Getting Ripped With Dr Peat


Jun 17, 2014
VoS, how do vitamin E supps fit in your scheme? How much? Have you experimented with it? I'm trying to reduce my intake of vitamin E supplements to twice or once a week, because I crave salt in an insane way if I take more than that (vitamin E provokes sodium excretion). So I take just between 300 mg to 1 gram per week. (I also follow a low PUFA diet, and have been taking vitamin E supplements, not big doses, but regularly, for years, so it might have accumulated)


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Bk, I moved your introduction over to meet and greet so it wouldn't get lost in this thread! I hope you don't mind.


Sep 22, 2013
Jennifer said:
Loess, I use the Good Sense brand milk of magnesia that contains nothing but magnesium hydroxide and purified water: ... l-12-fl-oz

Thanks Jennifer. I finally found a bottle like that with nothing added, just magnesium hydroxide and purified water. Found it at a CVS pharmacy chain store, it's their brand and happened to be the cheapest one on the shelf, which was a nice bonus!


Jul 8, 2014
loess said:
Jennifer said:
Loess, I use the Good Sense brand milk of magnesia that contains nothing but magnesium hydroxide and purified water: ... l-12-fl-oz

Thanks Jennifer. I finally found a bottle like that with nothing added, just magnesium hydroxide and purified water. Found it at a CVS pharmacy chain store, it's their brand and happened to be the cheapest one on the shelf, which was a nice bonus!

Ooh...nice find, loess! Looks like I'll be getting MoM at CVS from now on. :)


Nov 2, 2014
Blossom, hope YOU dont mind, but I reposted in this thread because it is the main reason I joined the forum and posted...I WANT to get ripped with Dr Peat and have started following the uberheavy milk protein and sugar advice given in the body of this thread...thanks for y'alls patience and understanding...:)

Good evening everyone…
Hate to be long-winded but think background and how I arrived here is relevant.
I am a 47 year old male, 6’4” currently @ 290#.
I have been working out consistently about 3 years. 4-5 days a week.
The workouts have consisted of insanity, modified cross fit, basic oly lifts etc.
Diet has been progressing towards ‘natural’ during the same time frame.
Steel cut oatmeal with grade b maple syrup in the mornings
Lunch was normally a large salad, 1-2 cans of tuna in olive oil (“Tonno” brand), with olive oil n vinegar dressing & shredded cheese
Dinner was grilled chicken with season salt and steamed veggies, usually broccoli or the Normandy mix
I am a creature of habit, the fewer decisions the better (food is fuel not fashion)
No sweet tea, cokes etc…mostly water
I have experienced good muscle gains and fat loss, weight has fluctuated but was not a huge concern
The belly fat never would go away.

FWIW I have also fasted periodically, done the Master cleanse and other ‘stuff’…so in a sense my metabolism is WRECKED

The beginning of this year I began experiencing depression, hair loss, weight gain, dry eyes etc…
The depression was so bad I did not want to even prepare my food so I began eating out, didn’t / couldn’t work out etc… which only increased my depression.
Finally was ‘forced’ to go to the Dr by loved ones. ( I don’t particularly care for Doctors…did I mention that??)
Diagnosed hypothyroid and prescribed Synthroid summer of this year. After multiple false starts, almost feeling better and then falling back and increasing the dosage I became aggravated and took my health back into my own hands.

I have been following the HypothyroidsimRevolution diet plan since the beginning of October, very PEATish, and supplementing with the following:
Great Lakes collagen. 2tbs in OJ
American Biologics Thyroid. Began with ½ tablet breakfast and lunch. Temps did not rise in 2 weeks so I went up to full tablet breakfast and lunch.
AC Grace Unique Vit E. I capsule after dinner, bigger dose if I ate out.
Lifelink Micronized Pregnenolone. 1 capsule, 50 mg in the afternoon, after work.
Kenogen Progest-E Complex. Drop or so at night. (all per HypoTRevolution plan)

So on this eating /supplement plan I have dropped @ 10# or so. Not trying to, just want my thyroid better. Side notes; my allergic reaction to carrots has been reduced using the carrot salad and my allergy to apples is reduced when I eat them with slices of cheese…

I found this site while looking up using too much Pregenlone and Thyroid.
Last week I read this thread, 2x, because it made sense, and as usual, I jumped in with both size 13’s.
I began having my coffee with 10oz coffee, with 2 tbs sugar and 2tbs collagen, 4 oz of 2% milk.
My metabolism went through the roof, sweating etc. after drinking. Drank 3-4 of these a day, supplemented with string cheese and OJ to ensure I had enough calories. Carrot salad and potatoes with butter and cheese at night. Tuesday I felt I needed to take additional Pregnenolone in case my excess metabolism was creating Estrogen issues…I took 100mg @ lunch and 100mg at dinner. Woke up @ 2 and couldn’t fall back asleep for a few hours. The next day I repeated this and then fell asleep as soon as I arrived home. Slept till 2am and again didn’t fall back asleep for a few hours. Thursday and Friday I relaxed on the pregnenolone but still woke up early. This weekend I backed off of the pregnenolone and went back to 1 capsule, 50mg in the afternoon. Sleeping better. Also taking milk with cocoa and maple syrup at night. All of this is happening in the middle of recovering from sinus infection and bronchitis. Steroid packs and antibiotics…Went back to my Dr. Friday for follow up and they took blood to check Thyroid. Received a call tonight…now my Thyroid is too high!!

My goal for joining this thread and the forum is to increase lbm and continue correcting my thyroid issues.

Chronometer was @ 3,400 cals. milk protein, sugar etc... (GREAT tool!!)

I reckon my questions are as follows:
Did my coffee changes and eating habits from this thread increase my Estrogen and hence the reactions I felt?
When this occurs should I do the mega dose of pregnenolone like I have read others have done? (meaning I didn’t get aggressive enough when I increased my dosage)
Can I use Bentonite VS AC for toxin elimination?
I will add coconut oil when finances allow…currently only use olive oil in carrot salad and mostly butter for cooking…
Thank you for your patience and everyone’s contributions to the forum…great reading!!


Nov 2, 2014
1 tsp of honey kicked headache's booty!
Thanks VoS for the tip.
Metabolism still rocking, sleep is far so good.
Hope everyone has a great day!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Nice! :woo


Aug 27, 2014
visionofstrength said:
championmath said:
visionofstrength said:
Any aspirin that doesn't have additives, other than some coating to keep it together.

Peat does about 6 very strong coffees a day (4x strength mixed with nonfat milk) which is about 25 restaurant coffees. But it's safest to increase gradually, staying within your comfort level.

I use a magnesium water, which has magnesium bicarbonate, doubly good, and the recipe is here:

A frequency of 2 - 2,5 hours is good.

I see thanks a lot, I will try to fit in at least 2-3 strong coffees, unfortunately I came down with an infections 2 days ago, something that didn't happen in a few months was quite suprised. Lymph nodes swollen a bit in my neck area, for one day I only drank bone broth and dilluted orange juice, and completely fine now. Actually realized that I might have gone overboard on fats, I added up and probably ate around 150 if not more g/day, even though coming mostly from saturated I think is too much, looking at how amazing I felt for giving up fat all together for a day even though I was ill. I think I'l change the diet a bit and only do 2-3 eggs daily and possibly eat less milk/butter and more gelatin/fruit, while still eating few tbsp of coconut oil. Problem is I can't really afford most fruits, do you think there would be any problem with eating dates as main fruit source? And possibly adding honey to everything? I feel like I lost like a pound of fat in 2 days, by eating a lot of sugar and gelatin, didn't look like I lost muscle though.
Nov 11, 2014
This thread is over 37 pages long and while I haven't gone through all those pages, can someone help me confirm my summary:

-Eat just enough to increase metabolism
-Eat just enough to increase muscle mass

As a consequence of the above, fat will be burnt by the muscles and through other pathways. Practically, this involves keeping protein intake higher than usual, say 100-200grams and double the amount of sugar while keeping fat intake low to avoid excess calories.



Mar 21, 2014
Peata said:
Hard to believe just two years ago I was not only at a normal body weight without worrying about calories, nutrient ratios, etc, but I had muscle definition - firm muscles all over and did not work out at all. In fact, I was sedentary. I ate a lot of protein though.

Adding- I wasn't "ripped" but I sure didn't have the issues I have now - bloat and fat. Back then I could press against my leg and feel firm muscle and not even be flexing. Now I may have muscle but it's under 30# of persistent cushion.

I've gained a lot of muscle just from LARGE amounts of gelatin, milk, coffee and raw cheddar. Small amounts of the stuff higher in fat content. I did this with 2% milk. Organic valley raw cheddar (not the best of cheeses) sugar and oj of course. I ate lean meat for dinner. I limited all starch (potato, rice) almost none. Just my experience. I should also mention resistance training 3 times a week back then. All this to my surprise becuase I use to be a low carber/vegetarian.


Nov 7, 2012
loess said:
Couple things:


2) I could use some new ideas for high-resistance/low-rep bodyweight exercises that I can do outdoors without any equipment if anybody has some suggestions. It's been about 14 months since I discovered Peat. Long story short, at the time, I was pretty wrecked inside and out as a cumulative result of years of major stress on my body and mind through various mechanisms and lifestyle choices. After about 3 months I started feeling better and I quickly realized that if I was going to really heal on a fundamental level, I needed to drop my activity level way down, focus on rest, proper nutrition, red light and the various other stress management and healing tools that we are familiar with here. All of that has helped tremendously and I continue to feel better and find that I live with much more gratefulness and joy than I used to. So now, over the past couple of months I have begun to be a bit more active and have slowly and carefully implemented some simple weight training into my life. I usually go find a playground or a low hanging tree branch for pull ups and chin ups, do some push ups and also work on my handstands. But the stronger I get, the less challenging these exercises are becoming; I'm 160 lbs and I can easily do 12-15 reps at a time. Especially push ups, I can easily knock out 20 push ups without difficulty (and no, I'm not blasting through them with improper form).


You need to adjust the exercises to get the desired amount
of resistance. Moving towards one-arm pushups, one-arm
pullups, and single-leg squats should give you plenty of
runway to progress.

The other aspect is volume. I'm generally a fan of very brief,
abbreviated workouts (not necessarily to failure, but nearly)
of a single set followed by some rest-pause reps, which are
very doable with those three exercises. However, another
approach that might interest you is to pick a single exercise
(a pushup variation, for example) and gradually increase
volume over a long period of time. 5 reps on the first day,
6 on the second, etc. The exercise is performed every day.

Using this approach sets would be performed explosively,
using a relatively small number of reps, and should feel easy.
These will be repeated throughout the day until you've
reached the prescribed total number of reps. If on a
particular day you were at 24 reps for a close-grip pushup,
6 sets of 4 or 4 sets of 6 would be a good ballpark to be in,
spread throughout the day. This works with bodyweight
exercises because they can be done anywhere.

I would combine this approach with more standard workouts
for the other exercises. After you've reached some target,
which might be 100 reps total, or just 2-3 months, you can
switch to another exercise.




Sep 22, 2013
Those are terrific suggestions...I hadn't even thought of one-armed pushups and one-leg squats (the latter of which I can't even complete a single rep yet). Looking forward to the challenge. Also appreciate your mention of picking a single exercise and reaching for more and more reps over a longer period of time. That's right up my alley, I like keeping things simple but focused on goal-oriented growth, enough to retain my interest. Winter has hit me pretty hard and what motivates me to strength train is spending most of my time moving around outside in the hot I'm not really doing anything right now, but I still get out for a walk most days and I try and dance as much as possible. I'm trying to weigh a decision to permanently move to a warmer climate very soon (with little to no $) or wait to move until late spring (which would leave me with a little more savings), but either way once I get back in the groove I'll start playing around with the tips you mentioned. Thanks!


Sep 3, 2016
This thread has been dead for a while despite some phenomenal information on here. I wanted to get some opinions from those of you that have tried to attain optimum lean muscle mass through a Peaty lifestyle. Let me know what your thoughts are on my current routine from a nutrition standpoint.

Daily Nutrition Regimen: (fluctuates as i am a big believer in not being too redundant and obsessive due to having a somewhat OCD relationship with food in the past).

Meal 1: Cottage Cheese and Apple sauce or 2 eggs with OJ, or if very hungry, eggs with potatoes and salted OJ. Almost always followed by a coffee with gelatin and lowfat milk with plenty of sugar. My supplements at this time are boron, tocovit, energin, taurine and tyrosine.

Snack 1: 2 cheese sticks with salted OJ or an apple.

Lunch: A well rounded lunch including starch and a soda. Could be any type of meat, rice, potatoes and soda. Sometimes i try and include a veggie for micronutrient purposes.

Afternoon snack: half a dark chocolate bar (high cacao count and no soy brand) with lowfat milk.

Dinner: Protein source, fruit, butter and a soda with gelatin and bcaa supplementation to try and promote dopamine synthesis.

Snack: Walkers shortbread cookies and a glass of milk or some ice cream.

Weekly Training Regimen:

I have a background as an elite athlete. (Pro lacrosse player and division one player). And used to train extremely hard and take a lot of supplements. I have started to listen to my body about half a year ago. Now i am 28, but still try and train hard 2-3x a week depending on how i am feeling.

Workouts consist of Reverse Pyramid training, where i start my main lifts with heavy weight and progressively lighten the load while raising the reps. Phenomenal for strength gains. I am currently about 10-11%BF at 9'1 195. I bench 315 4 times though i am getting away from flat bench due to stress on shoulders.

I already feel better since researching the work of Ray and some of @haidut's philosophies. Below are a lot of questions that i am sure others have as well in relation to this interesting topic:

1.) What is # 1 recommended gelatin brand? I order knox gelatin off amazon but i am out and wondered if there were any good alternatives. Also if i could buy from a supplement store or whole foods?
2.) My sugar intake is probably 200g a day, while protein is about 150. Will i surely benefit from upping sugar intake to close to 300g?
3.) What are some thoughts on my supplement choices? I feel great on taurine and tocovit in particular.
4.) What is the overall consensus on caffeine in relation to "the road to being ripped"? I feel great on it but sometimes experience a crash later in the day which can be irritating.
5.) How low should one go with fat in trying to achieve optimal hormonal function? going too low is famously dangerous for this, yet i feel terrible when i go too high.
6.) When do we view as the optimal timing for BCAA supplementation in regards to serotonin flushing? There are very mixed reviews in the thread over there that make this difficult to determine.
Nov 26, 2013
What separates a elite athlete from a, say, high tier athlete?


Mar 12, 2016
1) I've seen Great Lakes personally recommended by Peat, otherwise I'm not sure.
2) It's likely that everyone's optimal protein intake is highly individual, but I find myself making consistent strength gains at levels as low as 100-110g. Adding as much sugar as one's metabolic rate can allow will promote better energy levels, hormonal balance and metabolic health in the long run.
3) No comment, I don't currently use supplements.
4) I remember a couple of threads where Haidut showed that taking moderate amounts of caffeine daily can increase testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, so its use would be appropriate in a muscle building context. I drink 3 cups of strong coffee daily and experience no negative effects, but your mileage may vary.
5) I base my fat intake on two things, health and enjoyment. Libido for me decreases when fat is sub 60g (which I assume would mean my hormonal production is decreased), and it can be hard to get enough calories without a decent amount of fat to avoid resorting to high liquid / high starch / high white sugar (all of which can present their own unique problems). I currently linger around 80g and feel good. Coconut fat itself has increased how long I can go without food before hypoglycemia hits, which was very appreciated. That said, I think the effects of fat on people does vary a lot - I know of some bodybuilders following a Peat style diet who consume sub 30g, seemingly without ill effect (on their muscular development at least).
6) No comment.


Aug 7, 2014
1. Great Lakes worked well for me.
2. I do 150-170 grams of protein per day. 350g of sugar per day. I've put on 30lbs of muscle in 2.5 years with not even averaging 1 lift per week; use to lift 4 days a week. 3. Epsom salt baths, Ndt, aspirin, andosterone, theanine, cyproheptadine have been my favorite so far.
4. Coffee + coconut oil + sugar + gelatin + milk does not give me blood sugar crash. I always load a lot of food with my coffee!
5. I do 120-150 grams of fat per day. If I go later I'm a mess and can't sleep. I eat fat based on blood sugar and sleep; that has been my best guide.
6. Combining bCAA with juice reduces fatigue and incoherency for my players. Any time "they feel" they need it has been their guide.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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