about large amounts of refined (ie mineral-, vitamin- and protein-less) sugar.
That's great but be sure to eat a variety of nutritious foods as well. The crash people are talking about is likely due to nutritional deficiencies from a limited diet that stimulates the metabolism (higher metabolism means use nutrients more efficiently but also more rapidly). So don't forget your oysters, liver, etc.


Feb 18, 2018
Definitely got a little too excited with myself. Perhaps the combination of a huge amount of sugar plus the excitement of beginning a new venture caused a hyperexcited state for me, leading me to make this initial post.

I've since pretty drastically changed my diet. I definitely was consuming far too many liquids. I was peeing at times every 15-20 minutes which is just ridiculous. I pretty much have potatoes as the base of my diet, throwing milk, cheese, coffee, gelatin, fruit, and veggies (peas, mushrooms, and spinach) on top to taste. I salt to taste. I eat until I'm very satisfied, three square meals a day and something before going to bed. Aspirin, and E as my supps and thats it.

It's been a week of doing this and I'm slowly feeling better, but I recognize that it will be a gradual change, not a night and day difference. I've got a chin strap to ensure I nose breath at night. I'm also using red light on my face/eyes and throat every morning (for the past 4 days). Consistent applications of diet + light, and then maturation in other aspects of my life (goal setting and obtaining, prioritizing organization and cleanliness, skill development, and social connections) is how I'm proceeding from here.

There's a lot more to feeling good besides just diet and supps, and our psychology influences our physiology, as well. It's a two way street connection, and it's important to keep both ends healthy and growing. Acquiring skills, gaining social value/relationships, and becoming more competent also plays a huge role in gaining more energy and "feeling better". This is very personal for me as I've been stalling in terms of personal growth for the past 2 years, and now I know why I've been feeling worse and worse.


Feb 20, 2013
Just wanted to add this quote from Ray Peat regarding the similarity of estrogen and cocaine induced energy:

"When a rat is treated with estrogen, it is likely to run 30 miles a
day, because of the brain excitation it causes. Some women like this
sensation of "energy," but biochemically, the stimulation isn't unlike that
received from cocaine, and accordingly the estrogen-induced excitation
seems to be addictive. Cocaine doesn't have some of estrogen's side
effects. Estrogen tends to deprive all tissues of an adequate supply of
oxygen, so the "energy" it provides isn't protective in the way that a good
reserve of biological energy is, and in fact it activates brain pathways that
involve potentially deadly over-excitation, which are responsible for the
aging and death of brain cells."


Jan 26, 2016
@Runenight201 All that starch gettin in the way of your euphoria b. All you needed to do was add in more salt.... excessive urination is a symptom of hypothyroidism and hyponatremia


Feb 18, 2018
@Runenight201 All that starch gettin in the way of your euphoria b. All you needed to do was add in more salt.... excessive urination is a symptom of hypothyroidism and hyponatremia

Idk I began adding salt to all my glasses of OJ and milk and still felt off. Lots of diarrhea also. It frankly was just too much liquid and dairy for me. Didn't seem right. I did the carrot salad and everything. I feel pretty good with added starch. Ray has also stated that Starch isn't incompatible with good health, and given that I urinate much less and have 3-4 full healthy bowel movements a day with lots of potatoes in my diet I think it's the right way for me to eat. I still consume OJ and fruit, whenever I crave it. I go by what I feel like consuming at any given time. Feels more natural that way. I have my list of foods that are acceptable, and I eat ad libitum of those foods until I'm full.

When you think about blue zone populations, who lived in an abundance of starch and fruit, they still choose to eat starch, and they live into their hundreds without western disease. There's the theory that our success as human beings comes from the cooking of food, particularly starch and meat. I'm not really sure, and I've wasted a lot of energy and time that could be better spent developing myself as a person. At the end of the day, what matters is that the metabolism is running fast, energy is high, and sleep is solid. Adding starch into my diet has allowed me to sleep through the night without waking to urinate and I feel more consistent with energy (although I still struggle around after lunch and right upon waking). My temps are still low in the morning but I recognize this isn't going to suddenly change overnight, and as long as I'm doing things correctly with diet, exercise, and light, along with psychological development and growth, then day by day I'll get better until my anxiety and obsession over health will be a thing of the past.


Jul 8, 2016
Idk I began adding salt to all my glasses of OJ and milk and still felt off. Lots of diarrhea also. It frankly was just too much liquid and dairy for me. Didn't seem right. I did the carrot salad and everything. I feel pretty good with added starch. Ray has also stated that Starch isn't incompatible with good health, and given that I urinate much less and have 3-4 full healthy bowel movements a day with lots of potatoes in my diet I think it's the right way for me to eat. I still consume OJ and fruit, whenever I crave it. I go by what I feel like consuming at any given time. Feels more natural that way. I have my list of foods that are acceptable, and I eat ad libitum of those foods until I'm full.

When you think about blue zone populations, who lived in an abundance of starch and fruit, they still choose to eat starch, and they live into their hundreds without western disease. There's the theory that our success as human beings comes from the cooking of food, particularly starch and meat. I'm not really sure, and I've wasted a lot of energy and time that could be better spent developing myself as a person. At the end of the day, what matters is that the metabolism is running fast, energy is high, and sleep is solid. Adding starch into my diet has allowed me to sleep through the night without waking to urinate and I feel more consistent with energy (although I still struggle around after lunch and right upon waking). My temps are still low in the morning but I recognize this isn't going to suddenly change overnight, and as long as I'm doing things correctly with diet, exercise, and light, along with psychological development and growth, then day by day I'll get better until my anxiety and obsession over health will be a thing of the past.

I noticed the same benefits as you too with adding starch back in the diet, and have thought about long living people and eating starch.

@Runenight201 All that starch gettin in the way of your euphoria b. All you needed to do was add in more salt.... excessive urination is a symptom of hypothyroidism and hyponatremia

When I was higher liquid simply adding more and more salt didn't help at all. People are supposed to eat food.


Feb 18, 2018
Oh boy it's gonna be a long way... ups and downs my friend

LOL. When I look back at these past 7 months, it really has been a journey with so many ups and downs. Each time I feel like I made progress somewhere, I ended up falling into another valley. There was even a time when I had crashed so low that I was seriously depressed and wondered if I’d ever get out of the zero energy, foggy, dark hole I was found myself in, but thankfully I’ve overcome.

I feel like I’ve finally zerod in on what more and less works for me, and it couldn’t possibly have been without everyone on this forum giving me endless ideas to play around with. Each day I wake up excited to further experiment and refine, and I think the best thing I’ve gotten out of all of this is to build a hyper awareness of my physiological and psychological states, and draw conclusions based on the nutritional and lifestyle inputs as to why I feel a certain way, and how I can tweak and adjust to feel better.

Y’all are cool. I feel blessed and fortunate that I’ve been able find my way out of the rut. I literally spent the past 2 months unemployed 100% dedicated to improving my health, but it’s finally time to get out there and start making my mark on this planet.

Much love and appreciation :)


Feb 18, 2018
The past couple days my starch intake has been very high and I've also had very low energy....Ramping up my sugar intake gives me way more energy, but too much and I become manic and also insatiated.

So I think a balance is required. I know I can't always rely on bodily cravings but I was craving some tomatoes, and what goes better with tomatoes than a little bit of cheese, spinach, and salt?? So I broke my vegan spell with that lunch plus a Mexican cola (which you can get at Sam's club for very cheap, under a dollar per 12 oz bottle).

I have to say, I feel pretty good, and my sinuses aren't congested, which happens when I was drinking milk (even goat's). We'll have to see how my skin reacts to goat's cheese, it hasn't faired well with milk or meat, but then again, it still wasn't clear even on a vegan high starch diet (although better than when incorporating milk/meat). Eating coconuts helped, but too many made me feel heavy, like I wasn't properly getting energy from them.

By far my favorite energy source is sugar, whether through maple syrup, fruit, or table sugar. This hand's down turns my mood around from anhedonic and lazy to full of energy and desire. My favorite fruits so far are apple sauce, mangoes, OJ (the RP staple of course =P ), and I just bought some canned pear slices, which I think will be delicious =) I've realized I don't like watermelon, as it's far to watery, and doesn't give me enough energy for its water content, but perhaps I got a bad watermelon...that's the thing with fruit, you can never be sure whether it's going to be perfect or not, especially fruits with harder exteriors, where you can't properly feel how squishy it is to determine ripeness. That's why I like apple sauce, OJ, and canned fruit, it's always consistent.


Sep 1, 2017
Put the thyroid supp aside when it arrives and see what you can do for yourself with food first, and then see if you still need it
Just to make sure you notice it ^^^^^^
Keep a good log of pulse/temps before even trying thyroid. It might be really tricky


Feb 18, 2018
The obvious way to keep these feelings going is.......(drumroll).... get more cocaine.

I mean I’m for sure going to keep up the cheese, fruit, and sugar consumption for the next couple days and see how I fare. With the addition of leaves, I see no reason for milk really, as all vitamins/minerals can be obtained elsewhere, and perhaps I’m allergic to the whey found in milk. When I was in high school I remember drinking whey protein powder and reacting horribly to it, but then again there was also a ton of extra crap in there...I may give goat milk another try, perhaps drinking milk on top of high starch is bad, but milk with lower starch and more cheese, fruits, and sugars may cause less problems.

I’m for sure going to avoid meat, as I’m overweight, and the extra methionine/phosphorous isn’t really needed for my case. I slowly see my belly fat decreasing and ab definition creeping back in, so when I get to the bf% I want, I may add back in small amounts of shell fish, but only so far as it doesn’t cause skin and weight problems.


Jun 7, 2016
I get the clear urine from milk.

Not with Coca Cola, OJ, water or triple espresso.


Feb 18, 2018

Clear urine is always a sign for me that I need to stop consuming liquids/fruits and eat something salty. It will happen whenever I consume too much OJ, coffee, cola, or fruits. It is usually accompanied by the urge to urinate again in the next 15-30 minutes. I hate it when this happens, so I try and maintain my homeostasis of fruits/starches/salt/sugar so this doesn't occur.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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