Low Toxin Videos Dr. David Stephens presentation



Jun 6, 2016
Well if I was to have a can of coke or ice cream they wouldn't give me pancreas pain afterwards so I guess it might be to do something with the dextrose going straight to my brain which then causes my pancreas to play up I'm not sure.

Taking it every hour could have worked. I think the issue is lack of glucose, not glucose. Every hour means stability for the brain.

When the brain wakes up, it's glucose requirement increases compared to before.


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Sep 20, 2023
Was curious his thoughts on this, seems silly his take that glucose slows down detox when every cell in the body needs glucose for energy to function including the major detox organ the liver....I'd like to think hes just super cautious after falling for many fads over the years(like us all), if anything dextrose should supercharge detox if the diet has enough soluble fiber.

Time will tell I guess.
@purple pill
Why do you feel that dextrose should supercharge detox if the diet has enough soluble fiber?
Why is soluble fiber important for dextrose?


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Feb 11, 2024
Well autistic kids have major issues with pathogens so likely the dextrose is feeding something, I would be careful
I truly don’t believe that. I don’t believe in pathogens or feeding them. Germ theory is a lie. Glucose is the most vital nutrient to the body. But I’m always cautious whenever I introduce something new.


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Feb 11, 2024
@purple pill
Why do you feel that dextrose should supercharge detox if the diet has enough soluble fiber?
Why is soluble fiber important for dextrose?
Maybe purple pills thoughts are different, but if you are dumping more bile you need more soluble fiber to bind it to so it can be eliminated effectively.


Jun 6, 2016
Can you link to this?

One quote:

UPDATE: Amanda has spoken to 2 more people that went through Dr. Stephen’s program. The first lady is a runner who took it through 2020 when her anxiety was at an all time high. She had a history of trauma (car accident and other). Her dose was extremely high (100grams- she worked up to it). She does not currently take any maintenance dose. She had to work hard to not gain weight on the program, but says Dr. Stephen’s protocol was very beneficial. The second lady had a traumatic brain injury. She also says the protocol helped her tremendously. She stated that her vision improved, sleep, and improved brain function. She adopted the keto diet because she did gain weight (she was up to 12 tablespoons 3x day). She recently had a new concussion and got back on the program (in January). She is currently up to 10 tablespoons 3x day. She started her two children on the protocol as well after she was a few months in and started to notice some big changes. I asked Amanda to clarify what symptoms in particular were helped for this lady- I will update when I have that information. Both of these sources have only great things to say about Dr. Stephens.

purple pill

Nov 19, 2022
United Kingdom
@purple pill
Why do you feel that dextrose should supercharge detox if the diet has enough soluble fiber?
Why is soluble fiber important for dextrose?
I wasnt really thinking about bile or soluble fiber with that comment more about the enzymatic processes involved in detoxification by the liver and how they would be sped up with a properly fueled brain and liver.


Jan 10, 2023
I truly don’t believe that. I don’t believe in pathogens or feeding them. Germ theory is a lie. Glucose is the most vital nutrient to the body. But I’m always cautious whenever I introduce something new.
Well if you do a gut microbiome test for an autistic kid vs a non autistic kid you will see the results are massively different.

Autism is a toxicity issue : Pathogens, heavy metals, Chemicals/pesticides

I had bad aspergers myself for most my life and I don't have it anymore, I used to have very limited speech unable to make eye contact, social issues, difficulty expressing myself etc.

I did things like Dr Amy Yaskos protocol which focuses on gaba glutamate imbalance (key feature of autism), the gut microbiome, restoring minerals and detoxing heavy metals, and methylation. Then after I focused on detox procedures like coffee enemas etc which wasn't part of her protocol.

And this is not something I tried but Kerri Rivera had major success fixing kids autism with her MMS (chlorine dioxide) protocol, see her book "Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism". And the reason why this protocol had so much success if because chlorine dioxide is great a killing stuff. But she has been heavily attacked by the mainstream media because they don't understand MMS.



Dec 6, 2016

One quote:

Is this the Amanda that Thor interviewed? I thought she was really down-to-earth and well balanced on this stuff. Anyone know a good way to follow her? Thanks.

ETA: (Outside of ND, that is).
Last edited:


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Feb 11, 2024
Well if you do a gut microbiome test for an autistic kid vs a non autistic kid you will see the results are massively different.

Autism is a toxicity issue : Pathogens, heavy metals, Chemicals/pesticides

I had bad aspergers myself for most my life and I don't have it anymore, I used to have very limited speech unable to make eye contact, social issues, difficulty expressing myself etc.

I did things like Dr Amy Yaskos protocol which focuses on gaba glutamate imbalance (key feature of autism), the gut microbiome, restoring minerals and detoxing heavy metals, and methylation. Then after I focused on detox procedures like coffee enemas etc which wasn't part of her protocol.

And this is not something I tried but Kerri Rivera had major success fixing kids autism with her MMS (chlorine dioxide) protocol, see her book "Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism". And the reason why this protocol had so much success if because chlorine dioxide is great a killing stuff. But she has been heavily attacked by the mainstream media because they don't understand MMS.

I definitely agree that many autistic individuals suffer from gut dysbiosis, but I don’t believe gut dysbiosis is caused by pathogens. Bacteria is there to help us, not harm us, but other things can cause our microbiome to get out of whack. I also don’t believe that the true cause of autism is heavy metals/chemicals, though I do believe that those with autism tend to have poorly functioning detox pathways and these things can exacerbate symptoms.

My theory is that autism has something to do with stress and poor glucose uptake. But I truly believe that stress is the biggest factor. Autism is simply a severe dysregulation of the nervous system. I’ve never been diagnosed, but I’ve had many of the same symptoms as my son my entire life. I suffered a lot of childhood trauma and I’ve always had extremely strong reactions to stress to the point I even developed a condition, when I was around 5, where I used to pass out whenever I was under stress. Eventually I grew out of it, but emotional stress still takes a giant toll on my body. As you know, there is even a condition known as autistic burnout that comes from stress.

I have 4 children and only one with autism. While pregnant with him I was under a huge amount of stress from my father dying and then going into Covid lockdowns and the whole world seemingly changing overnight and being isolated from and even disowned by friends and family that I loved. I was also restricting sugar and carbs during that time. I had an all natural pregnancy with my son. No testing, no ultrasounds, no meds. I had a successful homebirth with no interventions. He was exclusively breastfed, wasn’t bathed for months, and when I did I filtered all the water and only used natural toxin free soap. He was cloth diapered and only wore organic cotton clothes. He’s had no meds or vaccines ever. We are very minimalistic with what we use in our house so everything is as toxin free as you can get. He is still nonverbal autistic. I’ve noticed he was different since he was a baby, but I became sure of it around 10 months old. Besides that he seems extremely healthy in every other way.

My older two were conceive on SAD diet, I had the typical pregnancy experience with modern OBs, and they were birthed in the hospital with epidurals. My oldest even had several vaccines. They are not autistic. My youngest was conceived when my autistic son was just 10 months old. The biggest thing I did differently with her was I consumed a lot of sugar and carbs during my pregnancy and was under significantly less stress. She was born through an unassisted homebirth and she’s been the most advanced of all my kids. She’s 15 months and well above where she should be cognitively, already talking a lot, and extremely social. No signs of autism. If autism was all about toxicity shouldn’t she be affected worse than my son? I believe there is more to the story than just toxins.

Elain Gottschall was able to heal many cases of autism using simple sugars to feed the brain. There are many different methods that have been used to heal autism. I’m personally not comfortable using MMS. I don’t want to put something in my son’s body that’s “really good at killing things.” The MSM was also heavily attacking ivermectin use and we all (hopefully) know how much of a psyop that was as ivermectin is straight up poison.

Either way, I don’t claim to have all the answers and I’m willing to be wrong, but my experience has changed the way I view certain things. Before I had my son I was also of the mindset that autism was simply caused by heavy metals and toxins. I don’t believe that anymore.


Sep 12, 2015
It's amazing to me that Dr. Stephens can report success curing more than a thousand patients of a variety of ailments, none of which are being cured by anything else, using what seems to be a harmless substance that he doesn't sell, and to some people that's altogether meaningless when challenged by the scientific-like ruminations of a single authority-figure.


Dec 6, 2016
It's amazing to me that Dr. Stephens can report success curing more than a thousand patients of a variety of ailments, none of which are being cured by anything else, using what seems to be a harmless substance that he doesn't sell, and to some people that's altogether meaningless when challenged by the scientific-like ruminations of a single authority-figure.

My thoughts as well.. I’m not the greatest judge of character, but I haven’t noticed anything deceptive from what I’ve seen from Dr Stephens.


Jan 10, 2023
I definitely agree that many autistic individuals suffer from gut dysbiosis, but I don’t believe gut dysbiosis is caused by pathogens. Bacteria is there to help us, not harm us, but other things can cause our microbiome to get out of whack. I also don’t believe that the true cause of autism is heavy metals/chemicals, though I do believe that those with autism tend to have poorly functioning detox pathways and these things can exacerbate symptoms.

My theory is that autism has something to do with stress and poor glucose uptake. But I truly believe that stress is the biggest factor. Autism is simply a severe dysregulation of the nervous system. I’ve never been diagnosed, but I’ve had many of the same symptoms as my son my entire life. I suffered a lot of childhood trauma and I’ve always had extremely strong reactions to stress to the point I even developed a condition, when I was around 5, where I used to pass out whenever I was under stress. Eventually I grew out of it, but emotional stress still takes a giant toll on my body. As you know, there is even a condition known as autistic burnout that comes from stress.

I have 4 children and only one with autism. While pregnant with him I was under a huge amount of stress from my father dying and then going into Covid lockdowns and the whole world seemingly changing overnight and being isolated from and even disowned by friends and family that I loved. I was also restricting sugar and carbs during that time. I had an all natural pregnancy with my son. No testing, no ultrasounds, no meds. I had a successful homebirth with no interventions. He was exclusively breastfed, wasn’t bathed for months, and when I did I filtered all the water and only used natural toxin free soap. He was cloth diapered and only wore organic cotton clothes. He’s had no meds or vaccines ever. We are very minimalistic with what we use in our house so everything is as toxin free as you can get. He is still nonverbal autistic. I’ve noticed he was different since he was a baby, but I became sure of it around 10 months old. Besides that he seems extremely healthy in every other way.

My older two were conceive on SAD diet, I had the typical pregnancy experience with modern OBs, and they were birthed in the hospital with epidurals. My oldest even had several vaccines. They are not autistic. My youngest was conceived when my autistic son was just 10 months old. The biggest thing I did differently with her was I consumed a lot of sugar and carbs during my pregnancy and was under significantly less stress. She was born through an unassisted homebirth and she’s been the most advanced of all my kids. She’s 15 months and well above where she should be cognitively, already talking a lot, and extremely social. No signs of autism. If autism was all about toxicity shouldn’t she be affected worse than my son? I believe there is more to the story than just toxins.

Elain Gottschall was able to heal many cases of autism using simple sugars to feed the brain. There are many different methods that have been used to heal autism. I’m personally not comfortable using MMS. I don’t want to put something in my son’s body that’s “really good at killing things.” The MSM was also heavily attacking ivermectin use and we all (hopefully) know how much of a psyop that was as ivermectin is straight up poison.

Either way, I don’t claim to have all the answers and I’m willing to be wrong, but my experience has changed the way I view certain things. Before I had my son I was also of the mindset that autism was simply caused by heavy metals and toxins. I don’t believe that anymore.
Well I don't think bacteria like c-diff, salmonella, Staphylococcus, mold like (aspergillus) are here to help us they can all cause major issues, lets say you have one of these infections from birth then your microbiome doesn't develop properly and you get autism.

Amy Yasko has been doing her protocol for 20 years with 1000s of autistic children, and she has seen on testing that when the pathogens are addressed the child then starts to excrete a lot of metals so she concluded that the pathogens are actually holding the heavy metals in place. And it's not just her who has said this I've seen other people who also have this same theory.

She has also seen that as the autistic children start to excrete metals on testing their autism symptoms improve.

Yes I agree I don't think MMS is that safe, but I was just acknowledging that it has helped fix autism for some kids .

If you believe autistic kids have poor detox pathways then what do you think is causing this. It's kind of obvious that a toxin of some sort would stop detox pathways from working. If it was just stress was the cause then everyone would be getting autism.

Maybe in your case the stress you were going through did contribute to your sons autism I believe that, I think there is also some studies that say a stressful birth increaes the chance of autism. For my own birth my mum was struggling to get me out so they had to use the vaccum thing maybe that contributed to me getting autism I dunno.

Btw are you inchristalone on here too, or is that someone else.


Forum Supporter
Apr 5, 2024
It's amazing to me that Dr. Stephens can report success curing more than a thousand patients of a variety of ailments, none of which are being cured by anything else, using what seems to be a harmless substance that he doesn't sell, and to some people that's altogether meaningless when challenged by the scientific-like ruminations of a single authority-figure.
Mind blowing, really. And while I don't personally know him or have any skin in the game, it bothers me to see people flippantly questioning his character and honesty as well. I understand there are charlatans out there and people are cautious and that's good. But as you pointed out, he doesn't have any substances or programs to sell. He sees consults as a ministry, and believes the inspiration for his idea came from God and does not take credit. What possible reason could he have to lie? It's highly unlikely to be the case. And yes full trust must be earned, but I've never seen someone thrown under the bus so quickly after being praised so highly just a few days ago.


Sep 12, 2015
I'm not a member, so I can't view that, but thanks anyway.


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Aug 4, 2017
It's amazing to me that Dr. Stephens can report success curing more than a thousand patients of a variety of ailments, none of which are being cured by anything else, using what seems to be a harmless substance that he doesn't sell, and to some people that's altogether meaningless when challenged by the scientific-like ruminations of a single authority-figure.
Mind blowing, really. And while I don't personally know him or have any skin in the game, it bothers me to see people flippantly questioning his character and honesty as well. I understand there are charlatans out there and people are cautious and that's good. But as you pointed out, he doesn't have any substances or programs to sell. He sees consults as a ministry, and believes the inspiration for his idea came from God and does not take credit. What possible reason could he have to lie? It's highly unlikely to be the case. And yes full trust must be earned, but I've never seen someone thrown under the bus so quickly after being praised so highly just a few days ago.
His book also explains his desire to help people and how the idea to use glucose came in the middle of the night. He works with prisoners and I think it takes a special person willing to do that. I agree that it is crazy people want to find fault with him.

It isn’t a difficult experiment to try. The first 2 T dose on first day did cause some “fullness” in my head but it went away and I haven’t felt it since then and now I am up to ~4 T 3 times per day. I am almost 70 and things are only getting better for me.


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Feb 11, 2024
Well I don't think bacteria like c-diff, salmonella, Staphylococcus, mold like (aspergillus) are here to help us they can all cause major issues, lets say you have one of these infections from birth then your microbiome doesn't develop properly and you get autism.

Amy Yasko has been doing her protocol for 20 years with 1000s of autistic children, and she has seen on testing that when the pathogens are addressed the child then starts to excrete a lot of metals so she concluded that the pathogens are actually holding the heavy metals in place. And it's not just her who has said this I've seen other people who also have this same theory.

She has also seen that as the autistic children start to excrete metals on testing their autism symptoms improve.

Yes I agree I don't think MMS is that safe, but I was just acknowledging that it has helped fix autism for some kids .

If you believe autistic kids have poor detox pathways then what do you think is causing this. It's kind of obvious that a toxin of some sort would stop detox pathways from working. If it was just stress was the cause then everyone would be getting autism.

Maybe in your case the stress you were going through did contribute to your sons autism I believe that, I think there is also some studies that say a stressful birth increaes the chance of autism. For my own birth my mum was struggling to get me out so they had to use the vaccum thing maybe that contributed to me getting autism I dunno.

Btw are you inchristalone on here too, or is that someone else.
I actually believe that all of those bacteria are here to help us. (Also look into pleomorphism) I believe that modern medicine simply misunderstands them. They need something to blame so they can prescribe copious amount of antibiotics and other drugs. Bacteria are often blamed for disease simply for being caught at the scene of the crime. Antibiotics kill the bacteria and then the symptoms stop, because the bacteria is no longer able to do it's job. I was on a raw meat diet for over a year consuming lots of different raw animal foods including raw chicken and never once did I get sick from it, neither did anyone else I knew who did the diet. I even ate meat I fermented in jars for months. Never got sick, neither did anyone else consuming *high meat*. Yet I'm suppose to believe that salmonella makes people deathly ill all the time from chicken being slightly undercooked? I don't believe it at all. Modern medicine just doesn't understand how the body works and unfortunately those principle leak into the natural health sphere. If theres one thing I'm 1000% confident on its that germ theory is a lie.

I believe if the brain isn't able to function properly to communicate with the rest of the body, then that could surely weaken detox pathways through several different mechanisms. The liver also needs plenty of glucose in order to function properly. Many autism protocols focus on the gut, but healing the liver is the key to healing the gut.

I definitely believe that stressful births and babies being separated from their mothers can contribute to autism as well. I've even read studies on it. But my son was born peacefully at home and there was no trouble with his birth so I'm not sure if that contributed for him. It is frustrating though, because we just don't know for sure.

And no I've seen her posts here, but she is not me haha


Forum Supporter
Apr 5, 2024
His book also explains his desire to help people and how the idea to use glucose came in the middle of the night. He works with prisoners and I think it takes a special person willing to do that. I agree that it is crazy people want to find fault with him.

It isn’t a difficult experiment to try. The first 2 T dose on first day did cause some “fullness” in my head but it went away and I haven’t felt it since then and now I am up to ~4 T 3 times per day. I am almost 70 and things are only getting better for me.
That's amazing, I'm so glad it's helping you!

And yes, I agree that it seems he has a genuine desire to help people! I really appreciate his candor, too, when he doesn't know something or explains that some of his work has been based off of educated guesses (which is true of any practitioner whether they admit it or not.) He's confident but understated and while it's hard to judge character through a video or a book, to jump to the conclusion that's he's being dishonest is such a cheap shot. I honestly think it's just so people have the excuse not to have to come up with legitimate holes in his theories to explain away his success. If you can't find a way to discredit such consistent results, just question whether the results are real and you can skirt the real discussion.


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Feb 11, 2024
If there are evident anecdotes of people getting better with any protocol, then our most optimistic option is to try it for ourselves and seek to achieve similar results.

If a protocol is bogus, then the health progress will stop sooner rather than later... and for further validation, if your state of health worsens when you stop a protocol to an even lower point than it was before you started said protocol, then it's safe to assume that protocol was putting your detox on hold and potentially making you store more poison during the time your symptoms were resolving/you were feeling better.

Throwing fingers at people for defending or promoting protocols is neither here nor there. One guy says eat 10 eggs, another guy says eat 1 egg, the third guy says eat no eggs. One of those suggestions is going to have a better outcome for you - the individual experiencing the egg consumption - than the others. Stick to the one that provides the greatest improvement of overall health and take it away for days or weeks at a time and observe where you're at without it.

The drama of, 'this guy doesn't use the words I like' and 'this guy is suggesting caution' is childish and irrelevant to the health outcome of what happens to you, RPF forum member. Take a suggestion, find out for yourself, please let everyone know how it goes, and leave it at that.

Catty gossip on the other hand, is less than productive... and if it makes you feel good to throw shade at people who are running their own health practice whom you've benefitted from because of their contributions, then you should evaluate what you value in life. Spite is not cool no matter how it's sliced.

Ephesians 4:26-27 (KJV)
[26] Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:
[27] Neither give place to the devil.
I respect your opinion, but I disagree. Maybe direct this towards Garrett himself and his dextrose post which accuses Dr. Stephens of lying and corruption simply for sharing his own life's work that has helped many people, and giving all the credit to God. I think Garrett could learn something from him.


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Aug 4, 2017
That's amazing, I'm so glad it's helping you!

And yes, I agree that it seems he has a genuine desire to help people! I really appreciate his candor, too, when he doesn't know something or explains that some of his work has been based off of educated guesses (which is true of any practitioner whether they admit it or not.) He's confident but understated and while it's hard to judge character through a video or a book, to jump to the conclusion that's he's being dishonest is such a cheap shot. I honestly think it's just so people have the excuse not to have to come up with legitimate holes in his theories to explain away his success. If you can't find a way to discredit such consistent results, just question whether the results are real and you can skirt the real discussion.
Ray Peat also didn’t go out of his way to discredit people he didn’t agree with. I didn't agree with all of Peat's ideas but that didn't make me believe he was dishonest.
To me, Dr. Stephens is like Grant Genereux in that they have presented their case and you can take it or leave it. Both ideas are very simple and easy for anyone to try. There is no need to complicate it with discussions of detox, supplements, etc. But some people make a living selling supplements or advice or making podcasts.
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