Eating beans, seeds, and rock powders for better bowel movements (and overall health)

Apr 22, 2019
On account of having an immensely positive experience with the forbidden fruits of the title, I'm excited to share all that comes to mind on the subject. This will be a stream-of-consciousness monologue. Insofar that the format is lazy, I apologize.

Nuts, seeds, and beans have their share of bad news from all of the dietary groups besides vegans and vegetarians.

They're supposed to be inadequate for nutrition and hard to digest, causing bloating and flatulence and general digestive distress. They're only said to provide a fraction of the same nutrition which is found more readily available in animal foods. They contain phytic acid which prevents mineral absorption. They contain lectins which contribute to brain disease in the presence of leaky gut. They contain omega 6s which are supposed to oxidize into plastic. They contain omega 3s which are supposed to put a stop on the thyroid and immune system.

Besides processed foods, wheat, and dairy, they're usually the 3rd most important category of food to stop eating when trying an elimination diet.

All over the sick-and-seeking internet it's bad news bears regarding beans, nuts, and seeds.

In an attempt to be transparent, I say affirmatively that I did not have a good time with beans, nuts, seeds, nor even taking green clay internally until the last couple of months when my digestive integrity has come back to the point that I'm able to eat any traditional food without much consequence.

There was a time - for a few years - where I surmise that the mucus lining of my intestinal wall was thoroughly run down, deficient, and prone to triggering food allergies galore. This was especially exacerbated by a candida overgrowth that wasn't purged until milk fasting a couple years ago.

I've continued to see great health improvement by stuffing myself full of raw cheese, raw milk, and raw honey among raw eggs, occasional cooked meat and cooked vegetable dishes, but comparing my physical recovery between workouts and ability to cultivate mass to others around my age group tells me that I'm still missing dietary component(s).

Firstly, Atom Bergstrom is a proponent of tree nuts and fruits for breakfast and isn't opposed to a variety of seeds in the afternoon. He claims to have at least 3 bowel movements a day and considering the relationship of the colon to brain health, I am inclined to correlate his clarity of speech with his brain state. I'm led to optimistic assumptions about his dietary practices based those two points alone.

Secondly, Aajonus Vonderplanitz suggests a nut formula to those who are having cravings for cooked starch. He also advocates for the use of terramin (a type of green) clay in raw milk as a means of replenishing gut flora.

According to Aajonus... besides satisfying a craving for cooked starch, nuts serve to arrest excess hormones. Based on a personal anecdote, it would seem that nuts serve to sequester estrogen, adrenaline, and also bring a healthful balance to testosterone levels.

While feeling an immediate & obvious benefit from adding in pumpkin and sunflower seeds to my midday snacks, I came across a peculiar book about rock powders by Harvey Lisle.

There is a small section mentioning oral supplementation of azomite, so I gave it a go. The primary hypothesis of the rock powders is that they supply minerals for the function of enzymes. As is commonly mentioned elsewhere, rock powders also attract positively charged ions with an adsorbing effect, which can be helpful for removing heavy metals, among other poisonous material.

I've taken up to 3 tablespoons of combinations of azomite, illite, zeolite, and basalt powders for only beneficial effect. I now only take around 2 teaspoons of a combination each night to maintain an appetite. Taking large amounts of rock powder makes it harder to eat large amounts of calories, as the reader can imagine. I've found best effect if it's taken 10-15 minutes before a meal to catch poisons which come with digestive secretions or 45-60 minutes after a meal to provide mineral supplementation.

The combined benefits of adding seeds and rock powders has been:

-steady reversal of dermatitis redness
-eating less food while maintaining the same weight
-no tiredness after eating meals
-workout energy is always at least 7/10 even on an empty stomach
-dense bowel movements with some temporary inconsistencies (seemingly) reflexive of bowel cleansing
-skin complexion and tightness improvement
-reduction in body odor
-urinating less overall with occasional heaviness and cloudiness, also (seemingly) reflexive of kidney or urinary detoxification
-caffeine tolerance is at an all-time best
-a more patient and grounded personality

After only using the seeds and rock powders for a couple of weeks, I got back results from a recent hair mineral analysis test, which showed a very high zinc:copper ratio and potential protein malabsorption because of that indicated by a low calcium:phosphorus ratio.

It was noted on the test results that sometimes a high zinc:copper ratio indicates hidden copper toxicity. Based on the symptoms of copper toxicity, I figured I would try to eat as if to reverse it and see what happens.

The primary nutrient for reversing copper toxicity is said to be molybdenum with honorable mentions of selenium, zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B6.

Molybdenum is found in the highest amounts in black-eyed peas, Lima beans, and lentils... so then I fearlessly added a nightly bean soup of these foods and all of the above benefits have been amplified further. The volume of bowel movements was also effectively doubled with the addition of beans to the daily regimen. My guess is that there's a balancing of copper, a balancing of potassium and phosphorus, and a detoxification of estrogen that's taking place.

I would further guess that all of the beans, seeds, and rock powders each play a crucial role for both adrenal and liver health and the improvement of both of these organs seems to coincide with larger and more regular bowel movements.

The caveat here is that the beans, seeds, and rock powders only continue to be beneficial based on a regular/daily servings of raw eggs, raw milk, raw cheese, raw cream, raw honey, which all serve the purpose of providing/replacing the integrity of the mucous lining in the intestines. Using these things as a complete replacement for protein makes for digestive distress/irritation and actually seems to cause a reversal of all of the positive gains mentioned above.

To hypothesize once more, I believe that the rough nature/fiber content of beans, seeds, and rock powders serves to wax or clean the mucous lining which is holding all manner of fat-soluble problems.

Also: the seeds and rock powders must be completely raw, uncooked, and unprocessed to give beneficial effect whereas the beans must oppositely be eaten immediately after being cooked, when they're in a state of resistant starch #2. Eating them after they've cooled to a resistant starch #3 is not advised.

To say again, as long as mucous-providing foods are kept in the diet, none of these practices have caused me flatulence, bloating, or any form of discomfort beyond a mild feeling of having eaten too much. Sometimes bad breath occurs until bowel movements take place, but this is easily corrected and promptly disappears after rehydration.

Thank you for reading.

P.S. Some recent comparison photos to show that I almost look like a contributing member of society again:



Feb 3, 2020
Karen Hurd with her „Bean Protocol“ has helped thousands of people recover from very severe ailments.


Apr 21, 2021
“almost look like a contributing member of society again” haha - love it.

Thanks for this interesting, detailed account. Along the lines of some things I’m exploring so it’s helpful to me. (Not the rocks, but the beans - though I have done a rock powder before)


Aug 17, 2018
I started eating sprouted lentils/beans as well because of their high molybdenum content which I dont have enough.


Feb 3, 2020
I started eating sprouted lentils/beans as well because of their high molybdenum content which I dont have enough.
Indeed. Beans are also very rich in folate, which many people don’t get enough of.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Jul 10, 2016

Eat only sweet potatoes and coconut-feed pork and ocasional algae like the Okinawans for a month, check your regularity.

The colon needs excersize for sure but legumes take it too far - in too many ways.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@Twohandsondeck, you definitely look much less inflamed. Congratulations! I’m thrilled you found something to help.
Apr 22, 2019
Honestly, I think you look pretty good in the middle picture 2018-19. Brighter countenance
I was sunburned and firmly entrenched in fruit fasting at that point, for whatever it's worth.

My weight was very low, about 130 pounds @ 5'7, so it gave my face a sharper look. I was often in an adrenaline state and couldn't do any heavy lifting without needing a week to recover. Because I couldn't lift heavy, I'd often jog for 2-3 miles which worsened all of my existing problems but gave me a momentary sense of life or progression because of my adrenals redlining for a little while. Same went for drinking coffee. Wasn't a good time, spent lots of time sleeping.


Dec 15, 2022
I was sunburned and firmly entrenched in fruit fasting at that point, for whatever it's worth.

My weight was very low, about 130 pounds @ 5'7, so it gave my face a sharper look. I was often in an adrenaline state and couldn't do any heavy lifting without needing a week to recover. Because I couldn't lift heavy, I'd often jog for 2-3 miles which worsened all of my existing problems but gave me a momentary sense of life or progression because of my adrenals redlining for a little while. Same went for drinking coffee. Wasn't a good time, spent lots of time sleeping.
So eating food. Eating calories made you well. Not said beans and nuts because they are superior.


Mar 9, 2023
United States
I was sunburned and firmly entrenched in fruit fasting at that point, for whatever it's worth.

My weight was very low, about 130 pounds @ 5'7, so it gave my face a sharper look. I was often in an adrenaline state and couldn't do any heavy lifting without needing a week to recover. Because I couldn't lift heavy, I'd often jog for 2-3 miles which worsened all of my existing problems but gave me a momentary sense of life or progression because of my adrenals redlining for a little while. Same went for drinking coffee. Wasn't a good time, spent lots of time sleeping.
So you were a liquid fruitarian which is well observed to destroy people's health (and skin) while eating like 400 calories a day and chronically overtraining on top of that due to some neurotic desire to kill yourself with exercise. Then you stopped doing that stupid ***t and followed an LA actor's diet (Vonderplanitz was a LA soap opera actor with zero education) which added back in animal products which obviously fixed all your hormones and protein deficiencies. Then you proceed to say it all the solar timing mysticism, beans and eating literal rocks that fixed you and not that other stuff. Bro. I thought this was just going to be about beans which are fine if you soak them and cook them thoroughly while discarding the water. This is too much.

Other Vonderplanitz claims include parasitic worms being good for all organisms, which is just a flat lie, and that water dehydrates you. Ex-vegans just cannot eat a normal diet; they always have to do this whacko crap. Go eat some tapeworms and report back to us about how great you feel.


Feb 3, 2020

I also find that beans help me with stabilizing the blood sugar level throughout the day. Have you had a similar experience?


Mar 20, 2021
@Twohandsondeck I really enjoyed your post and I found it to be useful and relatable. There have been times in my past where I literally craved refried beans or black beans and I would eat an entire can on the spot in a bizarre ravenous manner....😏

So I am a person that has never been able to eat dairy products without getting sinus infections, ever since I was a young child. I could go on and on about that and critique your high dairy consumption- but I won't 😀, because one major thing I've learned on this forum is that different bodies require different diets and different foods affect different bodies differently! It's wonderful to hear other people's experiences with foods and also very interesting to notice how our bodies react to the same foods over the course of a year or two depending on what else we are doing or not doing in our life...

Thanks again for your unique perspective and I will continue to observe this thread 🌺


Nov 10, 2018
Ray is very pro fiber, as it clears out estrogens and endotoxins from the gut/liver. It’s why he recommends carrots, bamboo shoots, bran. The reason he doesn’t recommend nuts, seeds, beans etc is it has a lot of other toxins that can cause issues.
If they work for you, that’s great. It’s about finding the right type of fiber you can tolerate


Jun 24, 2022
United States
What herbs are you currently using?
What is a typical feeding routine like, solar timing?
Always enjoyed Atom Bergstrom, I listen to pretty much every interview.
I react poorly to almost all Peat style food, tried many approaches. In my mind, I think I'm more toxic than undernourished. I am glad it works well for some and I do think Peat diet is superior for someone in a certain state. I feed my kids basically a Peat style diet and they absolutely thrive. But I do not.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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