Low Toxin Videos Dr. David Stephens presentation


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Aug 4, 2017
I definitely agree that many autistic individuals suffer from gut dysbiosis, but I don’t believe gut dysbiosis is caused by pathogens. Bacteria is there to help us, not harm us, but other things can cause our microbiome to get out of whack. I also don’t believe that the true cause of autism is heavy metals/chemicals, though I do believe that those with autism tend to have poorly functioning detox pathways and these things can exacerbate symptoms.

My theory is that autism has something to do with stress and poor glucose uptake. But I truly believe that stress is the biggest factor. Autism is simply a severe dysregulation of the nervous system. I’ve never been diagnosed, but I’ve had many of the same symptoms as my son my entire life. I suffered a lot of childhood trauma and I’ve always had extremely strong reactions to stress to the point I even developed a condition, when I was around 5, where I used to pass out whenever I was under stress. Eventually I grew out of it, but emotional stress still takes a giant toll on my body. As you know, there is even a condition known as autistic burnout that comes from stress.

I have 4 children and only one with autism. While pregnant with him I was under a huge amount of stress from my father dying and then going into Covid lockdowns and the whole world seemingly changing overnight and being isolated from and even disowned by friends and family that I loved. I was also restricting sugar and carbs during that time. I had an all natural pregnancy with my son. No testing, no ultrasounds, no meds. I had a successful homebirth with no interventions. He was exclusively breastfed, wasn’t bathed for months, and when I did I filtered all the water and only used natural toxin free soap. He was cloth diapered and only wore organic cotton clothes. He’s had no meds or vaccines ever. We are very minimalistic with what we use in our house so everything is as toxin free as you can get. He is still nonverbal autistic. I’ve noticed he was different since he was a baby, but I became sure of it around 10 months old. Besides that he seems extremely healthy in every other way.

My older two were conceive on SAD diet, I had the typical pregnancy experience with modern OBs, and they were birthed in the hospital with epidurals. My oldest even had several vaccines. They are not autistic. My youngest was conceived when my autistic son was just 10 months old. The biggest thing I did differently with her was I consumed a lot of sugar and carbs during my pregnancy and was under significantly less stress. She was born through an unassisted homebirth and she’s been the most advanced of all my kids. She’s 15 months and well above where she should be cognitively, already talking a lot, and extremely social. No signs of autism. If autism was all about toxicity shouldn’t she be affected worse than my son? I believe there is more to the story than just toxins.

Elain Gottschall was able to heal many cases of autism using simple sugars to feed the brain. There are many different methods that have been used to heal autism. I’m personally not comfortable using MMS. I don’t want to put something in my son’s body that’s “really good at killing things.” The MSM was also heavily attacking ivermectin use and we all (hopefully) know how much of a psyop that was as ivermectin is straight up poison.

Either way, I don’t claim to have all the answers and I’m willing to be wrong, but my experience has changed the way I view certain things. Before I had my son I was also of the mindset that autism was simply caused by heavy metals and toxins. I don’t believe that anymore.
This is very interesting. Thank you for sharing your observations about how your diet affected your kids.

I agree with you about the MMS. I looked into it for a fungal problem but it isn't as easy or safe as some people suggest. And the topical stuff I bought didn't help me. People who use MMS internally will have major changes in their gut biome whether they want it or not.


Sep 12, 2015
Thankfully, no amount of contrarian opinion or studies can uncure them which have been made whole.

purple pill

Nov 19, 2022
United Kingdom
I definitely agree that many autistic individuals suffer from gut dysbiosis, but I don’t believe gut dysbiosis is caused by pathogens. Bacteria is there to help us, not harm us, but other things can cause our microbiome to get out of whack. I also don’t believe that the true cause of autism is heavy metals/chemicals, though I do believe that those with autism tend to have poorly functioning detox pathways and these things can exacerbate symptoms.

My theory is that autism has something to do with stress and poor glucose uptake. But I truly believe that stress is the biggest factor. Autism is simply a severe dysregulation of the nervous system. I’ve never been diagnosed, but I’ve had many of the same symptoms as my son my entire life. I suffered a lot of childhood trauma and I’ve always had extremely strong reactions to stress to the point I even developed a condition, when I was around 5, where I used to pass out whenever I was under stress. Eventually I grew out of it, but emotional stress still takes a giant toll on my body. As you know, there is even a condition known as autistic burnout that comes from stress.
To me this seems bang on....I've went down a bunch of rabbit holes on this one as well and tried just about every theory and supplement out there. Sure I've posted this before on here that my autism completely disappears when I drink alcohol, unfortunately the drinking comes with almost suicidal hangovers especially now in my mid 30's so that relief is totally out the window. Lol. Anyway I'm pretty convinced now that the alcohol was fueling my brain, relieving the energy deficit caused by lack of glucose, and also lowering stress levels at the same time, winning combo!!


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Feb 11, 2024
It's amazing to me that Dr. Stephens can report success curing more than a thousand patients of a variety of ailments, none of which are being cured by anything else, using what seems to be a harmless substance that he doesn't sell, and to some people that's altogether meaningless when challenged by the scientific-like ruminations of a single authority-figure.
My thoughts exactly


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Feb 11, 2024
This is very interesting. Thank you for sharing your observations about how your diet affected your kids.

I agree with you about the MMS. I looked into it for a fungal problem but it isn't as easy or safe as some people suggest. And the topical stuff I bought didn't help me. People who use MMS internally will have major changes in their gut biome whether they want it or not.
Definitely agree! Typically I stay far away from things that claim to “kill pathogens”. That typically tells me that thing is probably toxic 😅


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Feb 11, 2024
To me this seems bang on....I've went down a bunch of rabbit holes on this one as well and tried just about every theory and supplement out there. Sure I've posted this before on here that my autism completely disappears when I drink alcohol, unfortunately the drinking comes with almost suicidal hangovers especially now in my mid 30's so that relief is totally out the window. Lol. Anyway I'm pretty convinced now that the alcohol was fueling my brain, relieving the energy deficit caused by lack of glucose, and also lowering stress levels at the same time, winning combo!!
So weird, because drinking alcohol has always been the one thing to make my social anxiety disappear completely. While drinking I’d always be happy, at ease, extremely social (I’d go from pretty introverted to making everyone my best friend), confident, seriously an almost euphoric feeling even with just a small amount of alcohol. It made me feel like a normal human, for once, but better 😅 But yes, the next day symptoms would be even worse. Marijuana would have the opposite effect and make me extremely anxious and paranoid. Sometimes it would even give me panic attacks.


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Apr 5, 2024
So weird, because drinking alcohol has always been the one thing to make my social anxiety disappear completely. While drinking I’d always be happy, at ease, extremely social
I know this is behind my husband's drinking habits. He HAS to have beer after a stressful day, especially if it involved a lot of interactions with homeowners or something. He drinks a lot on the weekends to unwind. He's never blazing drunk but I think a steady buzz helps his anxiety. The only times he takes it too far and becomes annoying is at parties because he has to use it to mask his social anxiety. It's gotten a lot better but this is such an interesting theory to me and I'm working up to convincing him to dabble with dextrose instead of self medicating with toxic stuff for the same effect.

purple pill

Nov 19, 2022
United Kingdom
So weird, because drinking alcohol has always been the one thing to make my social anxiety disappear completely. While drinking I’d always be happy, at ease, extremely social (I’d go from pretty introverted to making everyone my best friend), confident, seriously an almost euphoric feeling even with just a small amount of alcohol. It made me feel like a normal human, for once, but better 😅 But yes, the next day symptoms would be even worse. Marijuana would have the opposite effect and make me extremely anxious and paranoid. Sometimes it would even give me panic attacks.
😅Yep, worst was always after meeting new people at the weekend being like best friends then bumping in to them through the week, they'd be all smiles and happy to see me only to realise I'm not the same person they met at the weekend Lol
Same with weed for me, can't even look at it without getting paranoid lol


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Feb 11, 2024
I know this is behind my husband's drinking habits. He HAS to have beer after a stressful day, especially if it involved a lot of interactions with homeowners or something. He drinks a lot on the weekends to unwind. He's never blazing drunk but I think a steady buzz helps his anxiety. The only times he takes it too far and becomes annoying is at parties because he has to use it to mask his social anxiety. It's gotten a lot better but this is such an interesting theory to me and I'm working up to convincing him to dabble with dextrose instead of self medicating with toxic stuff for the same effect.
That’s totally understandable and makes so much sense. I never really thought much about that until Purple Pill mentioned it. But I used to joke around all the time that I’m the happiest drunk you’ll ever meet. 😅 Some people get sad or angry when they drink and for me it was always pure euphoria. I cut it out for the most part when I started getting more into health, because I didn’t want to add more toxicity to my body, but sometimes I miss that feeling. There was also someone I was messaging on LYL who said that he’s been on dextrose for a bit and then recently went out drinking with some friends for the first time in awhile, had a bit too much, but had zero hangover the next day, which was very out of the ordinary for him. That doesn’t really point to glucose slowing ALDH if you ask me..


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Apr 5, 2024
That’s totally understandable and makes so much sense. I never really thought much about that until Purple Pill mentioned it. But I used to joke around all the time that I’m the happiest drunk you’ll ever meet. 😅 Some people get sad or angry when they drink and for me it was always pure euphoria. I cut it out for the most part when I started getting more into health, because I didn’t want to add more toxicity to my body, but sometimes I miss that feeling. There was also someone I was messaging on LYL who said that he’s been on dextrose for a bit and then recently went out drinking with some friends for the first time in awhile, had a bit too much, but had zero hangover the next day, which was very out of the ordinary for him. That doesn’t really point to glucose slowing ALDH if you ask me..
I rarely have any form of social anxiety so I never leaned on alcohol for that but I'm a happy drunk too. For me the euphoric feeling comes because it makes me not stressed. It's not that I forget what I'm stressed about or what's going wrong in life, I just don't care anymore. It suddenly doesn't feel like a big deal and I feel happy and at ease. When we lived with my in-laws for a year I drank a good bit of wine because of that effect 🫠

I completely agree. At this point I think the claim that it slows ALDH is half-baked at best. They seem to be claiming that because cell studies and short term studies show glucose speeds up ALDH, and cell studies and short term studies on vitamin a show the same thing, we must draw the conclusion that glucose actually slows ALDH down long term just like vitamin a. Honestly at this point I'm not even sure what the obsession is with ALDH. Yes it's a very important enzyme and I know our goal here is to detox but I for one have more goals than simply speeding up ALDH. Idk I'd kind of like to heal my brain first 😂


May 30, 2018
Dr. Smith has been angry and cocky long before started high dose niacin. In fact, he used to deride niacin and those who took it as harshly and insultingly as eggs, seafood, and now glucose.
He's definitely been publicly angry online ever since his divorce, but I wonder if his own self experimentation has messed him up. I don’t really remember him acting this way many years ago when he did podcasts with Matt Stone. I think Peat's own experiments damaged him too to some degree. In the spirit of discovery Peat probably overdid some hormones and dopaminergic substances. Maybe Garret has overdone chelation in his self experiments that has disrupted mineral levels in his brain which can create states of agitation and anger. One of the worst states of rage I have ever experienced was supplementing histidine which I think may have chelated copper excessively from my brain. So attempting to manually manipulate minerals in the body is something I would caution as much as hormones and pharmaceuticals.
I'm working up to convincing him to dabble with dextrose
If dextrose therapy does turn out to be something that’s useful for many of us I’m sure we can come up with simple recipes that make it more enjoyable or even more effective so that others might be more willing to try it out. I’ve tried it with various teas, but I think I like it best at room or colder temperatures. Homemade soda with dextrose should be easy. Homemade lemonade sweetened with dextrose also comes to mind. I’m going to keep exploring various electrolytes and bicarbonate precursors combinations, because I’m definitely getting completely different results adding some sodium acetate by reacting baking soda and vinegar before adding in the dextrose and water.


Jan 10, 2023
I actually believe that all of those bacteria are here to help us. (Also look into pleomorphism) I believe that modern medicine simply misunderstands them. They need something to blame so they can prescribe copious amount of antibiotics and other drugs. Bacteria are often blamed for disease simply for being caught at the scene of the crime. Antibiotics kill the bacteria and then the symptoms stop, because the bacteria is no longer able to do it's job. I was on a raw meat diet for over a year consuming lots of different raw animal foods including raw chicken and never once did I get sick from it, neither did anyone else I knew who did the diet. I even ate meat I fermented in jars for months. Never got sick, neither did anyone else consuming *high meat*. Yet I'm suppose to believe that salmonella makes people deathly ill all the time from chicken being slightly undercooked? I don't believe it at all. Modern medicine just doesn't understand how the body works and unfortunately those principle leak into the natural health sphere. If theres one thing I'm 1000% confident on its that germ theory is a lie.

I believe if the brain isn't able to function properly to communicate with the rest of the body, then that could surely weaken detox pathways through several different mechanisms. The liver also needs plenty of glucose in order to function properly. Many autism protocols focus on the gut, but healing the liver is the key to healing the gut.

I definitely believe that stressful births and babies being separated from their mothers can contribute to autism as well. I've even read studies on it. But my son was born peacefully at home and there was no trouble with his birth so I'm not sure if that contributed for him. It is frustrating though, because we just don't know for sure.

And no I've seen her posts here, but she is not me haha
Well I will give you an example of one species of bacteria that is commonly known to cause symptoms of autism in autistic kids. Clostridia produces the toxic metabolites HPHPA and 4-Cresol, HPHPA inhibits the conversion of dopamine to norepinephrine which is bad as the leads to an excess level of dopamine.

If you were to put autistic kids on a high sugar diet it would usually make their symptoms worse not better as sugar feeds microbes at a 10 fold compared to other things. So you are just making their pathogens and dysbiosis multiply like crazy. Thats why all these autism protocols usually say to limit sugar.

When you did the raw meat diet with the fermented meat jars was that before or after you gave birth to autistic son? Just because something didn't make you physically sick doesn't mean it can't affect you in other ways eg: depression, anxiety, hypothyroid, low energy, neurotransmitter dysfunction. Thats what certain chronic bacterial overgrowths can do but yeah if one has a high functioning thyroid and strong bile flow then I wouldn't expect bad bacteria to cause issues.


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Dec 11, 2023
I've been on the dextrose now going on my second week. Started last week with 1tbsp 4x/day. Today I increased it to 2tbsp and after my second dose I started feeling like I have a UTI. I haven't taken anymore. not sure if this is a detox, or if it's 'feeding' the wrong bacteria. I'm not prone to UTI's, nor am I pre-diabetic. Before this, I had ben on a low carb/paleo for years until I stumbled upon this RP forum about 8 months ago. Got sick of feeling like I was starving myself, but at the same time I gain weight easily and had increased about 3-6lbs now since eating more carbs. I'm afraid to weigh myself right now because I'm drinking so much dextrose, but I also want to heal too. Right now feeling like I have a UTI doesn't feel like 'healing'. Any thoughts? (I'm on the fence about the germ theory....I haven't dived too deeply into that yet. But I have Oil of Oregano gelcaps that I just took in case this is a brewing infection).


Mar 26, 2014
I've been on the dextrose now going on my second week. Started last week with 1tbsp 4x/day. Today I increased it to 2tbsp and after my second dose I started feeling like I have a UTI. I haven't taken anymore. not sure if this is a detox, or if it's 'feeding' the wrong bacteria. I'm not prone to UTI's, nor am I pre-diabetic. Before this, I had ben on a low carb/paleo for years until I stumbled upon this RP forum about 8 months ago. Got sick of feeling like I was starving myself, but at the same time I gain weight easily and had increased about 3-6lbs now since eating more carbs. I'm afraid to weigh myself right now because I'm drinking so much dextrose, but I also want to heal too. Right now feeling like I have a UTI doesn't feel like 'healing'. Any thoughts? (I'm on the fence about the germ theory....I haven't dived too deeply into that yet. But I have Oil of Oregano gelcaps that I just took in case this is a brewing infection).

I don't know how difficult it is to diagnose UTIs but without some sort of confirmation it's all subjective, which is quite understandable but also potentially inaccurate.


Jan 10, 2023
I've been on the dextrose now going on my second week. Started last week with 1tbsp 4x/day. Today I increased it to 2tbsp and after my second dose I started feeling like I have a UTI. I haven't taken anymore. not sure if this is a detox, or if it's 'feeding' the wrong bacteria. I'm not prone to UTI's, nor am I pre-diabetic. Before this, I had ben on a low carb/paleo for years until I stumbled upon this RP forum about 8 months ago. Got sick of feeling like I was starving myself, but at the same time I gain weight easily and had increased about 3-6lbs now since eating more carbs. I'm afraid to weigh myself right now because I'm drinking so much dextrose, but I also want to heal too. Right now feeling like I have a UTI doesn't feel like 'healing'. Any thoughts? (I'm on the fence about the germ theory....I haven't dived too deeply into that yet. But I have Oil of Oregano gelcaps that I just took in case this is a brewing infection).
D mannose is best for UTIs


Forum Supporter
Feb 11, 2024
Well I will give you an example of one species of bacteria that is commonly known to cause symptoms of autism in autistic kids. Clostridia produces the toxic metabolites HPHPA and 4-Cresol, HPHPA inhibits the conversion of dopamine to norepinephrine which is bad as the leads to an excess level of dopamine.

If you were to put autistic kids on a high sugar diet it would usually make their symptoms worse not better as sugar feeds microbes at a 10 fold compared to other things. So you are just making their pathogens and dysbiosis multiply like crazy. Thats why all these autism protocols usually say to limit sugar.

When you did the raw meat diet with the fermented meat jars was that before or after you gave birth to autistic son? Just because something didn't make you physically sick doesn't mean it can't affect you in other ways eg: depression, anxiety, hypothyroid, low energy, neurotransmitter dysfunction. Thats what certain chronic bacterial overgrowths can do but yeah if one has a high functioning thyroid and strong bile flow then I wouldn't expect bad bacteria to cause issues.
But again, that is within the paradigm that you believe in. Correlation doesn’t equal causation. Just because high levels of clostridia is common in autistic children does not mean that the clostridia is causing the symptoms of autism. Maybe that bacteria is there, because it needs to be. Children with autism are also often found to be low in Vitamin A and D, which has led to experiments where they give autistic children extremely high doses of A and D and cause even more harm.

Pure glucose is much different than sucrose and fructose and has a very different effect on the body. Our body needs glucose so much that it creates it no matter what we eat. It’s the only nutrient we would die immediately without. Why would the most important nutrient in our body feed pathogens? It makes no sense. I’m not promoting all sugars. I myself do not do well on sucrose and fructose at this point. I’m doing well on slow digesting carbs which contain plenty of glucose. The dextrose is the one simple sugar I am consuming right now.

The raw meat diet was before my son was conceived and I have definitely considered that played a role too as that diet was very high in Vitamin A. However, like I said, I conceived my youngest directly after him and was still consuming many of those things.

Another interesting anecdote is that my bestfriend was on a Ray Peat Inspired diet consuming tons of sugar, but little to no fiber except for that found in fruit. She had a stool test done and her test showed extremely low levels of bacteria in the gut. I don’t believe table sugar is good for us, but I truly don’t believe in the sugar “feeds” pathogens/cancer, etc narrative. Every one of those things has a job to do in the body and instead of trying to attack and kill those things to solve all our issues we should be trying to figure out why they are there in the first place, because it’s likely for good reason. The body is incredibly intelligent.

**Sorry, I want to add to this and clarify that I was consuming very little carbs while pregnant with my son and he was also on a low carb diet from the time he started solids. I’ve heard of things like keto and GAPS healing autism and it baffled me because my son was literally eating that way his whole life. He ate lots of meat, raw milk and fermented raw dairy (A2 organic), pastured raised eggs, bone broth, and some low toxin veggies. No grains, nuts, legumes, or seeds. Thats the reason I finally decided to add carbs back and I now believe they are necessary for proper brain development. When I added fruit to his diet it’s like he had been craving it his whole life and he’s doing really well consuming lots of soluble fiber.
Last edited:


Forum Supporter
Dec 11, 2023
I don't know how difficult it is to diagnose UTIs but without some sort of confirmation it's all subjective, which is quite understandable but also potentially inaccurate.
I know it's a urine test, but I try to avoid doctors as much as possible. I suppose I could order my own test through Ulta Labs online (I'm from the states). I honestly don't know if that's accurate too. I'm in some pain, but it's tolerable. It feels like my urethra is very irritated/painful, but it's not like I can't pee. In fact, I'm trying to flush out whatever my body is trying to get rid of, so I've already drank over 120oz of water (with 50/50 K/salt mix pinched in each 40oz drink). I just took some activated charcoal too. Could adding in more dextrose be giving me a detox reaction, with my body trying to pee them out and irritating the urethra?


Mar 26, 2014
I know it's a urine test, but I try to avoid doctors as much as possible. I suppose I could order my own test through Ulta Labs online (I'm from the states). I honestly don't know if that's accurate too. I'm in some pain, but it's tolerable. It feels like my urethra is very irritated/painful, but it's not like I can't pee. In fact, I'm trying to flush out whatever my body is trying to get rid of, so I've already drank over 120oz of water (with 50/50 K/salt mix pinched in each 40oz drink). I just took some activated charcoal too. Could adding in more dextrose be giving me a detox reaction, with my body trying to pee them out and irritating the urethra?
I think irritation is worth considering too - I'm male and every now and then in the past I would notice a slight sting, not necessarily related to dehydration. It never got any worse or more regular so I just assumed it was something I ate.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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