How many of you on here are the embodiment of radiant health?


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Hi,i suggest that as long as your interest with these health topics is associated with positive emotions such as authentic enjoyement/exitement,it remain positive for you,if it is mostly associated with anxiety and fear as you mentionned"health anxiety"then it is probably suboptimal,and i suggest it is good a idea to focus as little as possible,potentially not at all,on "health"topics specifically if they are narrated in a way that make it prone to spark anxiety/fear

i wish you fun
Thank you Normane. I think it’s positive to a point but there’s definitely a balance with it all.


Dec 11, 2020
Thank you fellow messenger 🙏

Did you cut the tie?? No need to be specific if you don't desire, just curious. It feels good to be free!
Still cutting- the tie has many sub parts but have been cutting away piece by piece and something profound is happening on the physical level as I cut. I am reclaiming power and sacred energies that I allowed others to take from me and with each beam I reclaim I grow more radiant and indeed i am feeling if physically today!!!!!! Thank you for your light here!!!!


Feb 13, 2021
Interesting angle. :)

Any book / video recommendations on how to do it? Or is it according to David Hawkins‘ letting go?

And is your diet still high(er) in fat?
Haven't heard of David Hawkins, could be similar!

For me it's about letting go of the old self (who the ego wanted me to be) and letting the new self (made in the image of Christ) be revealed. It's been a step-by-step process, painful at times, but wonderful in the end!

The interesting thing is that these internal spiritual truths have led to brighter outward health than the ego could have ever imagined.

Yes, diet is still quite high fat. Drank about ~3000 cal of half and half yesterday.


Feb 13, 2021
Still cutting- the tie has many sub parts but have been cutting away piece by piece and something profound is happening on the physical level as I cut. I am reclaiming power and sacred energies that I allowed others to take from me and with each beam I reclaim I grow more radiant and indeed i am feeling if physically today!!!!!! Thank you for your light here!!!!
Wonderful! Thank you as well, many blessings on your journey! 🙌


Sep 10, 2019
Far from it. Main issues are terrible posture, dry skin, dandruff, acid reflux and Gilbert’s syndrome (or at least that’s what my GP diagnosed me with). Have made 0 progress on any of my issues in the many years I’ve been trying.


Aug 9, 2015
@Jessie apologies, that was 25mg of caffeine not aspirin.

I used to do labs quite often 2013-2017, had a full panel done once thyroid wise

My TSH has always been in the coveted 1.0 range (0.8-1.2) I believe, and all other thyroid blood levels in the perfect middle, so on paper I was a thyroid stallion.

I did a full panel in 2017 by rays quest and my tryglicerides and cholesterol was at 300 I believe and the high end is 150, which def points to low thyroid

I don't know if I've ever had parathyroid tested but I recall Raymond saying that parathyroid is basically your TSH, so idk if its necessary really.

I'm also a big believer that your blood thyroid test is basically useless for pretty much everyone, by the time things are screwy on your blood work then you are REALLY screwed up, things go south on a. Cellular level looooong before your body will show it in the blood, it will fight tooth and nail to keep blood levels on point.

I think in regards to thyroid it should be symptom and physical test only

Any thyroid pain or swelling?
Edema or feel of edema anywhere?
Energy low?
Hair loss?
Can you pass the Achilles heel test?
Sudden weight gain or weight loss?

If course from the top list you are not going to hit all the items, for example I've hit pretty much all but never ever sleep issues or constipation.

I'm trying the thyromix now on my rat, 2 drops on skin twice a day, I'm going to consistently do it now, so far, no noticable effect, I know you said oral route is better for absorption but I just don't want to hassle with getting the drops into capsules and they taste alwful with long after taste per my rat, so if I up the dose and still don't get any effects I will have to try the capsule oral route on my rat.

So far my personal temps are always about 36.6c with variation in 36.4-36.8 throughout the day, depending what I ate.

My temps as a healthy person have always been 36.6 during day.

All my family seems to be 36.6 normal, 37.0 is when you are running a fever.

We are Slavic by descent, after a long time searching and not finding a concrete answer, I believe for us 36.6 is the normal temp, when I took aspirin, my temp though shot up to 37.0 even all day long, until I developed difficulty breathibg and finally pneumonia because of the aspirin and ended up in the ICU not knowing at the time that the aspirin was causing this effect.

Now I'm always weary of anything that will bring my temps up to 37 all day, even when I was doing caffiene daily for a couple weeks and felt amazing like my old self, I monitored my temps and they were always 36.6 but difficulty catching my breath set in and edema.

After a week of obstaining from any coffee even, ive finally tried making coffee via the moka pot and had some an hour ago, so far so good, nothing crazy good, nothing crazy bad, just normal.


Dec 5, 2022
Hi,which characteristics do you experience that you consider phenomenal physical health?

i wish you fun
Well I’m 43. Have my own business that I’m a manual laborer in. I’m lean, muscular, energetic and have zero health issues. Yearly physicals and bloodwork are always pristine.

But if I’m honest I think my excellent health is more to due with genetics or things outside my control than lifestyle. Not totally but definitely not all lifestyle choices. I binge eat often and have abused substances off and on my whole life. Some in major excess.

2 environmental or lifestyle factors that I do think have majorly contributed my health are low stress and decent, consistent sleep for the overwhelming majority of my life. Amazing, supporting family. Although no kids for me personally (big reason for my low stress levels I’m sure).

Lastly, and some will scoff or get bent about this but I am blessed. And walk in favor. I was raised very well with Christian parents that instilled structure in us as kids and provided love and discipline every moment of my childhood. I honestly couldn’t have designed better parents in a lab. And here’s the more amazing part. My ENTIRE extended family is the exact same! As far back as my great grandparents actually. Maybe beyond but idk. And on both sides!! I fully believe that I’m somewhat blessed mentally and physically because of the choices and actions of my parents, grandparents, etc…

I imagine your post is themed the way it is because you are wanting to know how effective these Peat principles are by polling the practitioners on the status of their health. I fully believe in many of the things preached on this board. But imo there’s way more important factors that play a role in health than just doing Ray’s recommendations. Good thread though. I’ll be following.

*** oh I should probably say I strongly disagree with the majority of you guys regarding exercise. I wake up early every morning and hit the gym about 5 days a week. Always first thing AM and often vigorous training. And then I go bust my hump in the sun all day. Eat like a beast in the evenings and then sleep like a child. Every dang day. Rinse and repeat.

I prefer Socrates’ approach to the matter when he says what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without knowing the beauty and strength his body is capable of. Plus these bodies are not our own. They are a temple and should be well maintained. I believe routine exercise is vital for that. Especially if you don’t labor in the sun all day. Plus I just hate seeing laziness. My parents were busy and on their feet from sun up to sundown. I feel that’s how we were designed to live.
Last edited:


Aug 9, 2015
@Peko214 hey, inspiring read! You get a solid 👏👏 from me. What you described is what I was in my younger days (0-21) and how IT SHOULD BE. Some have never tasted good health since child hood and it sucks for them because they don't even know what normal is supposed to feel like. Keep on doing what you are doing!


Dec 5, 2022
@Peko214 hey, inspiring read! You get a solid 👏👏 from me. What you described is what I was in my younger days (0-21) and how IT SHOULD BE. Some have never tasted good health since child hood and it sucks for them because they don't even know what normal is supposed to feel like. Keep on doing what you are doing!
Thank you friend. Good health to you too.


Apr 9, 2018
Haven't heard of David Hawkins, could be similar!

For me it's about letting go of the old self (who the ego wanted me to be) and letting the new self (made in the image of Christ) be revealed. It's been a step-by-step process, painful at times, but wonderful in the end!

The interesting thing is that these internal spiritual truths have led to brighter outward health than the ego could have ever imagined.

Yes, diet is still quite high fat. Drank about ~3000 cal of half and half yesterday.
Thanks for clarifying!

Hawkins is a great read. Especially his book "Letting go". You'll probably enjoy reading it. Also great: "The Untethered Soul" by Michael Singer.


Jan 29, 2022
Just wondering what the lay of the land is? How many of you are in good shape, fit with crisp mental faculties and able to do as you wish without impingement?

Also how many of you have issues that you've been attempting to fix and how has that been going? I've helped countless people heal from a myriad of things and am happy to share my experience as this seems like a nice community.
I was born with issues - Cerebral Palsy - and very sickly as a child with lots of pneumonia and asthma. Then for the most part, I was pretty healthy until I hit 40. I am not healthy now (but not exactly sickly). What brought me to Peatarianism was Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism and poor metabolism, plus all the health issues caused by hypothyroidism (like increased triglycerides, fatty liver). I am trying to recover now but it's been an uphill battle. Nothing I've tried for the last 2 years has really worked in an appreciable way.


Aug 9, 2015
@kimbriel sorry to hear about your struggles, many people here are going through some sort of personal health crisis or journey with varying degrees of severely of course. Just curious, what major dietary or supplemental changes have you tried on at least somewhat consistent basis to no avail?


Jan 29, 2022
@kimbriel sorry to hear about your struggles, many people here are going through some sort of personal health crisis or journey with varying degrees of severely of course. Just curious, what major dietary or supplemental changes have you tried on at least somewhat consistent basis to no avail?
Started with OMAD, but after discovering Hashi's, I added carbs sugar back in, changing out all industrial seed and vegetable oils for butter, lard, or coconut oil.

Lots of low fat dairy, lots of gelatin, bone broth. Orange juice with gelatin and iodized salt.

I haven't seen any weight loss or metabolic recovery in any way. I've only had to increase my thyroid meds. But I'm still going to stick with no PUFAs...


Aug 9, 2015
@kimbriel gotcha! Thanks for sharing. I've noticed any time I try iodized salt it really crashes me, do you ever have that effect?


Jun 22, 2021
Warrior do us a favor - SETTLE DOWN Little Man

You're talking down on people YET you are Bald, Indian, and SHORT - these are breaking all 3 of the SACRED rules of lookism and a healthy person SHOULD NOT be bald or short, yet you're GIVING US Health Advice 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

And another thing - this is a piece of advice, the shirts you wear (form-fitting) are POLYESTER BLENDS, so they increase estrogen, I would try to get a 100% cotton shirt man



Mar 20, 2021
Warrior do us a favor - SETTLE DOWN Little Man

You're talking down on people YET you are Bald, Indian, and SHORT - these are breaking all 3 of the SACRED rules of lookism and a healthy person SHOULD NOT be bald or short, yet you're GIVING US Health Advice 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

And another thing - this is a piece of advice, the shirts you wear (form-fitting) are POLYESTER BLENDS, so they increase estrogen, I would try to get a 100% cotton shirt man


👆😆!!!!! Nice...

It's like asking, Hey, who thinks he/she is the smartest person ever? Only silly, embarrassingly juvenile responses will ensure.
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