Low Toxin Videos Dr. David Stephens presentation


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Feb 11, 2024
I've been on the dextrose now going on my second week. Started last week with 1tbsp 4x/day. Today I increased it to 2tbsp and after my second dose I started feeling like I have a UTI. I haven't taken anymore. not sure if this is a detox, or if it's 'feeding' the wrong bacteria. I'm not prone to UTI's, nor am I pre-diabetic. Before this, I had ben on a low carb/paleo for years until I stumbled upon this RP forum about 8 months ago. Got sick of feeling like I was starving myself, but at the same time I gain weight easily and had increased about 3-6lbs now since eating more carbs. I'm afraid to weigh myself right now because I'm drinking so much dextrose, but I also want to heal too. Right now feeling like I have a UTI doesn't feel like 'healing'. Any thoughts? (I'm on the fence about the germ theory....I haven't dived too deeply into that yet. But I have Oil of Oregano gelcaps that I just took in case this is a brewing infection).
I’m not sure how this will apply, but the only time I've had UTIs in my life was when I was on birth control. Very recently I learned that progestin only birth control (the type I was on) acts like testosterone in a woman's body and will cause low estrogen and progesterone. I looked up a symptom of too high testosterone in women and chronic UTI was one of th main side effects. I don't believe UTI comes from a bacterial infection. I think it has to do with hormonal imbalance. Antibiotics and certain natural remedies will temporarily stop symptoms, but it'll just come back until the underlying issue is solved. I would take antibiotics and then a few weeks later would just get a worse infection that would develop into a kidney or bladder infection. For me personally, after I got off birth control (7 years ago) I never got another UTI (or any other infection) so that was obviously the issue for me.

Now as for the slight UTI discomfort feeling, I've had that a couple times since starting low A, but goes away fairly quickly and never develops into the full blown awful symptoms of an actual UTI so I've just assumed it was some temporary irritation from some type of detox.


May 10, 2022
But again, that is within the paradigm that you believe in. Correlation doesn’t equal causation. Just because high levels of clostridia is common in autistic children does not mean that the clostridia is causing the symptoms of autism. Maybe that bacteria is there, because it needs to be. Children with autism are also often found to be low in Vitamin A and D, which has led to experiments where they give autistic children extremely high doses of A and D and cause even more harm.

Pure glucose is much different than sucrose and fructose and has a very different effect on the body. Our body needs glucose so much that it creates it no matter what we eat. It’s the only nutrient we would die immediately without. Why would the most important nutrient in our body feed pathogens? It makes no sense. I’m not promoting all sugars. I myself do not do well on sucrose and fructose at this point. I’m doing well on slow digesting carbs which contain plenty of glucose. The dextrose is the one simple sugar I am consuming right now.

The raw meat diet was before my son was conceived and I have definitely considered that played a role too as that diet was very high in Vitamin A. However, like I said, I conceived my youngest directly after him and was still consuming many of those things.

Another interesting anecdote is that my bestfriend was on a Ray Peat Inspired diet consuming tons of sugar, but little to no fiber except for that found in fruit. She had a stool test done and her test showed extremely low levels of bacteria in the gut. I don’t believe table sugar is good for us, but I truly don’t believe in the sugar “feeds” pathogens/cancer, etc narrative. Every one of those things has a job to do in the body and instead of trying to attack and kill those things to solve all our issues we should be trying to figure out why they are there in the first place, because it’s likely for good reason. The body is incredibly intelligent.

**Sorry, I want to add to this and clarify that I was consuming very little carbs while pregnant with my son and he was also on a low carb diet from the time he started solids. I’ve heard of things like keto and GAPS healing autism and it baffled me because my son was literally eating that way his whole life. He ate lots of meat, raw milk and fermented raw dairy (A2 organic), pastured raised eggs, bone broth, and some low toxin veggies. No grains, nuts, legumes, or seeds. Thats the reason I finally decided to add carbs back and I now believe they are necessary for proper brain development. When I added fruit to his diet it’s like he had been craving it his whole life and he’s doing really well consuming lots of soluble fiber.
thanks for sharing! similar history as yours, always learning and adapting is all we can do


Jun 6, 2016
To me, Dr. Stephens is like Grant Genereux in that they have presented their case and you can take it or leave it.

Yes, Dr. Stephens is similar to Grant Genereux in that he is a very humble man, and has discovered something groundbreaking and life-changing that is so simple, yet so difficult to grasp for our indoctrinated minds that no one figured it out before him.

Just like with Genereux, the answer of society at large to his discovery has been silence. The glucose therapy has the potential to heal the world from trauma, especially when used in the right context.

Glucose is the universal and most effective energy substrate for human cells. Many other tools people use (forcing glucose into the cells with high dose B1, increasing NAD with niacin, etc.) merely work on the periphery of glucose metabolism and require sufficient glucose in the first place.

Dr. Derrick Lonsdale (RIP) has established high-dose thiamine therapy for certain issues. But what is the primary function of B1? It simply optimizes glucose metabolism. So what happens with high-dose B1 is that you try to force the glucose into cells, including the brain. It is better to first make sure there is enough glucose to push into the cells. Then probably only small doses of B1 are required, if any. The body is not dumb. It's perfectly capable of using 1-2mg of thiamine efficiently.

Macro-nutrients are always more important than micro-nutrients, but their potential has been ignored. "Sugar", "protein", those words sound so boring and mundane. The only valid b-vitamin for higher doses I think is niacin, because it's technically an amino-acid metabolite. That is not to say taking B1 in higher doses is a bad idea, but the question is whether it does anything remarkable in the context of a glucose-repleted brain.

Pure glucose is much different than sucrose and fructose and has a very different effect on the body. Our body needs glucose so much that it creates it no matter what we eat. It’s the only nutrient we would die immediately without. Why would the most important nutrient in our body feed pathogens?

Yeah, it's probaby one of the few things that exclusively feeds us, not pathogens. It is absorbed completely and quickly without fermentation and goes directly into the cells. If something else feeds on glucose, it does not require dietary glucose to do so, since we always have glucose in the blood. Of course there are intra-cellular pathogens. But you don't kill those by restricting glucose to your own cells.
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Many other tools people use (forcing glucose into the cells with high dose B1, increasing NAD with niacin, etc.) merely work on the periphery of glucose metabolism and require sufficient glucose in the first place.
Synchronicity brother. Just yesterday I was thinking about the exact same thing. And I am in agreement, I bet small doses of B1, Niacin, etc, will move mountains when doing glucose therapy.


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Feb 11, 2024
Yes, Dr. Stephens is similar to Grant Genereux in that he is a very humble man, and has discovered something groundbreaking and life-changing that is so simple, yet so difficult to grasp for our indoctrinated minds that no one figured it out before him.

Just like with Genereux, the answer of society at large to his discovery has been silence. The glucose therapy has the potential to heal the world from trauma, especially when used in the right context.

Glucose is the universal and most effective energy substrate for human cells. Many other tools people use (forcing glucose into the cells with high dose B1, increasing NAD with niacin, etc.) merely work on the periphery of glucose metabolism and require sufficient glucose in the first place.

Dr. Derrick Lonsdale (RIP) has established high-dose thiamine therapy for certain issues. But what is the primary function of B1? It simply optimizes glucose metabolism. So what happens with high-dose B1 is that you try to force the glucose into cells, including the brain. It is better to first make sure there is enough glucose to push into the cells. Then probably only small doses of B1 are required, if any. The body is not dumb. It's perfectly capable of using 1-2mg of thiamine efficiently.

Macro-nutrients are always more important than micro-nutrients, but their potential has been ignored. "Sugar", "protein", those words sound so boring and mundane.

Yeah, it's probaby one of the few things that exclusively feeds us, not pathogens. It is absorbed completely and quickly without fermentation and goes directly into the cells. If something else feeds on glucose, it does not require dietary glucose to do so, since we always have glucose in the blood.

Yes, Dr. Stephens is similar to Grant Genereux in that he is a very humble man, and has discovered something groundbreaking and life-changing that is so simple, yet so difficult to grasp for our indoctrinated minds that no one figured it out before him.

Just like with Genereux, the answer of society at large to his discovery has been silence. The glucose therapy has the potential to heal the world from trauma, especially when used in the right context.

Glucose is the universal and most effective energy substrate for human cells. Many other tools people use (forcing glucose into the cells with high dose B1, increasing NAD with niacin, etc.) merely work on the periphery of glucose metabolism and require sufficient glucose in the first place.

Dr. Derrick Lonsdale (RIP) has established high-dose thiamine therapy for certain issues. But what is the primary function of B1? It simply optimizes glucose metabolism. So what happens with high-dose B1 is that you try to force the glucose into cells, including the brain. It is better to first make sure there is enough glucose to push into the cells. Then probably only small doses of B1 are required, if any. The body is not dumb. It's perfectly capable of using 1-2mg of thiamine efficiently.

Macro-nutrients are always more important than micro-nutrients, but their potential has been ignored. "Sugar", "protein", those words sound so boring and mundane.

Yeah, it's probaby one of the few things that exclusively feeds us, not pathogens. It is absorbed completely and quickly without fermentation and goes directly into the cells. If something else feeds on glucose, it does not require dietary glucose to do so, since we always have glucose in the blood.
Something I’ve loved about Low A is that, at its core, it’s so simple. I don’t think healing has to be so difficult. Our bodies are wonderfully made by God and very capable of healing. I truly don’t know at this point if all Dr. Garrett Smiths extra steps are helping or harming more. It seems compelling to me that someone like Karen Hurd has more consistently positive results with simply cutting all supplements and increasing soluble fiber and cutting the diet back to simple foods. She’s another one who is incredibly humble and gives God all the credit for the work she’s done.

When I was on primal diet consuming lots of raw meat and dairy I actually felt very good physically and I really liked the way I looked, as well. My skin was perfect, my body composition changed, and I looked curvy and toned without even working out. It stopped my anxiety too. However I felt emotionally dulled. I felt more aggressive and had less empathy. I also started questioning God a lot and felt like I was better than other people. I didn’t really care about other peoples suffering, and that’s not like me at all. I started noticing that people on that diet long term had major recovery in physical symptoms, but also started to develop almost psychopathic personalities. Kind of like they were becoming less human and more animal, if that makes sense.

I’ve noticed that on Low A I feel calmer, less aggressive, more empathetic, more connected to other humans, more connected to God, more emotional (in a good way). It makes me feel like a simple diet of meat and grains is what God truly intended for us.

That experience is another reason Dr. Stephen’s work really spoke to me. It’s so simple, yet so profound and I have plenty of emotional and spiritual deficits to heal.


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Dec 11, 2023
I’m not sure how this will apply, but the only time I've had UTIs in my life was when I was on birth control. Very recently I learned that progestin only birth control (the type I was on) acts like testosterone in a woman's body and will cause low estrogen and progesterone. I looked up a symptom of too high testosterone in women and chronic UTI was one of th main side effects. I don't believe UTI comes from a bacterial infection. I think it has to do with hormonal imbalance. Antibiotics and certain natural remedies will temporarily stop symptoms, but it'll just come back until the underlying issue is solved. I would take antibiotics and then a few weeks later would just get a worse infection that would develop into a kidney or bladder infection. For me personally, after I got off birth control (7 years ago) I never got another UTI (or any other infection) so that was obviously the issue for me.

Now as for the slight UTI discomfort feeling, I've had that a couple times since starting low A, but goes away fairly quickly and never develops into the full blown awful symptoms of an actual UTI so I've just assumed it was some temporary irritation from some type of detox.
Thanks for your insight. I am post-menopausal now, but I've always had low progesterone. Lately I've been taking 2 drops of topical Cortinon in the morning (natural progesterone with DHEA to prevent progesterone from turning into testosterone from what I've read), and 2 drops of Progestine at night (both from Georgi's store Idealabs.com). I've been doing this for a few months now. I only started noticing the urethra pain after increasing the dextrose to 2 tbsp 4x/day. I will keep this in mind though.


Jun 6, 2016
I’m only a few minutes into this talk, but he just touches on so many of the factors that I believe Peat always spoke about regarding authoritarian environments that the synchronicity is truly awesome.

Yes. His talk about the psychology of architecture and how it cements disease by keeping the nervous system in the state of chronic trauma is a very important topic.


Mar 5, 2017
Me and a friend are trialing this protocol for a little while now.

I mostly struggle with insomnia and a very disregulated sleep schedule. Also depression, anxiety all that classic mental stuff.

I have to say I was very skeptical to start with this protocol and today I took 3 tablespoons 3 times a day. The first times I got very sedated, especially the second time when I mixed it with coconut water (potassium ...). The third time I feel very awake and also a little anxious.

I definitely know I have some copper disregulation. Maybe its actually stirring up copper, but I am also worried about depleting b vitamins especially b1.

Also, can someone tell me how much is the 3tbsp of dextrose actually converted to carbs/calories. My brain is mush right now and I am finding conflicting information.

On another note, I experimented with pure white sugar like 7 years ago when I first found peat and got nowhere. Lots of hypoglycemia, SIBO, gut issues, white tongue, very weird after taste after ingesting the sugar. I don't have these problems so far with dextrose, at least I can't tell so far.


Sep 12, 2015
Also, can someone tell me how much is the 3tbsp of dextrose actually converted to carbs/calories.
One tablespoon of NOW dextrose comprises approximately 10 grams of powder, which is about 9 grams of carbohydrates and 36 calories.

Three tablespoons would comprise 30 grams of powder, which is 27 grams of carbohydrates and 108 calories.


Mar 5, 2017
One tablespoon of NOW dextrose comprises approximately 10 grams of powder, which is about 9 grams of carbohydrates and 36 calories.

Three tablespoons would comprise 30 grams of powder, which is 27 grams of carbohydrates and 108 calories.
Ok so the starting protocol would just be an extra 300-400 calories a day. That sounds reasonable


Dec 27, 2021
Dr. Stephens says regular food can't work. I don't know if he tested this or if it's theoretical.
Thank you Clyde. However I think it is odd that nature doesn't provide a glucose resource for brain food if it is so valuable...


Dec 6, 2016
Thank you Clyde. However I think it is odd that nature doesn't provide a glucose resource for brain food if it is so valuable...

There's the whole sympathetic nervous system activation from brain injury and modern life stressors that Dr Stephens thinks is the root of all this, and for which the fast glucose brain feeding is needed (bypasses some of the digestion steps of normal food).

Apparently glucose may also supercharge liver function and may even be a lipolysis inhibitor to some degree (think PUFA).

Regardless, all this stuff is kinda interesting IMHO.


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Aug 4, 2017
Thank you Clyde. However I think it is odd that nature doesn't provide a glucose resource for brain food if it is so valuable...
Nature does provide a glucose resource. It is just that from what Dr. Stephens has shown the brain limits the amount of glucose that can get into the brain with each successive brain injury or event. Like Peat suggested a stress free individual will function better. Dr. Stephens has found a way to recover the ability of the brain to function better by getting more glucose.


Jun 6, 2016
Dextrose is a highly processed product. Are there any natural options for this protocol?


I definitely know I have some copper disregulation. Maybe its actually stirring up copper, but I am also worried about depleting b vitamins especially b1.

Dr. Stephens does not seem to run into issues with B1. The diet should ideally contain >1mg per day to not run into issues, I think.

Thank you Clyde. However I think it is odd that nature doesn't provide a glucose resource for brain food if it is so valuable...

Nature also doesn't provide houses, electricity, clothing, tools, ...

Dextrose monohydrate is enzymatically processed from corn starch. It's natural, but refined.

Nature provides starch and humans are designed to use it appropriately if there is no chronically stressful environment like ours.
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Mar 26, 2014
One tablespoon of NOW dextrose comprises approximately 10 grams of powder, which is about 9 grams of carbohydrates and 36 calories.

Three tablespoons would comprise 30 grams of powder, which is 27 grams of carbohydrates and 108 calories.
That's useful info thank you Ras.


Dec 6, 2016
I think a couple mg B1 (maybe 5-10) should generally be added to every 100g of dextrose. Potassium also can't hurt but B1 is probably the most important nutrient, as glucose can deplete stores. On the other hand, Dr. Stephens does not seem to run into issues with B1.

All: What form of Thiamine has seemed to be the most helpful to people? Thanks.
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