Getting Ripped With Dr Peat


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
thebigpeatowski said:
Gl;itch.e said:
I dont know if I see the point of dividing up the protein in such a way. Considering that its been shown that the body requires at least 3 grams of leucine per "meal" to maximise protein synthesis and that this amount is found in about 30g of protein (depending on food source). And that theres also a supposed refractory period after a meal of this amount where more protein doesn't actually do anything to boost protein synthesis further. ... h-2008.pdf

Does this only apply to athletes? What about a sedentary middle-aged woman? It's certainly easier to just eat three times a day like I have been (I always aim for just over 30 grams per meal), but I have very little muscle mass at the moment and was hoping to improve that... in a somewhat lazy fashion. I know, I know.... my own laziness astounds even me.
Id say its even more important the older you get. I have seen studies where older people need even bigger protein meals to get the same response as younger people. In some studies they have suggested that one large protein meal is better than the same amount of protein spread across the day.


Nov 1, 2012
"Small meals help to increase the metabolic rate, single big meals increase fat storage."

"There are just occasional intervals when I'm not eating---cafe con leche several times a day, other things in between."

"Frequent meals are helpful during hypothyroidism, and help to prevent obesity, but when the thyroid and liver are working, 2, 3, or 4 meals are good. For me, 2 meals and some snacks are most convenient. Orange juice is good by itself."

"Yes, as the metabolism gets more effective, you don't have to eat as often as when you are starting to change. At first, when glycogen isn't being stored, temperature will rise and fall situationally."
Jan 24, 2014
Haagendazendiane said:
"Small meals help to increase the metabolic rate, single big meals increase fat storage."

"There are just occasional intervals when I'm not eating---cafe con leche several times a day, other things in between."

"Frequent meals are helpful during hypothyroidism, and help to prevent obesity, but when the thyroid and liver are working, 2, 3, or 4 meals are good. For me, 2 meals and some snacks are most convenient. Orange juice is good by itself."

"Yes, as the metabolism gets more effective, you don't have to eat as often as when you are starting to change. At first, when glycogen isn't being stored, temperature will rise and fall situationally."

So maybe my three meals is okay? I do drink OJ as a snack in between...sometimes with gelatin mixed in. I definitely can go longer without food compared to when I first started.


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
thebigpeatowski said:
Haagendazendiane said:
"Small meals help to increase the metabolic rate, single big meals increase fat storage."

"There are just occasional intervals when I'm not eating---cafe con leche several times a day, other things in between."

"Frequent meals are helpful during hypothyroidism, and help to prevent obesity, but when the thyroid and liver are working, 2, 3, or 4 meals are good. For me, 2 meals and some snacks are most convenient. Orange juice is good by itself."

"Yes, as the metabolism gets more effective, you don't have to eat as often as when you are starting to change. At first, when glycogen isn't being stored, temperature will rise and fall situationally."

So maybe my three meals is okay? I do drink OJ as a snack in between...sometimes with gelatin mixed in. I definitely can go longer without food compared to when I first started.
I would think it is fine. A 30g protein containing meal isn't necessarily a big meal depending on what it is eaten with. 30g protein is only 120cals after all. I would keep up with that unless you feel you need more protein. But you can always use more gelatin between "meals" to add more "safe" protein on top of what you are currently getting. I like about 10g of gelatin in each of my 3-4+ daily coffee's.


Jun 19, 2014
How much salt, gelatin, and OJ? Anything else? Got a photo of what you looked like before that week?


Aug 27, 2014
Hey, just joined the forum, been training previously got up to pretty decent strength. Couldnt train for over a year and a half because of health issues, soon starting again. Before I was doing the standard chicken breast+white rice crap, with eggwhites and oatmeal in the morning. Currently 63 kg thanks to digestive problems (before was pretty ripped at 83) got a pretty strict budget atm so have to stick to cheap stuff planning to do daily ~3 quarts whole milk with honey mixed in, pound of potato ~5 eggs and some gelatin from broth daily with occasional liver and goats cheese and maybe 1-2 tbsp coconut oil. Lot of salt of course. I will try to have the eggs in the morning and have potatos with gelatin as main meals 2-3, and milk+honey with salt between meals. Dont care if I get a little bit fat, because want to increase my strength/size fast sick of being skinny and weak oh im a 20 y/o male btw. Any suggestion?


May 31, 2013
I had a strange experience last training.

I have been cutting so calories have been somewhat low.
For 3 days i upped calories a bit since it was the weekend, i was moving and all that. I ate the same amount of protein just more sugar and fat like alot of chocolate, ice cream etc. All peaty foods.
Also on those three days what i did different was i took
- 100mg pregnenolone
- only 2 teaspoons of sodium bicarb wich is low for me since i usually take 2-4 tablespoons of baking soda a day
- drinkin way less water/fluid prob because of the lower sodium intake

I also took my regular supplements: b1,niacinamide,aspirin,magnesium glycinate but those i take everyday so nothing changed there.

I guess that was it.
On the third day of the gym like i got this godlike pump and connection with my muscles. I felt much stronger, i looked freaky lean in in terms of seeing vains and i just felt like a god mentally.

The most drastic changes i did was when i look back at the things, ofc increasing calories can do that but hasnt done that for me before. So i was thinking about the sodium and drinking water connection.
Is there catch 22 in terms of taking more salt/sodium if it makes you drink more water. Is the line where you can take sodium/salt but it does not make you thirsty the right amount?
Since i did not take that much sodium/extra or drink almost any water during those days. Could that be the thing?


Jun 19, 2014
Nah. Salt in balance doesn't make you thirsty. Its that overtly salty foods (chips, pretzels for example) tend to be overeaten, and in isolation. Your stomach wants water to help digest these starchy pastes. Then your blood sugar spikes which DOES make you thirsty because your body needs to equilibrate the ionic pressure within your tissues.

Also, the chloride reacts with your saliva and makes your mouth dry. Try this experiment. Parachute in a teaspoon of salt to your mouth. Rinse with something viscous (like milk) to rehydrate your mouth. Spit.

Do you get thirsty? I bet not.

A LOT of salt might make you thirsty for the same reason sugar can. But it is really hard. You aren't going to willingly consume that much salt.


May 31, 2013
managing: cool. When you say salt in balance does not make you thirsty, what is then balance? taking in as much salt till the point where it does not make you thirsty?

Like i can take alot of sodium bicarb, like i take a teaspoon and wash it down with a little water. After a little while say 5-10 min i start to get thirsty. This is because of the sodium?


Jun 19, 2014
Good question. I can't say for sure, but in this scenario, my money is on the bicarbonate. Ironically, sodium ions are tasteless. In salt, its the chloride we taste. This is why calcium chloride and potassium chloride also taste mol like salt (not that I recommend them).

As for "balance", I just mean anything you can reasonably tolerate consuming (you could call it "physiological doses"), assuming no dysfunciton of the chloride channel receptors or ageusia (no sense of taste--had to look that one up!).


Jun 19, 2014
I just read your question more carefully now. Bicarbonate will neutralize stomach acid. There must be something about that that makes you thirsty. There has to be liquid in your stomach to make hydrochloric acid, and I bet it flushes neutralized stomach acid directly to the intestines (ie, empties the stomach). May just be a natural reaction to making stomach acid.


May 31, 2013
But i take sodium bicarb in between meals.

But if i just use regular salt, sodium chloride i also get very thirsty.
Like you say if i down a teaspoon of salt my tongue hurts a little and its just yacky.

Like from either salt or sodium bicarb i can feel my saliva wanting water and just in general i almost dream of water and just want to smash down a glass or two
Nov 26, 2013
Milk takes up the salt just so naturally, try that. Also if the blood is happy already, you probably don't want more salt.
Mar 30, 2014
A former Dutch colony in the new world
championmath said:
Hey, just joined the forum ... Dont care if I get a little bit fat, because want to increase my strength/size fast sick of being skinny and weak oh im a 20 y/o male btw. Any suggestion?
Yes, it seems testosterone and weight loss or muscle gain will be impaired as long as serotonin is high, and accumulated endotoxins are a likely cause of high serotonin.

For many, Peat's suggestion of a grated raw carrot may not be enough to resolve the long-term cumulative effects of endotoxins and serotonin.

A more effective way to reduce serotonin may be to try large doses of bulk charcoal, and frequent small doses of coconut/MCT oil, too. Peat thinks this should "completely abolish" serotonin responses to endotoxin.

For dosing, I'm trying 4 tablespoons of bulk charcoal every other night, and about a half tablespoon of coconut/MCT every two hours, for a total of 8 tablespoons a day. I feel much better on the nights that I take the charcoal, and I miss it on the nights that I skip.

Similarly, with energy, the small amount of coconut/MCT oil gives a smooth rush, and I start to miss it toward the end of the two hour window, though fructose is still needed to digest and use protein for muscle building.

As far as I can tell, coconut/MCT oil is one of those amazing weight loss/muscle gain foods like fructose and casein --- the more you eat of it, the hungrier you get, while you store less fat, and gain more muscle.


Jun 19, 2014
VoS: what source of casein do you use and how? Or do you mean just naturally from milk?

Also, doing well on a conservative version of your plan. But experiencing very low sex drive. Given that I have a beautiful and willing wife, I prefer not to experience low sex drive :):. Any thoughts?
Mar 30, 2014
A former Dutch colony in the new world
managing said:
VoS: what source of casein do you use and how? Or do you mean just naturally from milk?
Yes, casein from milk or all natural (or homemade) cottage cheese. haidut has a casein he uses in powder form, but we may need to ask him for the link. From what I can tell, the micellar casein powder is good.

managing said:
Also, doing well on a conservative version of your plan. But experiencing very low sex drive. Given that I have a beautiful and willing wife, I prefer not to experience low sex drive :):. Any thoughts?
If you're taking progesterone, you may want to stop, since it can affect libido? Large doses of pregnenolone may help (1-3 grams per day).

But to fix the problem at the core, the low libido likely results somehow from endotoxic poisoning and serotonin -- or "the feeling of stress," as it is more typically described. It seems that endotoxic poisoning may be a hidden cause of many stress issues, including imbalances of testosterone and estrogen in men (or progesterone and estrogen, in women).

Try the large dose of activated charcoal (4 tablespoons), the small doses of coconut oil throughout the day, and possibly cascara (4 capsules, once or twice a day) as needed?

If you need a stronger remedy, you can try DMSO/MSM from (MSM is just DMSO without any lingering odor of sulphur.)
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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