Getting a giant **** naturally is definitely possible - what are the best methods that men have found on this forum ?


Oct 7, 2020
The biggest improvement I ever noticed to penis size was after my first 3 month semen retention stint. This is why I think mechanical manipulation is pointless. Penis size is purely hormonal. Porn and masturbation in the formative years causes arrested development. It's functional castration. I started my first serious run at semen retention when I was 27 after fraternising with girls and watching entirely too much porn since puberty. I realised while doing it that I was essentially going through a second puberty at 27 or at least picking up where I left off. I had delayed the masculinisation process by excreting wastefully what it means to be a man. Semen. The improvement is not linear however. It's cyclical. In fact the penis will shrink when you hit the infamous flatline period, but I promise you this is the corrective process. I think this is why people don't understand the benefits of semen retention. they panic and quit at the first sign of trouble and rationalise semen retention as bad. These people are weak willed and devoid of faith. If they had faith they would have understood the cyclical nature of the improvement. things get worse, then better, then worse, then better etc all the while the baseline is improving.

One of the most welcome changes from semen retention after 3 weeks-1month was much deeper sleep. Now this benefit alone has the capacity to improve hormones and practically every single thing about an organism. I noticed many benefits besides sleep but I will just mention 2 in relation to masculinisation. Penis size increase and deeper voice. the size increase is not a transient thing either. It was a stable fixture in my life after 3 months. It would take an awful lot of porn and masturbation to reduce it back down again.

Semen wastage causes sexual exhaustion which mirrors all of the symptoms of hypothyroidism. The consistent influx of pleasure hormones causes desensitisation of neurotransmitters leading to a decline in functionality and efficiency, meaning that you need more and more to achieve the same level of satisfaction and virility. "use it or lose it" when it comes to the penis is just flat out wrong. In fact leaving it alone and ceasing the frivolous stimulation, tugging and squeezing allows the penis to expand back to normal so that it looks fuller. Leave your poor penises alone gentlemen. They have seen too much abuse.
Have you checked out if you relate to symptoms of POIS post orgasmic illness syndrome Reddit - Dive into anything ?


Oct 7, 2020
The biggest improvement I ever noticed to penis size was after my first 3 month semen retention stint. This is why I think mechanical manipulation is pointless. Penis size is purely hormonal. Porn and masturbation in the formative years causes arrested development. It's functional castration. I started my first serious run at semen retention when I was 27 after fraternising with girls and watching entirely too much porn since puberty. I realised while doing it that I was essentially going through a second puberty at 27 or at least picking up where I left off. I had delayed the masculinisation process by excreting wastefully what it means to be a man. Semen. The improvement is not linear however. It's cyclical. In fact the penis will shrink when you hit the infamous flatline period, but I promise you this is the corrective process. I think this is why people don't understand the benefits of semen retention. they panic and quit at the first sign of trouble and rationalise semen retention as bad. These people are weak willed and devoid of faith. If they had faith they would have understood the cyclical nature of the improvement. things get worse, then better, then worse, then better etc all the while the baseline is improving.

One of the most welcome changes from semen retention after 3 weeks-1month was much deeper sleep. Now this benefit alone has the capacity to improve hormones and practically every single thing about an organism. I noticed many benefits besides sleep but I will just mention 2 in relation to masculinisation. Penis size increase and deeper voice. the size increase is not a transient thing either. It was a stable fixture in my life after 3 months. It would take an awful lot of porn and masturbation to reduce it back down again.

Semen wastage causes sexual exhaustion which mirrors all of the symptoms of hypothyroidism. The consistent influx of pleasure hormones causes desensitisation of neurotransmitters leading to a decline in functionality and efficiency, meaning that you need more and more to achieve the same level of satisfaction and virility. "use it or lose it" when it comes to the penis is just flat out wrong. In fact leaving it alone and ceasing the frivolous stimulation, tugging and squeezing allows the penis to expand back to normal so that it looks fuller. Leave your poor penises alone gentlemen. They have seen too much abuse.
I ejaculated daily during puberty but still grew 6"2 height wise and 7 and a half inches penis length wise but I do notice thicker more pumped up muscles and a feeling of retaining energy/nutrients/androgens better when on semen retention, lower prolactin/serotonin/histamine/cortisol/glutamate overall


Jul 4, 2023
What kind of gains did you get also wouldn’t this mean sex itself causes similar effects to what you mentioned? The vagina could be a looser grip than ones hand or a tighter grip than ones hand in some cases… I also did semen retention and did not find it to increase size however it did improve erection quality if I abstained for a few weeks to a month. I however did it for 8 months even 9 months and the erection quality doesn’t continuously increase it simply increases temporarily, i think it could be related to wet dreams. After a certain point of retaining, wet dreams start occurring every few weeks… and even spontaneous emissions can occur or semen coming out in the urine.

Anyway i think whether mastutbation or sex it is more draining if metabolism is worse… any benefits from retaining pale in comparison to benefits from better metabolism and any side effects from masturbation and porn pale in comparison to having a poorer metabolism or a poor environment or diet quality…. For instance you can see all these people having issues with erectile dysfunction or a poor physique or hair loss etc but i have never seen someone develop those kinds of issues from porn or masturbation or resolve them with semen retention.
I gained an inch in length and noticed a big improvement in girth after 3 months of doing nothing. I agree that hypometabolic people suffer more from excessive ejaculation. They suffer against every potential assault of the organism whereas a healthy person wouldn't notice it. But even in healthy people it causes the metabolism to stutter. Retention and metabolism are parallel. There's no man alive that wouldn't be better off retaining. As to your point of erection quality. What is it in reference to? Are you testing the erection quality with porn? When I retain I lose my response to porn in a few weeks and after a month I only seem to be aroused by real women or the prospect of actual sex. Random boners even in public like when I was a teenager.

If someone is hypometabolic it's imperative for them to begin retaining if they want to gain momentum. There's a broad spectrum of pathologies caused by chronic sexual exhaustion. It causes bowel dysfunction, sleep issues, adhd, confidence issues, memory issues, verbal fluency problems, fatigue. These are the same issues we see with bad metabolism that can all be massively improved with retention alone. regardless of dietary changes.
Also there are thousands of testimonials of people curing erectile dysfunction. I've never had this issue personally but in the community it is referred to as PIED (Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction).
I'm currently 40 days in with a friend. This is my friend's first time passing 30 days and he's telling me how his anxiety is down, reading comprehension has improved withouth effort and he seems to be enjoying more mundane tasks or chores. His adhd symptoms are disappearing. I could talk about this all day due to how inextricable semen retention is to vitality.
The leakiness you mentioned with wet dreams and semen in the urine is a pelvic floor problem, or so i've read. Apparently it's possible to seal it up which sends pressure up your spine from the root chakra and energises the rest of the chakra. I'll drop an interesting video on it. Take it for what it's worth.

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Jul 4, 2023
I ejaculated daily during puberty but still grew 6"2 height wise and 7 and a half inches penis length wise but I do notice thicker more pumped up muscles and a feeling of retaining energy/nutrients/androgens better when on semen retention, lower prolactin/serotonin/histamine/cortisol/glutamate overall
How was your nutrition growing up?
I was raised malnourished in an abusive environment. Stress can stunt growth and cause early puberty. Difficult problem to overcome since it's baked into the fibre of my being.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I gained an inch in length and noticed a big improvement in girth after 3 months of doing nothing. I agree that hypometabolic people suffer more from excessive ejaculation. They suffer against every potential assault of the organism whereas a healthy person wouldn't notice it. But even in healthy people it causes the metabolism to stutter. Retention and metabolism are parallel. There's no man alive that wouldn't be better off retaining. As to your point of erection quality. What is it in reference to? Are you testing the erection quality with porn? When I retain I lose my response to porn in a few weeks and after a month I only seem to be aroused by real women or the prospect of actual sex. Random boners even in public like when I was a teenager.
View attachment 53957
If someone is hypometabolic it's imperative for them to begin retaining if they want to gain momentum. There's a broad spectrum of pathologies caused by chronic sexual exhaustion. It causes bowel dysfunction, sleep issues, adhd, confidence issues, memory issues, verbal fluency problems, fatigue. These are the same issues we see with bad metabolism that can all be massively improved with retention alone. regardless of dietary changes.
Also there are thousands of testimonials of people curing erectile dysfunction. I've never had this issue personally but in the community it is referred to as PIED (Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction).
I'm currently 40 days in with a friend. This is my friend's first time passing 30 days and he's telling me how his anxiety is down, reading comprehension has improved withouth effort and he seems to be enjoying more mundane tasks or chores. His adhd symptoms are disappearing. I could talk about this all day due to how inextricable semen retention is to vitality.
The leakiness you mentioned with wet dreams and semen in the urine is a pelvic floor problem, or so i've read. Apparently it's possible to seal it up which sends pressure up your spine from the root chakra and energises the rest of the chakra. I'll drop an interesting video on it. Take it for what it's worth.


By sexual exhaustion do you mean too much orgasm whether its sex or masturbation induced? What level of sexual activity would cause those symptoms you mentioned? The things you mentioning I would think are caused by environmental, dietary, supplemental, pharmaceutical , and metabolic issues. Now one thing to keep in mind is low metabolism people struggle with everything. Even basic walking and basic thinking is tough with a poor metabolism. The key thing to note is does ejaculation worsen metabolism in people with low metabolism, and to what extent?

Did you make any other changes when you gained the 1 inch in 3 months? That seems an extraordinarily short period of time to gain an inch with no changes other than retaining. Ive done retention for 9 months and gained no size. By erection quality I meant if you simply refrain from any sex for a few weeks you can get a harder, better erection but it doesnt seem to keep multiplying if you continue for months. I think it has something similar to do with muscles and weight training where sometimes if you take a short break and go back to the gym, your muscles seem more pumped while lifting. But then if you just stop lifting entirely, for months, you will actually regress. Now the same thing doesn’t necessarily happen with the penis which is probably due to wet dreams and the spontaneous erections. But it does seem like the benefits don’t simply keep stacking the longer you go.

Retention unfortunately does almost nothing to fix metabolism, actually from my experience and from what ive noticed, people who have poorer metabolisms are actually more likely to be retaining by default. Poor metabolism causes poor libido, poor erection quality and blood flow, a long refractory period. The poorer your metabolism gets, the more likely you are by default engaging in some form of retention just because of simple biology. A poor metabolism guy may be constantly retaining weeks at a time just because of the poor libido and other factors whereas a high metabolism guy may actually struggle to retain for a week. I know when my metabolism was a lot higher I had much more trouble retaining for even a week compared to when it was lower even multiple weeks were easier. The other thing is lower metabolism guys will produce less semen overall and expel a smaller volume of it as well. So nature already has a few different mechanisms to somewhat force or encourage retention for poorer metabolism people.

There are some people on the porn forums who claim there is porn induced ED and supposedly its people who are addicted to porn? even then I would think its metabolism related and the porn induced ED would be a psychological problem. The other important thing to note is the refractory period… if someone just masturbated hours ago and are having trouble getting it up with a partner thats not really ED that is the refractory period itself which differs between people but seems to be related to metabolism. People with poorer metabolism will have an even larger refractory period, maybe weeks in between.

Regarding the enjoying mundane tasks and chores do you think its the retention or abstaining from porn? There’s different opinions on that. I would think as far as biological changes retention would have a bigger impact. But with psychological changes it could be porn that has as big or bigger impact.

Regarding root chakra etc isnt that religious or alternative claims made in ancient Indian medicine? I don’t really know if it can be sealed up and some of the methods used to seal it up are concerning. I remember reading into it and some of the websites/forums mentioned simply not thinking about women or any sexual thoughts at all. Which that seems fine but it can still cause issues with wet dreams. Some of the methods used to prevent wet dreams involved things like resting your genitals on a cold metal plate while sleeping, or tying rope around them in a certain way to prevent wet dreams, or in some cases taking extremely cold showers. I’m not sure any of those are safe even the cold showers im not sure.

Anyway I have tested retention for months on both a low metabolism and high metabolism and when i did it on a higher metabolism it seemed to give a slight boost in energy? And seemed to make me more interested in socializing only to a minor extent? But it also made me constantly think about sex more and look at women in public more.

Now on the low metabolism it unfortunately does almost nothing… like as far as energy levels… socializing… sleep any of those things it basically has minimal to zero effect.
Mar 24, 2018
@Dr. B I totally agree because I have lived the experience firsthand. I no longer got any benefit from chronic semen retention after I got my metabolism right. Now unfortunately my health situation has worsened considerably because I live with degenerative processes and these things remain nuances ... ☹️ after having an erection if you are worried about prolactin use a good dose of P5P and bee pollen ...


Jul 4, 2023
By sexual exhaustion do you mean too much orgasm whether its sex or masturbation induced? What level of sexual activity would cause those symptoms you mentioned? The things you mentioning I would think are caused by environmental, dietary, supplemental, pharmaceutical , and metabolic issues. Now one thing to keep in mind is low metabolism people struggle with everything. Even basic walking and basic thinking is tough with a poor metabolism. The key thing to note is does ejaculation worsen metabolism in people with low metabolism, and to what extent?

Did you make any other changes when you gained the 1 inch in 3 months? That seems an extraordinarily short period of time to gain an inch with no changes other than retaining. Ive done retention for 9 months and gained no size. By erection quality I meant if you simply refrain from any sex for a few weeks you can get a harder, better erection but it doesnt seem to keep multiplying if you continue for months. I think it has something similar to do with muscles and weight training where sometimes if you take a short break and go back to the gym, your muscles seem more pumped while lifting. But then if you just stop lifting entirely, for months, you will actually regress. Now the same thing doesn’t necessarily happen with the penis which is probably due to wet dreams and the spontaneous erections. But it does seem like the benefits don’t simply keep stacking the longer you go.

Retention unfortunately does almost nothing to fix metabolism, actually from my experience and from what ive noticed, people who have poorer metabolisms are actually more likely to be retaining by default. Poor metabolism causes poor libido, poor erection quality and blood flow, a long refractory period. The poorer your metabolism gets, the more likely you are by default engaging in some form of retention just because of simple biology. A poor metabolism guy may be constantly retaining weeks at a time just because of the poor libido and other factors whereas a high metabolism guy may actually struggle to retain for a week. I know when my metabolism was a lot higher I had much more trouble retaining for even a week compared to when it was lower even multiple weeks were easier. The other thing is lower metabolism guys will produce less semen overall and expel a smaller volume of it as well. So nature already has a few different mechanisms to somewhat force or encourage retention for poorer metabolism people.

There are some people on the porn forums who claim there is porn induced ED and supposedly its people who are addicted to porn? even then I would think its metabolism related and the porn induced ED would be a psychological problem. The other important thing to note is the refractory period… if someone just masturbated hours ago and are having trouble getting it up with a partner thats not really ED that is the refractory period itself which differs between people but seems to be related to metabolism. People with poorer metabolism will have an even larger refractory period, maybe weeks in between.

Regarding the enjoying mundane tasks and chores do you think its the retention or abstaining from porn? There’s different opinions on that. I would think as far as biological changes retention would have a bigger impact. But with psychological changes it could be porn that has as big or bigger impact.

Regarding root chakra etc isnt that religious or alternative claims made in ancient Indian medicine? I don’t really know if it can be sealed up and some of the methods used to seal it up are concerning. I remember reading into it and some of the websites/forums mentioned simply not thinking about women or any sexual thoughts at all. Which that seems fine but it can still cause issues with wet dreams. Some of the methods used to prevent wet dreams involved things like resting your genitals on a cold metal plate while sleeping, or tying rope around them in a certain way to prevent wet dreams, or in some cases taking extremely cold showers. I’m not sure any of those are safe even the cold showers im not sure.

Anyway I have tested retention for months on both a low metabolism and high metabolism and when i did it on a higher metabolism it seemed to give a slight boost in energy? And seemed to make me more interested in socializing only to a minor extent? But it also made me constantly think about sex more and look at women in public more.

Now on the low metabolism it unfortunately does almost nothing… like as far as energy levels… socializing… sleep any of those things it basically has minimal to zero effect.
By sexual exhaustion do you mean too much orgasm whether its sex or masturbation induced? What level of sexual activity would cause those symptoms you mentioned?
In terms of sexual exhaustion it depends on the person. I believe that someone with increased bone density, muscle mass and great structure in general have a firm footing in the material realm. This means that they have more resources that can be utilised in stress physiology to draw from. Ejaculation, when running on empty can tax the nervous system and leech resources from the body in order to facilitate the creation of new life. Someone who is 6ft tall with good muscle mass and bone density has more raw material to expend than someone who is 5'6 and was raised underfed and stressed. This person can engage in this behaviour a lot more destructively before they notice too much going wrong. Even in terms of metabolic machinary, they have an easier time recovering with nutrition.
The key thing to note is does ejaculation worsen metabolism in people with low metabolism, and to what extent?
Yes, absolutely. Severely. Whatever health problems a hypometabolic person is experiencing, frequent ejaculation will rapidly worsen their condition.
Did you make any other changes when you gained the 1 inch in 3 months?
Actually this was way before I found Ray Peat so my diet was atrocious. I told myself that in order to give the 3 month experiment a fair assessment I would change nothing about my diet. The results were nothing short of amazing. Better sleep, better skin, emotions turned back on, I would enjoy food more, I found pleasure in simple things like the feeling of wind on my face on a summer day. I watched porn after 3 months and the experience I had was crazy. I felt drunk with lust as if I had never watched it before. Such a powerful response to stimuli that it reminded me of my teenage libido.
But it does seem like the benefits don’t simply keep stacking the longer you go.
I agree. I think my recommendation for increasing penis size doing this is for the people who are undersized due to the arrested development caused by castrating themselves during puberty by ejaculation and watching porn. If the habit has been there since the inception of puberty, and they grew up malnourished, this is something that will help remedy the situation. I was blown away by the masculinazation process at 27 years of age.
Retention unfortunately does almost nothing to fix metabolism, actually from my experience and from what ive noticed, people who have poorer metabolisms are actually more likely to be retaining by default. Poor metabolism causes poor libido, poor erection quality and blood flow, a long refractory period
Actually I don't think this is true. I've been hypometabolic all my life and have had no issues with libido whatsoever. I think it can be true for sure, but not necessarily. I think it can be used as a coping mechanism for stress and the porn usage perpetuates the libido and keeps it engaged. As for fixing the metabolism, it depends. It could be viewed in the context of ray's generative energy ideas. In other words it's a foundational practice that powerfully increases the trajectory of your health if the person is suffering with a myriad of negative symptoms. A poor person has no money to be throwing away so frivolously and should be more mindful of the things they spend on. I agree on seminal volume, which sort of suggests that someone not producing a lot should absolutely be retaining. Retention increases volume and improves the entire organism.

"Regarding the enjoying mundane tasks and chores do you think its the retention or abstaining from porn? There’s different opinions on that. I would think as far as biological changes retention would have a bigger impact. But with psychological changes it could be porn that has as big or bigger impact."
I believe it's both. A chronic porn user has overstimulated their brain and nervous system so that everyday tasks become more of a chore. there were studies done on rats and if they deactivated the dopamine centers or production, the rat wouldn't even have the motivation to get up and eat food. It would only eat if the food was put directly in its face. Porn and masturbation does a similar thing long-term that the scientists did to the rat (but not as severe). The sensitivity to porn and masturbation decreases and you have to do more and more of it to get the same level of satisfaction until it no longer gives a significant amount of pleasure like it used to. If an orgasm can't leave you satisfied, then anything less pleasurable becomes an absolute choooore. Porn is absolutely terrible for this by itself because of the coolidge effect. The coolidge effect is where a male will become bored of their mating partner and eventually stop persuing them sexually, but if the rat in the study is given a new mate, his arousal is re-invigorated. Porn happens to provide endless novelty when it comes to sexuality, so a guy can keep busting nuts until burns out.
Regarding root chakra etc isnt that religious or alternative claims made in ancient Indian medicine?
Yes. However I find their interpretation of energy and health to be remarkeably intuitive and is by far the most compelling thing i've read until I found Ray. Actually Ray's findings aren't contradictory of their ideas. For example did you know ayurveda has a word for endotoxin? It's called ama and their proposed cure for this is agni (fire) they know that increasing agni can stop the putrefaction. A way to increase agni or digestive fire is semen retention. Another way of saying chakra would be energy center. The testicles are a foundational life generating factory. Can either be used to procreate or to be transmuted into the person holding on to it. In regards to the practices they recommend for the pelvic floor, i'm really not sure about all that. I've never really experimented with it.
"Anyway I have tested retention for months on both a low metabolism and high metabolism and when i did it on a higher metabolism it seemed to give a slight boost in energy? And seemed to make me more interested in socializing only to a minor extent? But it also made me constantly think about sex more and look at women in public more."
I've experienced such tremendous benefits from it that I'm actually really hesitant to release. A girl invited me over recently and I told her I was doing a 3 month challenge with a friend. She decided to join me in the task so she's going to attempt the remaining 2 months.
My favourite benefit is that I am able to get more rest out of half as much sleep. Isn't that crazy? I used to sleep 10 hours and wake up feeling god awful and now I wake up from 5 feeling much better rested. Do you think outside factors were influencing your experiments with retention? were you taking any supplements of making any changes that might interfere with your results?


Jul 4, 2023
@Dr. B I totally agree because I have lived the experience firsthand. I no longer got any benefit from chronic semen retention after I got my metabolism right. Now unfortunately my health situation has worsened considerably because I live with degenerative processes and these things remain nuances ... ☹️ after having an erection if you are worried about prolactin use a good dose of P5P and bee pollen ...
It's entirely possible that you are experiencing the negative effects of wasting semen. You mention the word "degenerative" for example but if you break the word down you will notice the word "gene" in there. The latin origin of genitals means to beget or generate. In other words your genitals are a factory that generates energy and structure. If you waste it, you will eventually experience degeneration.
Screenshot_20230813-115024_Samsung Internet.jpg

It's also not a coincidence that the word semen is also coloquially referred to as seed.
Screenshot_20230813-115619_Samsung Internet.jpg

Have you ever heard the term "you reap what you sow". Either you're planting your seed in fertile soil (a woman) where a child is grown or you hold on to it to energise the life inside of you. Or worst case scenario you nothing out of it besides gratuitous pleasure and a crusty sock.


Oct 7, 2020
No, actually the first I heard of it was from another post I read here by you. I sort of think of it in terms of eastern philosophy of health rather than the allopathic version.
There are many people who had all those symptoms you talk of - digestive, cognitive, memory etc. and many got 100% cured by amoxicilin or fluconazole aka antibiotics/antifungals and some by HCG etc. meaning in many cases it's just an excess of candida or some other bacteria/fungi that then activates more after ejaculation spiking inflammation/histamine thus lowering the good hormones, it seems what has been thought throughout centuries to be symptoms of natural sexual "depletion" could be in many cases just some stand-alone underlying imbalance in hormones/inflammation/etc. that once fixed makes one able to engage in sexual activities fully naturally including ejaculating however/whenever without significant negatives that were experienced in the past before the fixing
Another argument against the sexual energy accumulation/exhaustion theory is that many with the POIS symptoms you mentioned even if they ejaculate once or have a wet dream after weeks or months of semen retention their symptoms are the same if they ejaculated daily, meaning it's more a stand-alone reaction that is of same length/intensity and triggered by the orgasm/ejaculation process itself not as much by low base reserves as then one would notice less symptoms if they ejaculate after a longer time of abstinence

So a large part of the semen retention/nofap groups and the symptoms experiences and the benefits could be a form of unaware/undiagnosed POIS, many had success cutting out plant inflammatory gluten foods and focusing only on fruits and animal products mainly, there have been different root causes and treatments


Jul 4, 2023
There are many people who had all those symptoms you talk of - digestive, cognitive, memory etc. and many got 100% cured by amoxicilin or fluconazole aka antibiotics/antifungals and some by HCG etc. meaning in many cases it's just an excess of candida or some other bacteria/fungi that then activates more after ejaculation spiking inflammation/histamine thus lowering the good hormones, it seems what has been thought throughout centuries to be symptoms of natural sexual "depletion" could be in many cases just some stand-alone underlying imbalance in hormones/inflammation/etc. that once fixed makes one able to engage in sexual activities fully naturally including ejaculating however/whenever without significant negatives that were experienced in the past before the fixing
Another argument against the sexual energy accumulation/exhaustion theory is that many with the POIS symptoms you mentioned even if they ejaculate once or have a wet dream after weeks or months of semen retention their symptoms are the same if they ejaculated daily, meaning it's more a stand-alone reaction that is of same length/intensity and triggered by the orgasm/ejaculation process itself not as much by low base reserves as then one would notice less symptoms if they ejaculate after a longer time of abstinence

So a large part of the semen retention/nofap groups and the symptoms experiences and the benefits could be a form of unaware/undiagnosed POIS, many had success cutting out plant inflammatory gluten foods and focusing only on fruits and animal products mainly, there have been different root causes and treatments
I once went on amoxycillin 500mg bricks, 3x a day for 6 months when I was 14 for cystic acne. Besides my teeth becoming a little loose from the bacteria die-off, i felt phenomenal. Everything in my life improved as you would expect from an unburdened digestive system and improved metabolism. However, something caused those negative symptoms and digestive problems to accumulate to the point of needing antibiotics in the first place. If you don't address the underlying cause, you will need to be on antibiotics for the rest of your life to mitigate the effects of compromised digestion. I don't think it's a coincidence that my problems started at the beginning of puberty. Semen retention is a fundamental, core aspect of health and vitality. It absolutely energises the entire organism. There's a reason that the genitals are at the root and not on your forehead. It's an earthly organ that engages you in primal, carnal activities that are animalistic in nature. It's a feature of life that isn't exclusive to humans. However if we retain, we can ascend the energy from earth to heaven (the brain) which allows us to engage in exclusive human characteristics such as our ability to engage with the future and indulge in abstract thought.
If I had never picked up the habit in the first place i am fairly confident I would never have experienced hypothyroidism/overgrowth as badly as I did. For sure.
And to your point about POIS sufferers, I think that can be quite subjective. The reference point of what feels good or bad is lost because it has been their life for too long. I'm not saying you can't have issues while retaining, obviously the environment is much too complex to make those claims. However it is certainly imperative to retain under such negative circumstances. It seems to be a structural m/functional issue relating to long-term damage. Whether from contaminants or from excessive orgasm. Continuing to indulge isn't going to resolve the issue either.
I don't necessarily buy into allopathic models of disease. what people refer to as POIS or ADHD are systemic energy and structural problems manifesting in various locations of the body. I mean is there a difference between alzheimers and parkinsons besides the location and energetic status of the brain?
I'll leave this link with you and let me know what you think. It mentions many pathologies of the body and mind from a sexual exhaustion framework. Another forum member here dropped it and i've been perusing it ever since;
It has a category for POIS in there somewhere.
Mar 24, 2018
@Explorer This ability to see the entire picture is exceptional. Could the dairy also lead to this series of problems linked to endotoxin? including sheep, goat, and A2.
Mar 24, 2018
Believe me, I passed the 365 days, after 6 months I haven't felt anything.
Mar 24, 2018
Thanks, I think it taught me to postpone gratification, nothing has come close even pharmacological.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I once went on amoxycillin 500mg bricks, 3x a day for 6 months when I was 14 for cystic acne. Besides my teeth becoming a little loose from the bacteria die-off, i felt phenomenal. Everything in my life improved as you would expect from an unburdened digestive system and improved metabolism. However, something caused those negative symptoms and digestive problems to accumulate to the point of needing antibiotics in the first place. If you don't address the underlying cause, you will need to be on antibiotics for the rest of your life to mitigate the effects of compromised digestion. I don't think it's a coincidence that my problems started at the beginning of puberty. Semen retention is a fundamental, core aspect of health and vitality. It absolutely energises the entire organism. There's a reason that the genitals are at the root and not on your forehead. It's an earthly organ that engages you in primal, carnal activities that are animalistic in nature. It's a feature of life that isn't exclusive to humans. However if we retain, we can ascend the energy from earth to heaven (the brain) which allows us to engage in exclusive human characteristics such as our ability to engage with the future and indulge in abstract thought.
If I had never picked up the habit in the first place i am fairly confident I would never have experienced hypothyroidism/overgrowth as badly as I did. For sure.
And to your point about POIS sufferers, I think that can be quite subjective. The reference point of what feels good or bad is lost because it has been their life for too long. I'm not saying you can't have issues while retaining, obviously the environment is much too complex to make those claims. However it is certainly imperative to retain under such negative circumstances. It seems to be a structural m/functional issue relating to long-term damage. Whether from contaminants or from excessive orgasm. Continuing to indulge isn't going to resolve the issue either.
I don't necessarily buy into allopathic models of disease. what people refer to as POIS or ADHD are systemic energy and structural problems manifesting in various locations of the body. I mean is there a difference between alzheimers and parkinsons besides the location and energetic status of the brain?
I'll leave this link with you and let me know what you think. It mentions many pathologies of the body and mind from a sexual exhaustion framework. Another forum member here dropped it and i've been perusing it ever since;
It has a category for POIS in there somewhere.

In the US and probably most places now, there are numerous environmental toxins, pharma drugs and medicines, supplements, poor food quality, PUFA, xrays, fluoridated water, vaccines etc. Any issues people are having with ejaculation or erections or similar are being caused due to one or more of those toxic environmental or medical or dietary factors. Any one of those factors IMO will play a much larger role than PMO or ejaculation. Before Peat I too sometimes had symptoms of POIS and would blame any negative occurence on ejaculating. However now I am fairly convinced that all else equal if you had someone ejaculating daily but not drinking tap water, vs someone drinking tap water daily and not ejaculating daily, the daily ejaculator will be healthier. You could interchange that with vaccines or xrays or PUFA or toxic food ingredients or other factors and it would be the same. On the nofap and semen retention forums they blame a variety of different things on PMO and ejaculation but they seem to completely ignore the other much more significant factors in why they are having health issues or psychological issues. There doesnt seem to be any focus or commentary on a proper dietary or environmental regimen. For example if someone there has issues with acne or fatigue or being overweight, they will just tend to blame all of those things on the fapping instead of considering the numerous other, likely much more serious factors which many people likely grew up with.

Retaining does improve energy levels to some extent and it also seems to increase aggression levels. So some fighters and other athletes, and supposedly ancient greek athletes, retained. But if you have a low metabolism it doesnt seem to work the same. For instance if you have a regular metabolism and you retain for three weeks or 6 weeks you will notice a burst of energy maybe more aggression. And the fighters they often do several weeks some of them 6 weeks before a competition. But if you have a low metabolism and you retain for 3 weeks, even 6 weeks, basically nothing happens besides you may become more sociable. I dont think retaining boosts metabolism much in either case, but it provides a minor physical energy boost and aggression boost which can definitely help in a sporting event. Or it could even help with a debate or verbal event due to that same energy and aggression boost.


Oct 7, 2020
In the US and probably most places now, there are numerous environmental toxins, pharma drugs and medicines, supplements, poor food quality, PUFA, xrays, fluoridated water, vaccines etc. Any issues people are having with ejaculation or erections or similar are being caused due to one or more of those toxic environmental or medical or dietary factors. Any one of those factors IMO will play a much larger role than PMO or ejaculation. Before Peat I too sometimes had symptoms of POIS and would blame any negative occurence on ejaculating. However now I am fairly convinced that all else equal if you had someone ejaculating daily but not drinking tap water, vs someone drinking tap water daily and not ejaculating daily, the daily ejaculator will be healthier. You could interchange that with vaccines or xrays or PUFA or toxic food ingredients or other factors and it would be the same. On the nofap and semen retention forums they blame a variety of different things on PMO and ejaculation but they seem to completely ignore the other much more significant factors in why they are having health issues or psychological issues. There doesnt seem to be any focus or commentary on a proper dietary or environmental regimen. For example if someone there has issues with acne or fatigue or being overweight, they will just tend to blame all of those things on the fapping instead of considering the numerous other, likely much more serious factors which many people likely grew up with.

Retaining does improve energy levels to some extent and it also seems to increase aggression levels. So some fighters and other athletes, and supposedly ancient greek athletes, retained. But if you have a low metabolism it doesnt seem to work the same. For instance if you have a regular metabolism and you retain for three weeks or 6 weeks you will notice a burst of energy maybe more aggression. And the fighters they often do several weeks some of them 6 weeks before a competition. But if you have a low metabolism and you retain for 3 weeks, even 6 weeks, basically nothing happens besides you may become more sociable. I dont think retaining boosts metabolism much in either case, but it provides a minor physical energy boost and aggression boost which can definitely help in a sporting event. Or it could even help with a debate or verbal event due to that same energy and aggression boost.

You worded it perfectly just how I think of it

Semen retention/nofap has this Peat-framework lacking type of view where if one gets any issue by ejaculation they only see the issue as in at the very core a result of ejaculation IN ITSELF, not considering it an expression of the general hormonal-environment imbalances that they may have which just get triggerred by the neurochemical/hormonal cascades that sexual activities induce e.g. prolactin/histamine/glutamate/prostaglandin rise (if one has those generally high by default then the rise in those stress substances by ejaculation will push them over the bucket top causing noticeable symptoms, it's also the reason many of those SRer-nofappers who have those "benefits" of abstinence (aka POIS symptoms going away in majority of cases) in general even when abstinent still experience some form of symptoms and not feeling 100% as the root imbalance is still there it's just not over-activated by the triggers that worsen it, also those who benefit the most by SR-nofap often get similar issues/symptoms by some foods or other activities

The main reason this idea of semen retention and semen/sexual energy being this magical force and one feeling bad by ejaculating being solely due to a loss of it, is simply because if one has not had an in-depth understanding of the hormonal metabolic environmental processes like Peat's framework gives, then if one ejaculates, the first connection they make is = semen went out of body > feeling bad> semen must have something in that makes you feel good and vice-versa = semen got retained > feeling better > not expeling semen preserves something

But it's only a small part of the picture, it's only the visible part of it, it's fully possible for one to get post-ejaculation symptoms without there being even the slightest relation of them to the loss of semen/sexual energy/the supposed nutrients in it, all you need is to induce a higher level of histamine/prolactin/inflammation or some other sub-optimal hormonal-metabolic state and even if you had your body full of the noootrients and the so called sexual energy, the change in hormonal signaling itself after ejaculation could induce those symptoms completely unrelated to sexual energy or semen per se

So many SRers-nofappers who often are just unaware POISers fall into this over-simplified explanation simply because they haven't had access to more nuanced explanations like the POIS forums or Peat's framework

I understand them though - if you have had symptoms since puberty/starting semen production a.k.a. POIS and you always felt worse by ejaculating and better by abstaining you'd likely conclude, if x makes me feel bad then x in itself is bad and stopping x makes me feel better so x should be avoided but as I said it's only a small part of the whole puzzle - in same way as someone getting allergy by some food doesn't necessarily mean food itself is bad because there are many other people who are consuming the same food and getting the opposite - increased wellbeing and vitality, it's just that in some cases due to an underlying malconfiguration one gets an abnormal response to something that isn't meant to innately be negative in any way

^ same applies for sexuality/ejaculation - just because there are some who feel worse by it is in no way a sign of it being universally bad, it simply means they may have some root cause that isn't discovered yet that they have had for a long time which then activates an imbalance leading to the bad reaction toward a specific occurence/activitiy in this case ejaculation


Jul 4, 2023
In the US and probably most places now, there are numerous environmental toxins, pharma drugs and medicines, supplements, poor food quality, PUFA, xrays, fluoridated water, vaccines etc. Any issues people are having with ejaculation or erections or similar are being caused due to one or more of those toxic environmental or medical or dietary factors. Any one of those factors IMO will play a much larger role than PMO or ejaculation. Before Peat I too sometimes had symptoms of POIS and would blame any negative occurence on ejaculating. However now I am fairly convinced that all else equal if you had someone ejaculating daily but not drinking tap water, vs someone drinking tap water daily and not ejaculating daily, the daily ejaculator will be healthier. You could interchange that with vaccines or xrays or PUFA or toxic food ingredients or other factors and it would be the same. On the nofap and semen retention forums they blame a variety of different things on PMO and ejaculation but they seem to completely ignore the other much more significant factors in why they are having health issues or psychological issues. There doesnt seem to be any focus or commentary on a proper dietary or environmental regimen. For example if someone there has issues with acne or fatigue or being overweight, they will just tend to blame all of those things on the fapping instead of considering the numerous other, likely much more serious factors which many people likely grew up with.

Retaining does improve energy levels to some extent and it also seems to increase aggression levels. So some fighters and other athletes, and supposedly ancient greek athletes, retained. But if you have a low metabolism it doesnt seem to work the same. For instance if you have a regular metabolism and you retain for three weeks or 6 weeks you will notice a burst of energy maybe more aggression. And the fighters they often do several weeks some of them 6 weeks before a competition. But if you have a low metabolism and you retain for 3 weeks, even 6 weeks, basically nothing happens besides you may become more sociable. I dont think retaining boosts metabolism much in either case, but it provides a minor physical energy boost and aggression boost which can definitely help in a sporting event. Or it could even help with a debate or verbal event due to that same energy and aggression boost.
Yes people on the nofap forum are concerned with the effects of PMO on their health but I suppose when they become more cognisant of the myriad problems concerning diet, they end up on the Ray Peat forum where we discuss every aspect of health. We might take what we know here for granted, but the average person doesn't believe tap water is bad or vaccines are harmful. Some people wouldn't want to believe it even if compelling evidence was provided to them. It's a horrifying thought to believe that a jab you recieved a few months ago is the cause of all your newly found problems. I've told a many number of my friends of the problems with PUFA and why they can't lose weight and keep it off, yet they still eat it multiple times a day in large amounts. Thinking "calories in, calories out" is their salvation. People don't have the knowledge and understanding let alone the discipline to make the changes. "Fast food is cheap and convenient. I'll start my diet tomorrow". Being stuck in this perpetual cycle means they never really learn anything about their body. I used to hang my hopes on one thing but eventually realised the system is set up to make us fail. The variables are too numerous to account for and the best someone can do is relocate to a high-altitude village and drink yak milk or whatever.
But if you have a low metabolism it doesnt seem to work the same.
True. Hardly anything works well for a low metabolism person. The period of time they would have to do retention is waaaaay longer, but is further confirmation of their compromised state. It doesn't mean they shouldn't do it. It means that they absolutely must. They need to be much more judicial about wastage. They cannot afford it. It's not fair for sure. It's just another example of the universe trying to collapse onto a low energy person. The only solution is to improve energy levels so that their magnetic field can buffer against the entropy of the environment.
It does improve metabolism. I'm experiencing the changes as we speak. I first noticed extra strength in my legs about 2-3 weeks in, followed by much better sleep, better skin, bags under my eyes have faded somewhat, my memory is firing on all cylinders, dormant memories are coming back, sense of smell is improving, food tastes better, I'm enjoying entertainment more, emotions are coming back online, digestion is more resilient etc. Also just yesterday I noticed something peculiar. This coincided with memory improvement but I noticed a sense of romantacism that had been abscent from my life for years. I have recently been watching romantic movies and enjoying them. I used to roll my eyes at public displays of affection and saw it as cheesy and for some reason I'm spontaneously interested in pursuing a relationship.... with a girl...
What do you make of these rather profound improvements to my well-being? they seem to share a rather similar relationship to good metabolic health. I should add that while the Ray Peat stuff has been helpful to me, there never seems to be any lasting changes. Very transient and then back to baseline. This hits different. It's almost like a core problem is being addressed and increasing my vitality and vibrancy.


May 7, 2017
r/gettingbigger is leading the charge these days. PEGym, Thunders, etc are archaic.

People of note: <-admin <-mod and business partner. Also an actual MD.

PervMcSwerve <- makes the best extender and notable community member. Googling his name will show his reddit handle and pornhub account where he walks you through modern methods.

A basic air pump and quality extender will get you where you want. There's no reason to have a small penis if you don't want one. However, like bodybuilding, programming matters and results aren't fast.

Good luck.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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