Getting a giant **** naturally is definitely possible - what are the best methods that men have found on this forum ?



Jun 22, 2021
Hey james i tried your pelvic expansion techniques and it moved my penor forward, giving me a very protuding noticeable bulge and now i can't stop being harassed
Yea it's wild man as MEN all we want to do is live a WHOLESOME, traditional life but women just have to destroy these ambitions

Women want a Billionaire Boyfriend whos 8 Feet Tall with an ANACONDA in his pants and if they peep you have an ANACONDA in your pants then its not safe to walk home at night alone cause they'll start to stalk and harass you until they got you cornered - its DANGEROUS living life as a man in this world filled with female predators




Feb 18, 2018
@JamesGatz I'm still not understanding the stretching when I do the stretching I just feel the ligaments at the base being pulled.

Judd Crane

Feb 7, 2017
Also, I'm going to offer some more abstract ideas of my own, because I think you like thinking in this way too:

I think that you can do the equivalent of 'Mewing' for your knob. It's about embodying the endowed man. You need to relax all the muscles around your hips so that there is more blood flow in the area. The hips get tight from sitting and blood flow is reduced. You need to be relaxed and your energy 'outwards' instead of 'inwards' in general. You should relax the PC muscle so much that it feels like you are 'pushing' blood into your bellend; it's the opposite of a kegel, where you contract the muscle. It feels kind of like the sensation of peeing really hard and pushing your stream as fast as you can, or a bit like the first contraction when you take a ***t. You should experience an increase sensation in the area; imagine trying to fill it with blood without clenching the PC muscle and cutting off the supply. You can experiment with having sex or masturbating while doing this; you will notice that you won't be able to ejaculate if you do it correctly (premature ejaculators tend to have small members with tight surrounding musculature, and delayed ejaculators tend to have larger members with more relaxed surrounding musculature). It feels really awesome and powerful to have sex in this way. When I was younger I would unconsciously squeeze the PC muscle and would have PE, but now I can last as long as I want, and I've also increased my size by just doing this. Give it a try!
Could you explain how you use the reverse kegel to avoid ejaclation? To me it's like I'm pushing the ejaculate out when doing this.


Sep 17, 2022
New Hampshire
Back when I was a kid, we had a saying here that black people have giant dicks due to them traditionally hanging rocks on them which stretches them and forces them to extend.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Back when I was a kid, we had a saying here that black people have giant dicks due to them traditionally hanging rocks on them which stretches them and forces them to extend.
eating animal products, dairy etc seems to be the main link with the larger **** sizes. the countries eating more beans, soy, corn, etc seem to have the smaller sizes!


Mar 30, 2020
Could you explain how you use the reverse kegel to avoid ejaclation? To me it's like I'm pushing the ejaculate out when doing this.
Hm, it shouldn't do. Contracting the pc muscle (it should feel like your balls are being pulled up) causes orgasm. It should be the opposite of this feeling

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Hm, it shouldn't do. Contracting the pc muscle (it should feel like your balls are being pulled up) causes orgasm. It should be the opposite of this feeling
does the belly have to be puffed out or can the waist and lower gut be sucked inwards?


Mar 30, 2020
does the belly have to be puffed out or can the waist and lower gut be sucked inwards?
The belly doesn't need to be puffed out, but the abs will contract 'downward' (so that they are longer; not upward so they are shorter). It feels similar to pushing out pee really hard, and also relaxing the muscles around the penis/balls. You should be able to push blood into the penis this way, but it should feel like the 'opposite' of kegeling.

I recently bought a Fleshlight and have been practicing this while ******* it. It makes the penis bigger and lets you last forever. It's difficult at first, because the pc muscle is used to contracting impulsively during intercourse/masturbation.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
The belly doesn't need to be puffed out, but the abs will contract 'downward' (so that they are longer; not upward so they are shorter). It feels similar to pushing out pee really hard, and also relaxing the muscles around the penis/balls. You should be able to push blood into the penis this way, but it should feel like the 'opposite' of kegeling.

I recently bought a Fleshlight and have been practicing this while ******* it. It makes the penis bigger and lets you last forever. It's difficult at first, because the pc muscle is used to contracting impulsively during intercourse/masturbation.
how big of a penis can you get with these methods? gaining several inches in length and girth?


Mar 30, 2020
how big of a penis can you get with these methods? gaining several inches in length and girth?
idk man. I think it takes a lot of work to increase penis size. I think this method needs to be combined with stretching. I think you should pursue it only if it's really important to you; it would be better to use that energy to learn skills and add value to the world.

Here's what I mean about the contracted abs (you want #1)
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Judd Crane

Feb 7, 2017
idk man. I think it takes a lot of work to increase penis size. I think this method needs to be combined with stretching. I think you should pursue it only if it's really important to you; it would be better to use that energy to learn skills and add value to the world.

Here's what I mean about the contracted abs (you want #1)View attachment 43581
So you basically raise the chest and then take a sh*t/pee?

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
idk man. I think it takes a lot of work to increase penis size. I think this method needs to be combined with stretching. I think you should pursue it only if it's really important to you; it would be better to use that energy to learn skills and add value to the world.

Here's what I mean about the contracted abs (you want #1)View attachment 43581
Shouldn’t improving hormones and metabolism automatically improve penis size


Jul 4, 2023
The biggest improvement I ever noticed to penis size was after my first 3 month semen retention stint. This is why I think mechanical manipulation is pointless. Penis size is purely hormonal. Porn and masturbation in the formative years causes arrested development. It's functional castration. I started my first serious run at semen retention when I was 27 after fraternising with girls and watching entirely too much porn since puberty. I realised while doing it that I was essentially going through a second puberty at 27 or at least picking up where I left off. I had delayed the masculinisation process by excreting wastefully what it means to be a man. Semen. The improvement is not linear however. It's cyclical. In fact the penis will shrink when you hit the infamous flatline period, but I promise you this is the corrective process. I think this is why people don't understand the benefits of semen retention. they panic and quit at the first sign of trouble and rationalise semen retention as bad. These people are weak willed and devoid of faith. If they had faith they would have understood the cyclical nature of the improvement. things get worse, then better, then worse, then better etc all the while the baseline is improving.

One of the most welcome changes from semen retention after 3 weeks-1month was much deeper sleep. Now this benefit alone has the capacity to improve hormones and practically every single thing about an organism. I noticed many benefits besides sleep but I will just mention 2 in relation to masculinisation. Penis size increase and deeper voice. the size increase is not a transient thing either. It was a stable fixture in my life after 3 months. It would take an awful lot of porn and masturbation to reduce it back down again.

Semen wastage causes sexual exhaustion which mirrors all of the symptoms of hypothyroidism. The consistent influx of pleasure hormones causes desensitisation of neurotransmitters leading to a decline in functionality and efficiency, meaning that you need more and more to achieve the same level of satisfaction and virility. "use it or lose it" when it comes to the penis is just flat out wrong. In fact leaving it alone and ceasing the frivolous stimulation, tugging and squeezing allows the penis to expand back to normal so that it looks fuller. Leave your poor penises alone gentlemen. They have seen too much abuse.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
The biggest improvement I ever noticed to penis size was after my first 3 month semen retention stint. This is why I think mechanical manipulation is pointless. Penis size is purely hormonal. Porn and masturbation in the formative years causes arrested development. It's functional castration. I started my first serious run at semen retention when I was 27 after fraternising with girls and watching entirely too much porn since puberty. I realised while doing it that I was essentially going through a second puberty at 27 or at least picking up where I left off. I had delayed the masculinisation process by excreting wastefully what it means to be a man. Semen. The improvement is not linear however. It's cyclical. In fact the penis will shrink when you hit the infamous flatline period, but I promise you this is the corrective process. I think this is why people don't understand the benefits of semen retention. they panic and quit at the first sign of trouble and rationalise semen retention as bad. These people are weak willed and devoid of faith. If they had faith they would have understood the cyclical nature of the improvement. things get worse, then better, then worse, then better etc all the while the baseline is improving.

One of the most welcome changes from semen retention after 3 weeks-1month was much deeper sleep. Now this benefit alone has the capacity to improve hormones and practically every single thing about an organism. I noticed many benefits besides sleep but I will just mention 2 in relation to masculinisation. Penis size increase and deeper voice. the size increase is not a transient thing either. It was a stable fixture in my life after 3 months. It would take an awful lot of porn and masturbation to reduce it back down again.

Semen wastage causes sexual exhaustion which mirrors all of the symptoms of hypothyroidism. The consistent influx of pleasure hormones causes desensitisation of neurotransmitters leading to a decline in functionality and efficiency, meaning that you need more and more to achieve the same level of satisfaction and virility. "use it or lose it" when it comes to the penis is just flat out wrong. In fact leaving it alone and ceasing the frivolous stimulation, tugging and squeezing allows the penis to expand back to normal so that it looks fuller. Leave your poor penises alone gentlemen. They have seen too much abuse.
What kind of gains did you get also wouldn’t this mean sex itself causes similar effects to what you mentioned? The vagina could be a looser grip than ones hand or a tighter grip than ones hand in some cases… I also did semen retention and did not find it to increase size however it did improve erection quality if I abstained for a few weeks to a month. I however did it for 8 months even 9 months and the erection quality doesn’t continuously increase it simply increases temporarily, i think it could be related to wet dreams. After a certain point of retaining, wet dreams start occurring every few weeks… and even spontaneous emissions can occur or semen coming out in the urine.

Anyway i think whether mastutbation or sex it is more draining if metabolism is worse… any benefits from retaining pale in comparison to benefits from better metabolism and any side effects from masturbation and porn pale in comparison to having a poorer metabolism or a poor environment or diet quality…. For instance you can see all these people having issues with erectile dysfunction or a poor physique or hair loss etc but i have never seen someone develop those kinds of issues from porn or masturbation or resolve them with semen retention.
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